Can't give up alcohol - started replacing meals with beer...



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Sounds like you're a well-adjusted person.
  • v6s30
    v6s30 Posts: 43
    Thanks (most of you) for your advice. I have decided to stop eating back my exercise calories so 1250 is total calories. I don't want to use my exercise kcals every day because unfortunately I sometimes have to have cheat days which I use my exercise calories for. I am thinking of switching to spirits but I don't enjoy drinking them and I drink beer because I love the taste as well as the alcohol. Maybe I should explore some spirit options that I will like. I think my family will start judging me if I start drinking vodka alone though....
  • oldusa100
    oldusa100 Posts: 2
    I had the same situation. I switched from beer to scotch and when that got too expensive, I switched to vanilla stoli and diet coke. There's a great resource in

    I also increased my cardio to offset drinking, but sometimes it wasn't enough.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Not trying to be negative, but giving up meals for beer isn't the right attitude. I'm also wondering why your calorie goal is so low, what's your weight loss goal per week if you don't mind me asking?

    Here's a better way to do it, and this is a real example as I'm going out drinking tonight with a buddy of mine, feel free to look at my diary for today.

    Tonight I'm going over to a buddies place to drink, have a good time and play video games (typical guy night I know). I know I will probably at most have 6 cans of miller lite, or 72 oz, so I'm planning my day around the amount of beer. I had a lite breakfast (I don't usually do breakfast but I woke up hungry today), had a lean cuisine for lunch, have a planned snack and I'm either going to chilli's or applebees with him tonight for dinner. I've prepared for dinner by adding two healthy choice entrees to my tracker, I'll just delete the one I don't use after.

    I'm not replacing any of my meals just so I can have beer but I am exercising smarter choices to plan around it. If I wanted to I could also go to the gym prior to hanging out with my buddy and burn 800 calories in an hour on the elliptical. 800 Calories extra would more than pay for 6 12 oz beers for a man my size.

    Trade gym time for beer. Smarter. Don't trade meals, you need to eat.
  • v6s30
    v6s30 Posts: 43
    I don't have a drinking problem but I do need a drink to help with my other problems...
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    As far as i know, there are no good low calorie beers.:drinker: Although my neighbor refers to Coors Light as "Pork chop in a can".
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    I know I'm getting trolled, but I don't care and I think the question sparks a fun debate. :smile: Here is my reply:

    I think you have a few options, but you'll have to decide where your own priorities are:

    1. How about exercising off the calories rather than removing a meal?

    2. Be willing to sacrifice some flavor and buzz for calories. If you care about counting your calories as much as you do about getting drunk then the low calorie beer options should be no problem.

    3. If getting drunk is #1 either stop worrying abuot calroeis or start drinking vodka or some other clear hard liquor that has less of a calorie cost than beer.

    4. Try cutting your drinking down to 1-2 nights per week and refer back to 1

    5. If you can't make any choices at all... just get drunk and be willing to live with the extra calories and pounds in your life.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't have a drinking problem but I do need a drink to help with my other problems...

    I'm just gonna leave this here so you can think about it.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    First off, I think your calorie goal is a little low. I'm shorter, probably a little older, and the same weight (15lbs to goal). I eat an average of 1500-1600 calories a day and lose just fine. A little alcohol fits in that goal just fine, while still hitting my micro and macro nutrient goals.

    Second, I suggest stepping back and reading what you typed as if someone else typed it. Someone wants to give up one whole meal a day (on an already very restricted calorie goal) in exchange for alcohol, on a schedule that sounds very frequently. That does sound unhealthy. Hence, the questioning of your health and safety. Just chew on it for a little bit. We care!:flowerforyou:
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    And if you're skipping nutrition for poison, please go talk to someone immediately.


    Where do you get your info from?

    It's not poison! It's alcohol!
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    I don't have a drinking problem but I do need a drink to help with my other problems...
    Do those other problems come to a resolution?
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    When I want a beer I have a Miller 64 or Bud Light 55, although I am a regular whisky drinker.

    Neither of these are beer.

    OP drink a Guiness - it drinks like a meal
  • v6s30
    v6s30 Posts: 43
    Just want to reinforce that 1) I am not a troll, I have been using this website for years... and 2) I do not eat back my exercise calories... so I need to fit alcohol every day into 1250
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    And again with the puritanical nonsense about beer - you want a drink at the end of the day - you must be an alcoholic gasp! :grumble: Quick get help! :huh:

    OP - reduce your lb/wk loss to 1 and see what that does to your alotted calories. Don't bother with low cal beers, they're awful. If you want a beer - have a beer you'll enjoy.

    Also - check out my diary - I drink at least 3 beers a day and am losing weight. I just fit it in.

    Don't "give up" things until you reach your goal - learn to fit the things you like into your daily allotment and remember - it's not a race - take it slow and learn to do it properly.


  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    Just want to reinforce that 1) I am not a troll, I have been using this website for years... and 2) I do not eat back my exercise calories... so I need to fit alcohol every day into 1250

  • dcc56
    dcc56 Posts: 172 Member
    Post bariatric surgery 5/12 I cannot have alcohol for one year.
    I won't make it that long since I am going camping near a winery over Labor Day.
    Won't go crazy there but will enjoy a glass or two....and I won't be the driver to get back to the State Park we're visiting.

    For beer I prefer Michelob Ultra, give it a try. Really like Spotted Cow but don't think they have a light version. Might not be available in your area. Tons of craft beers these days too.

  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Just want to reinforce that 1) I am not a troll, I have been using this website for years... and 2) I do not eat back my exercise calories... so I need to fit alcohol every day into 1250

    If you are light active or active with exercise then 1250 is definitely too low. You need to adjust your calorie allowance for the day. 1250 while sedentary is still a bit low, and is super low if you are actually exercising.
  • shadesof66
    shadesof66 Posts: 75 Member
    Hiya. I am 5ft8 and 146lb (female) and am looking to lose another 20 pounds..

    My total calorie goal is 1250 excluding tea and coffee (almond milk no sugar) so probably ends up at 1300

    I am finding it hard to fit alcohol into my daily allowance. After work I feel like I need a drink or two and can't imagine not drinking... so to fit into my calorie goal i'm having to skip dinner in favor of beer.

    Do you guys know of any really low calorie beers I can buy with good alcohol content? Thanks :)

    Bud Select 55 (55 calories, 1.9 g carbs) ~ 4 % alcohol - guilt free nutritional bliss (as long as ice cold)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    And again with the puritanical nonsense about beer - you want a drink at the end of the day - you must be an alcoholic gasp! :grumble: Quick get help! :huh:
    Because that's what's going on in here ...
  • v6s30
    v6s30 Posts: 43
    Ok, thanks for the replies

    To be honest beer fills me up pretty well so it's a pretty good substitute for dinner hunger wise.. anyway I am usually highly active - at work I am on my feet all day and on days off I am walking my dog and doing housework... but I have cheat days a few times a week where I go out to bars/clubs/parties and usually eat pretty badly on those days too. That's why my calorie goal is 1250 - to make up for cheat days.

    Anyway, I think I'll start drinking spirits then.. or maybe wine?