

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :ohwell: At the moment I smell of lavender. Well, it's lavender deodorant. But it counts, right? I have been trying to keep up with all the posts, but must admit am somewhat behind.

    I saw some of you were having the blahs some days. I was actually having quite a splendid week. I was finally able to pick up my walking at lunch and have been appreciating the fresh air and exercise. I will be off now until Wednesday. I am taking a vacation day tomorrow and Tuesday, and Monday is Labor day. It sure was busy leading up to it, though, but now I'm good.

    I have not lost any more weight, but now that I can be more active again, my hope is to make a dent into that goal. I would love to get back to 135. 10 more lbs. When it comes to weight, height is also a factor as well as bones ( I am told). Where someone else would be too skinny at 125, someone else would be too heavy. I do believe there is something as a healthy me (and you), whatever that is for either of us.

    A co-worker gave me a home-baked scone today. I did not feel it was right to refuse his nice gesture (in this case it was not polite to refuse based on culture). I also know he is a really good baker. Instead I took one bite and brought it home for DH to eat. I do not eat white flour and haven't for a long time. I intend to keep it that way.

    Anne...I admire your biking so much and am somewhat envious. I so love to ride my bike, and my retirement will surely include more of it. Perhaps even with a better bicycle. You are an inspiration at your age.

    Guns...It is difficult for me as a Canadian and a Dutch person to understand the gun thing in whatever form. I have to say that I am somewhat intrigued by learning how to shoot a rifle. There is a rifle range around here. I am sure it is restricted to adults however.

    The last couple of days I've been bringing peaches from our peach tree to work. They are sooooo sweet and awesome, although some of them look quite deformed and bruised. That is the secret I guess. If anything looks too perfect, perhaps it's not so good after all. The weather this year in this neck of the woods has been awesome for fruits and veggies. What a crop.

    Meg...I admire you for doing what you do. Rain or shine, we are all in the same boat in some fashion :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Michelle... if it is one post I read it is yours.

    My SIL is going forward then backward then forward. Although she will live, it will be a road to recovery of which we do not yet know the end. DH spoke with one of his sisters today and there is not much else to say.

    Someone at work made a comment about me looking so young at 63 that his jaw dropped. I told him it was in my genes. Well, some of it is not smoking and lifestyle, but really...genetics play a big part.

    Let's help our genes shall we?

    Best to my MFP buddies.

    Vancouver Island, BC
    ( who is not telling anyone she is off until Wednesday)
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I've been thinking a lot about that shooting and the little girl. Poor little thing, having to deal with that, but it certainly wasn't her fault. I blame the parents and the instructor. I spent six years as a cop in the military and carried a revolver every day. We had to qualify with the M16 every so often. I think it was once a year, but it might have been twice. I hated that thing on full automatic. I was a little over 100 pounds at the time, and had a horrible time controlling it. And it left giant bruises on my shoulder. There is no way on this earth that I should have been given a gun of any kind. I was too small and too weak. A third grader could have taken it away from me. To be honest, I hate guns and hope I never have to touch another one. I once had a gun fired at me in anger (not at work) - by someone who claimed to love me - and it was the most terrifying thing I have ever experienced. Tonight driving home there was a moron at a stop light on a motorcycle and his shirt was riding up to show an automatic handgun stuck down in the back of the waistband of his camo shorts. No holster, no helmet, no brains. I think he belongs to the church of Nobody Can Tell Me What To Do.

    YannieJannie, I'm so sorry you suffered so much loss in your family. We had an uncle who died "cleaning his gun" but it was well before I was ever born. The family all knew it was suicide but nobody ever really said so.

    Michele, I hope you like your new swim suit. I got a Speedo on sale at the end of last summer, thinking I would get into it someday, and last Saturday that day finally came. I don't like the back because I think it shows too much of my back fat, but hubby said I'm the only one who sees any fat back there, so I wore it. But I didn't really care for it because with every stroke the bodice filled up like a balloon. And it slipped on easy enough dry, but once it got wet it was like a tourniquet around my ribs. Good thing I didn't have a bathroom emergency. I could hardly get out of the darn thing. The swim suit sales around here are about finished. All they have left are tiny bikinis.

    Meg, I'm glad you had a better day today. Still no rain for us down here. Don't be so stingy, keeping it all for yourselves.

    Good night everyone. Sweet dreams.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Pearlie – I had some of the same problem in wanting easy and quick (but I love to cook) and focused at first on breakfast, as I knew it was the meal I wanted to be the least creative:laugh: … once I found that then I moved on to learning what I could do for lunch and dinner… to go to 1500 calories and 22 g carbs from my old diet would have send me into lala land… so I am not sure what your health concerns are or how crazy what you were eating before was, but small successes helped me.

    Meg – I have heard of that show, never watched it and it did not dawn on me that that was related… I am sorry to hear work is so crazy!

    Yannie Jannie – beth said it right (hugs) :sad: and like you my concern about guns is personal, my brother who has addiction and anger management issues owns illegal guns, and I have had him hold me with one pointed at my head twice, both times the cash in my pocket was all I needed to buy my life, I too am just not interested in a debate, its personal.

    Jane – sending good thoughts and hugs to you and your son

    Renny – enjoy your time off!!!

    Sylvia - I think you mentioned you were in the military but not a mp… I think it is so interesting to see what a cross section we all are....

    so today would be my Dad's 88 birthday if he were still alive, he died on 8/31 (coming up) 37 years ago. Some times I miss him more than other times... often I wonder what he would of thought of his oldest kid as an adult; I was just 19 when he died. I know that I am who I am because of both the great dad he was and the challenges I had to face without him. He loved poems and this one was the one he always told me was all I needed : --- just thought I'd share.

    I have to live with myself, and so
    I want to be fit for myself to know;
    I want to be able as days go by,
    Always to look myself straight in the eye;
    I don’t want to stand, with the setting sun,
    And hate myself for things I’ve done.
    I can never hide myself from me,
    I see what others may never see;
    I know what others may never know,
    I never can fool myself, and so
    Whatever happens, I want to be
    Self – respecting and conscience free.

    August goals :
    Stretch 5 minutes a day xxxx
    Walk 45 minutes a day 26 times
    Do Heather’s abc balance 1 time a week 4 weeks done

    Kim from N. California
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Renny - what a sweet thing to say to me. You have no idea how much you've made my day. Have fun on your days off

    Sylvia - big congrats for getting into that bathingsuit. the main reason I prefer a suit that doesn't show a lot of back is because I have a hard time getting sunscreen there and hopefully with the skin covered by the suit, I can avoid skin cancer. I know that it's not a total avoidance, but maybe some????? I know this sounds weird, but when I am wearing a bathing suit and have to go to the batheroom, at first I would take the whole thing down but now I just (how do I put this delicately?) hold aside the crotch area. If I don't see the other suits on sale at Kohl's, at least I have the one I got at 60% off.

    katla (I think it is) - didn't you tell me that you were lactose intolerant? Well, I'm going to have Rummikub here in October (I know this is pretty far in advance) and one of the gals coming here is lactose intolerant. I know that she sometimes takes Lactaid. But is there some sort of casserole that I can make, one version lactose free and another version that isn't? I'm sure you've encountered this before. For dessert, I figure I can make something for everyone and I have some of the Arctic One ice cream I can let everyone try but I know that's something that she can have. I know that she tries to avoid gluten, so a casserole that has noodles or spaghetti, that sort of thing, probably isn't the best idea. Actually, I try to avoid gluten. She's not gluten intolerant, it's just that she avoids it. But she is lactose intolerant. I guess if worse comes to worse, what I can do is have a "make your own sandwich" tray with different cold cuts. I can have different breads but she doesn't have to have a bread. I know that there's another lady who for health reasons has to watch her carbs so I can have these tortilla rounds that are low carb as an option with the breads.

    Kim - I absolutely know that I am who I am because of the fact that my mother died when I was young and I had to be somewhat independent. Still am.

    Well, time for beddy-bye.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Patty in Cinci. do the cops know about this guys and is early morning habits. He needs to be off the streets completely, for everyones sake. Have fun being off the grid.

    Sylvia and Yannie Jannie, don't be so certain that you can have contact with the parole officer. My brother has o access to his son's parole officer. Yanniejannie, that's quite family history you have. I hope no one dwells on it and think that it is their legacy to continue.

    Cindy, I fully believe that all emotions are a gift from God. We just have to use them appropriately. A good healthy cleansing cry is very appropriate. Good luck

    I talke dto my oldest daughter tonight. Don't get to talk to her much :ohwell: :frown: :sad: :brokenheart: Right before school started we asked the girls how they felt about school starting. These two girls are straight A students. Well they don't give As to 1st graders. They going into 2nd grader was excited, the going into 8th grader was not. So the other day my youngest DGS was talking in school when she shouldn't have been. At the first ting a student has to be disciplined for the teacher talks to the child. At the 2nd, a note goes home to the parent. Well, said note didn't come back so teacher asked about it. So my precious young DGD brought it back and signed. Teacher knew it wasn't Mom's or Dad's signature. Ellie had tried to sing Mom's name to it! Well a seasoned teacher knew it wasn't Mom's so she called my daughter. It seems Ellie thinks her Mom won't love her as much if she had a note!!!! I can't imagine two children more loved than those two. I don't know what kind of discussion parents and DGD had afterwards but I'm sure it was very loving. Ellie had a wonderful teacher last year. She realized that Ellie finshed her work much quicker than her other students and she always provided things for Ellie to do while the other ones caught up. I jsut hope that her new teacher can be as loving and understanding. Trinity doesn't like 8th grade either. She doesn't give a reason. But as an 8th grader she is still as flat as a pancake. I just wonder if she is worried about going into high school and still being flat. I know things can really change in a year but she knows that she is now in the 8th grade and then this is it. She was very apprenhensive about going into 6th grade and all the terrible tings a kid can hear. Then you find out they really aren't true. I just hate to see those two precious girls hurting inside

    My monitor comes off tomorrow when I get up!!!!!!! :smile: :happy: :heart: :bigsmile: I do't know what I should do first. Put some cortisone lotion on some my itching skin or just my moisturizing lotion. I have often wondered how low my heart rate goes to during thew night. I take 75 mg/day of Atenelol and just wonder how it does. I am normally in the mid 40's all day. to you all who wear a heart monitor for your excercise, do you know how low you go at night?

    For my virus protection on my computers, I have AVG o my laptop and McAfee on my desk top. To my brain, AVG is much more user friendly. So I wanted to change that on my desk top also. So I get an email last month from McAfee saying that my automatic renewal was coming up in August but that card was expired so would please let them know my updated card when I get it. Well I had planned on all along to switch so when I got my new card I didn't let them know. I was covered until August 31st so I was in no rush. So I got this email from McAfee saying my automatic renewal was done and my card charged the amount. WHAT?????? How could that be? So I search and search for a phone number to call and talk to them and it seems as it the credit card company does that as an added benefit to their customers. But they cancelled it, refunded the total amount and then had the audacity of offering the same exact service for 50% off! I had just told them I didn't want them anymore. They said I would be getting a survey in the mail about the customer service so I will tell them what I thought about it.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Just saying hello. At the moment I'm very "down in the dumps". Eating is not going so well and I've been so tired and busy with all the stuff going on that I haven't been to the gym. I realize that not going to the gym also results in less self-confidence.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    morning ladies,
    well the shoes I wore yesterday, hurt my heel:grumble: so here I sit icing it, wore the boot last night..
    I was so tired last night that I fell asleep at 5:30 and slept until 3:30 this morning..
    Mimi~ I was going to tell you..I spent quite a bit of money yesterday on food that I can eat, and alot of it is bread products.. but it is made by the company Food for Life and they are Ezekiel 4.9 sprouted bread, pita pockets and english muffins,all made with sprouted grains,no sugar.. I cant see giving up all the carbs,but there is no white anything and no sugar.. go to there website and you should find out where you can buy it.. they have some of it in regular grocery stores ,but I payed for it in Whole Foods
    I have so enjoyed my walks in the morning,but will have to find something else to do today as I dont want to agrivate the heel anymore...
    I ordered the DGD a school sweatshirt and they made the wrong size, it is to small so, I have to call them today and rectify that.. this cost 35.00 and I dont want to have to pay for another one:mad:
    I to grew up with guns, both my parents taught rifle shooting,and taught us both how to shoot,but we never went and looked for the guns or used them without them being there,,
    I had quite a few friends commit suicide and it is just so sad ,that it comes to a point where life is no longer worth living:frown:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Good morning!:flowerforyou:

    Yesterday I emailed the craft shop that was meant to be restringing the jet beads I inherited from my grandmother. They had been soooooo slow about it. She apologised and said it would be finished today lunchtime. So we are going to pick the necklace up and pick up some low GI bread on the way from our favourite baker. We freeze the loaves after we have cut them in half. The bread is wholemeal and very, very seedy. We are always picking up seeds all over the house!:laugh: Then we are going to pick up our prescriptions from the surgery and get the medications from the pharmacy.
    I am a bit nervous as to how the necklace has turned out. It was just a box of jet beads of many shapes and sizes. For those who don't know, jet is fossilised wood. It is very light and takes a high polish. Whitby in the north of England is the most famous place where it is found. Queen Victoria loved it and used it as mourning jewellery. The best examples of jet jewellery fetch high prices, but mine are not so rarified.

    I typed another 2, 000 words yesterday, but I will have to find a better typing position as I am very uncomfortable. I don't know how those of you who work at a desk all day manage it. I get up and walk around every so often, but it is still difficult. :cry:

    Duck legs today with our own yellow zucchini and the last of our french beans. Potatoes for DH.:bigsmile:

    I am back to 139 lbs so feeling pleased. So much entertaining and trips out, but I have held the line!:happy: I will carry on the way I am doing and won't worry if I go down one pound (as I should according to the figures) as I have a week's holiday coming up.
    I was awake a lot last night worrying about small stuff:ohwell: , so I eventually took a co-codamol and a glass of milk with a splash of brandy in it. That did the trick!:bigsmile: It really was very small stuff.:embarassed:

    Love to all. Heather in showery Hampshire UK
  • wlfsilva55
    wlfsilva55 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Ladies, I'd like to join your Forum… I'm starting Joel Fuhrman's 'the End of Dieting' diet on Monday; going to read his book and shop and plan on the weekend. His plan is basically a plant based diet, all you can eat, no calorie counting. Wish me luck! Wendy
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~thanks for the prayers.Son was in the er tip 1am.He has a bad strain and is on meds for pain and muscle relaxers.
    Not much sleep for me.No matter how old,they are you still worry about them
    Gotta get Violet off to school.
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good Morning,

    Once again, I'm behind on reading. I skim but miss a lot.

    Have not been logging but have been eating on plan and sneaking a little exercise in. I might even lose another pound this week. I think it's going to take a few weeks to find my new groove with going to work outside a few days, getting Aaron back to school on Tuesday, etc. I just keep telling myself to make smart food choices and move my body and it will all be good in the end.

    Don't really talk, debate, justify, etc politics, religion, etc. on line but add me to the "I don't get the need for guns" list. I only know of all the tragic endings and not one about someone who was saved due to their "right" to gun ownership. :ohwell:

    Off to Zumba and to run a couple of errands while I have child care. My boy decided to get a little cold on the last weekend of summer break and I don't feel like dragging his germy behind along.

    To all those "in the dumps", I've found the only way out is climbing. As hard as it can be, force yourself to do the right thing in the best interest of your peace of mind and body. One step at a time, if necessary.

    Happy day to all.

    xo- Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    Good Morning Friends,


    Anne I agree with you about Dr. Wahl and Dr. Fuhrman. Both of them suggest a healthy diet in my opinion. You were fortunate to be raised on such a diet. Also I like his point on how health care costs have risen partly as a result of our poor American diet. My DH has complained to me about the price of the grass fed hamburger I buy. It was nice to have a doctor vindicate me. He is one to take the doctor's advice over mine. When you add in the medical costs for eating cheap low nutrient food today suddenly tthat food is not so cheap. In addition you are the one living with the health fall out.Time to get off my soap box.

    Wendy as you can guess I am cheering you on as you start Dr. Fuhrman's diet plan.

    As i said I am trying to add more fermented foods into my diet. I did find one on making fermented foods at the library. If I like it I will buy it. The author suggests to introduce these foods slowly so your body can adjust to the new bacteria. I am glad she said that because I tend to too much too soon or overdo. I also plan to find a good quality version of what I am considering making to make sure I like it before I make my own. I remember that awful elderberry that was recommended.

    Today I will continue to add fermented foods to my diet so tomorrow my body will be stronger.
    2014 word: contentment
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • Akinom523
    I have been reading and following the posts as best I can, but the last few days have been rather hectic. I started a cycle today, after 50 days. Dear body, make up your mind, I am tired of this back and forth! It's giving me headaches. Of course, also gained a pound with it, and it may explain that I didn't lose an ounce all week - I always used to gain up to 5 lbs right before.

    Regarding the gun issue, the father has no business parenting and the instructor knew better. I pray for the families involved. I am very grateful for the right to protect myself. My friends in law enforcement were the first ones to encourage me to be ready. They said it would take them 20 minutes at least to get to my house, and there have been too many incidents that show clearly what can happen to a woman alone in her home in much less time than that. And in my area it is happening way too much in the last 2 years or so.

    Regarding the diets, I have been reading the exchange of opinions with great interest. I find it extremely encouraging to see so many women setting out towards a better health. I do think we are what we eat, and we have the huge task and responsibility to go the extra mile and educate ourselves and find what works for our body at each stage of our lives. We can't expect other people to make the best choice for us - even if we pay them huge amounts of money to do so. The secret is in prevention. And prevention is diet and lifestyle choices. I love the exchange of information and experience!
    And I totally agree, a grass fed burger may seem expensive, but waiting till the medical bills come in to see that they were the cheaper option is a mistake that too many people pay with their lives.
    I have been checking out Dr. Wahl and found the excerpts of her book on Amazon very interesting. Not sure if I want to invest so much money for it, though. I read a lot from Dr. Mercola, I find his research well done. I am also a reader of Mark Sisson's "Marks Daily Apple" (Primal) online. I have made many adjustments to my daily life based on what I learned so far. My showers have filters, don't want the chlorine on my skin. I use no lotion, no aluminum deodorant, no fluoride toothpaste, very little soap and shampoo. I use pure shea butter, coconut oil, fluoride free toothpaste or charcoal, crystal deodorant and honey water instead. Being single obviously helps, I can experiment and be my own lab rat and nobody protests. Ok, my dogs did, when I wanted to take away their grain based kibbles. So we had to compromise. They get a little of the kibble, but with mackerel or some organ meat.
    I have been back and forth on the fermented food. On one hand I love anything fermented, on the other I am trying to re-build my tooth enamel naturally, and fermented is recommended only in small amounts, as far as I have been able to read. On the other hand, a healthy enamel also depends on healthy gut flora, so fermented should be indicated. Just how do I get fermented in my gut without passing it through my mouth, haha.

    Congrats to all the ladies starting new diets, trying new things in pursuit of better health - you all are an inspiration! Please keep the info coming, I learn so much!

    Have a wonderful weekend all, be safe!
  • strassenkoenigin

    You are right resting heart rate was 55.

    About the cysts. I developed cysts after suffering through several miscarriages. The miscarriages were due to the fact I am Rh negative and no doctor had a clue why I was miscarrying over and over again. I was always told that I am completely healthy. Finally some Gyno had a light bulb moment, but by that time I was in a major depression and had no more courage to try another time.

    Then came the next nightmare with the cysts. I ended up with an oncologist before it was determined that these cysts were benign. I was put on a regimen of being given a mammogram every three months. The cysts were aspirated when they got too painful. This went on for years, nobody knew any other treatment beside telling me not to drink coffee. I was glowing from all the radiation and decided on my own not to have mammograms again.

    I still had to go to a surgeon to get aspirated because the cysts were so big and painful at times.. Then I moved and the new Gynecologist send me to a surgeon for the aspirations, because obviously Gynos cannot do aspirations. It turned out that this surgeon was a plastic surgeon, who informed me that the best treatment for my cysts would be to cut off my breasts and to have implants. He practiced in Las Vegas , after all. I left the office immediately and never went back to that Gyno.s office either.

    To add insult to injury somewhere along this whole ordeal I had to change insurances. Honest as I am I filled out that my existing condition was cysts in my breasts, what prompted them of course immediately to exclude all payment for treatment of that condition.

    So here I was. A completely healthy person, who never had to see a doctor but for the cysts, paying health insurance for absolutely nothing, because now I had to pay treatment out of my pocket.

    Coming from an excellent health care system in Germany (so often maligned in this country for being socialist, but which paid for everything and had no preexisting condition rejection) I lost all confidence in the American health care system and have avoided it ever since.

  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 495 Member
    Good morning Ladies!

    I hope all do you have a great weekend. Today I did strength training for chest and back. Next on to the treadmill.

    Yanniejannie, I'm so sorry for all that your family has been through. I lost a cousin to suicide using a gun his mother owned.

    Jane, sending healing thoughts for your son.

    Barbie, our puppy's name is Brian. We thought about renaming him, but he knows his name and it suits him. He is so sweet!

    Beth, I love your mothers statement about getting her Pap smear!

    Meg, glad you feel better. Please send some of that rain my way!

    Kim, oh my! What a scary thing to go through with your brother! I'm so glad you came away safe.

    Michele, I agree with you that our childhood shapes us. I was an independent child, I had sole responsibility of taking care of my grandmother after her stroke when I was about 12. My mother worked at night at the hospital, slept during the day. I took care of the house too. I'm less independent now because Hubby is such a caregiver. I sometimes ask him to let me figure something out so I'm not helpless! LOL!

    Cynthia, ((hugs)) for you!

    Margaret, now I'm going to read up on fermented food.

    Please say a prayer for our new puppy, he is getting his dental today. Needs some teeth pulled, I really hate for him to go under anesthesia.

    Welcome new ladies!

    Hugs to all I missed.

    Cindy in OK
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Michele – yeah – losing a parent young changes you!

    Cynthia – hang in there! You have a lot on your plate, but make time for you and unluckly feeling down makes you not want to go out and be active and then not being active makes you feel more down… just break the cycle with even a short walk might help…:flowerforyou:

    Heather – great job on being at 139! And holding !!! Here is hoping your necklace looks great! :smile:

    Wendy – welcome

    Anne – I had a different issue, but also labeled a pre-existing condition, and under the new health care law they can not exclude pre-existing conditions, you may pay more, but at least you are not rejected. The USA is certainly not where most European countries are in health care coverage; but some steps have been made.

    Happy Friday all! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    August goals :
    Stretch 5 minutes a day xxxx
    Walk 45 minutes a day 27 times
    Do Heather’s abc balance 1 time a week 4 weeks done

    Kim from N. California
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! We finally got a few drops of rain this morning. Not enough to make a decent puddle, but enough that I could hear it on the metal roof at my studio. I love that sound. It reminds me of being at my grandmother's house, upstairs in the attic/bedroom under the metal roof. Bliss, I think. I walked the kids to school and it looked like I was going to get wet but it didn't start till I was already at the studio.

    I made some custom mugs for a man and they came out of the kiln this morning. I sure was happy to see that order done. I hate custom work. But when he came to pick them up he liked them and wanted two more. Good grief! Now I have to try to make two more just like those. They have the names of his three grandsons carved in the front and filled with colored slip. It's not easy to do matching pieces. They are called one of a kind for a reason. But of course, I will try. At least it will keep me in the studio working. In today's kiln I also got three dog dishes, a teapot, a few other mugs and a couple of bowls. Most everything came out OK. I tried a new glaze combination on the dog dishes and I like it pretty well.

    Speaking of dogs, I went to my friend Debbie's house last night to paint with her and our other friend Daria. Debbie has a sweet little mini-schnauser puppy (a replacement for the one that hung himself on the stairs). He is so smart! They hung a little bell on the door, planning to teach him to ring the bell when he needed to go outside. So every time they take him out they ring the bell. They just started this the day before. Well, we were sitting there last night and he went to the door and rang the bell! Sure enough, he ran right out and did his business. He's such a cutie! He kept crawling into my tote bag so I threatened to take him home. Molly would not have been happy about that.

    Well, hubby just called and invited me to take him to lunch. I'll check in again later. Have a fantastic day everyone!

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day:


    Ham and eggs: a day’s work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,224 Member
    TGIF! I didn’t go to work today. I did go to a deep water aerobics class but the guy who usually teaches it is gone all weekend, and the sub was really poor. I think she’d be really good with old-old or debilitated people, but it wasn’t much of a work out. I got t
    the grocery shopping done, picked my daughter up, showered and now it’s almost 4:30! Not sure where the day went.

    It’s raining again and I see an inch in the rain gauge. That makes nearly 9 inches this week!

    Yanniejannie: I am so sorry for all your losses!

    Jane: sending healing wishes!

    Renny: I’m glad you are having such a good week!

    Sylvia: you can sure have all our rain now! I see those guys with guns down their pants and I always have the evil thought that I hope it goes off and shoots his you-know-what off!

    Joyce: hooray for saying goodbye to the monitor

    Cynthia: I hope you get over your blahs soon

    Alison: ok I have to ask because I hear about it so often, what is Ezekial 4.9 bread?

    Heather: ok I have to say this…milk and brandy? That sounds just awful! :laugh:

    Wendy welcome aboard!

    Akinmom: I’m tired of this change of life too. I’m on depo-provera so I haven’t had a period in 2 years, but in September the doc might want to take me off and do lab work. The nurse told me that it was time when I had my last shot.

    Anne: I often wish we had European style insurance here

    Cindy: Benny Beagle sends good wishes to your Brian. Benny has very few teeth; most of them had been pulled before we adopted him so he knows the ropes! Make sure he comes home with pain medication! Some vets don’t give out many analgesics.

    Well I’m looking forward to a quiet weekend; hubby and DD#2 are going to OK to see hubby’s cousin with the head injury. He’s home now, but still requires constant care. I hope he remembers DH this time. Take care all, Meg from soggy Omaha
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    My necklace was ok, but is very slightly too long. I have left it with them to shorten. With the left over beads they are going to make a bracelet on elastic and some earrings. I can't pick it up until the 15th Sept when I go for my mammogram, but I feel relieved that they have made a decent stab at it.
    DH kept asking me today why I was so grumpy. He was worried that something was seriously wrong.:ohwell: It was just my anxiety about the necklace and my worries about next week. We are having both grandchildren to stay on their own for the first time, then we have to take them to the other grandparents, then our friends arrive for the house swap and then we have to drive 6 hours to Cornwall. Thank goodness my cleaner is doing a double stint. I have got to clean the oven and DH is going to clean the fridge. The garden will have to be tidied.
    I didn't remember that in the middle of the night.:noway:
    Also I think DH is going to have to miss DGDs 1st birthday party because of his football. I was worrying about that as well.:noway:
    I think I will ask them if we can go up the week before to see the grandchildren and for DH to play with DGS.:love: I will go up on my own for the party on the Saturday. I hope I will be able to have lunch with my friend who visited recently. It would be difficult for DH to get to them for any useful time on the Saturday and I don't like driving home from London. I prefer the train. So I will broach the subject with my DS and DDIL.:ohwell:
    Strange the things that can keep you awake at night.
    DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD. :laugh: :laugh: :tongue:

    Didn't do any writing today. :cry: Tomorrow is another day.:bigsmile:

    Heather in showery Hampshire UK

    Good news is that we went to the garden centre and bought spring bulbs for our patio pots - crocus and tulips and some anemones. :love: We didn't buy our usual early mini iris as we are going to be away in February. :bigsmile: How amazing to be thinking of spring!:love:
    Even better news is that DH has at last agreed to buy a hose for next year. Phew!:bigsmile: It is much cheaper on Amazon so I have put it on my Wish List. I have ordered a new coir, rubber backed mat for outside the front door. The old one is disintegrating! Got to be smart for our house swap! :laugh: