

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    evening ladies~
    just got home from work... both my feet hurt, so I will probably go ice them for awhile ,in a little bit...
    I feel sort of weird~ now let me explain this... even though I really havent dropped any weight in quite awhile.. I feel really limber, and thinner:bigsmile: why I dont know ,maybe I lost inches from walking.. I dont know but I will take it:laugh:
    Meg- the company is called food for life, and they make bread and pasta products using sprouted grain and seeds,Ezikiel 4.9 is a passage in the bible.. there is no sugar and and it is minimally processed.. you would find it in the frozen natural food section..
    Well 3 days off.. will be real nice, and if the DH behaves it will nice to spend time with him too..
    I am so excited to get over to Goodwill Monday morning.. I just hope I find some good stuff
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    "Pat - do you get to Titusville? We're usually there the lat week in Feb since that's when the Daytona 500 is held. Thanks so much for the black bean veg burger recipe. I especially like when people post not only the recipe but also the nutritionals. Have you made them? " Have made black bean burgers,but not from the posted recipe.

    Michele,DD & I went to Fl last Feb,think it was around the 15th.Went to 2 baby showers for our expected 1 st Grchild.He was born just a few days after we left & will be 6 mos next wk.Always have a great time having the girls together. DD went back in June for 3 wks.

    We used to eat at Corky Bells on Rt 1 south of Titusville.It burnt down a couple yrs ago.DH & I have several yearly exams,eye work,Drs appts coming up,so not sure if we will get to Fl. Don't you love the weather there in Winter? Just so nice. Time for a shower,then gonna read a bit of "Little Women".Has been a very long time ago since I read that book. Pat in Oh
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: With a day off today, I started cleaning out accumulated clutter in the master bedroom. It is a daunting task, doing one drawer/one cabinet at the time. There is something to be said about keeping things within a drawer or cabinet: it keeps things nice and tidy; however, it is also out of sight / out of mind! My goodness. The interesting things one discovers within those out-of-sight cubbies. I had a shoe box full of scarves for example, not worn in years. I have other scarves which I actually wear, and they hang nice and tidy on the outside of my closet doors, thank you very much. NOT the ones in the box. Pffft. Well, the scarves in the box have now been donated to the Salvation Army, together with clothing, shoes, belts and purses. I am left with a sense of accomplishment, although with a tiny bit of continued niggling in the back of my brain whispering: "you have more drawers and cabinets."

    :flowerforyou: Heather...I know what you mean about the middle of the night and not remembering that perfection may be the enemy of the good. Even now I am thinking of a draft I wrote at work, thinking about one part that does not explain things perfectly to the reader. Bleh. Go away oh thou perfectionist.

    :drinker: This weekend some rain is supposed to visit our neck of the rain forest woods. I know Meg in soggy Omaha has been floating, but here - in the rain forest no less - we have not seen anything significantly in a couple of months. Go figure. Soon enough the rains will come though and the moss will be revived.

    :drinker: With respect to European style health insurance, things have drastically changed in the Netherlands the last number of years. Universal healthcare appears to be ill itself. I am lucky to be living in Canada.

    :smile: I will look up Dr. Wahl. I used Dr. Fuhrman's approach for a little while, but found it too difficult for me. I know it has worked for others, however.

    I better go. DH is coming home soon. Then we will each chat about our day, which has been our routine for many many years.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening:

    Fairly quiet day here.........awake early; not middle of the night early, but early for me. Cleaned up around the house, did some laundry, ironed a few items, put some things away that had been "out of place" for way to long, grocery shopped, picked up some cards for my 2 cousins in nursing homes, and took the newspapers to our local animal shelter. Of course I had to go in the back and get my heart broken by all the dogs...........stopped in the kitty room and had one very friendly cat do her best to adopt me, and, but for DH's allergy, she would have. Made a new dish tonight: a spinach and chicken dish with what was almost an alfredo sauce; it was quite a hit and should have been about roughly 350 cals. Somewhere in there I wrote to one cousin and enclosed some promised pics. from vacation, including ones of her sister.

    Kim...........I thought your dad's poem was quite a wonderful gift to you.........it really sums up what he hoped for you; I'm sure he would be very proud of what you've become and how you have lived your life.

    Writing about the family deaths was not easy; I tried to simply stick to the facts, but there was so much more to each of them. It was still emotionally draining to recount. Thank you to everyone who acknowledged our family losses, those who offered hugs and/or their sympathy, and especially to those who shared their own very personal experiences.

    No, I don't "dwell" on their deaths in the sense that I go to sleep and wake up thinking of them; but every shooting on the news brings them to the front of my mind, so basically I am reminded every day............as I'm sure millions and millions of others are.

    G'nite all,
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Saturday is my major cleaning day so only a 2 mile doggy walk after lunch.
    Have washed the lace curtains in bathroom and laundry and will clean those windows. Thorough clean whole house.
    We are lucky now we are on pension as visits to doctor and hospital is bulk billed, so no cost to us and chemist is only $^ a script. Paid for health care with Medicare until we had pension, we had Private Health Insurance when we both worked full time.
    So off I go and do my cleaning,
    Oh and the vegetarian dishes at lunch are going really well, must buy more Linda McCartney stuff on Tuesday our big shop day

    Exermom, I only watch Bob on his DVDs, Stephanie puts me off too. I DO enjoy all Jeannette Jenkins' new DVDs

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Did an hour of deep water class today after dropping off my aluminum at the Humane Society. After exercise stopped at Bi-Lo to get things on sale.

    Tomorrow's plan is to do "Personal Training with Jackie" DVD

    Joyce - Have Ellie's parents ever thought of getting her IQ tested? I know when we were in PA Bryan went to special classes that were more challenging because his IQ was as high as it was. In a way, giving her extra work is in a sense punishing her for being smart. At her age, she probably doesn't see it this way, but eventually she probably will. My resting heartrate is in the 50's

    Alison - I have been known to ask to try on a sweatshirt when at a concert. They usually let me do it over my shirt. We went to a TSO concert a few years ago and I got a shirt. I honestly thought a small would fit me. Seems that the way they are made, I finally had to get an x-large. They seem to be made junior-sized. But my point is that they did let me try on the shirt and I'm so glad that I did.

    Wendy - welcome!

    jane - I told Jessica that women are born with an extra gene -- the "worry" gene and it doesn't kick in until you have children. That's when she told me she wasn't having any (her hubby -- whoever that may be -- might have something to say about that....lol)

    Margaret - my FIL was another one who would take the docs word over anyone elses. I remember I told him that he needed to exercise, even if it was just walking around the living room. He was at the point of go to dialysis, take a pain pill, lay down until dinner time, have dinner, take a pain pill, lay down. A month later his doc told him the EXACT same thing only it was too late, his muscles had already atrophied.

    Anne - I'm convinced that the reason I survived (my mother was RH-and had many miscarriages before having me). I'm RH-, too.

    Cindy in OK - I'll be keeping your puppy in my thoughts. They are so much like our children, huh?

    Kim - back when I lost my mother, there was no grief counseling or anything like that. I sometimes wonder if its a good thing to have or not.

    Cut the grass today. You can call me "farmer Michele". I used the tractor, even cut the grass below the power lines. OK, I may not have done it as efficiently as Vince, but I think it looks d*** good. So there!!!! Then I used the walk behind. Vince did the weedwacking, I would sweep the grass clippings off the driveway/sidewalk while I was waiting for the mower to cool because I had to shut it off for whatever reason. Then I bet you can guess where I went.

    While I was at the Y I got a pair of pants from this lady who I'd given them for her to take in the waist. I liked the color and they were on sale, they fit me, so I got them. She was going to take the waist in even more but I told her I can live with it the way it is. I usually wear a blouse over it anyway, so no one will see. The waistband previously was humungous! Either they were cut to be rest on the hip (but they would have been too long for that) or else when they made them they put the same size waistband in all of the pants. My guess is that they used the waist band from something like an 18.

    Sylvia - my girlfriend does the same thing with her dogs, they ring a bell when they need to go out. Only they also ring it when their food dish is empty....lol

    Going to go to WalMart now. Gallon of milk will be on sale starting Sun and since Vince needs some for the next few days, I'll just get a quart today and when it goes on sale then I'll get a gallon. Think I might also just stop in at Kohl's to see if that bathingsuit is on sale yet or not. Update: the only bathingsuits they had were 2-piece, and there's NO WAY I'm wearing a bikini. So looks like I'll have to keep mine that I only got 60% off. After Kohl's went to Aldi because last time we were there we got a table but I needed to exchange it and I didn't want them to sell out of the tables. Then to WalMart.

    Pat in OH - the only thing that I don't like about Corky Bells is that they don't have any fresh veges. Their green beans are from a can and, to me, taste "yuk". I usually get the sweet potato, tho. The weather in winter is nice. Our place is right on the river so there's always a breeze. You know, it's funny, for the longest time whenever I'd exercise down there I always worked up a big sweat. For some reason I was thinking that the classes were more intense. But the fact is that the humidity is higher. Silly me. When we go down, I get to go to Publix. Even if they are a bit more expensive, they have some things that I can't get up here. Enjoy the book

    Lesley - I have a few of Jeannette Jenkins' DVD's on my wish list. I'm hoping that I'll get some for Christmas. In looking at the clips of some of her videos, I liked the way she approached her exercises. So we shall hope.....

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :flowerforyou: Anne, the reasons for keeping my weight higher had to do with age and osteoporosis..I don’t remember the details but what they all said was compelling…..there are BMI charts for women over 65 that suggest higher weights as healthier…..my problems with bread and other starchy foods is partly because I am not good at being moderate with them and partly because for the same calories I can have a ton of vegetables and I like to have a lot to eat.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Renny, that was great accepting the scone from your co-worker and bringing it home instead of eating it and compromising your eating plan.

    :bigsmile: Cindy, I wish you and Brian a happy life together. I like knowing the names of pets---it makes me feel like I know them….Sasha and Brandy are thinking good thoughts for him as he gets his dental work…..he will need lots of TLC:heart: from you when he comes home…..hugs really help with the healing process

    :bigsmile: Heather, thanks for the reminder that it’s time to be buying spring bulbs. I love watching them come up.

    :flowerforyou: Rori, I have been lax in doing my regular strength training this month as I am doing a lot of work in my yard that includes carrying rocks and I’m participating in a squat challenge (240 squats today) but hope to get back to it next month.

    :glasses: There is still no news about the results of Jake’s test that he took on Monday.

    :bigsmile: Today was dog washing day again….they hate to get in the tub and they love feeling clean when it’s all over.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful overcast NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 20,000 steps today ----another fabulous line dance class---240 squats (day 29 or the 30 day challenge)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michelle, I don't think my daughter has ever had Ellie's IQ tested but I'm sure it is above normal. She loves to read, anything and everything, loves to write and illustrate her own stories and loves to make up her own math problems. When I am in the car with them my daughter is always giving both the girls things to think about, and give solutions. Math problems are their favorite. She loves to read about dinasours and volcanoes! One year for Christmas all she asked for was writing paper and pencils. She is a very special young lady. I love her to pieces. I even picked out her name. My daughter had given up getting pregnant and they just decided to put it in God's hands. Elliana means something like My God has answered. I did some research on Hebrew names and gave them two names. I can't remember the other name. They gave the names to their other daughter and she picked Elliana. No, my daughter isn't Jewish but I figured that they had a pretty good relationship with God and that's where I looked for names.

    I have been reading my AARP magazine I got this month. It had a large article about cleaning and organizing. I know I have several areas in my home that are total clutter. But they are in rooms that if company comes I can just shut the door. My daughters know what it is like and don't mind. The only thing I regret is that they have those same areas in their homes.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Barbie - carrying rocks, huh? Fun, huh?

    I meant to post this and totally forgot. In the past, during the summer months my watch was always a little bit tight. But for some reason, it isn't that way this year. A few times I've actually had to check to be sure that the watch was clasped.

    Anyway, tonight in WalMart, whenever I started to think "oh, that looks good (some sort of snack), I'd feel the looseness of my watch and that helped to remind me that what I was looking at wasn't good for me. Interesting.... Don't know why this is happening this year.

    Michele in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Sylvia – the pup sounds really cute and smart,:smile: I am glad to hear Debbie was able to get another dog…

    Heather – I missed the house swap info, have you done this before? Is it someone you know??? I love the idea, but have never moved forward with it.

    Renny – love your posts, and the dry-rain forest;:wink: everytime you say it I smile…

    Michele - a loose watch strap seems like a NSV as it is helping you stay on track...:drinker:

    Alison - you may be tightening/toning up - good job. :flowerforyou:

    Today was unplanned busy-ness, with the business - but all had to be done... and feels good to have it done...

    I had a glass of wine with my friend Barbara last night, she is the gal who has money problems and is cleaning my house...think I mentioned it; any way she has a low paid full time job and is a bit limited on choices for changing jobs - as she has no college degree and everything in finance ( where she has worked for 15 years) now requires college... Any how - her apartment complex raised her rent about 4 months ago - she is in about 600 sq feet and it is now $1100 a month, which is a stretch for her, well she got notice that it is going up again to 1200.:noway: .. she was almost in tears... She and her boy friend are thinking they will rent together, but his lease is not up until March... so she was going to live in her car till then...:angry: NOT, so she is going to live in my guest room from Oct.1 till March... will crimp my style a bit; but also will put a fire under my tush to do some cleaning and sorting and moving on of things. When I don't have guests I use that room to stage finished or upcoming embroidery projects so this will mean some serious re-arranging. But this is the right decision, and Levi will love it - Barbara is a favorite friend.

    August goals :
    Stretch 5 minutes a day xxxx
    Walk 45 minutes a day 28 times
    Do Heather’s abc balance 1 time a week 4 weeks done

    Kim from N. California
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Good morning!:flowerforyou:

    Pat - love your 6 month old!:love: Little Women was my absolute favourite book when I was a child. My mother said I first read it when I was 3! ! ! !:noway: I read it again and again, acted it in little performances, lived it in my imagination. I am quite sure it is the major reason why I became a writer. :love:

    Kim - You are such a good friend. I don't think I could share a house with a friend these days. :noway: I hope it goes well.:flowerforyou:
    This house swap is with friends I have known for 45 years. I used to swap with people on an internet swap site and swapped my London flat for flats in Tuscany, Brussels and Paris. The Paris one we did many times and became friends. Even though these friends are very unfussy I still feel the need to do some deep cleaning. Currently we are washing loose covers and finding dust behind the sofas. Got to tackle the oven.:sad:

    Michele - your loose watch reminded me that my rings have suddenly become loose. I haven't lost any more weight and previously they fitted ok, but this week I have noticed how loose they are. Don't want to lose them!:noway:

    DH has just gone off to football. I will watch my French film. I'm going to make meatballs in tomato sauce for dinner and freeze a few for DGS next week. We will have enough for 2 days. I will also cook up a bit of the mince for DGD who usually has a mushy stew for her tea. No salt for her. I will do a little fish stew for her as well and DGS can have fish fingers. Haven't thought about the lunches yet.:ohwell: DDIL would bring stuff, but I am trying to save them work. :love:

    If I have time I will do a bit of gardening.:ohwell: Feeling a bit overwhelmed.

    Love to all. Heather in brighter and warmer Hampshire UK
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    "Pat in OH - the only thing that I don't like about Corky Bells is that they don't have any fresh veges. Their green beans are from a can and, to me, taste "yuk". I usually get the sweet potato, tho. The weather in winter is nice. Our place is right on the river so there's always a breeze. You know, it's funny, for the longest time whenever I'd exercise down there I always worked up a big sweat. For some reason I was thinking that the classes were more intense. But the fact is that the humidity is higher. Silly me. When we go down, I get to go to Publix. Even if they are a bit more expensive, they have some things that I can't get up here. Enjoy the book "

    Michelle,Corky Bells is no more,but when I ate there,wasn't trying to lose wt. The fish,baked potato & side salad worked for me.I don't have cole slaw unless I make it. Not that it's special,but don't care for sloppy slaw. Mine is on the dryer side.
    We have 2 family members working at Publix,tho not in Titusville area.Did you know they have been chosen (few yrs ago) as one of best places to work? Nice grocery,reminds me of Krogers.

    Have you always lived in NC? DD in Fl expects to live near Reidsville in a couple yrs when SIL takes early retirement.

    Had a poor nts sleep,gonna be a Looong day. Pat
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: We are close to 500 posts which means that MFP will automatically start a new thread and put a small link to it at the bottom of the last post----be looking for it so you don't accidentally try to post on a locked thread and so you can find us on the new thread.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: THEN
    tomorrow evening about 7PM PDT, I will start the new thread for September........be looking for that---I will post the link on my last post on the August thread.

    :noway: :glasses: if you get lost, send me a personal message and ask for directions or look on my profile page and you'll find my post on the new thread---or send a personal message to someone you know well on this thread---we don't want to lose anyone in cyberspace :laugh: :laugh:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    morning ladies~
    I slept like a rock.. stayed up late for us until 9 pm watching the Cowboy rides away tour(George Strait) on CMT we went to see him in concert a year or 2 ago and he was awesome...
    well I got on the scale this morning..I LOST almost a lb... I dont know how..but I will take it... I am icing my heel as we speak and trying to figure out if I should attempt to take a walk.. I dont want to injure it any more.
    Miranda Lambert concert is tonight and we will be going out to dinner before hand.. we are going to a seafood restaurant, so will get fish (without sauce) salad with Blue Cheese dressing on the side,I dip my fork, and vegetable if it isnt drowning in butter..
    I also wear ear plugs at the concert.. I hear everything just fine ,it just eliminates all the background noise..
    My girlfriend Laurie thanked me again and again for dropping the stuff off and the reese's peanut butter cup fudge was a huge hit, she said she is very lucky to have a friend like me, and I feel the same about her..
    I so wish that I could have gone up to the ocean this weekend.. Oh well.. we will go see the DFIL today..
    I went down yesterday morning before work, and he was wheeling himself down to the rec room.. well I go down to his room to get his laundry and put his cookies out, and come back and he is sucking face with Annie:huh: tryed pulling them apart and Annie is holding onto his legs lol... well finally wheeled him out and plied him with a mini lemon meringue pie...
    that was an adventure..beautiful sleeping weather last night, windows open ,fresh air in :bigsmile:
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    cityjaneaneLondon.Thanks......Baby was breast fed,now loving baby foods.DD says he likes all of it.Sleeps/eats good.She keeps him for a couple hrs 4 times a wk.His Momma & Dad work diff hrs.Her 1st Grchild & she is loving it.:laugh: Grpa is the same,gets down on the floor to play with him.We are lucky,the whole family takes lots of pics & shares them around.

    I saved the Cflower recipe. Is it for appetizers? Thinking I might try it & freeze leftovers.No more raw oats for me :noway: The texture is ...shiver !!

    Hub is ready to start his day,need to do the same.Have 4pds of very low fat ground turkey.Will make meatballs,sloppy joes & cook everything.All goes in freezer. So handy.

    BTW,"Little Women" was like an old friend.Now I want to reread "Heidi"

    Remember,the Grkids will love:smooched: :smooched: being with you.Food is not a huge priority for them,so don't get overwhelmed,enjoy,enjoy.:flowerforyou: Pat
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 495 Member
    Good morning Lovely Ladies!

    Brian did great at the vet yesterday. He has antibiotics and pain meds. He got up today bouncing and dancing. He is such a happy little boy. Thank you all for your well wishes!

    Meg, Michele and Barbie, thank you!

    I don't have much time this morning to post. We are going to see Phantom of the Opera this afternoon. I haven't seen Andrew Lloyd Webber's version so I am excited. I will enjoy it more now that I know Brian is doing so well. He is filling that void my other little guy left. We are delighted to have him!

    I hope you have a wonderful day everyone.


    Cindy in OK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Cindy, I'm so glad Brian did so well and that he's fitting in so well with your family. He must think he's died and gone to heaven! I love rescue dogs. Most of mine were.

    Pat, I love using ground turkey for enchiladas. Yummy!

    Barbie, thanks for the reminder about the thread splitting off.

    Alison, the things you go through with your FIL! I'm staying tuned to see what he does next.

    I woke up with a terrible ache in my left hip joint. Must have slept on it wrong. I thought maybe swimming would work it out, but no luck. Walking hurts but swimming works just fine. Go figure.

    We are heading to the lake this afternoon to spend the night. Then tomorrow is DIL's birthday so we're having them over here for dinner. I made a teapot for her, but it turned out not to be a surprise (DS never could keep a secret) so I gave it to her last night. She seemed to like it. Or at least pretended she did.

    Well, I have got to get started cleaning house here so then I can go to the lake and clean house there. Oh joy.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Pat - Heidi! ! ! ! ! ! My 2nd ever favourite book!:bigsmile: I reread them both last year when I was having sleepless nights. Also Lorna Doon. I also loved What Katy Did.
    The Cauliflower Cake I use for lunches or as a starter for a dinner party with a little tomato salad. I often put chutneys or chilli sauce out on the table for people to help themselves. It always goes down well. It would be terrific for picnics. It freezes really well and I often cut it in half and freeze half as it is so huge! Best eaten with the chill off, or slightly warmed.

    Today I made meatballs for us all, a big pot of tomato sauce, and managed to put some away for DGS, make a tasty mush for DGD, and have loads for another day or two for us. We will be able to take the meatballs and sauce with us to Cornwall for our first night's meal, so that is another job done.:bigsmile: Tonight we are having them with kale from the garden.
    I have made a start on the oven cleaning and the cushions are back on my sofa. Still got to get the main part on, which is a struggle. Then to do DH 's sofa.:sad: Still, I am making progress. Even watered the patio plants and deadheaded them. More gardening tomorrow.
    I have told DDIL that DH can't make it to the birthday party. We hope to make a separate trip up there for a playdate! I will go to the party.:love: Wonder if my ex will be there with his 2nd family. :tongue:

    Must check the football scores to see what mood DH will be in!:laugh:

    Bye for now, Heather UK
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Heather -
    Having someone else live with you is not easy, I rented out the bedroom that is now my sewing room for all of 2009, 2010, and 2011 as that was when I was laid off and before the business took off, so the rent allowed me to keep my home; then it was to strangers - Oh the stories to tell! :laugh: :laugh: In fact Heather, I could tell the stories and you could write a book! Anyway Barbara and I are both reasonably laid back and yet direct so I think it will be fine, the biggest challenge is space.

    So the thing that has had me uncomfortable about house swaps is “good” stuff, :laugh: I don’t have much worth a ton, but a few pieces of silver service from grandma,… you know those few things worth more in cash or memories that just the everyday stuff; do you lock up a cupboard? Room????

    It is easy to feel overwhelmed, just start knocking out the items one at a time and soon the list of stuff will be smaller. :smile: :smile:

    Alison – congrats on the 1 pound;:happy: the mental picture of you dealing with DFIL and Annie is funny, IF and ONLY IF Annie is another resident and not staff!

    Cindy – I saw Phantom twice when it was in San Francisco – loved it! Have fun… so glad Brian is fitting in so well --- I was getting all confused as Brian is your new dog but someone else (is it Meg? ) has a son Bryan.... sometimes I feel like I need to have a chart with who is who and which kids/furbabies go with which of us... Yet I have only been here since Feb/March and am amazed at how much I feel like I know everyone.

    I am in love with my fitbit... so much easier to keep track of my walking- as a majority of my exercise is walking and with the dog I would know what time I left and when I got back, but sometimes we would stop and chat with someone or he would side track with a great smell:tongue: ... so it was always a guess how much I walked.. This is much more accurate for me...:bigsmile:

    so I know August isn't over, but I have figured out my sept. goals so added them on...

    August goals :
    Stretch 5 minutes a day 4 out of 30
    Walk 45 minutes a day 27 times out of 30
    Do Heather’s abc balance 1 time a week 4 weeks done yeah!!!

    September goals:
    Stretch 5 minutes 8 times
    Walk 12,000 steps or more every day
    Do 4 errands walking (from home or a 15 minute walk from the place the car is parked)
    Do Heather’s abc balance 2 time a week

    Kim from N. California
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here is today's joke of the day:


    A pipe burst in a doctor's house. He called a plumber. The plumber arrived, unpacked his tools, did mysterious plumber-type things for a while, and handed the doctor a bill for $600.

    The doctor exclaimed, "This is ridiculous! I don't even make that much as a doctor!."

    The plumber quietly answered, "Neither did I when I was a doctor."
