

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends ~

    Sorry so many feeling down with the blahs today. I have been working hard to clear my desk of work tasks so I can take off on vacation and completely unplug from electronic leashes. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Yesterday I worked out to JessicaSmithTV.com “Strength in Stillness”. This has been my favorite workout to supplement the weekly strength training I do with my trainer, Rose. I’ve been strength training for almost a year and can feel such a difference in my body, my posture, the way I move and how my clothes fit. Best investment of time and energy I’ve made all year.

    I am absolutely sick about the news of the 9 year old girl with an uzi. No words…. :explode: :grumble: :angry: :noway:

    Barbie: Hearing about the micro-chipped cat being reunited with its family is the best news of the week for me. Mars lets me clip one or two nails at a time during rest periods on our daily walks. It took a long time and many attempts while wearing ski gloves to get him to this point. Holding good thoughts for the results of Jake’s tests.

    Anne: I’m learning a lot from you about sport of biking. Have added your chile relleno recipe to my pile of recipes to try. Looks delish.

    CynthiaT60: I send you prayers for serenity and restoration of health for your fur baby.

    Scparke2: Sorry you are in pain. Be gentle with yourself until you know more clearly what’s going on with your body.

    Beth: How frustrating about your son and his demanding boss. I hope the headaches subside and eventually go away for good.

    SueColumbia: Welcome home and welcome back to this thread. I think you have done remarkably well sticking to a healthy eating regime while be away for so long.

    Carol: Three cheers for the UNC dietician and her respectful and helpful attitude. Now be sure to take care of you!

    DrKatiebug: I tore my rotator cuff in a fall 7 years ago. Shaking my head that your physical therapist never treated it. My PT was amazing, and quite honestly today I have absolutely no residual effects of that injury. May your healing be swift and complete.

    Meg: Chin up. Tomorrow is another day. Praying you wake up to rainbows and happier times.

    Cindy in OK: When it comes to fur babies, menopause or no menopause, I’m easily touched to my core. There is no shame in grieving for your lost loved one. I’m tearing up typing this.

    Stay well, stay strong, ladies.

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills
    Word for 2014 = Release
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Hello again - and again no time to post. Hmm. Not really no time. Just no will. I guess I have the blahs too. I just got back home from Walnut Creek and it often takes a couple of days to adjust. I can tell I'm grouchy so I'll make this quick. Thinking of all of you and grateful you are there.
  • strassenkoenigin
    Hello blahblah and not so blahblah ladies:smile: ,

    After a terrific bike ride this morning, I was really fast for a change:happy: , I decided against cleaning my house:drinker: and finally made it into the movies.

    Saw that Woody Allen movie" Magic in the Moonlight' and loved it as much as last year's "Blue Jasmine".:heart:

    And obviously everybody else in the theater did too as there was lots of applause at the end. Collin Firth was great and Emma Stone too.. And the rest of the cast as always in Woody's movies was outstanding.

    What an intelligent and thought provoking movie. I am a big fan of the 1920s and as the movie plays in this time period, it was an added bonus for me. Also the soundtrack was like in all of his movies superb. And the scenery and the costumes too. I think I have to see it again to get all nuances. It will certainly go on my must-own list.

    Probably because we are nearly the same age I can so relate to his movies. We sort of think alike, and I admire him for putting out a great movie every year. I always look forward to August.


    I crossed myself like a Bretzel, hoping that your house sells.

    Great news with your mammogram. I had for years so lumpy breasts that I really hated the checkups. Miraculously the lumps disappeared after menopause.
    We have an excellent public library here. For example they have a huge choice of exercise DVDs, so before I buy one, I always check them out at the library.


    Sorry to hear about your sister. Yeah, I feel the same way about the 110 Fahrenheit days, I am so tired of the summer.


    I had to laugh when you wrote about counting backwards by three to fall asleep. When I was a child and I did not want to sleep, my father always gave me counting backwards tasks. I always did them and showed up again in the living room to get my next task. He had to become quite inventive to make it so long and difficult so that I would finally fall asleep. Obviously I was always a night owl, but at least then I slept all morning or day if I could.

    Anne the little old lady on the road bike
  • dinaesia
    dinaesia Posts: 54 Member
    Hello from Tx!
    I took my Mom and Sis shopping yesterday. Sis hates clothes shopping, because nothing fits. But she needed to go. I talked her into it. We all found some good buys. We hit the clearance racks and had fun trying things. We went to Kohl's so we all got Kohl's cash back for next week. Wooo-hooo!

    Welcome to Stephanie, Ruth, Rose and Suecoloumbia.

    Anne - You amaze me with your cycling. 50 miles every day. I'm just tired thinking about it. I know that cycling is an expensive sport. My other sister and her husband are into cycling. They used to make trips here to hit the bike shops.
    I don't have a fitbit either, but I know some others that use them. That's nice that they have bonus bucks.

    Carol - have you tried a neti pot? they're a little weird to use, but I found it helpful with my sinuses. You can find them at drugstores. I'm glad you can get free stuff for working out. I have a Walgreens card, I should check it out.

    Meg - I used to see adult trikes in FL all the time. They always moved reaaally slow. but it was faster then walking. Did you know there are now three wheeled motorcycles?

    Yanniejannie - Dizzy, short of breath and lightheaded? You need to rest. That's a sign of something in your lungs. Please don't push yourself to exhaustion. Take a break, have a cup of tea, watch a movie. Hope you feel better soon.

    Cindy781 - It's hard to lose a pet. You have so many associations with them. Oh, we used to do this and remember when...
    It's okay to grieve. Everyone grieves on their own timeline. Do you get over the loss? No. But you can make peace with it and move on from there. ((HUGS))

    I need to look up some of these exercise videos that y'all talk about. Heck, I need to pull out what I have and start with them.
    To the tune of Eastbound and Down from Smokey and the Bandit:
    Twelve pounds down
    keep that weight loss going
    we're gonna be back where we were before....
    gotta keep that heart rate going
    get those feet a moving
    that's it baby, right on out the door....

    Diane in TX
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Joyce, early congrats on your anniversary!!! Does your library have e-reader check out? We do, you log your device and then check out (download) the book and when your check out time is over the book “disappears” off the e-reader.. so no late charges!

    Meg – what is COPS? How sad!!!:cry: Enjoy your wine

    YannieJannie – hope you feel better, and the dizzy could be sinus moved to your ears….

    Cindy – you are not crazy sometimes the darnest things open up grief/sadness flood gates…:ohwell: .

    Sylvia - a restraining order is just a piece of paper BUT it will alert her probation officer! This has to be done…

    Anne – I heard the same news report and had the same reaction, but was not typing my reaction and used some colorful language to describe the parents. :explode:

    Rose – welcome, we are a supportive community and you can do this, and maybe be a good influence on the kids too.

    Carol – everything is crossed!!!:bigsmile:

    So first full day of fitbit, and 12,186 steps.. I have a long way to go to catch Barbie:laugh: :laugh:

    My mom is 85 and is the youngest of her friends, one of her friends Pat has been a friend since before I was born and has been a horrible driver the entire time. Pat is 90 and is an awful driver.. wrong side of the road, weaves, gets lost... about 50% is because she is almost blind (macular degeneration and glaucoma - not sure about spelling) and 50% because of senior dementia. After a lot of talking I got my mom to talk to Pat's daughter, who laughed it off. So Pat's b-day was last week and she had to go to renew her drivers license, and the eye doctor wrote her a letter saying it was ok that she did not pass the eye test at the DMV. (DMV = Department of Motor Vehicles). The DMV honored the letter and re-issued the license. I am appalled. So I wrote a letter to the eye doctor, anonymously, telling him that this was a very bad decision. I want to alert everyone I can think of that this woman should not have a license but don't know where to call/write. She lives near a school and over the summer got the car stuck on the front lawn of the school - her hubby came and got her out of that jam, and she is just lucky that the police have not yet caught her. I just don't want anyone injured .....:grumble: :noway: :noway: :angry: :explode: :grumble: :noway:

    August goals :
    Stretch 5 minutes a day xxxx
    Walk 45 minutes a day 25 times
    Do Heather’s abc balance 1 time a week 3 weeks done

    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well no note pad and pen in front of me so I depending on memory!!!!! I remember what was talked about just no names

    I think the young girls incident with the gun is on all the news. I agree that young children should be taught gun safety but a machine gun????? That's just wrong. A child of that age should be kept innocent and not even know anything about machine guns.

    Meg, so sorry about all your rain. I know you are so tired of it. I have a good friend, one of the members of our 'Old nurses club' that is on vacation. We all take vacations but the take VACATIONS! It is thier intent to travel all 50 states to all the National Parks. And they usually spend about 3 weeks on vacation. I don't know how they are going to the south or east because the west is their favorite. Anyway they drove to Seattle, took a cruise up to Alaska, after the week long cruise they rented an RV to travel Alaska. They have rain most of the time. Hubby got sick and had to go to an ER. Theya re ot having the best of an expensive vacation. But he is retired from Whirpool and she is retired for the hospital and both on Social Security so they have pensions, SS and investment and savings.

    Barbie, how in the world do you get your dog to line dance like that??? Ha ha ha

    Isn't it terrible that our age we are excited about normal mammograms and colonoscopies???

    Had choir practice tonight. Our choir director does not like us to take out music home. I was surprised when she gave us our Christmas music to take home. When I got in the car to go to church I just had this feeling that I was missing something. After I drove about 5 minutes it hit me, my Christmas cantata! Oh no, it's sitting back on my office where my CD player is. So turn around I go and am 7 minutes late. I am glad it is a typical Baptist church and there is a lot of socializing! But I was the last one to arrive. We got to new members tonight. I was glad to see another alto and much needed bass. But we now have more altos than sopranos. Before I joined the director sang with the altos. She then changed over to the soprano. This summer we allowed the teenagers to join since there is no designated music activity for the kids in the summer. We have two of them and they are both altos, and very good ones! We had out final practice for our trio, sounds good. I feel I need to get a black 3 ring folder that I can take home and keep my trio music in though. We hold our music in black folders to sing on Sundays to all look uniform. But it gets heavy for the books our music is in and trio music. This way I can bring it home and practice.

    OK, enough rambling. I know I missed a lot of conversations.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    morning ladies~
    been up since midnight:grumble: to much going through my head....
    today is my unpaid day off of work,but busy just the same...
    I did join achivemint~ thanks Kim.... hey I will take anything at this point...
    Joyce~ I love the amish novels also,though I havent read much lately..
    I did receive the 300.00 card from insurance company, and as I was tossing and turning this morning, I figure I will use some of it for Goodwill monday,I had cash set aside,but might use that for a few groceries for me.. I have found that I like the ezeikel 4.9 products, and will pick some of those up for myself, and some asparagus to grill and some rye tortilla's
    even with all this walking I am not really losing any weight.. maybe I have to drowned myself in water to get the weight moving, or maybe the prednisone is working its way out of my system..
    I have a 1:15 appt this afternoon to give blood, and before that will go get my ticket for the pumpkintown prom..
    my dear friends lost there mom about 8 yrs ago to breast cancer so they take over a restaurant in there town and do raffles and raise money for there moms foundation.. they have raised over 250.000 that they have shared with 2 area local hospitals for cancer research..
    DH will be in florida ,so I am going solo.. should be a good time.. then to see my DFIL and make the chop suey and take it to my friend.. going to put it in microwavable pans, so that they can have one now and freeze one when they need something quick.
    sitting here listening to the summer crickets, just love the sound..:happy:
  • scparke2
    scparke2 Posts: 12 Member
    Good morning, a new day!

    -Stephanie in NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Good morning everyone!:flowerforyou:

    Scparke - I hope you find out what is ailing you. Could you ask for a general check up at the doctor. You might need a blood test for thyroid levels etc. Meanwhile log every single bite.:flowerforyou:

    Michele - I really admire all the work you do for your community.:flowerforyou:

    Beth - I really hope the Botox has the desired effect.:flowerforyou: You do have your hands full with your boys.:brokenheart:

    Anne - thanks for the recipe. I have clipboarded it. I will have to find some mild chillies for my DH,! ! ! ! :laugh:

    Carol- Hope your sinus clears up. So debilitating! My son suffers from sinus. So do I occasionally. Crossing fingers for the house viewing.

    Katie -Ouch for the shoulder! You must be a real trooper to put up with it for so long.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce- Happy 42nd Anniversary! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I have bought myself a 65 today badge that I will wear proudly in New York on the day.:laugh:

    Meg- oooooohhhhhhh Big hugs! (((((((((((:heart: )))))))))))

    Yanniejannie- I wish you health!:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia- I have been worrying about your post. It sounds a serious worry. Yes to police and the probation officer. Do the kids' school know about her? My novelist's mind is going haywire.:cry:

    Anne- the shooting was on our main news.:brokenheart:

    Rose- I send my best wishes to your sister. I had breast cancer 7 years ago and I am so far free of the disease. :smile: Good luck with the weight. Log, log, log. :flowerforyou:

    Kim - I would report the doctor to the medical council. It is a criminal offence I'm sure. Also tell the police about the driver. Think how you would feel if she ran a child over! At least you will know you have done your best. Anonymous is good. We have an anonymous phone line for reporting crimes and such like. Or a letter to the local police. We need people like you in the community.:flowerforyou:

    Well, I typed another 2, 000 words yesterday. Got a couple of phone calls to make today. The people who are supposed to be threading my necklace haven't made any progress so I am going to take it back. Also have to reschedule a mammogram. I will try to get a bit of gardening and harvesting in. DH has been picking tons of plums and freezing them.

    Love from Heather in sunny Hampshire UK
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello Friends,
    Sorry it has been a while since I've posted or been on. I have been crazy busy and really look forward to my vacation starting Saturday. I applied for a new position here at my full-time job and am waiting to hear back on it. I loved my job until a year and a half ago when they revamped my duties and gave me back a desk which is what I did the first 8-9 years I've been here. I don't like it now.
    I also interviewed last night at LA Fitness for a water aerobic instructor. We are trying to work out the details but I believe I will instruct on Monday nights and Saturday mornings. I am also starting to work Tuesday and Thursday evenings at the Y in the fitness room. The director at this branch of the Y wants to have a personal trainer available in the evenings so this is a way for me to get exposure and hopefully start building a client list.
    I read that in order to change things you want to change in your life that starting out making small promises to your self is a good first step. I believe this was from Chris Powell. He said that most people will keep promises that they make to everyone else so why not keep the ones you make to yourself. He suggests that you start small and that the promise is doable, also write the promise down and as the last sentence write that you are keeping this promise because you are worth it. I've tried this out and have been having success with it. Last week I made promises daily. One day was that I'd write down every thing I ate, another day was that I'd get 12,000 steps, etc. This week I made a promise to myself that I would get up early and make it to work 1/2 hr earlier so that I could walk our mile path. Today is Thursday and I've done it every morning. I tried to talk myself out of it this morning because I woke up with a head ache, but I did it and feel better for it. I can't walk my neighborhood in the mornings because of the guy I told you all about a while back that drops his pants and plays with himself. He only comes out in the early morning hours.
    On Coursera I am in the last week of the class Learning to Learn. It was a 4 week class that helps you learn how to study and retain information. It was a good class with ideas I am certainly using here at work and plan to use with my next class coming up on Sept 15th.
    We leave Saturday early in the morning and should be on the Cayman Islands by early evening. I am so looking forward to this down time and regrouping. I am not taking a phone or computer and I don't believe they offer it free so I'll be off the electronic grid for a week. I do hope to get back on at least once before I leave.
    If I don't get back on, please all take care of yourselves and remember, you are worth it.
    Love you all,
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Welcome newbies. Help us out by telling us a bit about yourself.

    DH had foot Dr appt this wk. He needs orthos & has an appt next wk for molds to be done. At least it's not surgery:noway: just $$$.
    Has been way too hot this wk. I'm gonna be so happy when Fall arrives. No sweat:laugh: Love Fall,I an not a warm weather person. Thanks be to AC:blushing:

    Kayzoola - I agree with other posters. Lost Mom a few yrs ago (& Brother 3 months before)......was a sad time. Miss them both & finally realized that is OK . The memories keep them alive in my heart.

    Carol..:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: ..How smart to call the dietician!! She sounds very ready to work with you about son's needs.

    The school is providing gluten free pizza but not much else. With Celiac disease, even the tiniest bit of gluten can cause serious problems. I called UNC-Charlotte's dietician yesterday and she was great! She is going to get Andrew to take her on a tour of the dining hall and show her what changes need to be done to make eating gluten-free more feasible. As I talked to her, she said that it sounded like a few simple changes by staff (along with some more education) should open up a lot of choices for him. That conversation could have been a "fight" but her attitude and willingness to look into everything made it very pleasurable instead.
    Thanks for the encouragement, everyone! I hope that perfect buyer comes sooner rather than later. I would really like to be settled in a new place by the end of the year.

    We sold our place nearly 2 yrs ago. The 1st 3 lookers all wanted it,none could get the $$.The 4th couple came twice in one day,bought it & wanted to move in 2 was. It happened,but took a good month to get over the moving job! Take it easy,you have a full plate. Just know it will happen in it's own time.:wink:

    Alison - Goodness!!!!!! You are up at 2:30 am? That can't be doing your health any good. If that is your regular routine,how would it work with a full time job?:grumble:

    MEG...... "The problem with dd is not that she’s mean but that she doesn’t think and she doesn’t get that her actions affect other".
    She just sounds immature .
    Hope it works out. She will be needing you for sure.

    JANE. Here I am in London!

    Loving the pic you shared. Beautiful GRkids!. :love:

    "The nanny, who let us in, has to go into hospital soon for a heart op that will have her out of action for three months. She has other health problems as well. She has been so amazing for the 6 months she has been here so they will find it hard to replace her. DDIL has decided not to have anyone living in again as she found that difficult. She is now looking for a 3 day nanny. I had a long chat with the nanny who was quite tearful."

    Wasn't the family lucky to have a great nanny for the 1 St 6 mos? Hope she gets thru the surgery/after care in better health.

    KIM.......Could she be having issues you all don't know about? Her family,money or health problems? We never know what another person is going thru.
    ..I called later and apologized but no one has heard from her since....we had all had a couple of drinks but she did not seem buzzed at all... so all I can think is something else was going on... I hope she will talk later - the scary part is she holds a grudge... and is never wrong...

    Sylvia...Grkids faking sick........LOL. DH told our girls if they were sick,would need to see Dr.
    Dr usually meant a shot......:sad:

    Michelle.....Glad all went well for your husband . DH had the shock procedure for AFIB.They did it 3 times,but didn't help . he has no symptoms.....yet.
    Our condo is in Titusville -- across the river from the Cape. Grandson & his small family live in Titusville.Grdaughter is in Coral Springs. DD lives on Merritt Is, they have an...empty nest.

    .BETH......So sorry to hear that . think it's a common situation where they hire mostly teens . your boy has been thru the mill with Migraines . :ohwell: You have to have had them to know what misery they are.& don't worry about being boring .Hope we are an outlet for you.
    "My husband called in today for him and wants to talk to the owner later. They seem to have an expectation that my son will work every waking hour for them after school and on weekends ... and that just can't happen. Shoot ... I'm not even sure he's going to make it to school the way things look right now."

    Time to move......Good luck to all trying to lose extra pds. Not losing here:sad: not gaining.Just keep plugging away......Pat
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Carol in NC........this is a simple recipe I had saved from Spark ppl
    You can change spices to suit your taste
    I'd Prob make into 4 servings for about 92 cals each.Would add sautéed onion for sure.

    Minutes to Prepare: 5
    Minutes to Cook: 10
    Nutritional Info

    Servings Per Recipe: 5
    Amount Per Serving
    Calories: 73.1
    Total Fat: 1.5 g
    Cholesterol: 42.5 mg
    Sodium: 236.2 mg
    Total Carbs: 11.8 g
    Dietary Fiber: 2.7 g
    Protein: 4.8 g

    1 can black beans,rinsed
    1/4 cup plain bread crumbs
    1 clove garlic (minced)
    1tsp chili powder
    salt, pepper, and cayenne to taste

    1. mash beans in a large bowl.
    2.mix in chopped garlic, spices, and egg
    3 stir in bread crumbs
    4. shape into 5 patties, you can refrigerate them if they are not very firm (up to one day ahead)
    5. either bake or cook in a skillet until hot

    really great with butternut squash fries and salad
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    Good Morning Friends,

    Another flower from my garden. It is verbena called Vintage Rose. The black and yellow flamingos were in honor of my son who went to the University of Iowa.


    Welcome newcomers:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Lesley glad you are feeling better.

    Carol good luck on selling your home. I agree it is stressful.

    We have had a stretch of beautiful weather. Makes up for the hard winter and cold spring..

    This time of years the ferns start to go. I did splurge and got some mums to brighten up the spots where things are getting tried like the overgrown petunias. I have had better luck with the impatience this year. The cooler summer helped. I did spray with a natural fungicide early in the season too. We are enjoying something fresh from the garden everyday. DH made some great lentil soup using eight of our plum tomatoes. Yum!

    Today I plan to take a walk in the park that is close to our home, so tomorrow I will be in a healthier place.

    2014 word: contentment
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning, all,

    Had a pretty good night.........slept a full 6hrs. which is more than usual. Garbage collection got me awake or maybe I would have got a bit more. It's super sunny and we're supposed to be quite warm the next few days........upper 80's which is not really too hot for me as long as it's not humid.
    The off kilter feeling is not here today, fingers crossed.

    Lesley.........Keeping finances on an even keel is a challenge for most of us; I'm thrilled that I haven't totally depleted our money with a check to any college this August, a little breathing room is welcome but I'm sure something else will pop up, we need trees taken down and some work on the house so the money will fly out the door as soon as I start making calls to get the long neglected stuff done.

    Sylvia...........Your XDIL's behavior is thoroughly alarming.........the police will be able to give you the name of her probation officer and such threats SHOULD quickly land her back in jail; it seems that would be a parole violation. Heather brought up an excellent point with the school being aware; I am in complete agreement that they should be made aware immediately.........no idea what security there is like but you could maybe provide the front door guard with a picture of her (providing they have a guard)..........or at least the office.

    Anne..........If Sandy Hook and Va. Tech didn't change things, nothing will. It's tragic beyond words, but apparently acceptable to too many.

    Kitty.........."Ross Perot".........that's a name I haven't heard for ages!

    Mimi..........We wondered how you fared in the earthquake.............

    Diane............I have been taking it easy while getting over this cold/cough; Netflix has become my best friend : ) Liked your little ditty at the end of your post!

    Kim........It did cross my mind, the ear/dizzy connection. I would contact the DMV directly; they should look into it.........and, as someone else said
    report the dr. to your state medical lic. board.

    Patty.........Maybe you could you walk in another direction? ........or drive to a mall or a park, or even a safer neighborhood? Or report him to the police? You sure are busy!

    Patcoh.........Thanks for the recipe! I've been buying Morningstar Farms which are OK but would like to try this one.

    Time to read the paper and make another cup of tea.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning. I'm killing a few minutes before getting started on glazing. I've gotta let it cool off a little in there, since I just turned the A/C on. This afternoon I'm going to Joplin to my friend's house for our little painting party. That's always fun. I need to stop at Michael's to get some stuff, so I've downloaded a 40% coupon. Now if I can only remember to use it. My brain seems a little fuzzy this morning. Maybe I got too much sleep. I don't often have that problem. I went to sleep at about 9:00 last night and slept till the alarm went off at 6:20. I was really tired, I guess.

    Not much to report this morning. I've read through the posts and can't remember what I read, but I hope you are all having a great day.


  • Cappuccino_mum
    I am a newby here, just checking things out.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • 2bopeep3251
    I just started myfitnesspal program a little over a week ago; I've lost almost a pound, would have lost more, but I went on a 4 day cruise. (need I say more) Up and onward to the new me! Fit & sassy and new attitude! My goal is have God more glorified in me as I am most satisfied in him!
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 495 Member
    Good morning Ladies!

    I see that a few of us had a blah day yesterday. My whole day wasn't bad, our little fur baby is adjusting beautifully and had a great night. Thank you all for the encouragement and kind words, they really helped.

    Thank you for the kind words. Jan, Kim, Michele, Rori and everyone I missed.

    I looked up the benefits of crying and there are some, can't remember all of them. One was reduce stress, good to know there are some.

    Today I did treadmill, I put it at a good incline so I got a really good burn.

    Michele, I'm glad the Mammo went well. I always hold my breathe waiting for my results. I have a sideways pic of the pup on my profile page. I will try to get a better one posted.

    Meg, I had wine last night too!

    Sylvia, how scary! I agree with Michele, you should call the probation officer.

    Cynthia, hugs. I know what you're going through.

    Anne, amazing workouts!

    Diane, I love Kohl's too! Glad you enjoyed shopping.

    Today is a much better day!

    Welcome all new ladies.


    Cindy in OK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    morning again, have been on the run, since 7, went to 3 grocery stores looking for what I needed, used some of my money on my debit card:sad:
    oh well.. made 2 pans of american chop suey, one they can have right now the other they can freeze if they want, also made a pan of reese's peanut butter cup fudge..something a little sweet to make her feel better.
    I am trying to type with a dog on my lap and arm, and that is proving to be a bit tricky... going to drop the food off in a bit, pick the dog up from the groomers ,drop him off home and go down and give blood... then come home again,, lucky I already have DH dinner ready... stopped down to see my DFIL and got him another one of his little lemon meringue pies, he so enjoys those...
  • kittytoo
    kittytoo Posts: 27
    Good Morning, Ladies!

    Feeling a bit less blah/tired today. Have to work a half day, then off to San Diego for the long weekend. It will be nice.

    Not too sure who was talking about colonoscopies and mammograms, but I got a letter from my health care provider suggesting I have one of each. It is one of those "Obamacare" initiatives to tell me how I should handle my own medical care. As if it isn't bad enough that my doctor(s) bug me about them. :grumble:

    Off to the salt mine...
