

  • Akinom523
    Hello, lovely ladies, here I am, notebook by my side, to try and say hi to (almost) everyone).

    I had a pretty good day yesterday, the week has been good so far. Made it to the gym every morning before 5 (I always wonder all the way there if I am really doing this, but next week will get better). Kept a calorie deficit, drank up, walked and moved a lot and - didn't lose a single ounce. Hard not to feel cheated, but it's like somebody super-glued my scale at 165.8.
    Oh menopause and so, how I hate you! Give me back my "normal" hormones, let me be bloated and *****y for a few days a month, but EVERY day is too much!

    Carol -
    Question first: How many points do you need to get something "nice", like say a treadmill, and how attainable is this goal. I checked out the web, but it shows how many points you can get for what - and most expire after only 7 days. So my feeling is that it is similar to Every Move, where you can earn points, the rewards are ridiculous and they convert your points to donations to a charity of their choice after a week and you can start over.

    Anne -
    I have to try that recipe, thanks for sharing!
    You are one active lady, amazing! And yes, I guess pretty much any sport gets expensive the more you want to really get better at it and like it.
    We need a photo of the new hair cut please!

    Meg -
    Tricycle sounds like a good idea! I had an aunt that never in her life managed to ride a bike without landing in the nearest bush. A tricycle would have helped!

    Kim -
    Congrats on the Fitbit, I hope you have tons of fun with it. Keep me posted what reward program you find that you like, I may sign up with you.

    Barbie -
    Glad all went ok with the tests, hope the results come back great!

    Heather -
    Your GBabie pics and stories are too cute, keep them coming!

    Juanita -
    Welcome back! Have a great day you too!

    Sue -
    Glad you had fun. You can totally lose the 8 lbs by the end of October! Welcome back on track!

    Have a great day, will check in later - having "a day of those" at work.:explode: ...

    :-):drinker: Mon :flowerforyou:
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Joyce, Carol and others - the web pages I found are not very explanatory, but found them via a post here on MFP (searched on fitbit) What I can figure out is that fitstudio.com lets you earn points which become $$$ at Sears and Kmart, I have a sears nearby but Kmart is 50 miles away. The other is achievemint.com and it is basically the same set up but it sends you virtual visa cards that you can buy stuff on-line with… you make an account on the site; click on the link your fitbit with it and done…. I think!

    I will look into the Walgreens possibility too – I don’t shop there much but there is one about 6 blocks away… and being able to get basics like paper goods would be great! :laugh:

    Carol – So glad the dietician had a great attitude! :smile: One big stressor gone!

    Anne – THANK you! It looks great.

    Juanita and Michele – I had never heard of Tim Hortons; so a googling I did go and there is one in Calif. Not all that far away…..

    Well work is calling!

    August goals :
    Stretch 5 minutes a day xxxx
    Walk 45 minutes a day 25 times
    Do Heather’s abc balance 1 time a week 3 weeks done

    Kim from N. California
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Monika - I don't know that you could ever get enough rewards points to get something as big as a treadmill. The points do expire but I also get my prescriptions at Kmart and, combined, I've had up to $18 at a time. If you're looking to buy a treadmill, maybe you could use your points for basics that you would buy anyway and put the savings into a special account to save up for the bigger ticket item.

    Kim - Thanks for the information about achievement.com. I will check it out. I'm all about free stuff!!

    Edit: And, that would be achievemint.com!
  • Akinom523
    Thanks, Carol. I asked specifically about a Treadmill, because in the advertisement for their program they mention a treadmill. So I thought that for a treadmill I would tread a bit more, but also thought it was one of those "dream on" advertisements. :laugh:
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Went to the doctor yesterday to get the results of the MRI on my shoulder. I have frozen shoulder, a tear in my rotator cuff, and a tear in my labrum ( didn't even know what that was!). She gave me a cortisone shot in my shoulder and said that it is imperative that I do my exercises to avoid surgery. So, I did them this morning - all 45 minutes of them. Then went for my usual walk. The shoulder injuries are all from my fall in January. I wish I had mentioned it to my wrist doctor sooner. I kept telling the physical therapist about it, but I guess she was the wrong one to tell.

    More later. I read everyone's posts, but no time to reply.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!!
    It`s my baby boy`s b/day-he`s 25.:drinker: :drinker:
    The weather is nice today in the 70`s the last few days have been brutal:happy:
    Welcome any new ladies,:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good afternoon my fair and wonderful ladies. Speaking of birthdays, our wedding anniversary is coming up next week on the 2nd. 42 years. Not always the most romantic and loving but he is my friend, companion and wonderful grandpa to our grand kids. He is evolving to be a better man and father all the time. He says the key to our long marriage is compromise.

    Heather, I loved your description about your day with your grandkids. I could just see me on the floor with my precious ones. They sound so precious. Beth, never apologize for venting here about anything. Most of us have been there and appreciate what you are going through. Let us be your sounding board any time you feel like you need it.

    Well Mr. Sandman missed our house again last night. So I finished a book I had on my Nook and started another one. My Mom started all of girls, even her 2 daughter in laws on reading the Amish fiction. It is good clean reading, easy to keep up with and just generally feel good reading. I also like my good crime drama reading, medical thrillers like all the Robin Cooke books. They are too expensive to buy on the Nook. I know I could go to the library but many times I forget to take them back in time. I need a cure for my procrastination. My insomnia made me miss a phone call from my daughter that lives In Lexington Ky. I sure wish they had the money to have regular phone service but they don't. Well they do but have other priorities and phone isn't one of them. Both their phones and iPad are reliant to free wifi. I just hope I don't have to get hold of her in an emergency.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi all.

    *Heavy sigh. Bad day all around. We had 4.25" of rain and lots of flooding. I threatened to quit my job today. And a COPS crew member was shot and killed in a Wendy's during an armed robbery last night. Wow. I think I hear some wine calling my name. Hugs and prayers to you all. Just don't have it in me to chat tonight. Meg floating away from Omaha
  • scparke2
    scparke2 Posts: 12 Member
    I had a gain today no surprise. So I'm 15.6 lbs from my goal, I was so hoping to have met it by Friday this week. For some reason the system wouldn't let me update my weight for today. I'll try again tomorrow.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,815 Member
    evening ladies~
    well over 14,000 steps today... and I went over my alloted 1200 calories,im almost at 1400 but ate decent so thats good...
    tomorrow I am giving blood in the afternoon, and found out a dear friend of mine just had a breast removed. She got home today and wont start chemo for about 6 weeks,
    I am going to whip up some american chop suey, that her hubby can just heat up for them.. I just love this family ... and she is a toughie so I know she will get through this with flying colors...
    well I am off to bed.. I am hungry.. but brushed my teeth to curb the craving to eat anything...:tongue:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, everyone,

    Have read the posts; just blah today, not much to say. Took ham and bean soup to Gin; my friend with lung ca...........she seems to be holding her own. Looked at the race sched. and volunteered for timing/finish line for city h.s. cross country and some fall races for the running club. Coughing not too bad, but I'm feeling a bit dizzy, short of breath and lightheaded today---just kind of off kilter............no reason I can come up with. Not a feeling I like. It was the worst when I was at Gin's.........maybe it was just too hot in there.

    Meg.........Hope your evening is peaceful and restorative. ((Hugs))

    Best to all,
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 478 Member
    Hi everyone!

    We had a nice night with our new fur baby. He didn't cry much so we got some sleep. He is the cutest and sweetest little guy. He is settling in nicely. Strange that he brought a new wave of grief for my little guy I lost. Please tell me I'm not crazy and that this is menopause! I know these things pass, I'm not usually one to dwell on things so I blame it on hormones.

    I hope you all had a good day. Welcome all new ladies!


    Cindy in OK
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Woke to sunny Thursday. Stan left at 6am to go fly fishing, home around lunch time.
    Got up at 7.30am and did Gold's boxing before breakfast, Just about to do Bob's Pure burn pure strength for 30 minutes. Doggy walk after lunch.
    Appled for $900 advance on pension so can pay rates on Monday in full and pay off electric plus extra. Getting budget back on track.
    Washed clothes in basket and wil tidy house.
    Feeling much better now.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello ladies! It has been in the hundreds every day for the last week, and I'm getting sick of it! Meg, we need some of your rain. Just not too much. We got some thunder last night, but not a drop of rain.

    I didn't get much done today at the studio. I ran a load of bisque in the kiln last night and it was still at 1800 degrees at noon, so it was too hot to unload anything. So I came home until time to pick up the kids from school. I have an order for a custom mug that I need to get finished by Friday, so it has to be glazed and back in the kiln tomorrow. I normally don't take custom orders, but at least this got me back to the wheel. I also made a teapot for my DIL's birthday, so that needs to get finished too.

    My son got a VERY scary text from the crazy ex. Among other things, she told him that she would get the kids back even if she died trying, and that she would make him sorry. She said she gave birth to them and she loves them more than he does and they belong to her. Well, I told him that he should take it to the police station, and he said he would. We talked about trying to get a restraining order, and I think he should do that, but we all know that a piece of paper doesn't stop a crazy person. (Her stepdad has a bunch of guns so she has access and she has a history of shooting people.) I also think we need to try to find out who her probation officer is and tell him what's going on. She's getting crazier.

    Meg, I'm sorry you had such a bad day. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

    YannieJannie, I'm sorry about your friend and that you don't feel good.

    Here is todays joke of the day:


    Over breakfast one morning, a woman said to her husband, "I bet you don't know what day this is."

    "Of course I do," he indignantly answered, going out the door on his way the office.

    At 10 AM, the doorbell rang, and when the woman opens the door, she was handed a box containing a dozen long-stemmed red roses. At 1 PM, a foil-wrapped, two pound box of her favorite chocolates arrive. Later, a boutique delivered a designer dress. The woman shouldn’t wait for her husband to come home. "First the flowers, then the candy, and then the dress!" she exclaimed. "I've never spent a more wonderful Groundhog Day in my whole life!'


    Have a great evening everyone.

  • strassenkoenigin
    I have to rant about something.
    This morning just as I went out the door to go on my bike ride, I caught a news item with half an ear, which upset me. So this evening I checked the story and here it is:

    PHOENIX – "All right, full auto," the firing-range instructor tells a 9-year-old girl. She braces the Uzi submachine gun and opens fire at a black-silhouette target. But the recoil wrenches the fully automatic weapon upward, and the instructor is shot in the head and killed.
    The death has set off a powerful debate over youngsters and guns, with many people wondering what sort of parents would let a child handle an Uzi.

    Insttructor Charles Vacca, 39, was standing next to the girl Monday at the Last Stop outdoor shooting range in White Hills, Arizona, about 25 miles south of Las Vegas, when she squeezed the trigger.

    Well, I grew up in Europe and I lack all understanding for the need to own a gun. But that aside, why in the world would you train a nine year old girl to shoot an Uzi????

    On my daily bike ride I ride by a few of these shooting ranges and hate the sight of them.

    Anne, the little old lady on a road bike
  • kittytoo
    kittytoo Posts: 27
    Seems like everyone is having a blah day, me included. You can tell it's the dog days of summer, as the Romans used to say.

    I am super tired/exhausted. Worked the polls yesterday; had to get up at 4:30 am and didn't crawl back into my bed until after 10 pm. Better than the bad old days of voting, when the early am hours were the norm to be finished. At least my polling place had customers: 58 actual voters and an equal number of early voting drop-offs. I predict it won't be long until we all vote from home, like Ross Perot predicted back when he was running for President. I remember how everyone laughed....

    Have some work to catch up on in the morning that got pushed off because of my new part-time job - just finished week 2 and I love it, but still wrapping my mind around the processes and procedures. I think that is part of why I am so tired. We are DEFINITELY going to DH's boat this weekend. I can't wait. See you all in Sept.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: I call my cousin every day and she asks if I have any news and I tell her that it was another day of walking the dogs, dancing, eating healthy meals, doing chores, and keeping in touch with friends. Life doesn’t get any better than this…the news is the same every day.

    :heart: Sending hugs to all of you who are having trying times.

    :yawn: :yawn: I got a great bit of advice about help in falling asleep----count backwards by three’s starting at some random number
    it came from a sleep expert and was shared by A.J. Jacobs in his fabulous book “Drop Dead Healthy”. It has been working for me.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 18,000 steps today ----230 squats (day 27 of the challenge)----another fabulous line dance class
  • TheRosyOne
    TheRosyOne Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, Sweet Ladies.

    I'm returning to this board after being away for a few months. My husband and I have finally moved back to New York from Arizona after being there ten years (for husband's job). I hated living there as soon as we hit the first Summer. (yeah, yeah... I've heard all the "dry heat" comments. :P Sorry, but 110 is Still HOT!!) I've been pretty busy with finding a job, getting settled in, seeing the family that I've missed and all the other fun stuff involved with moving. We're staying with my sister for now and most of our stuff is still in storage in AZ. It will probably take us a few months more to save up enough to ship it across the country.

    The week after we arrived we found out the my sister has cancer. Fortunately, it's one of the most curable kinds but it's still been an added stress. We all agree that God must have brought me home at just this time so I can help her out.

    Anyway, with all the stress, I've re-found all the weight that I had lost before so I'm starting over again. Went shopping to stock up on healthy foods but it will still be a challenge because my niece and nephew are teenagers so there's almost always some sort of junk food in the house.

    I'm planning to document my eating/exercising and coming back here to get added support and friendship. I know that I can do this but it's always nice to know that we're not alone.

    Have a peaceful night, all.

    Rose in NY
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Kim - an anrticle in *Fitness* magazine says that if you link your fibit, mapMyRun, or myFitness Pal, you "can splurge at Sears, Lands End or Kmart". Not sure how this happens. But I linked anyway, can't hurt?

    Beth - I'm so so sorry to hear about your son. Healing thoughts being sent his way

    SueColumbia - first off, welcome back! Yes, I think 8 lbs by the end of October is definitely doable. Who knows? May very well even be more than 8.

    Carol - when you go to KMart, how do they know how much you should get off? How do you know how much you will be getting off? I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. I'm the same way. Vince knows that if I'm in my pajamas or in bed after 7a.m., then I'm SICK. The buyer for our house in PA came from the open house, too.

    Got the results of my mammogram and all is well. Now aren't Vince and I just the couple? His polyps from his colonoscopy were fine and my mammo is fine. What more can you ask for? lol How wonderful that the dietician was so helpful! Bet lots of good things happen because of it

    drkatiebug - DO THOSE EXERCISES!!!!!!

    jane - happy birthday to your son.

    Our weather was just gorgeous today. Went to Newcomer board meeting, then to Aldi, then Vince needed something so stopped at Office Depot, home, then the bowling alley to set up for Newcomer bowling to start on Thursdays and for me to get this whole wheat panko that this one lady got for me, then to the Crowne Plaza to see about getting the room for our magic show. Honestly, we put a hold on the room for that date (the 13th of March), Vince made up a spreadsheet showing how much it'll cost, etc. Want to get all my ducks in a row before presenting this to the Board. After the Board meeting since we were at the library, I got a library card (I'm thinking that when we go to FL in Feb. I usually like to get audiobooks to have in the car, so I'll get some from there too) and reserved the conference room for our next Board meeting. I didn't realize that all along I could have been reserving that room! I was told that you had to be a resident of Hickory (I'm outside the city limits of Newton) but in reality you only need to be a resident of Catawba County.

    Joyce - happy early anniversary. How many years will it be? I love Robin Cooke's books, too

    Meg - *passing you an oar* Big time hugs from NC

    Alison - so sorry to hear about your friend. So...I bet you're going to be doing something for her. That's the kind of person you are. lol I wrote that before I read about the chop suey

    yanniejannie - feel better fast

    Tomorrow some of the ladies in my neighborhood are coming over to go swimming (or maybe just sit around the pool). That reminds me that I need to put water in the fridge

    Cindy in OK - post some pics so we can oooo and ahhhhh. It's normal to feel grief for a lost pet. After having lost our share of cats, I still feel grief every once in a while for them. That's normal.

    Leslie - that's the DVD that I'm planning to do tomorrow! (The Bob Harper one)

    Sylvia - how scary!!!! Absolutely, tell her probation officer.

    Michele in NC
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Michele - When you sign in to FitStudio, there is a total of your rewards points posted. You can click on it and find out when points expire, etc. When you go to the store, they will ask for your phone number (essentially your id number for the rewards program) and it will come up on the register. You can choose to use the points or not. When you sign up for the rewards program you will set up s four digit PIN that you need to redeem points. Any purchases you make in the store earn points for you, too. It's all pretty simple.

    BIG NEWS: Someone is actually coming to look at my house tomorrow evening!!! Everyone cross your fingers and toes!

    Good night!

    Carol in NC