Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 14



  • sheilabennett
    ok - What do you guys do when you start to lose motivation? I don't know what happened! Everything has been awesome, everyone has been noticing the loss and complimenting me... and then last night something just snapped and I didn't want to try anymore.... I don't understand it....
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I think about how I want to look. That if I don't get off the couch and work out that I will put it right back on, everything I've worked so hard for. I look at my little boy and think about how my husband wants another one just like him and that if I'm going to keep up with two of 'em I better be able to run. Lol. Rewards I've promised myself. My mom. No seriously, she's a huuuge bi- - - I won't finish that but she always rubs it in my face that she's smaller than me and doesn't have to work at it. She weighs 1lb less than me. But she can apparently eat double meat double cheese bacon cheeseburgers and will always weigh less than me. According to her. So that helps a lot of me wanting to be like, HA! I know, immature.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    So frustrated....

    Doesn't seem to take much to throw me off my game. And I was doing so well.

    Trying hard to get back on top again.

    Working out tonight.
    Going to log honestly.
    Drinking my water.
    Getting enough sleep.

  • dvlpup69
    I have been so frustrated lately. What with the holiday and my daughters beig home I am up in weight. This was the result of 10 days with not working out and no MFP!!! I hate moving backwards!!! Now I have to really buckle down and try to loose the weight I gained before x-mas and New Years' you know what Iwill be doing right afterwards...trying to loose the weight I gain at that time too!!!! ARGHH!!! can't I just have a pill that will help me loose this weight without ruining all of my hard work?! Up to 166.6 this week.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Yea I've gone up 8lbs in 2 weeks and its just discouraging....especially when I finally made it to the 160's and was so close to my January goal. I went running yesterday evening but this headcold/sore throat/coughing/sneezing/water eyed mess is not helping my motivation. :sick:

    I just want to curl up in bed.

    Not to mention my bf is gone for work until late friday night, and I miss him.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Oh speaking of that 8lb gain...

    I stepped on my scale again today, before I got in the shower and it still showed a ridiculously high number. I slid my scale like an inch to the left where it usually is....171.2. Slid back to the right...176.6. Back to left...171.2. So anyway, lol, I'm trying not to let my scale move around so I can get a consistent measure of my weight loss.

    So in reality I only went up like 2lbs in the last 2 weeks.
  • mamastuck
    Super tired today need motivation! Sweet Pandora whrere are you lol
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Hey, girls! I had a complete calorie switch this last week. Normally, I am struggling to get enough but this week I was WAY over and not working out. I need to get my *kitten* back in gear. Congrats to every one that lost this week. I'm amazed at you!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning Pin-Ups!

    Happy Hump Day!

    mamastuck - I'm tired this morning too, but remember it is from our hardcore workouts yesterday! Have a look at your workout plan and hopefully that will get you going, remember you are doing this for you and you will feel so proud of yourself afterwards. Perhaps if time allows reward yourself after your workout with a nice hot bath.

    serenity - it's a new week. Maybe your body was trying to tell you something last week that is why you consumed more calories.

    Enjoy your day!

  • mamastuck
    My DETERMINATION swallowed my lack of motivation.... Off to do my shred and then I think I will have a chill day BECAUSE its wet cold and nasty in PA.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    So I'm pretty my hubby broke the dvd player (no Leslie or jillian) AND my Wii isn't working!! :sad: And without a gym membership (although I wish I could go) all I can really do is walk/run outside in Dec in the midwest.. :indifferent: So now I'm looking at different ways to do things, I'm considering hitting up my mall and walking in the mornings so I'm not so darn cold. I've been searching youtube for videos but with a slow connection it's not very easy. Hopefully my Wii starts working soon or we get a new dvd player for Christmas.

    Hope you all have a fantastic week! :heart:
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Well I wanted to go to the grocery store this morning but apparently my husband's truck won't start so now I'm vehicle-less...again. Stuck in the house... again. Ugggh. I guess I'm going to try and wash clothes, oh yeah, our washing machine is broke so I'm going to try and do this in the bath tub. Plus work out. I'm in such a piss poor mood today.
  • mamastuck
    Well I wanted to go to the grocery store this morning but apparently my husband's truck won't start so now I'm vehicle-less...again. Stuck in the house... again. Ugggh. I guess I'm going to try and wash clothes, oh yeah, our washing machine is broke so I'm going to try and do this in the bath tub. Plus work out. I'm in such a piss poor mood today.

    LISTEN TO THIS SONG ........ GIGGLE........ COUNT YOUR BLESSING..... and workout! Endorphines will rise!!!!!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I really need to go for a run after work again today, but I don't know if I'm going to be able to muster up the energy. Still sick and it's really starting to take it's toll. I'm trying though!
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Well I wanted to go to the grocery store this morning but apparently my husband's truck won't start so now I'm vehicle-less...again. Stuck in the house... again. Ugggh. I guess I'm going to try and wash clothes, oh yeah, our washing machine is broke so I'm going to try and do this in the bath tub. Plus work out. I'm in such a piss poor mood today.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Thank you, Serenity, love.
  • mymelody_78
    mymelody_78 Posts: 657 Member
    WTG, ladies! I was on vacation for 2 weigh ins so I didn't have an accurate read. I am pretty sure I did a good job while I am gone so hopefully we will see 3 weeks worth of weight loss on my next weigh in!

    I WILL work out even though the weather is crappy
    I WILL start drinking water again!
  • numberscolors
    good job, girlies!

    [rant] i've keep hovering between 198 and 196 for a couple of weeks, and i'm getting a little fed up. i'm also about 2 days away from getting my period. i feel so bloated and gross and i want to eat everything in sight! gahhh!! i also HATE working out! [/rant]

    i will drink water like a raver on E.
    i will weigh 195 by monday!
    i will start doing the 30ds again, or at least find a different work out that i like.
    i will follow my food plans from earlier this month.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Like a raver on E.. Wow, that made my day.

    I managed to get the clothes washed.. by hand.. in the bathtub.. even if they're not perfectly clean they smell better. Lol!

    So I have a question!

    I have like completely lost my appetite. Even after I work out, I'm not hungry. At all. I know I need to eat but the thought of eating just makes me nauseated. Weird or a stage? I don't eat a whole lot to begin with and I'm severely hypoglycemic so I some times force myself to but I feel like crap afterward. My normal blood sugar is in the 40-60's on a good day. I usually stay around 50's but can still function at 35. Any lower, I hit the floor. Maybe I should go to the doctor...

    Yeah, done thinking out loud, sorry. :)
  • Helinah26
    hang in there ladies its the middle of the week were almost to the weekend we can do this we can stay motivated and stick with our goals!!! :D(or at least that's what i keep telling myself lol).
    Have a great week Pinups!! :D