1200 cal is NOT enough



  • 1200 is perfectly fine for many people. Sounds like you have a case of teenager superiority complex.
    Calm down and worry about yourself. Those that eat 1200 will customize their own weight loss plans based on personal needs and situations
  • DeWitch
    DeWitch Posts: 34 Member
    WOW - why does everyone have to be so nasty about her post or any that they don't agree with?
    That is one of the reasons I left WW (plus the fact that they STILL try to sell you their garbage foods).
    The first day I was there I posted one comment about the site and the sarcasm, nasty remarks and just plain meanness was unbelievable.
    Oh! I am not saying that her comment was not a bit condescending, I would just not even bother responding to something like that.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    WOW - why does everyone have to be so nasty about her post or any that they don't agree with?
    That is one of the reasons I left WW (plus the fact that they STILL try to sell you their garbage foods).
    The first day I was there I posted one comment about the site and the sarcasm, nasty remarks and just plain meanness was unbelievable.

    Um, did you read her OP? It was full of judgmental nonsense, saying that basically anyone eating 1200 calories is looking for quick results which are unsustainable and that they're "doing it wrong".
  • DeWitch
    DeWitch Posts: 34 Member
    WOW - why does everyone have to be so nasty about her post or any that they don't agree with?
    That is one of the reasons I left WW (plus the fact that they STILL try to sell you their garbage foods).
    The first day I was there I posted one comment about the site and the sarcasm, nasty remarks and just plain meanness was unbelievable.
    Oh! I am not saying that her comment was not a bit condescending, I would just not even bother responding to something like that.

    Um, did you read her OP? It was full of judgmental nonsense, saying that basically anyone eating 1200 calories is looking for quick results which are unsustainable and that they're "doing it wrong".
    Yes, I did, and I think she is just trolling to tell you the truth (probably trying to make all us fatties jealous with her ab shot;)
    Now my nastiness is coming out and I try not to do that.
    My point is "DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS" cuz they thrive on it :)
  • drunkbambi
    drunkbambi Posts: 26 Member
    1200 might be too little for some or just enough for others. I'm 19, 5'3, currently 127.8, and if i don't do any extra exercise my TDEE (according to my fitbit) is 1340. Everyone's different.

    Listen to your body. It will tell you if you need more food, less food, more water, or even if you need a completely different diet. Trust it.
  • feliscatus84
    feliscatus84 Posts: 80 Member
    Well I am only 5'3" if I ate 1800 calories a day I'd gain weight. It's not that simple for shorties like myself. I'd love to eat 1800 calories a day but it's virtually impossible unless I work out hard everyday. Which I don't. Not everyone lives the same way. Although I don't recommend anyone going under 1200. I like to stay around 1300-1400.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    your missing a lot of fact`s in your OP ( age , how tall you are , how much you have to loose to be in a healthy range and so on).

    I myself am 34 , F ,5`5 tall , have had 2 kids in less than 2 years time and have ruffly 30ish pounds to loose and while I do eat more than the "1200" per day ( I eat 1390 + almost all my exercise cal`s each day back ) I do know many people that are just fine and very healthy active on 1200 a day ( one size dose not fit all when it comes to weight loss my dear )
  • veg56kg
    veg56kg Posts: 93 Member
    I said "1200 calories isnt like a universal number that is meant for everyone"
  • oksanatkachuk
    oksanatkachuk Posts: 149 Member
    Your post is both condescending and patronizing.

    How about you do your own thing and let everyone else do theirs. Whether it's the right way or the wrong way, it's really got nothing to do with you. Everyone on here is a grown up.

    ^This. Nobody asked ur advise on this subject.
  • Janette3x4
    Janette3x4 Posts: 135
    It's true you're supposed to eat exercise calories back if you're set at 1200 calories and you're even supposed to eat back calories from your job if you are remotely mobile on it or even trips to the store.

    Taller people, younger people, people with a lot to lose, people with a good amount of muscle mass, and of course active people need more calories.

    But me? No. I need around 1200, with a little back from the little bit of exercise I get. Otherwise, I simply wouldn't lose weight. My maintenance is only around 1400 now on any day I don't get my butt out of my chair and at least go for a walk.

    This ↑ I eat 1400-1500 after activity, with a net of 1200. I am maintaining right now with hypothyroidism. Not everyone is the same!
  • veg56kg
    veg56kg Posts: 93 Member
    Your post is both condescending and patronizing.

    How about you do your own thing and let everyone else do theirs. Whether it's the right way or the wrong way, it's really got nothing to do with you. Everyone on here is a grown up.

    ^This. Nobody asked ur advise on this subject.

    I posted an opinion, if you wanna play the "Nobody asked you" game I didn't ask you for your comment.

    I in fact said "1200 calories isnt like a universal number that is meant for everyone" that is the truth, it is NOT meant for everyone. The whole reason I even made this post is because I noticed most people on my friends list were under eating. I am sorry if it sounds condescending. Honestly, it seems like everyone just wants to jump on the band wagon and be "oh not me!! 1200 calories is fine for me!!!" When the point of the post wasnt to say that no one should eat that, the point was that MOST (keyword: MOST) should not eat so little.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I said "1200 calories isnt like a universal number that is meant for everyone"

    You also said:

    (or anyone really)
  • veg56kg
    veg56kg Posts: 93 Member
    That was my point so how are you contradicting me? Basically what I am trying to say is that most people should not be eating so little, especially people around my height and weight.

    Keyword most. Title would have been accurate if it read "1200 cal is NOT enough for most adults"

    I said it in the post though.
  • Maitria
    Maitria Posts: 439 Member
    1200 calories isnt like a universal number that is meant for everyone (or anyone really)

    This is part of what's implying that you said it's wrong for everyone. Your keyword "most" only showed up when discussing how many people think you want the fast results.
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    I'm 5'9 and eat between 1200-1420 calories a day. It just depends. I exercise 5 days a week doing rowing and strength and I still stay at those calories because I need to lose weight. Not everyone can eat 1200 calories for one meal and lose.
  • DeWitch
    DeWitch Posts: 34 Member
    I see a lot of people on here do not know how much to eat. 1200 is practically the amount for a small child. 1200 calories was my lunch yesterday, not a days worth of intake! I don't want to hear any bull**** excuses like "I'm never hungry" or that you cant find any high calorie foods that are healthy.
    My diet is heavily plant based. Even if my foods are not high calorie, I eat frequently and that adds up!
    Furthermore, if you can't meet a simple calorie goal you shouldn't even be exercising and causing further damage to you body.
    1200 calories isnt like a universal number that is meant for everyone (or anyone really) if you want to know how much you should really be eating calculate your BMR and then add calories based on your activity level OR calculate your TDEE which I highly recommend.
    It seems most of you want quick and instant results but under eating isnt the way to do it. Permanent and HEALTHY results that you can sustain are going to take time, effort, and certainly a hell of a lot more food.

    Actually you may just be wrong about that:


  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    maybe you should have posted this on your friends feed then instead of an open forum where everyone is free to see and yes when you post on an open forum everyone is welcome to give a personal opinion on your post that is kinda how this works in a public setting
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    I said "1200 calories isnt like a universal number that is meant for everyone"

    ...you then went on to say " or anyone really" ......

    To me, this meant, 1200 is not enough as a universal number or for anyone...... Apologies if this is not what you meant!
    For some of us...and I mean me.... to be absolutely specific!...... Losing weight at TDEE hasn't happened, losing weight at 1200 and eating back exercise calories, hasn't happened also. I am finding it hard to find my numbers! I am glad eating in excess of 1200 works for you... Great! It doesn't for others!!!
  • veg56kg
    veg56kg Posts: 93 Member
    I said "1200 calories isnt like a universal number that is meant for everyone"

    You also said:

    (or anyone really)

    True, and I don't think it is. My BMR is only 1420. If I still wanted to lose weight I would not be eating a measly 1200-1400 calories a day. Its ridiculous.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I said "1200 calories isnt like a universal number that is meant for everyone"

    You also said:

    (or anyone really)

    :laugh: Busted.

    The sad thing is, you'd get a lot of agreement on this topic, OP, if you hadn't come off so belligerent. Although there would also be a lot of 'seen this thread too many times' reactions.

    If you have a friendslist full of people with eating disorders, I sympathize, but most people want to eat as many calories as we can while actually still losing weight. Most of us didn't get fat by hating food.
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