December Outcasts-Ending the year right!



  • princesspurple
    Everyone is doing great! I know this is a very hard time. I went away the day after Christmas for 2 days and it was my 35th b-day...I decided to take off 5 days of exercising and let myself eat whatever I wanted for those 5 days. I wanted to enjoy the food everyone including myself made. I figure a couple pound weight gain is not what I want for the New Year, but I know I am kicking back into full gear today.
    I have updated Maeadair, Margie, and Jlynny1811. Great job everyone!
    I am going to start a new thread on Monday..I can't believe another month has passed! Here is the updated list. Please get me your FINAL numbers at some point this weekend! Thank you:)

    Jess-I think the picture thing is a great idea!

    NAME.........................DEC 1.....GOAL......LAST WT.....Change....
    Jlynny1811………..198……194/190……192.8....…-5.2 ...........updated

    Ballgrrl34/Khalilah..187..........180..........187...............0 ...............have not heard
    Kath711/Kathleen..126...........123..........126...............0..............have not heard
    Nareiko....................160.3........156..........161.2..........+0.9.........have not heard
    Jackie-fitnewlife….145.6…....140………140……..-5.6 ......have not heard
    KittyKat_Sammi…. ........................................................................have not heard
    Jlynny1811………..198……194/190……192.8....…-5.2 ...........updated
    Themommmie….219……….214…………217……-2............have not heard
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    I hit my xmas goal of 210 today! :) Only 4 days late, but they were xmas days! hahaha
  • princesspurple
    Margie-that is great! Isn't it nice to get a present after the holidays!?!?!?:drinker:
  • jessemerson86
    jessemerson86 Posts: 174 Member
    Ending the year at 152.6 lbs!

    I met my weight goal, and in reflecting at my non-weight goals, I did a lot better than I thought I did. I continued to log every calorie consumed, which has been so helpful. This month I really realized just how much more food I can eat if I make healthy choices (like a plateful of baby carrots with hummus having the same amount of calories as a 100 calorie snack pack). So now I'm even more conscious of my food choices. I exercised 19 days (and plan to exercise today, making it 20), which is more than I set my goal for. I'm surprised at that since I've been sick a lot this past week and didn't get a lot of exercise in. Guess that means exercise is getting less burdensome. I gave up on 30 Day Shred because after doing it a few times it just wasn't my thing. (Guess next time I should try out the workout program before setting a goal around it lol).

    Overall, this month has been really eye-opening for me regarding healthier habits and really proving that I can stick to goals I set.

    I can't wait to see how the rest of you have done! I'm sure you've all done amazing.
  • princesspurple
    Jess-you are truly unbeleivable! You look amazing, you sound amazing! You are an inspiration for all!
    I gained this week, I knew I would. I didn't work out 5 days straight, and I ate a lot from Christmas Eve until My 35th bday. I am fine with it. I have been in the 134.5-138 region for the last few months. I know if I kept it up this week, I would have made it down to 134. I am aware of that:sad: All I wanted to do on those days was sit with my family and friends that I don't get to do that with much throughout the year.
    I am weighing in at 136.5 for the last day of 2010. Will I ever see 129? I am not sure, but one thing I made a promise to myself awhile ago was that I would never see 140 again, and I have stuck to that! I will see what 2011 brings me!
  • jessemerson86
    jessemerson86 Posts: 174 Member
    Nicole, I'm sure you'll get down to your goal. I think sometimes we need those days of just spending time with those important to us to help us stay on track. And even though you gained a little, I'm sure the choices you made were healthier than ones you might have made in the past. Keep up the good work, and you'll be at your goal before you know it!
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Just weighed in at 224# YEAH! made my goal of 225# by end of yr. Working tonite (private duty nurse for vent patient with multiple other medical needs as well) and family there is having new Year's Eve party. Jess your stuffed chicken sounds delish. Nicole glad you stayed under 140, and I agree sometimes we just have to let life happen and visit with loved ones. We are looking at lifestyle changes and if we do not allow ourselves to live vs just concentrating on diet and exercise solely...what is the sense? That is how many of us have failed in the past, not making it a lifestyle change, but looking at it as a "diet" and exercise to lose weight and after we do that we go back to our old ways...what good did that do? Have to live life and make the change to fit living a healthier life.
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    Ending at 209. Everyone have a safe and fun New Year's eve :)
  • princesspurple
    NAME.........................DEC 1.....GOAL......LAST WT.....Change....
    Mobine/Margie........216.4.......207/205....209............-7.4…….GREAT JOB!
    Jlynny1811………..198……194/190……192.8....…-5.2 ...........updated

    Here is the final...I never heard back from 7 of the others!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Yikes @ me. :tongue: Oh well. New Year!!