Fit & Fun Sized Group ~ December '10



  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    I am really dragging butt on exercise lately. Can't seem to get myself motivated! The weather here has been so cold!! Today is 8 degrees with a windchill below 0. My exercise has been the 3 blocks I have to walk to work from my car..ugh!! By the end of that I can't seem to get warm the rest of the day!!! I just bought an ipod and put some great 90's songs on it, so I hope that gives me a little kick in the butt. I hope all of you have a great day!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone! Despite TOM being in full effect and only getting about 4 hours of sleep I woke up with a lot of energy. I knocked out a couple of errands before getting the workout in but when it was time to push play I dug deeper and ROCKED IT OUT! Today I completed the Core Cardio & Balance dvd from the Insanity program AND the Fat Blaster dvd from the Chalean Extreme program. I had not completed an Insanity workout in a couple of months so I decided to throw in my favorite. The Core Cardio dvd is a great full body workout (switch kicks, squats, power jacks, push ups, burpees, plank walks, jabs etc) but I think I like it best because it does not repeat the exercises over and over like the other Insanity workouts. Once the workout was complete I had a nice hearty bowl of oatmeal w/protein powder and a small banana.

    Babygurl: Motivation definitely comes and goes so when I find mine waivering I convince myself to complete at least 10-15 minutes of my workout dvd and by the time 10-15 minutes comes along I'm totally into it. Try talking yourself into doing smaller increments and see if that helps. Btw, walking 3 blocks in the freezing cold is better than not doing any exercise at all.

    Barbie: Glad you survived your cleanse day but I had no doubts that you would do what was needed. Keep up the great work.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    I finally started circuit training yesterday at the Y. I hope to do this once a week until March and see if it helps.

    Happy Tuesday!

  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    Great job Jam! I have one of those home gyms at home and never use it. I really need to start!
    Keep up the awesome work!!

    Choco I took your advise and did my pilates last night. It was only 25 minutes but I felt awesome afterwards. Tonight is Turbo jam and it's mother daughter shall see how this goes. Haha:laugh:

    They say an ice storm is coming our way. Man I hope not!! It is was already 10 degrees this morning. That 3 blocks from the car felt like 10 miles!!! Now I have to treck back to the car at 3 this afternoon. Ughhhh

    Have a great day everyone!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning and happy hump day! I have a busy day of work and errands so this will be a quick post. Today was a strength training day so I completed the Burn Circuit 2 dvd from the Chalean Extreme program and the Fast Abs dvd from the Kettleworx series. I'm trying to use my family trip to Jamaica this summer as my motivation to continue w/my ab work. I have arthritis in my lower back so ab work really aggravates it for some reason. I'm sure it doesn't help that I have week lower back muscles. Whatever the reason I tend to want to skip ab or core work but I've been making myself do it for the last few weeks and I think it's helping. When I measured it sometime last week I was 27 1/2 inches. I would love to decrease this by at least 2 inches but we'll see.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Babygurl: Glad the advise worked, it usually works for me too. I also tell myself that even if i'm not giving full effort it's better than giving no effort so I'm learning to appreciate all the little things because they eventually will add up.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: I cooked the turkey yesterday (actually, with my direction, Jake made the cranberry sauce and stuffing, stuffed the turkey, wrapped the yams in foil, put the turkey in the oven, set the table, carved the turkey and did more than half of the clean up)......I had a busy day with the cat's appointment at the vet, and hour long meeting at noon, and a two hour visit from a friend before our turkey dinner guests arrived at 4:30. The dinner was delicious. Our friends brought a great salad and dessert.

    :flowerforyou: Today we learned a waltz in line dance and after a lunch of turkey/stuffing/yams/gravy/cranberry sauce I met with a friend for a walk that lasted almost two hours. There was no rain and the temperature was just above freezing so I wore my early morning dog walking clothes so I knew I'd be warm enough.

    :flowerforyou: Yesterday with all the sit down and stand still activities, I had a huge challenge to walk my 10,000 steps, but Jake was very tolerant and didn't fuss that I walked up and down the hall whenever I had a minute and jogged on the carpet while we watched TV after the company left......I just barely made the 10,000 steps.

    :flowerforyou: All the sodium from the stuffing resulted in a big water weight gain, but after the leftovers are gone, we'll be back to normal :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: today I am making soup with the turkey carcass and vegetable.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • blackmamba886
    blackmamba886 Posts: 177 Member
    Sorry for the disappearing act, hope everyone is doing well! This week hasn't been too good for me. It's been very busy so lack of sleep = not feeling great = not eating great. :noway: Getting myself back on track...
  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    50 minutes of Turbo Jam and 25 minutes of Pilates with a 30 minute in the blizzard cold yesterday and I am feeling great!!! :bigsmile: Now to get all that in tonight!! Gonna have a flat belly by January ( I hope :bigsmile: )
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Babygurl - That 3 block walk to your car must help get your exercise minutes in. <-trying to look on the bright side of the cold weather you must be walking through right now. I hope you get to start using the gym you have at home.

    Choco - I understand your pain with abs. They are the hardest thing for me to do too.

    The Y trainer on Mondays is really nice and up beat. He told me not to worry about what I can't do with the circuit machines, but focus on what I can do. He said the most important thing is to find 4-6 machines that I will use and to do the best I can on each one every week. He showed me how to lower the settings on all the machines to the LOWEST one and said that even 5 repetitions at the beginning is OK. Just to keep doing it every week. He did not lecture me about only coming once a week, but said over time it will help as long as I keep trying. I was able to do 10 reps on all but 1 of the machines. Right now I am doing all of the machines except the ones that will put pressure on my knees and 1 that hurts my shoulder.

    We just have to keep at it ladies and not give up.

    We are expecting 8-10 inches of snow today. I hope I get home before it gets too deep.

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! This will be a quick post b/c it's a very busy work day and I have a headache. Since today was a designated cardio day I completed the Burn Intervals and Recharge dvds from the Chalean Extreme program.

    Jam: Of course the thing I want the most is the area I hate to work. I could do squats all day but ab/core
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    on the subject of abs----the only ab exercises I do with any consistency are some crunches I do in bed in the morning if I wake up early......I have a great pilates routine that I never seem to get to (I always opt for the exercise bike over pilates).

    today was line dance day and I did a review of the dance I taught last week....I did some work in the yard and walked the dogs on the hill but didn't take them to the dog park---fortunately, they will forgive me :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone and T.G.I.F.! This has been a good exercise week for me despite TOM at the beginning and lower back pain towards the end. Today was a strength training day so I completed the Burn Circuit 3 dvd from the Chalean Extreme program and the Fast Abs-week 3 dvd from the Kettleworx series.

    I have no real plans for this evening but considering renting a movie. I have a lunch engagement with a college girlfriend tomorrow afternoon so we can plan a mini college reunion. While in college we (12 girls) lived in an off campus boarding house and became great friends. We've since relocated to different areas of the U.S. and haven't had an opportunity to get together as a total group since 1998 so 2011 is the designated year. My girlfriend and I have already started the planning process so we're meeting tomorrow for updates. I'm really excited about the opportunity for all of us to gather again. The biggest difference this time around is that many of them now have spouses and children so it will be an awesome experience.

    I've been invited to a holiday party Saturday evening but do not think I'll be attending because I don't have the appropriate attire and don't feel like going shopping and spending extra money.

    Sunday my book club members and I will have brunch and discuss our book readings and outings for the upcoming year. We ways have a great time so I am really looking forward to that. Otherwise it will be a pretty low key weekend.
  • ChshireKat
    HI all, haven't posted in a while.

    Didn't make it to the gym all work week, but will make it to the atchery range today, if for no other reason then to put more mony on the new bow. Gonna get the tree this saturday nad try to get to the gym before I have ti give my Mom and nephews a ride to her union x-mas party, so I should atleast get 45 minutes of the eliptical in (& planty of walking at the tree farm).

    By the way, where do you ladies find the time to do the dvd things, or the space? I live in an apartment, there is barely 3 feet between the credenza the tv is on & the couch , then another 2-3 ft to the wall (w/ a base board headter on it); I'd actually have to put my couch in the kitchen to get enough room to move around & see the tv at the same time. Kudo's to you all who do the DVD's
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! Today was a boot camp day and as always I had a great time. We did a variety of circuits (kettleball swings, weighted squats, shoulder presses, windmills, bent over rows, push ups, reverse lunges, burpees, mountain climbers etc.) and I was able to get a great burn. It's a bit rainy this morning so I'm going to relax before I meet up w/my college girlfriend.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    Good morning ladies..I am trying to get down to buisness with my Turbo Jam videos. 70 minutes this morning and then decided to do some sit ups. 300 later I'm feeling sore but good! It took me a while to get them all in, I broke them down into 50's but I got them done. I feel really good about it! Have a great day.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: Annita, I have a small area in the house for working out and I have to be creative. I don't do the active turbo, xtreme stuff so I don't know how much space they take but my little space allows me to do "Walk at Home" and yoga and pilates. I have an exercise bike in my living room that faces the TV so I can ride and watch TV.......I find the time by squeezing things in for five or ten minutes when I don't have a whole 30 minutes for a workout. One reason I don't belong to a gym(besides the fact that I don't want to spend that much money) is that I can't afford the time to go somewhere to work out. Also, a lot of the working out I do is stuff I can do in my regular clothes so I don't lose time changing clothes.

    :flowerforyou: babygurl, wow, 300 sit ups. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: This is my cleanse day so I'll take it easy.......a walk at the dog park, dog walking on the hill, a few short rides on the exercise bike, maybe yoga. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Annita - I move furniture around when I do a dvd or I'm in the kitchen while the dvd is on in the living room. Some don't take up much room.

    Choco- I can't believe all the things you do besides working and exercising! It is good that you are busy with so many things. I bet you never get bored.

    Babygurl - I can't do one sit up, so I will WOW right along with Barbie.

    I have been staying under my calories by hook or by crook. I hope it helps.

    A kid pulled a knife on my son at school and threatened him with it. The school did nothing because the security video did not show the object in the kid's hand very well and they couldn't say for sure it was a knife. So, we are pulling the kids out of their high school and switching them to charter schools. They both want to go to two different ones. While it is our decision as parents, it will not be easy for them to switch unless they have something to look forward.

    With that said, I am on stress overload.


  • Hotbottom
    Hotbottom Posts: 168 Member
    'Ill join your group. Im 5'3' and I have found it so difficult to loose weight.
    Its ended up: I have had to give up most things bad, do cardio every day and not eat exercise calories to eventually go down. Its taken me a year to loose 17 lb !!! But at least through MFP I've found my formula through logging everything and noticing what I'm up to!! Thanks goodness.....
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    It's been a great workout week but today my book club members and I had our annual Christmas brunch and I ate everything I desired (including dessert and two mimosas) with no guilty feelings at all. Today I completed the P90X stretching dvd from the P90X program and once again it was definitely needed because my body was a bit tight from this week's workouts.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    'Ill join your group. Im 5'3' and I have found it so difficult to loose weight.
    Its ended up: I have had to give up most things bad, do cardio every day and not eat exercise calories to eventually go down. Its taken me a year to loose 17 lb !!! But at least through MFP I've found my formula through logging everything and noticing what I'm up to!! Thanks goodness.....

    Welcome Hotbottom! I think we are all struggling with slow weight loss. I think it is because we are shorter. It is just harder.

    17 pounds in a year is quite an accomplishment.
