December No Late Night "Junk/Health Snacking



  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    dewdrop - I'm impressed. You remembered my big weakness. Nothing quenches my thirst like Coke - I could do a commercial for that company. Too bad I only like the full calorie coke.

    I have to say I'm doing pretty well. I had a fabulous 2 and 1/2 week trip to Europe w/my husband as a surprise for his 60th birthday. Within a week of being home, I came down w/shingles, but I had a mild case. Never felt worse than a bad sunburn. So, I'm pretty lucky and feeling much better. I finally went to a couple exercise classes this week after a hiatus of a couple months. Felt good to be moving!

    So, thanks for thinking of me. :flowerforyou: Hope all is well w/you.

    Have a great week-end everyone. Can't believe it's the holiday season already - I love it!!!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    ME 3/LNS 0

    Well, I've used both my late nights, so I have to stick to 8 p.m. for Saturday and Sunday. But I don't have anything wild planned ;) so I can make it happen.
  • garedds
    garedds Posts: 251
    I caved last night. We set up the Christmas tree with the kids, got them all to bed and my hubby says Want a snack pack of chips? I say sure. AHHH!!! Up to then I was great and hopefully it will be a reminder to not cave in the future.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Me: 3 ~ LNS: 0
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Me: 3 vs LNS: 0

    Yeay, I'm gaining confidence :smile:.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Update: Me: 4 vs. LNS: 0. :drinker:
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Me: 3 ~ LNS: 1

    Was out last night and was snacking on not so healthy things. Oh well, I'll win tonight!
    Update: Me: 4 vs. LNS: 0. :drinker:
    Dew, you are doing a GREAT JOB! Keep it up!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    ME 5/ LNS 0

    On to a new week ladies...
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Me: 4 ~ LNS: 1
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Dew, you are doing a GREAT JOB! Keep it up!

    Thanks, loveme! It's so nice to get support from you :flowerforyou:
    You ladies are doing very well yourselves! (don't worry about 1 point, you're still leading).
    I am keeping it up so far :wink: Me: 5 vs. LNS: 0.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Thank goodness for this challenge and the support and accountability you ladies afford me. I was mindless grazing last night and thankful when my alarm went off to remind me that i was DONE for the night. Saved myself a lot of useless calories. So for me,

    6 ME/0 LNS
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    So for me,

    6 ME/0 LNS

    Yeay you! :flowerforyou:. That's the Lorna I know :wink:. I am keeping it up myself (can you believe it? :smile:):
    Me 6 vs LNS 0
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Good morning-
    You ladies have quite a competition going. I did well until Sun when I just gave into my cravings. I had eaten an early dinner and then was hungry and just blew off the challenge.:explode: So, my stats are:
    LNS: 1
    I'm getting back on track. I need to check in here more and see how well you are doing to inspire me. I need that friendly competition.:wink:
    Have a great day all and continued success in the challenge!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Zaza is back. Yeah! You are still doing awesome.

    Dew, I never have any doubt to your commitment when you stick your mind to something. We are going to have a great month.

    Hi loveme. I know you are still hanging in there.

    I am so thankful for you ladies. We seem to have lost pretty much everyone that thought this was a good idea at the beginning of the month. So I'm thankful for your steadfastness and non-wavering support. I almost gave up towards the third part of November, and there was Loveme plugging along with me. It's awesome! Thanks guys.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Me: 5 ~ LNS: 1

    Hey Ladies, Im glad everyone is doing great this month.

    Thank You Lorna for keeping this thread going because I NEED THIS! Im so glad you didnt give up in November because I probably would have given up too if I didnt see anyone else posting.

    Keep up the good work everyone! :smile:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    So glad I have this challenge. I am still awake and so thirsty for a Coke (I had Chinese food). A little too much stress, food and sodium today.
    I just keep thinking about you all and this challenge and it has kept me from snacking tonight. I'm off to bed before that kitchen overcomes my resolve.
    Good night.
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    Hi everyone. I am joining this challenge. I have done well the past two nights, but this thread will help me to remember to keep it this way. I make sure I am not feeling any hunger by 7:30 p.m. by eating up at that time, and that helps me to stay away from chewing anything after that time.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    ME 7/LNS 0

    Zaza- Great job! Stress is usually the killer, but you did it!

    Loveme - We are in this together

    Escorcel - Great to have you. The more support the better for us all.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Me 6 vs LNS 1

    Gave in last night. But I'm back at it today! :wink: Just have to make sure I eat well for dinner.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Me: 7 ~ LNS: 1

    We're doing GREAT ladies! :drinker: (water and/or tea)

    Welcome Esorcel! :flowerforyou: