What is the weirdest weight loss advice you've ever had?



  • maleckathryn
    these are so funny. People come up with some stupid **** when it coems to weight loss. Seriosuly cut what you freaking eat and excersize. There are other circumstances that can affect this, but for the most part it is really that simple (doing it of corse, is a whole nothing story.)
  • skyekeeper
    skyekeeper Posts: 286 Member
    I had a colleague tell me all you needed to eat was a handful of walnuts and a cup of blueberries instead of regular food. It would have everything you need, you wouldn't be hungry and you would lose weight.

    I never tried it...but he was crazy on other things so it was part of the package.

    Aren't walnuts and blueberries regular food?
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I've been told (and have read somewhere, too) that consuming fat-free dairy makes you FAT. Because that's what pig farmers do to fatten the hogs--feed them skim milk. I'm sure it has something to do with adding skim milk to the feed instead of water, but whatever...Logic has no place in this thread, right?

    Seriously, my friend told me that all I need to do is switch the skim milk to whole milk and the weight will melt off. Don't change the portions, just add the fat back into my dairy (you know, that entire 1-2 servings of fat-free dairy a day is KILLING my diet).
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    "Do Crossfit."

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I guess Crossfit is great for some people...to me it would be way too hardcore. But what I think is sad/frustrating is when someone believes that X workout or diet is THE ONLY WAY they can lose weight. "Oh I can't run because I have bad knees, so I have to weigh 285 lb for the rest of my life". Why would anyone accept that and not TRY eating less, at least?
  • skimbo82
    skimbo82 Posts: 10 Member
    Celery has negative calories

    Green tea and hot water with lemon help with weight loss

    Not really about weight loss but still wha? - Sparkling water gives you cellulite

    Eat a raw tomato before going to bed and it keeps the weight off and you can eat whatever else you want - THERE ARE NO WORDS!!!
  • Leanbean65
    Leanbean65 Posts: 176 Member
    I've hear the dairy one too, some one told me they could have all the cream they wanted but no yogurt or milk???
  • canary_girl
    canary_girl Posts: 366 Member
    a bunch from the inlaws:

    don't drink cold water, it'll make the fat in your food congeal and make you fatter.

    don't eat those beets, they're high in sugar (as he slurped down TWO sprites)

    eat all the fat-free things! Pretzels are unlimited as they are fat free.

    from the ladies at the gym:

    don't lift heavy, you'll get too big!

    from my mom:

    if you're fat you're just lazy. If you exercise you can eat whatever you want.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    So I wonder on the calorie negative foods if someone has actually done some research on that:

    Celery - How many calories does it take to digest 1 calorie of celery?
    Vodka - How many calories does it take for one's liver to process 1 calorie of vodka?
    Eating ice - How many colories does it take to heat up 1 ice cube?

    I'm sure they are all soooo small that it wouldn't matter unless one is stuffing themselves with celery, getting alcohol poisoning, and being way too cold. But it would be interesting to know still.
  • maleckathryn
    From this book someone told me about, whole milk is horrible for you. They use it to plump baby calves up to 1000lbs. Definatly dont think thats right. Skim milk basicaly just has added water.
  • JoanaMHill
    JoanaMHill Posts: 265 Member
    So I wonder on the calorie negative foods if someone has actually done some research on that:

    Celery - How many calories does it take to digest 1 calorie of celery?
    Vodka - How many calories does it take for one's liver to process 1 calorie of vodka?
    Eating ice - How many colories does it take to heat up 1 ice cube?

    I'm sure they are all soooo small that it wouldn't matter unless one is stuffing themselves with celery, getting alcohol poisoning, and being way too cold. But it would be interesting to know still.

    Not sure about vodka or celery but water generally has no calories unless you add to it, so I guess the logic is that crunching the ice would expend calories. Can't imagine it's all that pleasant for your teeth, though.
  • Klunker79
    My doctor told me I should eat a healthy balanced diet. Then in the next breath told me to cut out all breads and pasta. At my next appointment he recommended the juice diet from the movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. He also told me I would need to take about three weeks off of work to overcome how crappy I would feel on the juice diet.
  • RunningMyPugandPapi
    RunningMyPugandPapi Posts: 26 Member
    Basically everyone I went to high school with is now selling protein shakes in various multi-level-marketing schemes on Facebook. So I hear about these magical shakes constantly, with no mention of the calories in the shake, total daily calories, macros, etc. Just "Ask me about losing weight so easy with Herbalife/Mynt/whatever!" :(
  • whyyesitsneke
    *rubs hands together with glee*

    From my friend who is big into fitness:
    - cardio is a waste of time; only lift weights as your fat will turn into muscle

    From my mother:
    - Just drink juice if you're hungry, it'll fill you up!

    From everyone:
    - You should run more. Runners are thin!
    - You should never eat potatoes
    - Red meat will make you fatter
  • tabicatinthehat
    tabicatinthehat Posts: 329 Member
    -Negative calorie foods.
    -The "magic" of organic.
  • Sauleeh
    Sauleeh Posts: 83 Member
    My sister and I got into an argument because she told me the body stores fat after 6PM. So she doesn't eat anything. I told her it is recommended to eat a large meal 4 hours before going to bed so you don't go to bed with a full stomach. (Whatever they say about that). Then she tells me 'There is a reason why people say in the morning you need to eat like a king, lunch like a knight and dinner like a peasant'... Uhh okay then.. She's been 'dieting' for years now with little results. All the juice diets, salad diets, red meat diets... Yeah...
  • BarbieFromHellx
    BarbieFromHellx Posts: 758 Member
    -A girl I know insisted that you don't count calories to lose weight because they "don't mean anything", you count the grams of fat instead. Wtf?

    -I think the weirdest one is someone suggested that you blot all your food with a piece of tissue to get the extra fat and oil off...can you imagine just going out to a restaurant and blotting your plate of food with a tissue? You would look crazy.

    -Another is don't eat after a certain time, especially not carbs.

    -My personal favorite is "cardio is a waste of time" lol ok.

    -Oh and "don't eat too much fruit it will make you fat" well I don't know anyone who gained a load of weight from eating apples, what kind of BS people come out with.
  • AmZam05
    AmZam05 Posts: 130 Member
    These are both from my dad:

    "I heard on the radio if you want to lose weight you can never eat bread, pizza, pasta, cookies, or cake."
    Me: "dad you can still eat those things in moderation, calories are what matters"
    Dad: "No, the doctor on the radio said it, you won't lose weight if you eat those things"

    "You have to just completely cut out salt to lose weight, salt is the worst thing for you."

    So guess what I've eaten while losing over 30 pounds?

    He also followed those statements up with "all it comes down to is moderation, not this calorie stuff."

    Lol ooookay dad whatever you say.
  • riirii93_
    riirii93_ Posts: 475 Member
    The 5 bite diet.
    At your meal time you can have 5 bites of ANY one food you enjoy and you will lose weight.

    they haven't seen how much food i can fit in one bite.
  • valkaree
    valkaree Posts: 519
    Guy had a tapeworm his cat threw up he wanted to give me just to help me out
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    So I wonder on the calorie negative foods if someone has actually done some research on that:

    Celery - How many calories does it take to digest 1 calorie of celery?
    Vodka - How many calories does it take for one's liver to process 1 calorie of vodka?
    Eating ice - How many colories does it take to heat up 1 ice cube?

    I'm sure they are all soooo small that it wouldn't matter unless one is stuffing themselves with celery, getting alcohol poisoning, and being way too cold. But it would be interesting to know still.

    Not sure about vodka or celery but water generally has no calories unless you add to it, so I guess the logic is that crunching the ice would expend calories. Can't imagine it's all that pleasant for your teeth, though.
    A calorie is the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 liter of water by 1 degree celsius (If I remember correctly). Assuming an ice cube is 20 milliliters, that's 2/100 of a liter, temperature is raised by 37° C to body temperature, so 0.74 calories are expended by eating an ice cube if the function is linear. Not counting the energy needed if you bite on it and the movements of your face muscles.