I'm confused about coffee



  • Diva_79
    Diva_79 Posts: 66

    For me personally, I have one 8 oz serving of coffee a day with soy milk during the week. I rarely drink coffee on the weekends.

    I found your post really helpful. Do you use water and soy in your coffee or is that 8oz soy milk? I was concerned about the amount of soy i was drinking as I was drinking 1-2 cups of 10oz of lite soy milk and 2 teaspoons of coffee per 10oz.... (did that make sense? hehe) anyway, I think it was upping my calorie count, and I was concerned about all that soy! I don't like my coffee any other way.....

    I apologize if this comes across as rude, and I admit I haven't had any coffee yet. Am I reading this right? If so, you were having 1-2 SIPS (2 teaspoons is one sip) of coffee per day, and think you had symptoms from cutting that out. Sorry, but that would be psychosomatic.

    Yeah I had to go and read that again too...You are only drinking 2 tsp of coffee (in other words, 10 mL or 1/3 oz) of coffee? Um, that's nothing. Like literally, nothing. Could you even taste the coffee? Anyway, that's definitely not anywhere close to enough to be addicted to.
    Unless I too, am inadequately caffeinated and reading that wrong.

    Yeah you read that wrong I'm not a psycho haha
    I use 1 to 2 teaspoons of instant coffee in a mug of lite soy milk then I drink the entire contents of the mug :tongue:
  • JONZ64
    JONZ64 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I don't drink Alcohol at all, gave it up 23 years ago. I don't drink Soda's or rarely do, I really don't have any "vices" BUT my Wife told me "You should give up coffee, you drink too much of it and you're too addicted to it", to which I replied "But then you'd all be dead:bigsmile: " Coffee is the one thing I will not mess with, it is my thing and I have it however I feel like having it that day. Sometimes Black, sometimes with cream & sugar, sometimes all foo foo'd up but it's MINE!!!!
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    If you are addicted to caffeine then quitting it will give you a migraine starting 1-3 days after you quit. The migraine will be gone in a day or two, or if you take another hit of caffeine. So yes, it is addictive. Caffeine withdrawal is the most common cause of headaches for people who are hospitalized; doctors forget to write orders to give them a caffeine fix as part of their hospital diet. It is also an ingredient in many over-the-counter "headache"-advertised pain-relievers.

    Caffeine works by occupying sites of neurotransmitters that signal sleep (among others). If you take it within 8-12 hours of bedtime it *will* interfere with your sleep pattern. It may or may not make you feel more wakeful; but it will prevent you from sleeping. If you've ever been tired and "trying to sleep" but can't, you may have been suffering from residual caffeine you consumed earlier in the day.

    Coffee and tea also contain tannins--acidic yet bitter compounds plants produce to deter insects (apparently with only marginal effect, but anyway). Tannins can irritate your stomach lining. They are, after all, what people used to use to "tan" hides into leather. Adding fat (actual cream, or non-skim milk) to your coffee or tea binds up the active sites on the tannins with the fat molecules, rendering them less irritating to the stomach.

    Like anything else, use coffee and tea in moderation.

    Pro-tip: baking soda removes tannin stains from cups and teeth. Try it!
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    Coffee is linked to happiness. Yes, it's addictive. Yes, you shouldn't drink too much. No, I'm not going to give it up. :laugh: :drinker:


    For me, I can drink coffee and not feel bad at all, but Diet Coke makes me feel like I'm about to have a heart attack. Very weird. I stay away from the caffeinated sodas ~ my body doesn't like them for some reason.
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    the truth is that it's delicious and keeps me from being stabby in the morning.
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    Brolympus wrote: »

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    brilliant !