What Are You Enjoying About Losing Weight?



  • Gawanne
    Gawanne Posts: 105 Member
    Digging out a beloved pair of pants I bought in England 20 years ago. They became too tight in the waist and I couldn't bear to throw them away. I tried them on this morning (prior to actually throwing them out) and they buttoned up and fit. Yeah! Slightly out of date but then, so am I and fashion does a circle anyway. Two old work skirts fit too!
  • mariluny
    mariluny Posts: 428 Member
    The clothes is a big plus even if nothing fits me for more than a few weeks for the past 8 months.
    Feeling much less self conscious. I don't need to check weight limit on everything now, I don't feel judge eating crap in public, sitting in a chair and only taking 2/3 of it instead of 4/3.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I've lost 65 pounds and have reached my goal weight of 176. The best part was buying new clothes. The worst part was having to pack up clothes that I really, really liked. I still have a lot of 2X shirts hanging in the closet I just can't bring myself to packing out to the barn.

  • bciloveme2014
    bciloveme2014 Posts: 213 Member
    For me is going back to size 6, haven't been size 6 since 2004.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    How I feel going clothes shopping I can't wait for the last 30-40 lbs to come off so I can get a whole new closet full.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I do want to mention a downside to eating healthier. I cannot handle foods that used to be alright. Sat., I had some barbeque sauce that was moderately spicy. It wasn't terrible, and I have had much spicier sauces. I only had a small amount, as this was at a tasting (so it was just a small spoonful, nothing with it).

    Anyway, it made me ill... I was vomiting later. I had eaten some other fatty foods that day, and maybe that made it worse, but I could definitely tell what it was as it was coming back up. I fear that my stomach strength has been lost. :(
  • ADRsmama
    ADRsmama Posts: 45 Member
    I'm happy that the motivation of losing weight and getting healthy has helped me to stop smoking and drinking! I Haven't had a cigarette in 2 weeks. :)
    Also my skin is looking 10x better
  • stillhere1981
    stillhere1981 Posts: 119 Member
    I love the energy I get from working out! My clothes are fitting better and my husband told me that my butt feels smaller. I also think all the extra water I am drinking is helping me skin because it looks better than it has in years!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Right now, nothing. I want my food back. I'm very much in a comfort food mood right now. And I feel like stuffing my face but I am will-powering through that. I'm too tired today.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I've gotten my mobility back. I still have arthritis in my lower spine, hips, knees and feet, but I'm pain free 95% of the time. I can lift things now that weigh at least as much as I've lost. I wear a 16/18 down from a 34 or 4X, so can shop the resale stores as well as just about anywhere else I want. I physically fit anywhere I want to be and no longer need seat belt extanders in anything. I can use without breaking those fold up put in a bag lawn/beach chairs. My husband and grandkids can get their arms all the way around me. I'm OFF my blood pressure and daily arthritis meds. I could go on but I think you all get the idea.
  • deannasueknutson
    deannasueknutson Posts: 38 Member
    Clothes that I used to wear actually look good on me again. I also like that I feel like I accomplished something when I finish working out. Not everyone goes and run 3 miles at one time.
  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
    I'd forgotten about this thread.

    Just re-read and it's made me smile :-) Good thoughts for the New Year!