Be Smart... don't fall for Fads and scams :)



  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    one of the mods said it in the 3rd reply of this very thread!

    but i agree with everything else you said

    No, he said you don't have to eat CLEAN. Who says only "clean" food is healthy? I'd argue that whole wheat bread is healthy, some people define clean as no processed foods.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    which is why i never understand why you hear that eating healthy or "clean" isnt important for general health.

    I don't think I have ever seen anyone say you don't need to eat nutrient dense foods for your health. EVER. I have seen them say it's unimportant for weight loss. I think that's where the controversy comes in but they're not saying you shouldn't eat those foods. A good example of the "clean" problem is the lunch I just had. I ate an egg salad sandwich on whole wheat bread with a side of grape tomatoes. In my opinion, a decent lunch. But it wasn't "clean" by some definitions because I had bread and there was Miracle Whip in the egg salad. I don't think there was anything wrong with my lunch (feel free to share if you believe otherwise LOL) but to someone trying their heart out to eat clean, such a simple little meal is "wrong." And that's where people warn of unsustainability. Because a lot of people will get caught up in trying to eat perfectly and feel like giving up when they eat a "bad" food. All people are saying is that we should stop trying to meet some definition of "clean," eat nutrient dense food most of the time and not freak out about having some "junk" in our diet, even on a regular basis.
    one of the mods said it in the 3rd reply of this very thread!

    but i agree with everything else you said

    That's not what they said.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    one of the mods said it in the 3rd reply of this very thread!

    but i agree with everything else you said

    No, he said you don't have to eat CLEAN. Who says only "clean" food is healthy? I'd argue that whole wheat bread is healthy, some people define clean as no processed foods.
    again its a discrepancy in definition. i define eating clean as eating nutrient dense foods, which to me is really the only logical definition, pretty much anything else is just based off of broscience
    That's not what they said.
    Overall a good message and this site frequently promotes the same views, but the highlighted portion is wrong. You don' t have to eat clean to be fit or healthy. In fact, many of us frequently hit our macro and micronutrient goals and fit in "junk" food on occasion. Let me preface with saying, that doesn't mean we aren't eating fruits, veggies and whole lean foods, it just means we can still eat pizza, burgers, etc.. and still lose weight.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    one of the mods said it in the 3rd reply of this very thread!

    but i agree with everything else you said

    No, he said you don't have to eat CLEAN. Who says only "clean" food is healthy? I'd argue that whole wheat bread is healthy, some people define clean as no processed foods.
    again its a discrepancy in definition. i define eating clean as eating nutrient dense foods, which to me is really the only logical definition, pretty much anything else is just based off of broscience
    That's not what they said.
    Overall a good message and this site frequently promotes the same views, but the highlighted portion is wrong. You don' t have to eat clean to be fit or healthy. In fact, many of us frequently hit our macro and micronutrient goals and fit in "junk" food on occasion. Let me preface with saying, that doesn't mean we aren't eating fruits, veggies and whole lean foods, it just means we can still eat pizza, burgers, etc.. and still lose weight.

    There are tons of nutrient dense foods that wouldn't be considered clean though....
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    one of the mods said it in the 3rd reply of this very thread!

    but i agree with everything else you said

    No, he said you don't have to eat CLEAN. Who says only "clean" food is healthy? I'd argue that whole wheat bread is healthy, some people define clean as no processed foods.
    again its a discrepancy in definition. i define eating clean as eating nutrient dense foods, which to me is really the only logical definition, pretty much anything else is just based off of broscience
    That's not what they said.
    Overall a good message and this site frequently promotes the same views, but the highlighted portion is wrong. You don' t have to eat clean to be fit or healthy. In fact, many of us frequently hit our macro and micronutrient goals and fit in "junk" food on occasion. Let me preface with saying, that doesn't mean we aren't eating fruits, veggies and whole lean foods, it just means we can still eat pizza, burgers, etc.. and still lose weight.

    There are tons of nutrient dense foods that wouldn't be considered clean though....
    to you. i would assume that to most a nutrient dense food is considered clean

    what would be an example though out of curiosity?
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    "Overall a good message and this site frequently promotes the same views, but the highlighted portion is wrong. You don' t have to eat clean to be fit or healthy. "

    hmm.... you got me curious psulemon, How do you figure that you don't have to eat clean to be fit and healthy? I am genuinely curious. I'm not saying it has to be all the time, but eating processed, "fake" foods if you will does not fuel the body the way natural foods do. While some people can eat Mac n Cheese, candy, chips, and processed meats... that doesn't mean they are healthy even if the appear it on the outside. Clean eating in my opinion is very important, however so is exercise, sleep, hydration, and having indulgences now and then (For body and mind haha).

    <---eats everything in moderation.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I am not falling into the clean eating = healthy eating discussion here...but just wanted to say I generally agree with the OP's message. One thing that always blows my mind is how many people fall for the diet fads and scams over and over and over again. I know people who have been buying into these scams for twenty years and longer. It amazes me.

    I also think it's sad (and pathetic) how some people buy into a scam/fad, have initial success with it, then find they cannot financially handle the burden. For example someone I know lost 40 lb with Shakeology and then it was interfering with her family budget so she stopped the shakes and gained about 60-65 lb in a short period of time. Now she is trying Advocare. I am confused by this...why wouldn't it be burned once, never again?! I don't know why this person will NOT try calorie counting...I just do not understand.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    In for the ensuing *kitten* storm
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    one of the mods said it in the 3rd reply of this very thread!

    but i agree with everything else you said

    No, he said you don't have to eat CLEAN. Who says only "clean" food is healthy? I'd argue that whole wheat bread is healthy, some people define clean as no processed foods.
    again its a discrepancy in definition. i define eating clean as eating nutrient dense foods, which to me is really the only logical definition, pretty much anything else is just based off of broscience
    That's not what they said.
    Overall a good message and this site frequently promotes the same views, but the highlighted portion is wrong. You don' t have to eat clean to be fit or healthy. In fact, many of us frequently hit our macro and micronutrient goals and fit in "junk" food on occasion. Let me preface with saying, that doesn't mean we aren't eating fruits, veggies and whole lean foods, it just means we can still eat pizza, burgers, etc.. and still lose weight.

    There are tons of nutrient dense foods that wouldn't be considered clean though....
    to you. i would assume that to most a nutrient dense food is considered clean

    what would be an example though out of curiosity?

    Bread. Dairy. White potatoes.

    The problem many people have with the "clean food" label isn't nutrient dense foods. If you look at people's diaries, the people in this thread who don't like the label "clean eating" actually eat very close to your definition of clean eating about 80% of the time. What sticks in peoples' craws is statements like this from the OP:
    While some people can eat Mac n Cheese, candy, chips, and processed meats... that doesn't mean they are healthy even if the appear it on the outside.

    I eat all of those things. I am not unhealthy simply because I eat those things, much like I don't become automagically healthy if I eat an apple. If that was all that I ate, yeah, it would become a problem, much like if I just ate some veggies for every meal it would become a problem because I wouldn't be hitting all my macros and micros. The thing with MFP clean eaters is that if you don't eat clean, then they declare you unhealthy and start talking to you as though all you eat is fast food, twinkies, and pop-tarts.

    This is why we can't have nice things.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    "Overall a good message and this site frequently promotes the same views, but the highlighted portion is wrong. You don' t have to eat clean to be fit or healthy. "

    hmm.... you got me curious psulemon, How do you figure that you don't have to eat clean to be fit and healthy? I am genuinely curious. I'm not saying it has to be all the time, but eating processed, "fake" foods if you will does not fuel the body the way natural foods do. While some people can eat Mac n Cheese, candy, chips, and processed meats... that doesn't mean they are healthy even if the appear it on the outside. Clean eating in my opinion is very important, however so is exercise, sleep, hydration, and having indulgences now and then (For body and mind haha).

    <---eats everything in moderation.

    *nod nod*

    Is my 50lb+ loss a lie because I didn't do it clean? Or the fact that I can actually run now, lift things and continue to progress in both a lie because I eat all the foods in moderation..processed and not?
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    It always burns me when people make processed foods as the devil... I get it, it's semantics... but lets get real here, if there is cooking and preperation of food than it is by definition processed. Whether I make mac and cheese from a blue box or make the pasta from scratch and by overpriced cheese that has come from grass fed free range cows that have never touched growth hormones or antibiotics in their life.

    but as far as the rest of the OP... I getcha... I don't get it either. I would rather go about it in ways that don't result in quick and temporary fixes.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    PSA: Junk food isn't healthy food. You can say it as many times as you want, but it isn't healthy. Sure, if you have the right kind of body, you can burn off all that filth you eat and remain mostly healthy, but junk food still isn't healthy food. There are many people with many genes, me being one of them, that can't get away with it. CICO taken into account, if I ate my calories in junk food, I'd be a sick puppy.

    IMO, it's ridiculous to get defensive over your junk food. It just comes off as addiction-behavior. Nobody is taking your precious junk away from you. If it works for you, roll with it. Just don't lie to yourself.

    If there were only one right diet, there would only be one diet book.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    I eat all of those things. I am not unhealthy simply because I eat those things, much like I don't become automagically healthy if I eat an apple. If that was all that I ate, yeah, it would become a problem, much like if I just ate some veggies for every meal it would become a problem because I wouldn't be hitting all my macros and micros. The thing with MFP clean eaters is that if you don't eat clean, then they declare you unhealthy and start talking to you as though all you eat is fast food, twinkies, and pop-tarts.

    This is why we can't have nice things.

    Probably a typo, but it fits so brilliantly for this conversation! :laugh:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    PSA: Junk food isn't healthy food. You can say it as many times as you want, but it isn't healthy. Sure, if you have the right kind of body, you can burn off all that filth you eat and remain mostly healthy, but junk food still isn't healthy food. There are many people with many genes, me being one of them, that can't get away with it. CICO taken into account, if I ate my calories in junk food, I'd be a sick puppy.

    IMO, it's ridiculous to get defensive over your junk food. It just comes off as addiction-behavior. Nobody is taking your precious junk away from you. If it works for you, roll with it. Just don't lie to yourself.

    If there were only one right diet, there would only be one diet book.

    What are you defining as junk?
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    PSA: Junk food isn't healthy food. You can say it as many times as you want, but it isn't healthy. Sure, if you have the right kind of body, you can burn off all that filth you eat and remain mostly healthy, but junk food still isn't healthy food. There are many people with many genes, me being one of them, that can't get away with it. CICO taken into account, if I ate my calories in junk food, I'd be a sick puppy.

    IMO, it's ridiculous to get defensive over your junk food. It just comes off as addiction-behavior. Nobody is taking your precious junk away from you. If it works for you, roll with it. Just don't lie to yourself.

    If there were only one right diet, there would only be one diet book.

    I eat "junk" food. I don't say it's healthy. It's what I want to eat and it keeps me from getting stabby with people. I certainly don't eat 1900 calories worth of Reese's peanut butter cups a day (I have before and can again because they are delicious). I'm curious what you think I'm lying to myself about.
  • Ate canned tuna, miracle whip and white bread for lunch... I'm definitely going to die.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Ate canned tuna, miracle whip and white bread for lunch... I'm definitely going to die.


  • Evil, Evil Junk Food...

  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    PSA: Junk food isn't healthy food. You can say it as many times as you want, but it isn't healthy. Sure, if you have the right kind of body, you can burn off all that filth you eat and remain mostly healthy, but junk food still isn't healthy food. There are many people with many genes, me being one of them, that can't get away with it. CICO taken into account, if I ate my calories in junk food, I'd be a sick puppy.

    IMO, it's ridiculous to get defensive over your junk food. It just comes off as addiction-behavior. Nobody is taking your precious junk away from you. If it works for you, roll with it. Just don't lie to yourself.

    If there were only one right diet, there would only be one diet book.
    Statements like this are meaningless without context. There's no one definition of "junk" food, just like there isn't one definition of "healthy." A diet that would be healthy for an overweight diabetic would be extremely unhealthy for someone who is severely underweight and needs to gain. You may consider a diet that contains whole grains to be healthy, but it wouldn't be for someone who is celiac. Is ice cream always considered junk food? What about the brands that only have milk, cream, sugar and vanilla? Is that more or less junky than a different brand?
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    So Oreos, Doritos and other chips, ice cream, candy bars, fast food french fries, and etc aren't junk food?

    Right...gotta bridge to sell ya in Antarctica...

    Lie: (noun) "a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.."

    Certainly we are all literate enough to figure out "lying to yourself."