Be Smart... don't fall for Fads and scams :)



  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Apparently many here are in a mood to feel personally attacked today. Which is fine. No sense of humor? Ok. Get angry.
    I don't understand all the vehemence over harmless and non-malicious OPINIONS on the internet. But if it works for you guys, go with it.

    You are literally the ONLY person on this thread coming across as anything less than cordial.
  • natebollinger
    natebollinger Posts: 24 Member
    Hey All,

    I am a personal trainer and I have been hearing so much talk about various fitness and diet fads that need to GO! As a public service announcement (per say) I just want all of you to be aware. You may notice that some of your "Friends and acquaintances" found an "AMAZING Product that WORKS and helps you lose weight by either:

    -Drinking one of their "famous" healthy energy drinks
    -Taking Their "Fabulous supplements that promote weight loss (blah blah blah lol)
    -Wear a Body Wrap! I mean come on... Wraps can totally make you drop 20 lbs! (eye roll)
    - Or how about try their yummy Protein shakes that "studies" show can make you drop weight in 90 days AND win a BMW! WOW!

    Okay... that was fun (Sorry for the sarcasm!) LOL, but I have clients and new client prospects that ask me all of the time about either buying or selling their so called perfect products. Can you believe some of them even claim: "You don't even have to exercise, the weight just falls off you!" Gahhhh it makes me cringe!

    The reason I want you to all be careful is because many of them are scams and schemes. Sure, you could make money by choosing to sell the products yourself... but you are fooling your friends/family that you sell too. The products often are NOT all they are made out to be and some are actually bad. Since more often than not, it is someone you know that is trying to sell it to you, people will fall for the claims it makes. (Not to mention the CD's/Websites they use to make it seem way better than what it really offers.... aka: Good marketing people!)

    I hope you ALL are successful in your Fitness Journeys! There is no TRICK or Fad way to get results. You gotta want it! You gotta push yourself to eat clean and exercise. Best of Luck to all of you! <3



    Overall a good message and this site frequently promotes the same views, but the highlighted portion is wrong. You don' t have to eat clean to be fit or healthy. In fact, many of us frequently hit our macro and micronutrient goals and fit in "junk" food on occasion. Let me preface with saying, that doesn't mean we aren't eating fruits, veggies and whole lean foods, it just means we can still eat pizza, burgers, etc.. and still lose weight.
    This. You don't have to eat clean or exercise to lose weight, but fir me eating less processed food and exercising each day has helped me feel loads better. I could not imagine beaver having another processed food, though.

    Don't kid yourself... Beaver ate plenty of processed foods, just look at the dinner table for Christ's sake!

  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Like I said, tell yourself what you want. Nobody is taking your mean "junk food" away from you. Take it easy. Nobody's gonna make you go to rehab.

    Honestly I find your responses to be the most over the top and exaggerated. No one thought you were going to take food away, from anyone. You can't. But your replies seem to indicate this is either a subject that you have an intense personal response to...or junk food shot your dog.

    Sarcasm is a lost art... I have attacked no one, I haven't said anyone is a bad person, as I don't believe such a thing over junk food. It is absurd and ridiculous to me to get so defensive over junk food. Food is fuel. I also said "If there was only one good diet, there would be only one diet book."

    Table sugar and high fructose corn syrup aren't good for you. Eat it if you want. If it makes you happy. Still isn't good for you.

    Apparently many here are in a mood to feel personally attacked today. Which is fine. No sense of humor? Ok. Get angry.
    I don't understand all the vehemence over harmless and non-malicious OPINIONS on the internet. But if it works for you guys, go with it. (Which was also something else I said about people who indulge in junk food. Reading comprehension is important. :bigsmile: )

    Go on and have a fabulous day. You all should go eat an Oreo and bowl of ice cream, I hope it makes you feel better. :flowerforyou:

    I don't think you said that junk food was unhealthy, but there is a difference between something not being good for you and something being unhealthy. That's what annoys me. An Oatmeal Cream Pie isn't unhealthy. Is it good for you? Probably not physically (mentally yes :), but that doesn't mean it's unhealthy.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Don't kid yourself... Beaver ate plenty of processed foods, just look at the dinner table for Christ's sake!

    <img src="; alt="Smiley face">


  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Like I said, tell yourself what you want. Nobody is taking your mean "junk food" away from you. Take it easy. Nobody's gonna make you go to rehab.

    Honestly I find your responses to be the most over the top and exaggerated. No one thought you were going to take food away, from anyone. You can't. But your replies seem to indicate this is either a subject that you have an intense personal response to...or junk food shot your dog.

    Sarcasm is a lost art... I have attacked no one, I haven't said anyone is a bad person, as I don't believe such a thing over junk food. It is absurd and ridiculous to me to get so defensive over junk food. Food is fuel. I also said "If there was only one good diet, there would be only one diet book."

    Table sugar and high fructose corn syrup aren't good for you. Eat it if you want. If it makes you happy. Still isn't good for you.

    Apparently many here are in a mood to feel personally attacked today. Which is fine. No sense of humor? Ok. Get angry.
    I don't understand all the vehemence over harmless and non-malicious OPINIONS on the internet. But if it works for you guys, go with it. (Which was also something else I said about people who indulge in junk food. Reading comprehension is important. :bigsmile: )

    Go on and have a fabulous day. You all should go eat an Oreo and bowl of ice cream, I hope it makes you feel better. :flowerforyou:

    Well I'll be, someone on MFP actually did tell other people to go eat cookies and ice cream. Sure, it backfired miserably and it was one of the clean eaters telling people to do it, but it's cause to celebrate!

  • natebollinger
    natebollinger Posts: 24 Member
    Don't kid yourself... Beaver ate plenty of processed foods, just look at the dinner table for Christ's sake!

    <img src="; alt="Smiley face">



    Post fail... Thanks guys!
  • JeralynSh
    JeralynSh Posts: 139 Member
    Hey All,
    I hope you ALL are successful in your Fitness Journeys! There is no TRICK or Fad way to get results. You gotta want it! You gotta push yourself to eat clean and exercise. Best of Luck to all of you! <3



    I think I love you. In a purely platonic, non-sexual way. :tongue: Fantastic message.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    So Oreos, Doritos and other chips, ice cream, candy bars, fast food french fries, and etc aren't junk food?

    Right...gotta bridge to sell ya in Antarctica...

    Lie: (noun) "a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.."

    Certainly we are all literate enough to figure out "lying to yourself."

    If you're talking to me, then I'll answer.

    I didn't say those foods aren't "junk" foods. I understand enough about people to get what they generally mean by the term "junk" food. To me, they're just foods, tasty foods that keep my mental health above par enough so I don't go on a murdering spree.
    Like I said, tell yourself what you want. Nobody is taking your mean "junk food" away from you. Take it easy. Nobody's gonna make you go to rehab.

    You're the person who're telling me what I'm eating is "filth" and "crack". All I did was admit that the generally accepted definition of "junk" food is what I eat.

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    which is why i never understand why you hear that eating healthy or "clean" isnt important for general health.

    I don't think I have ever seen anyone say you don't need to eat nutrient dense foods for your health. EVER. I have seen them say it's unimportant for weight loss. I think that's where the controversy comes in but they're not saying you shouldn't eat those foods. A good example of the "clean" problem is the lunch I just had. I ate an egg salad sandwich on whole wheat bread with a side of grape tomatoes. In my opinion, a decent lunch. But it wasn't "clean" by some definitions because I had bread and there was Miracle Whip in the egg salad. I don't think there was anything wrong with my lunch (feel free to share if you believe otherwise LOL) but to someone trying their heart out to eat clean, such a simple little meal is "wrong." And that's where people warn of unsustainability. Because a lot of people will get caught up in trying to eat perfectly and feel like giving up when they eat a "bad" food. All people are saying is that we should stop trying to meet some definition of "clean," eat nutrient dense food most of the time and not freak out about having some "junk" in our diet, even on a regular basis.
    one of the mods said it in the 3rd reply of this very thread!

    but i agree with everything else you said

    No i did not say you have to eat junk to lose weight. I will quote what I said:
    You don' t have to eat clean to be fit or healthy.

    My definition of nutrient dense foods include stuff like bacon, sausages, breads, dairy, canned foods like tuna fish, frozen veggies, etc.. ... all stuff that most clean eaters consider not clean. Like I said, there is a huge difference between clean and nutrient dense. Heck, I can eat chipotle, wendy's, chickfila, potbelly's and etc.. and still hit my macro and micronutrient goals. I know this because I do it frequently. But when I do all those places, I still eat fruit and veggies during the day.
  • kncapitano
    OP Here... awesome debate going on (for the most part) And I can definitely see what some of you are saying.... let me clear something up.

    My original post was to just warn people to be careful when their "friends and acquaintances" come up to them making false claims about products that cause something that is probably too good to be true.

    The whole part about eating clean and exercise got taken a weeeee bit out of context.

    Is eating clean... aka.... less processed and nutrient dense food without added fake products to add flavor a good thing? YES!

    Do you have to eat that way 100% of the time to get results? NO! (Shoot... I'm Italian, I love a good slice of pizza and some decadent desserts myself sometimes... and OH the wine!) But for the most part, I try to eat healthy foods. I like to look at nutrition labels and be able to pronounce most of the ingredients. (But as I said.... we ALL deserve cheat treats!)

    Is exercise good for you? YES! But it doesn't always have to be in terms of "going to the gym." Just being active is healthy, so go walk your dogs, play tennis, volleyball on the beach, or run stadiums (etc etc) just get that heart rate up and feel amazing!

    Do you need to exercise everyday to get results? Again... no, just making small improvements in your daily life will help you get results. I am talking HEALTHY results. I could literally stop lifting weights and lose a bunch of weight... but that weight would be muscle. There is a thing such as skinny fat... so again, I don't judge people soley based on appearance.

    Just be healthy and confident! Small steps are better than no steps. Good Luck to you all! <3 xo

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    i define eating clean as eating nutrient dense foods, which to me is really the only logical definition, pretty much anything else is just based off of broscience

    But that definition makes no sense to me (and is inconsistent with the one I've gotten from plenty of "clean eating" proponents on this forum). Clean = not dirty--it's about not eating certain things. It's not the same as eating healthy, which I assume most people, including those of us who see "clean eating" as a fad, are in favor of. It's an assertion that it's bad and inherently unhealthy to eat whatever foods are defined as "not clean." And of course that definition is by no means a consistent one.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    "Overall a good message and this site frequently promotes the same views, but the highlighted portion is wrong. You don' t have to eat clean to be fit or healthy. "

    hmm.... you got me curious psulemon, How do you figure that you don't have to eat clean to be fit and healthy? I am genuinely curious. I'm not saying it has to be all the time, but eating processed, "fake" foods if you will does not fuel the body the way natural foods do. While some people can eat Mac n Cheese, candy, chips, and processed meats... that doesn't mean they are healthy even if the appear it on the outside. Clean eating in my opinion is very important, however so is exercise, sleep, hydration, and having indulgences now and then (For body and mind haha).

    There's no proof that eating "clean" will make you healthy either. But then, I'm a "dirty", "fake" food eater with bad health, so what do I know? I'm mostly in for the arguing later.


    Show me the support that eating "clean" improves health and i'll jump on the bandwagon. Until then, please stop spreading misinformation.
  • s_pekz
    s_pekz Posts: 340 Member
    in cause science
  • whovian67
    whovian67 Posts: 608 Member
    Literally in 10 minutes last night I saw 3 commercials flipping thru the channels... amazing that people DONT have money to join a gym (but they could by free weights and do them at home) - dont have money for bills, utilities.. but they can spend 3 payments of 39.99 + shipping and handling for trash can fillers......No miracles out there.. not even for the wealthy.....
  • SamLD88
    SamLD88 Posts: 111 Member
    You gotta push yourself to eat clean and exercise.
    Meh, you don't HAVE to.

    I just crushed up 3 Oreos and put them in my greek yogurt, and I'm losing weight pretty consistently.

    Two weeks ago I went the entire week without exercise because I was super lazy, and I still lost that week.

    That sounds delicious!
  • markiend
    markiend Posts: 461 Member
    Would have been a nice post without the clean....

    Never mind..
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Like I said, tell yourself what you want. Nobody is taking your mean "junk food" away from you. Take it easy. Nobody's gonna make you go to rehab.

    I bet you're glad that bacon isn't processed, right?
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    OP Here... awesome debate going on (for the most part) And I can definitely see what some of you are saying.... let me clear something up.

    My original post was to just warn people to be careful when their "friends and acquaintances" come up to them making false claims about products that cause something that is probably too good to be true.

    The whole part about eating clean and exercise got taken a weeeee bit out of context.

    Is eating clean... aka.... less processed and nutrient dense food without added fake products to add flavor a good thing? YES!

    Do you have to eat that way 100% of the time to get results? NO! (Shoot... I'm Italian, I love a good slice of pizza and some decadent desserts myself sometimes... and OH the wine!) But for the most part, I try to eat healthy foods. I like to look at nutrition labels and be able to pronounce most of the ingredients. (But as I said.... we ALL deserve cheat treats!)

    Is exercise good for you? YES! But it doesn't always have to be in terms of "going to the gym." Just being active is healthy, so go walk your dogs, play tennis, volleyball on the beach, or run stadiums (etc etc) just get that heart rate up and feel amazing!

    Do you need to exercise everyday to get results? Again... no, just making small improvements in your daily life will help you get results. I am talking HEALTHY results. I could literally stop lifting weights and lose a bunch of weight... but that weight would be muscle. There is a thing such as skinny fat... so again, I don't judge people soley based on appearance.

    Just be healthy and confident! Small steps are better than no steps. Good Luck to you all! <3 xo


    Are you suggesting that there's a negative consequence to eating pizza? Wouldn't that depend on context and dosage of said pizza? There's no reason pizza can't be healthy.

    I don't necessarily disagree with some of your general points, but you're not articulating the specifics very well.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    OP, please name some of these "fake foods" so we have a definition to work with.