Be Smart... don't fall for Fads and scams :)



  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Finally someone with some sense! LOL :laugh: My friend and I last night were laughing at the "Hysteria" people made over a such simple word! A word that is also similar to the term diet and healthy that also get bad recognition. While I do understand their point of view in terms of various meanings of the word, They need to get overrrr it. It is NOT that big of a deal, no reason to cry over it. :sad: I never ONCE (not ONNNNNEEE TIMEEEE) said people should eat clean 100% of the time yet the still want to go onnn and onnnn about it. I guess being a nationally certified trainer, fitness specialist, and working assistant to a doctor and nutritionist must mean I know nothing... lol. (eye roll)

  • letitderp_zps3a2aed8b.gif
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member

    So, the part where we were having an interesting conversation is over now, then?
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member

    So, the part where we were having an interesting conversation is over now, then?
    i think that part ended 5 pages ago

    clean eating = unclear definition. just dont say it

  • letitderp_zps3a2aed8b.gif

    So, the part where we were having an interesting conversation is over now, then?

    I am definitely up for interesting conversation. Most of this topic unfortunately changed into something it wasn't intended for. Have you ever been approached about the current or new upcoming fads such as the wraps? Energy Drinks? Shakes etc?
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member

    So, the part where we were having an interesting conversation is over now, then?

    Unless you're "a nationally certified trainer, fitness specialist, and working assistant to a doctor and nutritionist" and believe people who eat "junk" food are delusional drug addicts, then yes. Since I'm neither, time to post it up with gifs.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member

    So, the part where we were having an interesting conversation is over now, then?

    I am definitely up for interesting conversation. Most of this topic unfortunately changed into something it wasn't intended for. Have you ever been approached about the current or new upcoming fads such as the wraps? Energy Drinks? Shakes etc?

  • michikade
    michikade Posts: 313 Member

    I really do think you had good intentions when you started this thread and there are a lot of scams and fads out there that people really should avoid. However, you have contradicted yourself a couple times if not by specific words than by actions. There are a couple times when you've agreed with two different schools of thought (choosing option 2 in the "who's healthier" comparison, and then agreeing with the person who demonized "junk food"; saying that you eat foods deemed not clean by you but only calling them cheats rather than "occasional" foods... Etc).

    I saw the point you were trying to make but there are specific so called "health and fitness buzzwords" and right now "eating clean" is one of them. A few years ago there were craploads of health and fitness blogs saying that a person could "target your (insert problem area) fat!" and I'm pretty sure we can all agree that the idea of targeting where you lose fat is complete rubbish - but it was a buzzword (well, buzz phrase but that sounds silly) for a long time. I DO NOT disagree about the idea that eating lean meats, a variety of vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, legumes and dairy as the main portion of the human diet and that other foods are sometimes foods; however, because of the buzzword status of "clean eating" rather than outright explaining what you mean by it will cause a lot of debate - and further contradicting yourself could make it sound like you aren't sure what you mean - or worse, that you only backpedaled as lip service.

    Now, all of this said -- what's wrong, exactly, with protein shakes? Or are you just talking about the ones that are sold by the multi-level marketers? Because regular whey protein powder that one can get in the store can easily supplement a person that may be a little low or may be doing a work out regimen that requires a bit extra protein than they get from regular eating. I'm just curious why that particular shake type came up. (Had you said dietary shake or meal replacement shake, of course, I wouldn't ask because I'd see where you're coming from).
  • letitderp_zps3a2aed8b.gif

    So, the part where we were having an interesting conversation is over now, then?

    Unless you're "a nationally certified trainer, fitness specialist, and working assistant to a doctor and nutritionist" and believe people who eat "junk" food are delusional drug addicts, then yes. Since I'm neither, time to post it up with gifs.

    :laugh: SMDH... its almost pathetic the bullying that goes on in here it shouldn't even warrant a response. My fitness PAL? Really? Yet, I find it humorous to say the least. :laugh: I don't plan on going anywhere, and ready to actually discuss the topic at hand without silly naysayers, negative nancy's, and sensitive sally's changing the subject. Bully me all you want, and change my words all you want. Will I defend myself? Yes most likely... but will I go away just bc you don't approve? nahhh... :huh:

    So anyway... back to the topic at hand. I would love to hear about fad diets/trends anyone has tried or had someone approach them with. I hate to name brands as to not bash anyones views... but there have been several I have been approached with including skinny wraps, vitamins, energy drinks, shakes, etc. Anyone else?:smooched:
  • JennaD075
    JennaD075 Posts: 43 Member
    Also, with regards to all the lack-of-picture kvetching, have you thought that maybe some people want some anonymity? I am going through cancer treatment and I haven't advertised that to a lot of people in my life (including my coworkers) and I want to keep it that way. I guess I could post headless pictures of me in a sports bra but do you all really want to see the huge scar on my abdomen? I really don't love the idea of showing it off. Anyway, I'm losing weight for me, not for strangers on the internet.

    I thought these forums were supposed to be for support, but I keep seeing a lot of people feeling superior because of their number of posts or something stupid like that. It's not really conducive to getting more people to join in.

    Maybe I'll just post a picture of my cat. Would that make my opinions more valid?

    Rant over :)
    I figure those of us without profile pics are the ones with jobs. :laugh:

    Yea, I live in my car and collective welfare.
    I don't think you need to worry about your boss, clients, coworkers, students, whoever recognizing you from your quads. But maybe. :smile:

    I have a job but I'm not embarrassed for my boss, clients, coworkers or whoever recognizing me by my face. They all know I need to lose weight by looking at me. I'm not embarrassed by what I say on this or other sites. Maybe if I were to say something I wouldn't say in "real" life I would take my picture down. I hope I don't get to that point though. Maybe leaving my picture up will help keep me accountable.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member

    So, the part where we were having an interesting conversation is over now, then?

    Unless you're "a nationally certified trainer, fitness specialist, and working assistant to a doctor and nutritionist" and believe people who eat "junk" food are delusional drug addicts, then yes. Since I'm neither, time to post it up with gifs.

    :laugh: SMDH... its almost pathetic the bullying that goes on in here it shouldn't even warrant a response. My fitness PAL? Really? Yet, I find it humorous to say the least. :laugh: I don't plan on going anywhere, and ready to actually discuss the topic at hand without silly naysayers, negative nancy's, and sensitive sally's changing the subject. Bully me all you want, and change my words all you want. Will I defend myself? Yes most likely... but will I go away just bc you don't approve? nahhh... :huh:

    So anyway... back to the topic at hand. I would love to hear about fad diets/trends anyone has tried or had someone approach them with. I hate to name brands as to not bash anyones views... but there have been several I have been approached with including skinny wraps, vitamins, energy drinks, shakes, etc. Anyone else?:smooched:

    Insulting your critics is not how you win/finish an argument. People have raised legitimate points and concerns which you have been refusing to comment on for several pages now (beyond this sort of brush off). Why not try taking people seriously for a little while to see what might happen?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    its almost pathetic the bullying that goes on in here

    "Bullying" completely misused in a sentence!


    Okay everyone, the next game starts in 3...2...1...
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    How many people on here have tickers because they ate excessive "clean" foods?

    How many people on here have tickers because they ate excessive junk food?
  • OP:

    I really do think you had good intentions when you started this thread and there are a lot of scams and fads out there that people really should avoid. However, you have contradicted yourself a couple times if not by specific words than by actions. There are a couple times when you've agreed with two different schools of thought (choosing option 2 in the "who's healthier" comparison, and then agreeing with the person who demonized "junk food"; saying that you eat foods deemed not clean by you but only calling them cheats rather than "occasional" foods... Etc).

    I saw the point you were trying to make but there are specific so called "health and fitness buzzwords" and right now "eating clean" is one of them. A few years ago there were craploads of health and fitness blogs saying that a person could "target your (insert problem area) fat!" and I'm pretty sure we can all agree that the idea of targeting where you lose fat is complete rubbish - but it was a buzzword (well, buzz phrase but that sounds silly) for a long time. I DO NOT disagree about the idea that eating lean meats, a variety of vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, legumes and dairy as the main portion of the human diet and that other foods are sometimes foods; however, because of the buzzword status of "clean eating" rather than outright explaining what you mean by it will cause a lot of debate - and further contradicting yourself could make it sound like you aren't sure what you mean - or worse, that you only backpedaled as lip service.

    Now, all of this said -- what's wrong, exactly, with protein shakes? Or are you just talking about the ones that are sold by the multi-level marketers? Because regular whey protein powder that one can get in the store can easily supplement a person that may be a little low or may be doing a work out regimen that requires a bit extra protein than they get from regular eating. I'm just curious why that particular shake type came up. (Had you said dietary shake or meal replacement shake, of course, I wouldn't ask because I'd see where you're coming from).

    Fair thought! I like that you shared your thought process rather than make an attack. I really was trying to help when I made this thread and had zero intentions of making it some debate. In fact, the only debate I thought it could possibly start was one of the network marketing promoters defending their product.

    So to answer your first paragraph:

    I never meant to contradict myself and don't believe I have. However, I'm sure it could be easily read that way. I chose option 2 because it is healthy for the body and mind. Eating 100% clean all of the time can actually ware down someone and cause them to binge later. I don't see any issues with a 80/20 diet like some people mentioned. I even tried to further my evidence of that by explaining that I love to eat some of those foods as well. I also never once said that to be successful one must eat clean all 100% of the time, that is something that got blown way out of proportion. I think it is healthy to indulge because it feels good lets face it. As far as calling them "cheats" vs regular food. Well this is where I differ I guess. I personally eat a lot of different types of foods and I do classify them differently since they are different. I do not call processed foods unhealthy... it just depends on the specific food. However, if I do indulge in chocolate cake, I think that is just fine... but personally... I would call it a cheat for me since it is not a food I eat often. Do I think its bad and regret it? Heck no... I'll enjoy every bit, but I know I will not eat 5 of them every day. I think everyone needs to do what is best for them. Do I believe success will come easy? No... we all know it can take hard work to lose weight, gain muscle, run a marathon (or whichever other health goals one has). And that is what i was getting at.

    I see what you mean about the buzzwords. And I agree about not being able to Spot Reduce which was a popular buzzword in recently. Just like Atkins, Weight Watchers, South Beach Diet, Paleo etc. Various diets and buzzwords that got people buzzing about fitness terms. Even the term DIET could be deemed confusing since it can mean what someone actually eats, or it can mean someone trying to lose weight, or even someone trying to gain weight etc. Everyone's idea of various terms often mean different things on a personal level. I have actually NEVER heard that "Clean eating" is a buzzword with so much animosity. I'm glad that I have learned that but I see no reason why people had to go on attack mode for it while completely dropping what the whole post was about. I just saw another girl post about clean eating and I thought to myself... Uh Ohhhh. And it shouldn't be that way.

    For your final paragraph- There is nothing wrong with protein shakes in general. However, I have been approached by some of the network marketing distributors that promoted their specific shake as being the best of the best in weight loss. I had an open mind... and went to the meeting. They gave us samples and had us watch a video on the product. The video was GREAT, If I were most people... I would want to purchase right then and there. The marketing was pure genius. (You can even win a BMW!) LOL, but when I did some more research, I realized that the product was not NEARLY what they made it out to be... in fact, it wasn't even close. They twisted words to make it sound good, but was false. I just want others to be sure they don't fall for the clever marketing as I know many others have. If it sounds too good to be true... it usually is.

    Thanks for your reply.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member

    So, the part where we were having an interesting conversation is over now, then?

    Unless you're "a nationally certified trainer, fitness specialist, and working assistant to a doctor and nutritionist" and believe people who eat "junk" food are delusional drug addicts, then yes. Since I'm neither, time to post it up with gifs.

    :laugh: SMDH... its almost pathetic the bullying that goes on in here it shouldn't even warrant a response. My fitness PAL? Really? Yet, I find it humorous to say the least. :laugh: I don't plan on going anywhere, and ready to actually discuss the topic at hand without silly naysayers, negative nancy's, and sensitive sally's changing the subject. Bully me all you want, and change my words all you want. Will I defend myself? Yes most likely... but will I go away just bc you don't approve? nahhh... :huh:

    So anyway... back to the topic at hand. I would love to hear about fad diets/trends anyone has tried or had someone approach them with. I hate to name brands as to not bash anyones views... but there have been several I have been approached with including skinny wraps, vitamins, energy drinks, shakes, etc. Anyone else?:smooched:

    You're not being bullied. And if you actually read the forums, you would see plenty of posts about shakes, pills, wraps, and other quick weight loss schemes that people have already been approached about or are trying to sell. The response from the community, including the people here who are supposedly bullying you, is that those products are a waste of money and do not work. Followed by information about how the person can achieve their goals using a calorie deficit, exercise, and making sure they get proper nutrition using whatever foods or style of eating works best for them. Your post telling people not to use them isn't exactly revolutionary information around here.

    You might be better off taking a step back and getting to know the community. Saying you're a personal trainer doesn't give you any credibility here, as there have been plenty of PTs here who clearly don't know what they are talking about, or are just trying to scam people and drum up business. And it also helps to get to know some of the posters and their agendas before deciding that they know what they are talking about - the person who you claimed "has some sense" made a post earlier in the thread claiming that people on MFP frequently tell others that they have to eat junk food in order to lose weight.
  • michikade
    michikade Posts: 313 Member
    How many people on here have tickers because they ate excessive "clean" foods?

    How many people on here have tickers because they ate excessive junk food?

    Depends on how you, personally, define "clean" versus how you define junk.

    I got the way I am from over eating. Most of the stuff I overate on was what the vast majority here call "clean" (albeit unbalanced) - meat, veggies, fruit, etc. I don't eat a lot of salty treats like chips and I don't eat a lot of candy - never have. It was more that my meals were probably twice the size they should have been, over a long period of time. And no, I'm not saying I was always quote unquote perfect on my food choices either, but the main reason why I'm here is due to general overindulging. The key to my personal journey is learning moderation and appropriate serving sizes, not learning what to eat.
  • letitderp_zps3a2aed8b.gif

    So, the part where we were having an interesting conversation is over now, then?

    Unless you're "a nationally certified trainer, fitness specialist, and working assistant to a doctor and nutritionist" and believe people who eat "junk" food are delusional drug addicts, then yes. Since I'm neither, time to post it up with gifs.

    :laugh: SMDH... its almost pathetic the bullying that goes on in here it shouldn't even warrant a response. My fitness PAL? Really? Yet, I find it humorous to say the least. :laugh: I don't plan on going anywhere, and ready to actually discuss the topic at hand without silly naysayers, negative nancy's, and sensitive sally's changing the subject. Bully me all you want, and change my words all you want. Will I defend myself? Yes most likely... but will I go away just bc you don't approve? nahhh... :huh:

    So anyway... back to the topic at hand. I would love to hear about fad diets/trends anyone has tried or had someone approach them with. I hate to name brands as to not bash anyones views... but there have been several I have been approached with including skinny wraps, vitamins, energy drinks, shakes, etc. Anyone else?:smooched:

    You're not being bullied. And if you actually read the forums, you would see plenty of posts about shakes, pills, wraps, and other quick weight loss schemes that people have already been approached about or are trying to sell. The response from the community, including the people here who are supposedly bullying you, is that those products are a waste of money and do not work. Followed by information about how the person can achieve their goals using a calorie deficit, exercise, and making sure they get proper nutrition using whatever foods or style of eating works best for them. Your post telling people not to use them isn't exactly revolutionary information around here.

    You might be better off taking a step back and getting to know the community. Saying you're a personal trainer doesn't give you any credibility here, as there have been plenty of PTs here who clearly don't know what they are talking about, or are just trying to scam people and drum up business. And it also helps to get to know some of the posters and their agendas before deciding that they know what they are talking about - the person who you claimed "has some sense" made a post earlier in the thread claiming that people on MFP frequently tell others that they have to eat junk food in order to lose weight.

    We will have to agree to disagree on the bullying. I don't care about it hence why I haven't left yet, but some of the snobbish attacks were unwarranted. Someone could easily say that the term is confusing to many and gave their explanation and that would be that. I understand now that it is a sensitive word. I will be more careful with it in the future... but the way some people handled it was ridiculous.

    I also don't care if being a trainer and fitness specialist gives me credibility on here. Its a message board... lol I never assumed that it would be taken as more than that. And that stinks to hear trainers have been on here before trying to get business but that is not my intent. I highly doubt most people on here live where I do... so unless I meet you face to face... I don't think anyone has to worry. Not to mention I never go out to get clients, luckily they come to me from the community word of mouth. (Which is good because I'm not great at the whole marketing and self promotion thing anyway) :laugh:

    As far as stepping back and reading the community etc. Good idea, I will do that. All in all, this is a message board for ALL members of MyFitnessPal. It is for sharing tips, advice, and having a good time while learning about living a healthy lifestyle. It is not thaaaat serious that we need so much "government" so to say. I am 100% sure there have been posts about the fads I speak of, but I checked recently and did not see any pertaining specifically to these scams. So maybe it is old news for you... but for others it might not be.

    Also... I don't understand why if people don't care what the post is about... why they need to comment on it. Yes to join a debate and give solid opinions, I understand that. However... if it is something not pertaining to you (Not directed towards you, I am saying in general) why people can't just keep scrolling. I saw a post about Atkins Diet and I know personally I'm against it... so I scrolled past. I don't need to go on there and start bashing someone for their take on it.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member

    So, the part where we were having an interesting conversation is over now, then?

    Unless you're "a nationally certified trainer, fitness specialist, and working assistant to a doctor and nutritionist" and believe people who eat "junk" food are delusional drug addicts, then yes. Since I'm neither, time to post it up with gifs.

    :laugh: SMDH... its almost pathetic the bullying that goes on in here it shouldn't even warrant a response. My fitness PAL? Really? Yet, I find it humorous to say the least. :laugh: I don't plan on going anywhere, and ready to actually discuss the topic at hand without silly naysayers, negative nancy's, and sensitive sally's changing the subject. Bully me all you want, and change my words all you want. Will I defend myself? Yes most likely... but will I go away just bc you don't approve? nahhh... :huh:

    So anyway... back to the topic at hand. I would love to hear about fad diets/trends anyone has tried or had someone approach them with. I hate to name brands as to not bash anyones views... but there have been several I have been approached with including skinny wraps, vitamins, energy drinks, shakes, etc. Anyone else?:smooched:

    You're not being bullied. And if you actually read the forums, you would see plenty of posts about shakes, pills, wraps, and other quick weight loss schemes that people have already been approached about or are trying to sell. The response from the community, including the people here who are supposedly bullying you, is that those products are a waste of money and do not work. Followed by information about how the person can achieve their goals using a calorie deficit, exercise, and making sure they get proper nutrition using whatever foods or style of eating works best for them. Your post telling people not to use them isn't exactly revolutionary information around here.

    You might be better off taking a step back and getting to know the community. Saying you're a personal trainer doesn't give you any credibility here, as there have been plenty of PTs here who clearly don't know what they are talking about, or are just trying to scam people and drum up business. And it also helps to get to know some of the posters and their agendas before deciding that they know what they are talking about - the person who you claimed "has some sense" made a post earlier in the thread claiming that people on MFP frequently tell others that they have to eat junk food in order to lose weight.

    We will have to agree to disagree on the bullying. I don't care about it hence why I haven't left yet, but some of the snobbish attacks were unwarranted. Someone could easily say that the term is confusing to many and gave their explanation and that would be that. I understand now that it is a sensitive word. I will be more careful with it in the future... but the way some people handled it was ridiculous.

    I also don't care if being a trainer and fitness specialist gives me credibility on here. Its a message board... lol I never assumed that it would be taken as more than that. And that stinks to hear trainers have been on here before trying to get business but that is not my intent. I highly doubt most people on here live where I do... so unless I meet you face to face... I don't think anyone has to worry. Not to mention I never go out to get clients, luckily they come to me from the community word of mouth. (Which is good because I'm not great at the whole marketing and self promotion thing anyway) :laugh:

    As far as stepping back and reading the community etc. Good idea, I will do that. All in all, this is a message board for ALL members of MyFitnessPal. It is for sharing tips, advice, and having a good time while learning about living a healthy lifestyle. It is not thaaaat serious that we need so much "government" so to say. I am 100% sure there have been posts about the fads I speak of, but I checked recently and did not see any pertaining specifically to these scams. So maybe it is old news for you... but for others it might not be.

    Also... I don't understand why if people don't care what the post is about... why they need to comment on it. Yes to join a debate and give solid opinions, I understand that. However... if it is something not pertaining to you (Not directed towards you, I am saying in general) why people can't just keep scrolling. I saw a post about Atkins Diet and I know personally I'm against it... so I scrolled past. I don't need to go on there and start bashing someone for their take on it.

    To touch on your last point, the reason people speak up instead of scrolling by is that the forums are completely public. You don't even need to have an account here to read them. That means that there lots and lots of people out there reading the boards, and some of them are young teens, people with eating disorders, body dysmorphia issues, and those who are willing to put their health in jeopardy if it means losing a few pounds. People, especially those who have been around for awhile, will speak up and disagree in hopes of lessening the spread of misinformation about weight loss, which is kind of what happened here, in hopes that someone out there who is reading it may avoid doing something silly or unnecessary to lose weight.
  • redversustheblue
    redversustheblue Posts: 1,216 Member
    Maybe I'll just post a picture of my cat. Would that make my opinions more valid?

    I'm pretty sure the slam on photoless posters was meant to include me, so not sure that would help. (I actually do have another photo in my open profile, but it's just a headshot, so doesn't show the abs or cheesy scene shot or whatever is supposed to be necessary to have an opinion according to the poster with the wine who made the comment and OP.)

    That said, I vote for photo of your cat. Cats are great. Cat photos are cute.

    Anyway, I'm not sure what having a photo or lots of prior posts has to do with the merits of your opinions, if they are well-expressed and well-thought-out! So I'm happy to read them, whatever they may be.

    I like your cat, I would like to hug it, looks so cuddly.

    Also, how long do you think before the rage quite happens?