Guys like heavier girls?



  • gethealthygetfit
    I know a lot of guys who would agree. My boyfriend is one of them. It's nice having a guy who likes thicker girls, it's less pressure to lose weight. I want to lose weight to get healthy now, not just to look good for m partner. He thinks I look perfect and beautiful now, and that is nice to hear. I need to hear that when I am losing weight. I beat myself up all the time when I am losing weight. I think it's wonderful that guys think that bigger girls are sexier. I have always hoped that guys liked curves and now I guess I am right. Of course there is always that *kitten* that likes the really skinny girls, but I think for the most part they like curvy girls. A curvy doesn't mean fat either. Curvy means hips, legs and butt. It means not being a stick. This is another thing I had to realize in time.
  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    Of course there is always that *kitten* that likes the really skinny girls

    What makes a guy (or girl) an *kitten* for being attracted to a particular body type (skinny, fat, tall, short, whatever)?

    People like what they like, we cannot control what the heart and what the libido want, sexual attraction is different for everyone.
  • larousse_37
    I apologise for getting a little heated, and I'm a huge believer in everyone having their say.

    I read the posts simply because I was curious. The main issue I have is women's fixation on body size (mine included... it seems to be a societal norm, but it also seems so unfair to have to carry the burden all the time)... the topic arose simply because there are women who feel inferior to other women based on body shape and size (something in MANY cases is unchangable). My point was simply that there is no need for them to feel that way, and that discussing attractiveness in critical terms will only lead to individual's feeling negatively in some way. Just my two cents :-)
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Do you see any posts about whether women like skinny versus muscular men? Or skinny versus chunky men? No. Why? Because it doesn't matter! And we all prefer different types of people. I personally prefer a bigger guy (by bigger I mean muscular and tall). Does that mean I DON'T like a guy who's skinny or smaller?? No, it's much more important to have a good personality and a nice face, and treat me well. The body is an added bonus if it's there.
    Well, I'm glad to see that you didn't take the time to read the thread in its entirety :) Because this totally comes up. And aside from that, there are comments all across the site. No one gender is innocent of this.

    Anyway, all that anyone is really getting out of this is that some men like thicker women and some like really thin women.
    Of course there is always that *kitten* that likes the really skinny girls

    What makes a guy (or girl) an *kitten* for being attracted to a particular body type (skinny, fat, tall, short, whatever)?
    I'm going to take a stab in the dark and assume that it's based entirely in her "About Me" section on her profile. It's the fault of every guy that likes thin girls that she had the issues she's dealt with, of course.

    I've known many people with eating disorders, and people who were especially close to me, so please don't think that I completely lack sympathy; I don't want anyone to be unhealthy. But I don't think that my liking thin girls should effect anyone's sense of self-worth. There are lots of thin women I'm not sexually attracted to, as well. But I don't think that any of those things should make me an *kitten*, either.
  • frankbo25
    frankbo25 Posts: 206 Member
    Skinny is not sexy. I personally love curves on a woman. There is nothing attractive about seeing a womans ribcage and spinal cord. I will also say that Ive seen this at work there are 2 girls that work with me, one is model skinny and the other is what I call "thick". Guess which girl has all the young (and old) guys fawning over her? Not the skinny girl, she is having trouble finding a guy!! GUYS LIKE CURVES!!!
  • larousse_37
    Well I seem to have gotten some people offside, so let me just reiterate one thing. The entire point of my post, was simply to state that some women need to lay off themselves a little bit, and that everyone (no matter what gender) has different preferences, and that's the beauty of life. End of story.

    Lets move on and get back to the topic at hand, please :-)
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Of course there is always that *kitten* that likes the really skinny girls

    What makes a guy (or girl) an *kitten* for being attracted to a particular body type (skinny, fat, tall, short, whatever)?

    People like what they like, we cannot control what the heart and what the libido want, sexual attraction is different for everyone.

    I dont agree that men that like skinny girls are *kitten*, but I can say the only guys I have known that only like skinny girls are *kitten* lol
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    It's funny how every guy I've dated likes curvy women, but I never really liked being as voluptuous as I am! LOL! At my absolute thinnest, I was a size 10, and I loved it. I believe I would look sick if I were any smaller. The size 10 back then may have been because of my big butt (which also seems to be a fan favorite among the guys I'm attracted to).

    Bottom line for me: I'm not trying to get to a certain size for any man. I want to look a certain way with my inevitable curves and I'm tired of feeling like an amazon! lol

    I also have a weird desire to be a fitness model...or at least have the goods enough to be "considered" for a Playboy shoot, lol!
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    I just left another site because of posts like this. Reducing women to numbers as to see who would be more wanted by the opposite sex. Wow, there are way more important things to discuss.

    I have to say that I agree. I am an extremely curvy size 6, and on the most part, am aware of the attention I get from men. Let me tell you, these posts have actually made me feel bad about myself.

    Guy's its not be all end all. Most men I know don't really caaare. Some like cooky faces, some like classically beautiful faces, some like a huge *kitten*. Some like big boobs. Some like small boobs. I know one particular guy who is engaged to a tiny tiny girl (she's a size 6 australian, size 0 us, weighs under 100lbs) but still adores voluptuous, curvy girls. My partner loves big girls, and has this ridiculous obsession with massive (and I mean massive boobs.. beyond normal sized haha) and started force feeding me when we first met because he thought I was too thin. Everyone is different.

    Do you see any posts about whether women like skinny versus muscular men? Or skinny versus chunky men? No. Why? Because it doesn't matter! And we all prefer different types of people. I personally prefer a bigger guy (by bigger I mean muscular and tall). Does that mean I DON'T like a guy who's skinny or smaller?? No, it's much more important to have a good personality and a nice face, and treat me well. The body is an added bonus if it's there.

    Sorry if I'm getting a little heating, but I think there's nothing good to come out of these kinds of discussions, it's always going to cause some level of pain or heartache for someone. I honestly believe that women create their own pain and suffering from reading too much into this stuff. If you are a bigger girl, rest easy in knowing there are millions of men out there who think you are gorgeous just the way you are. Just because some people find skinny girls attractive does NOT make you any less valuable.

    If everyone looked the same, we'd get tired of looking at eachother.

    I completely agree with this. Yes, there have been one or two posts about skinny v muscular men and a few about "it's what's inside that counts", but I think it's safe to say most of the posts are talking about curves vs skinny. And I'd just like to add that seeing as this is MFP I think it's safe to say that most people are on here because they want to change their weight (up or down, lose fat and gain muscle - it doesn't matter what the change is). Bearing this in mind I think that people should approach the issue with a little more sensitivity and remember that there are people of all shapes and sizes on this site, most of whom are not 100% happy with the way they look now. "skinny is not sexy" - maybe this is unfair but I'm pretty sure if someone wrote "flab just is not sexy." that there'd be quite a bit of offence felt and a backlash. It's just not a very supportive comment. I personally feel as a US6/UK10 who's pretty flat chested (and all round boy-shaped), not particularly good about myself.
    I think this is a really interesting thread, don't get me wrong, and it's always great to remind ourselves that there are plenty of men who are attracted to curvy women (and all body types for that matter), but let's not use it as an excuse to bash another body type.
  • soysos
    soysos Posts: 187 Member
    whether conscious or subconscious men are attracted to healthy/fertile looking, and being rail thin just does not look healthy. its not men that create that standard, a mans ideal woman and a woman's ideal woman are two different things.
    the guys who only date the skinny girls, I highly doubt that they are actually attracted, they are simply following the fashion.
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    This got me wondering because the size 10, 12, etc. didn't tell anything to me, so I did a little google search and found a site called "mybodygallery" that let me search pictures of different size women by body type, height, weight, pant size, and shirt size. So I compared different pics and found that the arrtarctive ones usually fit the BMI range of about 21-24.
    Go over that and there is too much belly for my taste (athough there was one pic of a pretty nice looking 185 pound girl who had it all in her hips, so there are exceptions!), go below it and you got skin and bones. Honestly! Who would want to hug a bag of bones?!
    I think men are more into body types than pant sizes. For me, pear or hourglass is a real killer with the weight not mattering so much..

    Anyway. Healthy weight is sexy!
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    Do you see any posts about whether women like skinny versus muscular men? Or skinny versus chunky men? No. Why? Because it doesn't matter! And we all prefer different types of people. I personally prefer a bigger guy (by bigger I mean muscular and tall). Does that mean I DON'T like a guy who's skinny or smaller?? No, it's much more important to have a good personality and a nice face, and treat me well. The body is an added bonus if it's there.

    I do agree with your post but there is a difference here. The body might be a bonus for you but it is a BIG deal for men when it comes to attraction. Generally it seems that men are primarily attracted to the way a woman looks like, while women seem to be primarily more into personality traits..
    Go figure..

    This is not to say that personality isn't important for men. If a smoking hot fox turned out to be a complete idiot, that's a real turn off too.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Just an observation after reading almost every post here, is that it seems that most people don’t consider a girl “skinny” until she’s at the point of too thin, with ribs & bones showing etc. I find that rather flawed.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Ok…I am going to crawl up on my soapbox.gif one more time, then I am done.
    Larousse_37, I am not picking on you, but I disagree with your point. Society inundates us with what an “ideal” body shape should be. So imagine a female (and this is strictly hypothetical because I would never presume to speak for a female) who thinks men are attracted to a certain ideal. So she thinks as a size 8 she needs to be a size 2 to be attractive. She comes to this site looking to lose weight and lo and behold finds many men are attracted to curvier women. She then might think she is comfortable at a size 8 and decides to maintain that. The surprise expressed by many women here proves my point that there is no ideal and women might just lighten up a little.
    And as for guys who only like women who are skinny being *kitten*, would you say the same for a woman saying she only likes men who are muscular? If he come here and said those women are b*tches, would you support him? It is essentially the same principal. Preference is preference. There is no right or wrong to being attracted to curvy women, skinny guys, people of a certain ethnicity, etc. And it doesn’t surprise me that the majority of the men here are attracted to curvy women. MFP draws people of a certain mindset and probably similar points of view. Have this conversation at and the conversation would most likely be radically different. Then you might write them off as vain a**holes. But if you are intellectually honest, to support the viewpoints here and criticize them is unfair. Just different mindsets and viewpoints.
    To go over there and read a female’s post stating she only likes physically fit men because when bumpin’ uglies, she doesn’t want him out of breath and dropping sweat all over her could be seen as a rejection and I could get offended. But really it is her preference which does not reflect on me personally nor does her opinion lessen me as a person.
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    Just an observation after reading almost every post here, is that it seems that most people don’t consider a girl “skinny” until she’s at the point of too thin, with ribs & bones showing etc. I find that rather flawed.

    Why do you find it flawed? That is pretty much exactly what the word means..

    Definition of SKINNY by
    1: resembling skin : membranous

    a: lacking sufficient flesh : very thin : emaciated
    b: lacking usual or desirable bulk, quantity, qualities, or significance
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    A statement like "Guys like heavier girls" is pretty broad. You're only generalizing half the population. Guys are different just like women are different. They like different things. And it's even more complicated than that. I care about things like intelligence and personality, and then you have preferences within that criteria. I know plenty of people who could less about those things. Everyone is different, just be yourself and ignore pop culture.

    I will say one thing. The times my male freinds and I have discussed this topic one thing that has never come up is pants size. The fellas don't point out a woman and go "Oh Man, Look at her, I bet she's a size 3" Doesn't work like that. If a man finds you attractive he does not care what your pants size is. Before I was married telling me you were a size 3 would have meant nothing to me.
  • kaymiller2
    And as for guys who only like women who are skinny being *kitten*, would you say the same for a woman saying she only likes men who are muscular? If he come here and said those women are b*tches, would you support him? It is essentially the same principal.

    I totally agree. Us women so often have adouble standard for ourselves! :huh: And this whole discussion is hilarious to me! 'Course, that may be cause I am secure in my relationship with my man... He's the best!! :love: (and, no, I am not gonna say what 'body-type' he prefers - nobody's business! ) :laugh: :tongue: :happy:
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    I know a young woman who weighed above 200 pounds, and after a type of weight loss method she underwent, she rapidly lost 80 pounds in less than 10 months. She was so excited about it, but her husband started treating her harshly. He felt threatened by her thin figure because other men would find her more attractive. She had to slam her feet down to put an end to his treatment and have him understand that this was the new her.

    It really depends on the man. I find most men do prefer women with extra weight, but some, such as a lot of high-maintenance men, might differ.
  • GunNut37086
    GunNut37086 Posts: 37 Member
    BUT I think Conan makes that list sometimes, and that's most definitely a personality thing!! :laugh:

    You got that right!

    The poor guy looks like he fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. But still, he's tall and thin, not heavy.

    My wife has said more than once, "how does somebody that ugly get on TV?", I guess he must not have the kind of personality she likes. I count myself lucky that I do, b/c she definitely didn't pick me based on looks.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Size 12 and 6 vary. I know people who say they wear a size 12 and they may squeeze into it and believe that is their real size, but not reality.

    And who said a size 6 was "skinny" you have the same problem with a 12. People squeeze into a 6 and say they are a 6.

    Skinny to me are those girl that look liek 13 year old boys, no hips, no butt, and no boobs. Size varies too much. I think we've been told too many times by media and some men that we arent' wanted cause we are big. And I understand the original posters comments, because it is surprising to find that men picked average size women. Not big women, average. That is no surprise to me.