Guys like heavier girls?



  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I like girls that talk to me and don't pepper spray me then run off screaming. willy.gif
    I thought you would have enjoyed the chase...
    Last time my eyes burned so bad I ran straight into a wall.
    better than running straight into her jealous boyfriend.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    I thought I would share this

    ScienceDaily (Sep. 26, 2010) — Men who are looking for short-term companionship are more interested in a woman's body than those looking for a long-term relationship, who focused on a woman's face, according to new research from psychologists at The University of Texas at Austin.

    A woman's body generally provides cues about her state of fertility while her face gives insight into her long-term reproductive value, according to previous research. So the new findings suggest men seeking a short-term relationship have psychological adaptations to look for partners who are fertile and can produce offspring.

    "Men's priorities shift depending on what they want in a mate, with facial features taking on more importance when a long-term relationship is the goal," says psychology graduate student Jaime Confer, who co-authored the research with graduate student Carin Perilloux and Professor David Buss. "Mating is central to the engine of natural selection. This research helps clarify people's preference."
  • mamaisis09
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Guys like curves...

    That’s what I hear but it’s really odd the op's results were that the majority chose a size 14 individual as more attractive, really? First of all, were the heads/faces in the photo? A good face and ESPECIALLY good teeth could sway the entire survey.

    When guys say they don't want to date a stick I totally get that, they don’t want a size 0-2 maybe 4 girl but by no means are they looking for a 14 which is most cases is an unhealthy/overweight BMI, a size 6-10 as ideal, that I can see.

    We'll that explains why everyone at my work thinks I'm skinny, I just thought they were crazy, ha! I'm a size 6/8 with 10lbs to lose (first gain in over a decade, dam cruises!) so already I’m a 20.5 BMI at 5’8.5 and if I got down 10 lbs (which will be a stretch, 7 lbs is fine with me) that’s a 19.5 so still a healthy BMI but under that ugly 20#.

    Ha ha, turned this post around to be an ego boost, lol for me! ;)
  • pauldbarnhart
    pauldbarnhart Posts: 5,999 Member
    I like girls that talk to me and don't pepper spray me then run off screaming. willy.gif
    I thought you would have enjoyed the chase...
    Last time my eyes burned so bad I ran straight into a wall.
    better than running straight into her jealous boyfriend.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I can't speak for any man but myself....I like my wife, and seldom pay much attention to anyone else. No, I'm not lying. Sure, I see other women, but don't really notice what they look like, unless they are on one of the extremes (ultra skinny or very obese)

    I can honestly say, that when I was looking, I have always been more attracted to women that were "average" builds. I've always thought that people can be too skinny. Being healthy is important, but being too thin is simply not attractive. However, who cares about looks? Society is WAY too hung up on physical appearance - look on the inside first, find your soulmate based on who they really are, and she/he will always be beautiful/handsome to you.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Hmmm. Put a gorgeous size 14 in a bar next to a gorgeous sie 6, I wonder who will get picked up. just sayin...

    Regarding the above comment, agreed, seen it time and again in the pub. Many times it is to do with the confidence of the female I suspect rather than just the weight though.

    I've noticed this about height too. When I'm strutting through the lobby of my office in a skirt and heals more men look at me than a total tiny, tight package hottie that’s near me (cause they are always there, dam marketing firm hires all the 18 year old hotties, lol!)

    Legs seem to be a winner so yay legs!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    One male friend stated that a size 4 was nice to look at, but a size 10 was much better for "bouncing off of" - so for those worried about the guys that are looking when you're out on the street, size 4 may be what catches the eye, but apparently not the heart.

    I've found that my attire has *alot* to do with whether or not I get noticed - not so much my figure (or lack thereof). I was dressed in a suit, heels and made up from a meeting earlier in the day and had on a bulky coat while waiting for my son's bus. Curves, lumps, size etc couldn't really be determined but it was obvious that I had a "professional" appearance. I got several stares from the street and I'm still not 100% why. Other days, even on the warm ones, if I wore a pair of jeans that fit right and held my tush up and a top that was fitted enough to show curves but bulky enough to hide bulk, I didn't get anywhere near the looks I got the other day. I'm an observant person and where I live, that's imperative as passers-by can be of the very questionable sort and you want to know if someone has passed you more than once and keep your eye on them - so I notice when I get looked at. Not because I'm looking for silent compliments but because I need to make sure that someone isn't going to make any unsavory attempts. Needless to say, this also lends itself to noticing the silent compliments as well.
  • pauldbarnhart
    pauldbarnhart Posts: 5,999 Member
    Yes, attire has a lot to do with. Most men like a well dressed woman.

    In reality though... there can be no generalization here. Different men like different women. Plain and simple.

    Everyone's tastes are different.
  • ismatts
    Skinny is my preference.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Same could be said about men, do we like them short and skinny? I for one only dated men that were freakishly tall and "husky"...i don't want a twig. The man I'm about to marry is 6'4 and almost 300lbs with a 56 inch shoulder span...could be that I need taking care of (i'm totally independent and strong woman lol) or it could be that I don't want to dominate anymore. I need my man to bring home the bacon while I take care of the nest...yes ladies, i take care of the nest and the child, because lets face it, i sit on my *kitten* at work all day for 7.5 hours, it's the least i could do. He works hard in the oil patch, for 12 hours a day...he is the provider for this family, i merely keep myself busy and make some spending money. If he were to "lose weight" i'd hope that he comes out with a six back and huge calve musles, i don't want him to look transparent. Not only is his frame not built to be skinny minnie, i don't want to look like a tub of lard standing next to him. Right now I look almost petite when i'm standing next to him...helps that i'm armpit level. so what do you think ladies? skinny men vs "thick" men...i know for myself i prefer thick but not lazy
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Yes, attire has a lot to do with. Most men like a well dressed woman.
    My preference is a woman in a dress shirt and nothing else....eeek.gif
  • pauldbarnhart
    pauldbarnhart Posts: 5,999 Member
    Yes, attire has a lot to do with. Most men like a well dressed woman.
    My preference is a woman in a dress shirt and nothing else....eeek.gif

    Now I understand why you get maced all the time....:laugh:
  • Jess116
    Jess116 Posts: 57 Member
    Interesting thread!
  • mmannequinn
    mmannequinn Posts: 55 Member
    I like them big. I like them chunky. Chunky!....Lol... But my wife is thick and I love her that way.

  • skyley
    skyley Posts: 60 Member

    Having surveyed guys about this stuff before, I've learned that men:

    1) Want to say the right thing, no matter what.
    2) Are often confused about how clothing sizes translate into pounds or curves. Honestly, have you ever gotten random men to guess your weight, ladies? Or band size/waist size? Based on looks alone? (no picking up!) Are they EVER even close?

    I totally agree with number 2 I remember in high school being around 100 to 105 and a few guys friends swore I weighed around 80 something!
    ...and this surprises you? Guys are a terrible judge of size.

    I guess not lol but to be that off was just funny lol
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member

    Having surveyed guys about this stuff before, I've learned that men:

    1) Want to say the right thing, no matter what.
    2) Are often confused about how clothing sizes translate into pounds or curves. Honestly, have you ever gotten random men to guess your weight, ladies? Or band size/waist size? Based on looks alone? (no picking up!) Are they EVER even close?

    I totally agree with number 2 I remember in high school being around 100 to 105 and a few guys friends swore I weighed around 80 something!
    ...and this surprises you? Guys are a terrible judge of size.

    I guess not lol but to be that off was just funny lol
    I still disagree with the ruler as to what 6 inches REALLY is. angry.gif
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I love your post. :heart: I just got into a size 14 and I am thrilled.:happy:
    I just want to be healthy and happy and not a size 6.
    The size number is all in the mind. It is what you look like
    and how you feel that is important. Statistics just keep us
    crazy. Good Luck on your weight journey and I am curious also
    what the guys think even though I have been married for 36
    years :tongue:
  • skyley
    skyley Posts: 60 Member

    Having surveyed guys about this stuff before, I've learned that men:

    1) Want to say the right thing, no matter what.
    2) Are often confused about how clothing sizes translate into pounds or curves. Honestly, have you ever gotten random men to guess your weight, ladies? Or band size/waist size? Based on looks alone? (no picking up!) Are they EVER even close?

    I totally agree with number 2 I remember in high school being around 100 to 105 and a few guys friends swore I weighed around 80 something!
    ...and this surprises you? Guys are a terrible judge of size.

    I guess not lol but to be that off was just funny lol
    I still disagree with the ruler as to what 6 inches REALLY is. angry.gif

    lol remember size doesnt matter ; )
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Yes, attire has a lot to do with. Most men like a well dressed woman.
    My preference is a woman in a dress shirt and nothing else....eeek.gif
    Do you see that walking down the street a lot?

    I'll tell you what I have been seeing on the streets of Manhattan lately, and I am a big fan. Short skirts, tights and knee high leather boots. I like any girl wearing it, short and thick or tall and thin and everything in between.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Yes, attire has a lot to do with. Most men like a well dressed woman.
    My preference is a woman in a dress shirt and nothing else....eeek.gif
    Do you see that walking down the street a lot?

    I'll tell you what I have been seeing on the streets of Manhattan lately, and I am a big fan. Short skirts, tights and knee high leather boots. I like any girl wearing it, short and thick or tall and thin and everything in between.

    He sees it peering in the windows of the local university's female dorms.