Guys like heavier girls?



  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    RIGHT HERE is the problem. Magazines and porn is NOT reality. Don't judge the real world based on fantasy land. This stuff is made for the shallow, not the real folks who don't expect a woman to look like a barbie doll.

    Good point. I also don't think men get enough credit for being able to look past physical flaws and even see beauty in them. As much as society tries to portray the ideal woman as being a size 2, society also pushes the idea that men are biologically superficial and shallow. The reason we don't believe that some men are attracted to "thicker" women is because we're bombarded with all of this crap about how there is some universal standard for what's beautiful. I like the analogy someone else posted about asking what men's favorite ice cream flavor is. Nobody can speak for every man in the world when it comes to what is beautiful.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member

    Good point. I also don't think men get enough credit for being able to look past physical flaws and even see beauty in them. As much as society tries to portray the ideal woman as being a size 2, society also pushes the idea that men are biologically superficial and shallow. The reason we don't believe that some men are attracted to "thicker" women is because we're bombarded with all of this crap about how there is some universal standard for what's beautiful. I like the analogy someone else posted about asking what men's favorite ice cream flavor is. Nobody can speak for every man in the world when it comes to what is beautiful.

    This, I agree with. I just don't agree with the fact that all men who do find these fantasy women attractive are "shallow". We all have our own tastes and I don't feel it's something any of us should be ridiculed for. I consider people shallow when they ONLY care about physical appearance and nothing else. I don't consider someone shallow for simply preferring someone small or finding the women in magazines attractive.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    One word: PHOTOSHOP

    Is she photoshopped in Mad Men, too? Because that's what she looks like.

    I suppose in any photo spread there's a little bit of airbrushing going on, sure.

    But Ms. Hendricks (and certainly the Mad Men wardrobe department) understand the value of good underwear AKA "foundation garments". If you saw Ms. Hendricks without the girdle, as you sometimes do in paparazzi shots, she is still devastatingly beautiful and hourglass shaped, but a bit fuller in the midsection than when wearing a girdle or shapewear. On Mad Men, all the women wear the foundation garments of the period--long-line bras, girdles, garters, etc. It makes a bigger difference on Ms. Hendricks because she's a bit more full-figured than say, January Jones. But all the ladies on that show have a somewhat different shape in the show because of the foundation garments. ;)
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    I also don't think men get enough credit for being able to look past physical flaws and even see beauty in them.

    The problem is that you just identified it as a 'flaw.' It's hardwired in you (and i mean the general you, not necessarily you in particular). Many guys don't think of being above the 'ideal' weight as being a flaw. Many of the women who I find most attractive are larger than average. Curves is critical, and the waist/hip ratio is also very important to physical beauty to me. A flat stomach isn't anywhere near the top of the list of highest priorities.

    On the other hand, I know some guys who find women like Gwen Stefani ( beautiful. But to me she looks like a jr high boy. Our disagreement doesn't make either of us wrong or right, it makes the world a better place. It means women all over the spectrum can find a man who will love and appreciate her. That's pretty good news.
  • JulaMonster
    JulaMonster Posts: 51 Member
    In my personal opinion, I think yes, guys prefer curves, but healthy curves, and the definition of healthy curves is different for every body. But here's what I think is probably more true: Guys prefer CONFIDENCE!!! A girl can be any size, and if she exudes confidence in herself, she will be attractive. She can be any size, and if she is self-deprecating and self-conscious, guys will probably overlook her. And it works in photos too, not just once you get to know someone. Body language speaks volumes, regardless of size.
  • WeakCalves
    WeakCalves Posts: 32 Member
    I think that a lot of this might not be which do they find more attractive, but which are they less threatened by / which do they think will not leave them for another better looking guy?

  • deathtaco
    deathtaco Posts: 237
    I like girls I find attractive. Whether it be a size 6, 8, 12, 14 I don't care; nor do most men.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I'm not just talking about being a little overweight as a flaw. I'm also talking about things like having eyes that aren't perfectly symmetrical or having a slightly crooked nose. Technically, those are "flaws," but I do believe a man can look at them and not think it detracts from a woman's beauty. Most women are that way. If we're talking about a man we love, we think all those imperfections are cute. But we're taught to believe that men are only interested in physical perfection, and I don't think that's true at all. And I think it extends into the issue of overall size because different things are attractive to different men.

    As someone who used to be significantly overweight and understands that people make judgments about you based solely on appearance, I have a new perspective on the issue of what is "attractive" to me. Because I'm now a lot smaller and very fit, I notice very fit men a lot more, and they notice me. But I was telling a friend just the other day that of all the men I've met in the past year, the ones I actually had any interest in dating were not the "hot" ones with rippling muscles. They were the ones who made me laugh, made me feel good about myself, and treated me the way I was raised to believe that real men should treat women. It didn't matter to me at all that one of them had a big nose or that one of them was a little overweight. So I guess that's what I'm getting at when I say most people can look past "flaws." We assume most women are that way, but it is so rarely acknowledged that men are that way too.
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    I think that a lot of this might not be which do they find more attractive, but which are they less threatened by / which do they think will not leave them for another better looking guy?


    Speak for yourself. Literally. If you are threatened by some women, that's fine, but don't project that onto the rest of us. We all prefer what we prefer.
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    I'm not just talking about being a little overweight as a flaw. I'm also talking about things like having eyes that aren't perfectly symmetrical or having a slightly crooked nose. Technically, those are "flaws," but I do believe a man can look at them and not think it detracts from a woman's beauty. Most women are that way. If we're talking about a man we love, we think all those imperfections are cute.

    Don't let anyone define what is beauty to you, or make the mistake of thinking that the media's or society in general's definition of beauty will apply to a specific man. In general people will find symmetrical features attractive. And when you take a big enough sample of people that will pan out. But when you're talking about one man judging the beauty of a person, they can see it in a totally different way. What is beautiful to the people who cast TV shows and movies is NOT beautiful to all of us who watch them.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Well, the size 14 girl would have more curves, so that is what the guys are probably attracted to. THe size 6 girl would not be able to have the curvy hips and larger breasts that the 14 girl would have. Even my 14 year old daughter has mentioned that the girls at her school who have the curves get more attention than the girls who are very thin. Too bad that my curves are more like ROLLS! :laugh:

    I get your point, but I am almost in a 6 now, and I am 36DD. Always have been.
  • craek
    craek Posts: 201 Member
    I think it all depends on the guy. My boyfriend doesn't care if I am stick thin or heavier...just as long as I don't lose my butt or chest..haha!
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    This just made my heart sink.

    I want to be be thin for me but... you know... I'm a single gal
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    This just made my heart sink.

    I want to be be thin for me but... you know... I'm a single gal

    Don't get upset. I've had no difficulty attracting men at any weight or size! You won't either.
  • mommiedawn
    mommiedawn Posts: 53 Member
    I think that you should go for the body that YOU feel comfortable in and what you're happy with, and then your guy should love you for who you are and think you're gorgeous no matter what. Who cares if he likes curvy girls or skinny skinny girls, its sill a projection of what guys think girl's bodies should be, when really it should just be up to a woman what she wants her body to look like.

    whoa I love this! you go girl! THAT's some healthy thinking!
  • torregro
    torregro Posts: 307
    As someone who did costumes for a few years in a former life, I can state categorically that sizes are nonsense.
    The more I spend for a dress, the smaller I get! LOL
    Haven't we all bought (or rejected) an outfit before because of what the size tag said?
    I'm currently a size 8 in wrangler jeans and regular clothes from stores like JC Penny. When I hear someone like Kirsty Alley announce that she's a size 6, I just want to know who has the job changing out the size tags in her wardrobe.
    Even if I graciously take off the ten pounds that the camera is supposed to add, she isn't even in the ballpark. There must be special stores in the Hollywood world.
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    I think that you should go for the body that YOU feel comfortable in and what you're happy with, and then your guy should love you for who you are and think you're gorgeous no matter what. Who cares if he likes curvy girls or skinny skinny girls, its sill a projection of what guys think girl's bodies should be, when really it should just be up to a woman what she wants her body to look like.

    thank you for reminding me that of something else the media constantly bombards us with:

    being confident and happy with who you are and your body is ultimately what makes you sexy!
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    Here's the fantasy my husband wants: skinny as a rail with big boobs. Too bad, honey, I'll never be skinny as a rail.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Well, the size 14 girl would have more curves, so that is what the guys are probably attracted to. THe size 6 girl would not be able to have the curvy hips and larger breasts that the 14 girl would have. Even my 14 year old daughter has mentioned that the girls at her school who have the curves get more attention than the girls who are very thin. Too bad that my curves are more like ROLLS! :laugh:

    I get your point, but I am almost in a 6 now, and I am 36DD. Always have been.

    Agree with this. I used to be a size 18 and wear a 40D bra. I'm now between a 6 and an 8, and I'm still wearing a D cup (34D). My twin sister (fraternal) is a size 12 and wears a B cup.
  • Bridgidm2000
    Very interesting. I know my boyfriend says he perfers me how I am now as opposed to being skinny. But it's my self-esteem at stake here. If I'm happy with my self that is all that matters...wether I weight 135 or 175.