Guys like heavier girls?



  • TigerBlood72
    TigerBlood72 Posts: 88 Member
    My wife was a college athlete. Her body fat was so low that she didn't have her period. She was muscular and "looked" hot.

    After 15 years and 4 children she is definitely thicker. I think her body "feels" much better and definitely better for having sex... ha.

    Just my experience. I couldn't be happier with her now. I do not find skinny girls with huge fake boobs attractive at all.
  • karabeara
    karabeara Posts: 19 Member
    I keep commenting and deleting but this time I am leaving it!

    I am 5'10 and now, thanks for MFP, a size 4!! I look amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!! And most importantly, feel amazing. My DH is an amazing man but he and I are both happier with me now than when I was on my weight loss journey. Some men do like "thicker" girls but can we all really be honest with ourselves that most of those guys could probably never land a girl like me in the first place (this is the part I keep deleting :devil: )

    But ultimtely, all that matters if how YOU feel. If I was happy when I was a size 12, 10, 8 or whatever, then I would have stopped. But I wasn't. And no, I am not a bag of bones. I have a nice high booty, normal size boobies (for now) and a nice hourglass shape. I'm happy and I'm now maintaining.

    But then again, I was only fat for 2.5 years so this struggle has not been a lifetime fight for me.

    Just be happy with yourself! :heart:

    It's nice that you're happy with yourself. It would have also been nice had you gone with your first instinct and deleted that part. Funny how you think that a man would only like a "thicker girl" because he couldn't land a girl "like you". There may be a fine line between feeling good about yourself and feeling superior to others.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I asked my husband this. he felt it was a loaded question, but gave the answer that size 14 is not considered big. If you take a person that is 5'2" and a 5'8" girl that weigh the same and wear the same size, the answer is going to be a lot different. He thinks you should do a poll on that.

    Most likely at 5'8" and the same weight as a 5'2" most likely they will not be the same size. If the 5'2" is a 14 at that weight, most likely the 5'8" would be closer to 6 or an 8, as the weight is spread out over a large area therefore would be smaller around, hence a smaller size. To look the same in proportion the 5'2" would probably have to be a size 8 to look the same as a 5'8" as a 14. It is all about proportions.
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
  • JAG1224
    JAG1224 Posts: 191 Member
    my husband is the same way. he prefers a little meat on the bone and curves. he's already told me, that although he completely supports my weight loss that he doesn't want me to get too small. AHHH! love my hubby! :bigsmile: (and just to clarify, when i think of curvy healthy bodies i picture people like kim kardashian, jennifer lopez etc.)
  • Derm94
    Derm94 Posts: 20 Member
    Awesome post! I am a size 14 on my way to a 12 and am 5'8". My husband has always said that he likes curves and not scrawney girls. I will see a tall, skinny girl and say "What about her?" His response is always, "Ugh, too thin." My mother has always been a size 4 or so and has crapped on me and my sister for being heavy our whole lives. Even when I am a 12, which I am pretty happy with, she wants me to lose more. I don't think she realizes that she looks frail. I think an in-shape 12 looks 100% better than a 4 or a 6 that is just skinyy. And yes, I think guys like curves. And real boobs.
    Have a good day.
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    okay so this post is awesome. i have never been skin and bones but in high school i was an 8/10 and by the time i graduated i was a size 10 but weighed 180lbs (i was a body builder). so i was EXTREMELY fit and a size 10. when i met my hubby i was still a 10 but a much "softer" 10 because i had stopped body building. actually, i had stopped working out entirely. however, my body was still nice and i still had a flat stomach. i am a 16 now and originally i always wanted to just be a 10 again. my hubby says size 10 is the PERFECT size. however, i REALLY want to be a 6. i'm 5'5" so i think 6 would be best for me. plus, after 2 kids, your body really changes. at a size 10 i think i'll still be "fluffy"

    either way, as long as you're healthy, i think any size is perfect. as a size 16 i'm fitter and have more endurance then a lot of my much skinnier friends. i have perfect blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, etc. but i've always been active. i'm not happy with my size right now because after 2 kids your body looks like hell. or at least mine does. lol. once i reach my goal weight of 140 and stay there for at least 6 months then i will get a tummy tuck to get rid of the extra skin. :-)
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    My husband would take someone my size (16-18) over a 6 anyday..he says they look sickly...... makes you wonder you know?
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    From what I gather, guys want:

    Big boobs, but not saggy boobs or boobs of different sizes.
    Big butts, but not fat *kitten*. No cellutlite, no vericose veins. Must be round and big, but firm and smooth.
    Curves, but no love handles.
    Flat stomachs, but no six packs.
    Smooth, perfectly shaved legs but they complain if we shower for more than 10 minutes.
    Beautiful complexions and facial features, but they don't like makeup.

    They want natural, low maintenance women that wake up looking like they spent two hours getting ready.

    Am I forgetting anything?
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat, right?
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat, right?
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    From what I gather, guys want:

    Big boobs, but not saggy boobs or boobs of different sizes.
    Big butts, but not fat *kitten*. No cellutlite, no vericose veins. Must be round and big, but firm and smooth.
    Curves, but no love handles.
    Flat stomachs, but no six packs.
    Smooth, perfectly shaved legs but they complain if we shower for more than 10 minutes.
    Beautiful complexions and facial features, but they don't like makeup.

    They want natural, low maintenance women that wake up looking like they spent two hours getting ready.

    Am I forgetting anything?

    you forgot they want you to be all of that AND greet them at the door naked with a cold beer in your hand :drinker:
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I do my very best on any internet forum to almost never say anything serious, or to helpfully participate in conversations. It's just my thing. On this SPECIAL occasion, however, I am making an exception...

    Some men like obese women. Some men like average women. Some men like thin women. Some like to be urinated on. Some like the missionary position only. Some men like steak. Some men like quiche. Some men like everything.

    THEY ARE PEOPLE. They have different preferences. It really sickens me to see an entire gender being painted with the same brush. It's like saying all women are afraid of spiders or all women enjoy shopping. It is ridiculous.

    If you want to know what a person likes, ask them. If you ask 10 men you will get 10 different answers.

    I only read about 3 pages of this, but the idiocy of it has completely ****ed me off. By the way, that word that has no doubt been replaced by a row of asterisks starts with the letter 'f'.

    So, to recap, men=people=different preferences

    There is no mystery to solve, here.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    From what I gather, guys want:

    Big boobs, but not saggy boobs or boobs of different sizes.
    Big butts, but not fat *kitten*. No cellutlite, no vericose veins. Must be round and big, but firm and smooth.
    Curves, but no love handles.
    Flat stomachs, but no six packs.
    Smooth, perfectly shaved legs but they complain if we shower for more than 10 minutes.
    Beautiful complexions and facial features, but they don't like makeup.

    They want natural, low maintenance women that wake up looking like they spent two hours getting ready.

    Am I forgetting anything?

    you forgot they want you to be all of that AND greet them at the door naked with a cold beer in your hand :drinker:

    Haha, yes. I did forget that.

    I do agree with the guy that said all men have different preferences, however we don't see those different preferences reflected in the things we see/read every day. Magazines, movies, TV, billboards.... toned body, beautiful face, perky boobs. What else are we suppose to think? We just assume that's what guys like because that's all we see! I don't see any size 16 women in Maxim.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    If you are looking for truth in advertising you will be disappointed. Models of either gender, represent an ideal. Just because you think a Ferrari looks cool doesn't mean you wouldn't admire or even prefer to drive a BMW.
  • bobbrich
    bobbrich Posts: 6
    That is so funny .. some times I look at the before pictures and think nothing is wrong with her all that curves. Then you look at the after pictures and say she lost too much and you want to tell them put some curves back on...But you don't want to come off as a
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    If you are looking for truth in advertising you will be disappointed. Models of either gender, represent an ideal. Just because you think a Ferrari looks cool doesn't mean you wouldn't admire or even prefer to drive a BMW.

    Very true.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    We really should start a thread where men and woman can post a picture of the body type they find the most attractive. I suspect a lot of people would get a great amount of relief from seeing the beautiful natural bodies we would all most likely choose.
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    When I first met my boyfriend I was super slim and loved my body.
    I've put on 2 stone in 2 years and now that I'm dieting to get it all back off he said to me the other day "you won't lose it ALL again will you? You should keep some curves because I think you were very slim before"
  • rebeccajoy
    rebeccajoy Posts: 45