Fitness Misconceptions that drive you nuts?



  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    Or they actual care that words mean something and if you can't be bothered to type DENSITY instead of WEIGHT it indicates either that you're lazy or have a lack of comprehensive knowledge and general ignorance and poor grasp of the entire concept. It is not THAT difficult to use the right words to properly express yourself. The statement is wrong. Things that are wrong bother me- sorry if that's pedantic to you- but it's just a false statement.

    When you are asked which weighs more: steel or feathers, do you ask about their volume?

    No. Of course not. Because every idiot on the planet understands that you're talking about equivalent volumes in your question.

    It's a litte something we like to call "context." To pretend *NOT* to understand that is what is pedantic.

    It's called effective communication. When two parties understand the basics of the conversation, it is not necessary - and even becomes cumbersome - to have to expressly lay out the ground rules with every single sentence. That is the height of *IN*effective communication.

    So feel free to remain pedantic, that's certainly your right. However, back in the real world, people really don't need everything spelled out for them in order to undertand basic concepts.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    My grandmother was told "don't drink protein shakes, they'll make you fat" - yes, of course they will, it has absolutely nothing to do with all the ice cream/cake/breads/fried foods she eats.

    My friend tells me she doesn't need to lift weights, as she gets bulky and besides, she "already has muscle" :huh: Well, everyone has muscle, you wouldn't be able to move if you didn't.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    @ Algaea

    LULZ- it's SCIENCE -and I believe in this case it's really important to under stand and use the right words- I'm not sure how ignoring a sentence that is wholly mis-representing a concept can just "be let go"

    I'm with you.

    we'll go have our own party- where we can have pounds of bacon and cheese and very dense beer. all for ourselves!!!
    Sounds great to me :drinker:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Or they actual care that words mean something and if you can't be bothered to type DENSITY instead of WEIGHT it indicates either that you're lazy or have a lack of comprehensive knowledge and general ignorance and poor grasp of the entire concept. It is not THAT difficult to use the right words to properly express yourself. The statement is wrong. Things that are wrong bother me- sorry if that's pedantic to you- but it's just a false statement.

    When you are asked which weighs more: steel or feathers, do you ask about their volume?

    No. Of course not. Because every idiot on the planet understands that you're talking about equivalent volumes in your question.

    It's a litte something we like to call "context." To pretend *NOT* to understand that is what is pedantic.

    It's called effective communication. When two parties understand the basics of the conversation, it is not necessary - and even becomes cumbersome - to have to expressly lay out the ground rules with every single sentence. That is the height of *IN*effective communication.

    So feel free to remain pedantic, that's certainly your right. However, back in the real world, people really don't need everything spelled out for them in order to understand basic concepts.

    Getting a lot of mileage out of pedantic- watched Family Guy last night did you?

    And I'm really curious what "real" world do you live in? And how is it different than mine- but put that aside for a moment and in my 'fake' world... We regularly DO have to explain things- frequently, in very basic 3rd grade steps.

    And just to be clear- and spell this out for you- by in my "fake world" I mean here on forums AND at my daily job... as an engineer.

    I see you're new here... you'll figure it out at some point I expect.
  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    Your rhetoric is sad. Instead of sticking to the topic at hand, you make it personal and insult me. I'm a blast at parties and I'm also the one, who avoids your type, the one that needs to insult others to boost their ego.

    No. I pointed out that you claimed to be a scientist, and yet confused extraordinarily basic concepts like mass and weight WHILE you were criticizing people for not expressly differentiating between weight and density.

    My point, which I'm sure you got very clearly, was that - despite your obvious inability to distinguish between mass and weight - I understood your point. I extended to you a courtesy you are unwilling to show others.

    I stuck to the topic at hand. What you didn't like is that you embarrassed yourself by mixing up weight and mass and therefore made my point for me. I didn't insult you: I merely pointed out the petard upon which you hoisted yourself.
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    "You don't need to do abdominal isolation work. You get all your core strength from squats and dead lifts"

    Which brings me to: "Squats and dead lifts are the ONLY EXERCISE YOU WILL EVER HAVE TO DO! EVER!!!!!!"

    I get that you are engaging your abs in your squats and dead lifts however your abs also support your back and I would personally rather have a strong base for my back to prevent injury before doing an exercise that could cause an injury.

    I also get that squats and dead lifts are excellent exercises but they are not the end-all-be-all of exercise.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I also get that squats and dead lifts are excellent exercises but they are not the end-all-be-all of exercise.

    shut up and get out!!!

    You're WRONG. squats and dead lifts are the best thing ever.

    well- and pull ups.

    I'm pretty sure jesus squats. so if jesus squats- you should too.
  • Julibug86
    Julibug86 Posts: 21 Member
    This is funny, but I can say that whenever I lose weight, that's the part it comes from first. I've lost 10 lbs in this go-round and dropped from a 38B to a 38A. It's one of those things that is not true for everyone, but does happen to some of us, so the rumor continues...
    I'm with you! Wish it would go from my hips first rather than my bosoms!

    I wish it would go from the girls first.

    If only we could share! I got measured for a bridesmaid dress a few weeks ago and was a 10 up top and a 16 down bottom. Had to order the 16 and then get it taken in up top (and it's even a bit snug down bottom...). Today I'm wearing a button down shirt that is loose up top and is barely able to button at the hips. Trust me - this is not as fun as it seems! If only we could all just fall into the middle - not too big, not too little...
  • AngelaRoberta
    AngelaRoberta Posts: 24 Member
    My family and close friends are fat and struggle with their weight. They think they can lose it and keep it off by going on dumb diets; such as completely cutting out carbs, not eating meat, "cleansing", crash dieting, etc. You know.. the usual crap. Whenever I hear them talking about weight loss, they always advise others that these are the things that need to be done to lose weight. But as long as I've known them, they've always been fat and have NEVER been able to sustain weight loss with these diet methods that they advocate..yet they ALWAYS advise the same crap.

    What blows my mind is that I'm the only one who's been able to lose a significant amount of weight and keep it off, yet they completely disregard any type of advise I give them; specifically when I tell them that you don't need to follow crash/fad/restrictive diets to lose weight.. just look at ME. But nope.. completely disregard what I say. Yet if some retard comes along and regurgitates the same crap that they believe in, they are in complete agreement.

    They also always give me **** when I have fast food or "junk" food.

    Absolutely ridiculous.

    Yes! This is exactly what I see. I have relatives that diet twice a year- 500 calories per day for several weeks. They drop weight like crazy everytime. But then again, they need to do it again 6-8 months later since they've gained it all back. They keep telling me I need to do it with them if I am "serious" about weight loss because they can lose 45 pounds in the same time I lose 8-10...
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    Getting a lot of mileage out of pedantic- watched Family Guy last night did you?

    And I'm really curious what "real" world do you live in? And how is it different than mine- but put that aside for a moment and in my 'fake' world... We regularly DO have to explain things- frequently, in very basic 3rd grade steps.

    And just to be clear- and spell this out for you- by in my "fake world" I mean here on forums AND at my daily job... as an engineer.

    I see you're new here... you'll figure it out at some point I expect.

    You must deal with non-engineers if you have to explain things in basic 3rd grade steps.

    My husband is a PE. I am not. He constantly has to draw pictures to explain things to me. I've been with him for 19 years and I still don't know what it is he does.
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    I also get that squats and dead lifts are excellent exercises but they are not the end-all-be-all of exercise.

    shut up and get out!!!

    You're WRONG. squats and dead lifts are the best thing ever.

    well- and pull ups.

    I'm pretty sure jesus squats. so if jesus squats- you should too.

    I'm not denying they aren't good. I rather enjoy them myself but there are other exercises out there too.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Your rhetoric is sad. Instead of sticking to the topic at hand, you make it personal and insult me. I'm a blast at parties and I'm also the one, who avoids your type, the one that needs to insult others to boost their ego.

    No. I pointed out that you claimed to be a scientist, and yet confused extraordinarily basic concepts like mass and weight WHILE you were criticizing people for not expressly differentiating between weight and density.

    My point, which I'm sure you got very clearly, was that - despite your obvious inability to distinguish between mass and weight - I understood your point. I extended to you a courtesy you are unwilling to show others.

    I stuck to the topic at hand. What you didn't like is that you embarrassed yourself by mixing up weight and mass and therefore made my point for me. I didn't insult you: I merely pointed out the petard upon which you hoisted yourself.
    I don't mix SI units up. Just because I didn't use the exact same words as you did, doesn't mean I don't know basic physics, chemistry, biology and more. Who brought up being a blast at cocktail parties? I most certainly didn't.

    Have a nice day.
  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    Getting a lot of mileage out of pedantic- watched Family Guy last night did you?

    Some of us don't get our vocabulary from Family Guy. Pedantic is an accurate description of your behavior. So that's what I'm calling it.
    And I'm really curious what "real" world do you live in? And how is it different than mine- but put that aside for a moment and in my 'fake' world... We regularly DO have to explain things- frequently, in very basic 3rd grade steps.

    And just to be clear- and spell this out for you- by in my "fake world" I mean here on forums AND at my daily job... as an engineer.

    If being an engineer is supposed to somehow bolster your argument, then you failed at doing so. You could be the world's top neurosurgeon for all I care. It doesn't change one whit of your behavior.
    I see you're new here... you'll figure it out at some point I expect.

    Figure what out? That you think laughing at people using a common shorthand for comparing the densities of objects by talking about their weight makes you somehow smarter or superior to them? Sorry. But I've been around on the planet long enough to know that people who refuse to admit that they completely understand the concept being communicated are more interested in expressing their own ego rather than attempting to actually engage in effective communication.

    Which was exactly my point all along. Thank you for reiterating it.
  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    I don't mix SI units up. Just because I didn't use the exact same words as you did, doesn't mean I don't know basic physics, chemistry, biology and more. Who brought up being a blast at cocktail parties? I most certainly didn't.

    Have a nice day.

    Re-read your post. Yes you did. We were talking about "weight," and you responded with "mass." I didn't make that basic mistake. You did. Yet you want to criticize others for making an equally basic equivalance. You just somehow think you're better or smarter because you make different errors in communication than they do. Color me unimpressed.

    Have you looked in a mirror lately? It turns out you're human like everyone else, and maybe - just maybe - you shouldn't be living in a glass house when you're looking to throw stones.
  • SaltNBurnBoys
    SaltNBurnBoys Posts: 170 Member
    I see you're new here... you'll figure it out at some point I expect.
    Figure what out? That you think laughing at people using a common shorthand for comparing the densities of objects by talking about their weight makes you somehow smarter or superior to them? Sorry. But I've been around on the planet long enough to know that people who refuse to admit that they completely understand the concept being communicated are more interested in expressing their own ego rather than attempting to actually engage in effective communication.

    Which was exactly my point all along. Thank you for reiterating it.

    I think the problem you're having here is that you assume people are purposely pretending they don't know the difference between weight and density. A lot of people don't. A lot of people hear "what weighs more, a pound of lead or a pound of feathers?" and they will instantly say "lead".

    It's wonderful that you're so intelligent and that you assume the rest of the world is too. But it just isn't.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Lifting heavy weights will make you huge!

    On one hand they complement me on how "skinny" yet toned I've become, and they ask me how. I tell them lifting heavy has made a real difference and they say no, no it will make you huge! Duh!

    XD I love that the proof they're wrong is right in front of their face and they still insist on believing the lie.

    So I guess Bodybuilder's never lift, they just go fishing.. hmmm.. interesting.

  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    The idea that you can 'trick' your body. Or 'shock' it.

    .....jump start it. :laugh:

    You need a cleanse pill to do that. :wink:
  • marie3221
    marie3221 Posts: 77 Member
    How people think that the calorie burn number on their Polar FT4 is perfect. Runs off laughing. :flowerforyou:

    Sorry .. I have found it to be at times very very very wrong. And that was doing simple walking. Gave mine away to my sister.

    People need to understand that it cannot measure calorie burn at all .. it can only measure heart rate. The calorie burn is just some guys math calculation, just like on every other device. They are often wrong.

    This! and why spend the money on something that you can do manually! (for HR that is)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I also get that squats and dead lifts are excellent exercises but they are not the end-all-be-all of exercise.

    shut up and get out!!!

    You're WRONG. squats and dead lifts are the best thing ever.

    well- and pull ups.

    I'm pretty sure jesus squats. so if jesus squats- you should too.

    I'm not denying they aren't good. I rather enjoy them myself but there are other exercises out there too.

    I know- I'm ribbing you a bit. :) seen you around long enough figured you could probably handle it. :wink:
    You must deal with non-engineers if you have to explain things in basic 3rd grade steps.

    My husband is a PE. I am not. He constantly has to draw pictures to explain things to me. I've been with him for 19 years and I still don't know what it is he does.

    I work for the gubment- so lots of lots of people- none engineers and people who are supposed to be smart and can't figure out how to PDF a document and won't bother trying to TRY for themselves. Yes- it happens A.LOT. sometimes it makes me brain hurts- and unfortunately it isn't a matter of intelligence it's a matter of perception and how you process information. I deal with a lot of smart people who don't think the same way and it's sometimes hard- because it definitely resorts to pen and paper- most of the time it's fine- I get it- but sometimes... gosh... it makes my head hurt!!!

    Good lord- you're one of those posters- find you want to play break apart the quote- we'll do so.
    Some of us don't get our vocabulary from Family Guy. Pedantic is an accurate description of your behavior. So that's what I'm calling it.

    It had more to do with the fact it's the ONLY word you've been drawing on.
    And I see nothing wrong with using TV to learn new words though- why begrudge someone from learning something new?
    PS: nice passive aggressive- I don't get my vocabulary from Family Guy- it's just next to them, you're the only one I know who uses that word SO much.
    If being an engineer is supposed to somehow bolster your argument, then you failed at doing so. You could be the world's top neurosurgeon for all I care. It doesn't change one whit of your behavior.
    My behavior isn't at question here honestly- you're making what's tantamount to a personal (this is the second one by the way you've made) attack on someone- that is NOT relevant to the discussion, so good job for completely side stepping the ACTUAL issue of dealing with people using the wrong words to properly explain a concept. Either you understand the concept or you do not.

    And yes- as someone who is in a scientific field- It is/was relevant to the conversation.
    Which was exactly my point all along. Thank you for reiterating it.

    Actually- you haven't made ANY point- other than you don't understand how it's important to use the proper terms to explain concepts to people.
    You've done a great job at circumventing ANYTHING relevant to discussing why it's important (or not for your argument) and simple discussed that you think we are being petty.

    But thanks for trying!!!
  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    I think the problem you're having here is that you assume people are purposely pretending they don't know the difference between weight and density. A lot of people don't. A lot of people hear "what weighs more, a pound of lead or a pound of feathers?" and they will instantly say "lead".

    It's wonderful that you're so intelligent and that you assume the rest of the world is too. But it just isn't.

    Why do people make that mistake? Because they're not listening for the "pound of" part of the statement: in their heads they are conflating density and weight. That doesn't make them less intelligent: it makes them less scientifically rigorous or perhaps not as careful at listening as they could be.

    It doesn't mean they didn't understand the concept at all. On the contrary, when you said "weight" they automatically imputed "density" to the question. *THIS* is precisely the point I am trying to make. To pretend that Average Joe doesn't understand density is faux intellectualism. He might answer that question wrong precisely *because" he understands that lead is more dense than feathers. If he didn't, then he would have answered differently.

    There's a reason why "which weighs more a pound of lead or a pound of feathers" is considered a trick question. Because it takes advantage of a human being's natural tendency to filter and most people hear "lead vs. feathers" and answer accordingly.

    If you wanted to laugh at someone for getting that question wrong, you could have yourself a good chortle here. Which is what pedants like to hang their hat on. But is that the way you treat someone you know who conflated the two concepts? Would you really make it a running joke on a website because they didn't use the scientifically correct terminology? No. You'd accept that they understand the basics of what is being communicated and you would move on. But on the internet, everyone wants to be a tough guy and show how much smarter or better than they are than the other guy, so "let's make this our little inside joke to laugh at people" stuff like this gets started.

    I totally get that I'm not playing the game the way that the inside jokesters want me to. And clearly at least a couple of people are very upset with me for pointing out their own hypocrisy on the issue. But this little "inside joke" is saying a lot more about the people telling it than it does about the people who they're telling the joke about. Maybe it's about time the jokesters understood that.

    That is the issue here, and why I mentioned it as something that gets on my nerves.