Am I ok to replace food with alchohol for one day?

Planning on having a drink tomorrow, I can stay within my calories if I have a small lunch as my drink will total to about 800 calories.
Is it best to eat my calories in food with the drink on top so I'm getting the correct nutrition or will it be ok for a day?


  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    I'm pretty sure one day won't ruin anything. Can you describe this 800 calorie drink just to be sure, please?
  • noteve
    noteve Posts: 57
    You should look into a term called "drunkorexia".

    I don't recommend this at all. It's a vicious cycle, I ended up as an alcoholic anorexic. Not saying it will happen to you but be careful.
  • lady6starlight
    lady6starlight Posts: 127 Member
    That doesn't sound like a good idea. Drinking with a small lunch is going to leave you reeling at the end of the day.
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    Pretty much anything is okay for just one day.

    When I'm worried about calories, I drink on an empty-ish stomach, so I don't need as much to get tipsy.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    If it's only going to be one day, than I vote for just eating like normal and having your drinks. One day shouldn't be a problem and honestly won't really have much of an impact on your weight loss. If you really want to have the same deficit, than average out your calories for the week. You could probably cut 100-200 everyday for the rest of the week to maintain your current weekly deficit. I doubt 1 or 2 drinks is going to take you out of your weekly deficit (even if it puts you over for 1 day).
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    If you're drinking alcohol, just chuck nutrition goals for the day, lol. I'd eat my food just before I drank so that I had something in my stomach. You don't want to barf all over the place!

    A song as you're okay with it, it doesn't matter what anyone else's opinion might be.

    I can't drink alcohol, so have one for me. Maybe something with an umbrella. ;)

    Have fun! :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    It's one day, you'll be fine having the drink but I WOULD make sure I ate enough. Do a little exercise to earn some calories if you need to, or alternately, go over on the day, but make sure you get enough food for nutrition.
  • lemonsurprise
    lemonsurprise Posts: 255 Member
    It's vodka! If I'm correct, about 300ml totals to over 700 calories, plus the calories in the diet lemonade.

    I don't have any issues with replacing it long term, I rarely drink, it's just a friends birthday but I didn't know what to do regarding the calories for that day.
  • heyyoudontgiveup
    heyyoudontgiveup Posts: 64 Member
    300 ml of vodka is like 10 drinks. are you drinking THAT much vodka, really? that's a much bigger issue than calories.

    edit: when I have a vodka and diet I tag it at about 110 calories. a shot (or 1.5 shot at most) of vodka shouldn't really be more than 150 calories.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    It's vodka! If I'm correct, about 300ml totals to over 700 calories, plus the calories in the diet lemonade.

    I don't have any issues with replacing it long term, I rarely drink, it's just a friends birthday but I didn't know what to do regarding the calories for that day.

    Eat reasonably, go over your calories a bit and work towards a weekly average of daily calories over the coming week. How small is your lunch?
  • lemonsurprise
    lemonsurprise Posts: 255 Member
    Lol honestly I drink about 4 times a year, there's no problem in that department. You can say 10 vodkas, or you could say 5 doubles! That's not that much is it?!
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    That's a lot of vodka. If it were me I would eat closer to my goal and just go over calories for the day. As long as you get back on course the next day you should be fine. A lot of people take a "cheat day" every now and then and it's better to do that than be super sick at your friend's birthday party.
  • lemonsurprise
    lemonsurprise Posts: 255 Member
    It's vodka! If I'm correct, about 300ml totals to over 700 calories, plus the calories in the diet lemonade.

    I don't have any issues with replacing it long term, I rarely drink, it's just a friends birthday but I didn't know what to do regarding the calories for that day.

    Eat reasonably, go over your calories a bit and work towards a weekly average of daily calories over the coming week. How small is your lunch?

    This is what I was thinking, a bit of a compromise!
    My lunch would be a chickpea/blackbean/generally loads of veg, veggie burger in a bun with salad.
  • heyyoudontgiveup
    heyyoudontgiveup Posts: 64 Member
    That is quite a lot of alcohol. Combining that with not eating will likely make you sick.

    if you DO want to drink 10 drinks, I would also suggest making sure you eat. if this is not a common occurance, one day will not hurt you.
  • mkdm291
    mkdm291 Posts: 139 Member
    Vodka is typically 65 calories per ounce. I often use this to mix with some seltzer to avoid the calories with wine (my favorite!). 10 vodka drinks is kind of scary, but who am I to judge!
    As I write this, I am having my wine. I managed to work it into my 1350 calorie day while remaining under for the day. Also ate three meals. I skipped snacking today and it worked.
    But truth..... one day isn't going to hurt you.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Lol honestly I drink about 4 times a year, there's no problem in that department. You can say 10 vodkas, or you could say 5 doubles! That's not that much is it?!

    Seriously? That's a crap ton of vodka. :sick:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    It's vodka! If I'm correct, about 300ml totals to over 700 calories, plus the calories in the diet lemonade.

    I don't have any issues with replacing it long term, I rarely drink, it's just a friends birthday but I didn't know what to do regarding the calories for that day.

    if this is what you consider 1 drink them DAYYYUUUUMMMM.

    just to put it in perspective one shot is like 100 calories. will you really be having 7 shots? not that i'm judging because i'm planning to do some drankin' at a new tiki bar tomorrow :laugh:

    but um yeah if you're planning on drinking that much eat some food or else you may very well get alcohol poisoning , dont worry about the calories just log it and keep going. it's just one day .
  • lemonsurprise
    lemonsurprise Posts: 255 Member
    Lol honestly I drink about 4 times a year, there's no problem in that department. You can say 10 vodkas, or you could say 5 doubles! That's not that much is it?!

    Seriously? That's a crap ton of vodka. :sick:

    I'm really surprised everyone thinks this! Before I was calorie counting I would just get a 750ml bottle to myself! I'm not a small person though, and I'm 23 so that was and still is my excuse ;)
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    how to party: eat, drink, drink, water, drink, drink, water. repeat.

    it's one day, you'll be fine.

    have fun, but not on an empty stomach. don't want to get TOO drunk and end up being THAT friend at the party. especially in today's world of camera phones. and social media sites. :wink:

    but seriously, go. have fun.

    cheers! :drinker:
  • ninja8tofu
    ninja8tofu Posts: 76 Member
    That's a lot of vodka considering that you won't be eating much. Chickpeas and veggies at lunch really isn't going to stick with you...probably literally. Also, you should probably chase every drink with a glass of water.