Am I ok to replace food with alchohol for one day?



  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    I'd just write the day off and drink and eat. It's obviously some kind of ocasion to enjoy it. If I go to a friends wedding I don't count calories and I don't starve myself either.

    The less you eat the worse that alcohol is going to hit you, especially if you've been in a prolonged state of deficit.

    Good luck! :laugh: :drinker:
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Dude, that's called Friday.
  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member
    C'mon, it's simple-- make sure you drink enough to throw up. This way, you won't have to worry about calories! My only question is whether vomiting qualifies as exercise.

    Pahah - I was just going to say this.

    Bad night on vodka last Friday. Lost all of Saturday and half of Sunday. Threw it all back up over the course of 18 hours, along with my dinner and the cheesy chips I thought were a good idea on the way home.

    Lost 2lbs this week. Still struggling with a residual hangover, but ye know LOSSES.
  • dammitjanet0161
    dammitjanet0161 Posts: 319 Member
    Dude, that's called Friday.

    ^ prize for the best answer!
  • mike_ny
    mike_ny Posts: 351 Member
    Some people may have moral or ethical concerns with too much alcohol or alcohol in different contexts, but from a nutritional point of view alcohol is similar to sugar in that it contains calories for energy, but is lacking in any other nutrients. Consumption of alcohol other than pure spirits usually includes sugar and other ingredients that also need to be counted.

    The worst thing about alcohol from a diet perspective, though, is the accompanying snacks and food in general with a lot less willpower to prevent overeating and then remembering everything you ate to even log it if you can. I just count how many drinks and add a huge number of calories for the rest that I have no reliable estimates for.
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    Lol honestly I drink about 4 times a year, there's no problem in that department. You can say 10 vodkas, or you could say 5 doubles! That's not that much is it?!

    Seriously? That's a crap ton of vodka. :sick:

    I'm really surprised everyone thinks this! Before I was calorie counting I would just get a 750ml bottle to myself! I'm not a small person though, and I'm 23 so that was and still is my excuse ;)

    send my condolences to your liver...not sure why anyone would need to guzzle that much in one sitting and PLAN on it...but hey, IIFYM as they say...smh
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    That's a hell of a lot of vodka. More than I drink in ten years, combined. Wow. After the equivalent of 10 drinks you'll probably be in an alchohol coma, if you don't eat a large meal to offset that much booze.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I've done my time working bars (in Australia) and I can honestly say that ten drinks is a moderate night out for most people I have come across. For me personally, I try to limit myself to one night a week, during which I will usually have about a dozen - preferably single malts, neat, if you're buying... So many Judgy McJudgsters on this thread - I'm a little taken aback.

    I usually put in a decent workout, eat a good meal beforehand, and space the odd pint of water in with my drinks. Oh, and I try to have something healthy to stuff in my gob if I arrive home with the drunchies.

    700 calories is nothing when it comes time to celebrate all the accumulated hotness that comes from consistently good choices.
    A bottle of vodka in one sitting is "moderate" for women drinkers in Australia?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Wow didn't think there would be so many replies this morning!

    I think some people have gotten confused - I'm just drinking 300mls tonight - not 750! But it's not unusual in my circle of friends to drink a bottle of vodka over 12/18hrs. Glad there are a few on here that don't think I'm a raging alcoholic!

    I'm going to bulk up my lunch with some pasta and potatoes.

    Strange to know size doesn't actually affect being able to handle your drink too much, but thinking about it, when I was a size 12 I was exactly the same as I am now - probably could handle more actually because I was drinking more frequently.
    Size and weight DO affect ability to handle booze. Definitely. Glad to know you're "only" drinking half a bottle of vodka in one sitting, but based on your OPs you cans see why we were confused. Good luck.
  • 10manda86
    10manda86 Posts: 229 Member
    Lol honestly I drink about 4 times a year, there's no problem in that department. You can say 10 vodkas, or you could say 5 doubles! That's not that much is it?!

    Seriously? That's a crap ton of vodka. :sick:

    When I drink I must drink a "crap ton" of vodka too.... and I mix with soda water and fresh lime :D
    serious note.... that much vokda, on an empty stomach will result in you eating OVER your ANNUAL calorie allowance on chips and crap while you are eating.... the vodka takes control of your brain and your hands will find food and put it into your mouth without you even really noticing much at all.... this is the reason I haven't had a drink since before Easter... and we wont discus this event!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    ] it's normal for petite women to down 20 shots? ok.

    OP never said she was downing 20 shots. The amount referred to (300 ml) only equates to 10 shots, and OP stated she would be drinking it mixed with lemonade. Spread over several hours for a night out on a special occasion it's really not that much.

    OP, I wouldn't worry too much about the cals - it's a rare occurrence and wont do your diet harm. Drinking on an empty stomach wouldnt be advisable, especially if you've not had been drinking for a while, or it could be early doors for you.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Dude, that's called Friday.

  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    A bottle of vodka in one sitting is "moderate" for women drinkers in Australia?

    Unfortunately, for a certain classless bogan type, yes. For those of us with a brain, no.

    I'm reasonably certain this is the same OP who had a thread also on cutting out meals every day to fit in beer.
  • BarWench11
    I've done my time working bars (in Australia) and I can honestly say that ten drinks is a moderate night out for most people I have come across. For me personally, I try to limit myself to one night a week, during which I will usually have about a dozen - preferably single malts, neat, if you're buying... So many Judgy McJudgsters on this thread - I'm a little taken aback.

    I usually put in a decent workout, eat a good meal beforehand, and space the odd pint of water in with my drinks. Oh, and I try to have something healthy to stuff in my gob if I arrive home with the drunchies.

    700 calories is nothing when it comes time to celebrate all the accumulated hotness that comes from consistently good choices.
    A bottle of vodka in one sitting is "moderate" for women drinkers in Australia?

    No, ten standard drinks would be considered a moderate night out for the average drinker in Australia, from my experience.
  • jigsawxyouth
    jigsawxyouth Posts: 308 Member
    Anyone else think she meant replacing food with alcohol for the entire day? I thought that sounded pretty crazy.

    She's young and planning to have some drinks. Who let the Puritans in here?

    Honey have fun, don't worry about your calories for a day. Eat MORE before you go out, not less. Get some bread in there and plenty of water throughout the night. No drunk driving, keep an eye on your drink, use condoms, be smart.

    But for god's sake ignore this clutch of hysterical virgins and go have some fun for once in this life.

    Also, what if she doesn't have her ten drinks? I don't understand why everyone is getting so bent out of shape when OP already said "I only drink about 4 times a year" and, uh, she is over 21, so I don't understand the overdramatic replies.
    And important points are bolded for emphasis
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Eat, drink, and be merry. Back on track tomorrow, I say.(Which means you should probably drink some water so your food log won't read "saltine crackers" for all of tomorrow. :P ) TGIF! Live it up!
  • jenny24012014
    jenny24012014 Posts: 83 Member

    But for god's sake ignore this clutch of hysterical virgins and go have some fun.

    Agreed. Have a nice night!

    And remember if you're dancing that'll burn a load of calories too
  • DamieAnne
    DamieAnne Posts: 103 Member
    Just enjoy your night out and don't worry about the calories.

    Personally when I drink (rarely these days, but back in uni it was OFTEN) I can be anywhere between one drink and the excessive (Talking many shots and cocktails, or a bottle and a half of wine. Please note: not all of this at the same time haha!). I'm only 5 foot 3, and I've never had any black outs from alcohol, although i'm probably in the minority and lucky.

    I would advise eating before hand and just have fun - only you can know how much you can handle and when you've had enough :)