1200 Calories some sort of sin??



  • Discoqueen77
    Discoqueen77 Posts: 61 Member
    Finding the 1200 cal issue interesting on MFP. I decided to reorient my goals to 2lbs a week instead of 1lbs a week, MFP told me to do 1200 cal. I really felt it was too much for me to do successfully, so I chose 1.5lbs instead. That said, I've been guilty of 650-800 cal days in my past. Not sustainable. But I know that friends of mine, with more petite heights/builds have to do 1200 to maintain. Think people are just concerned about longevity with the weight loss so there are no crash (read: dangerous) eating going on here.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I've posted and posted. Maybe I should make a profile with ab pics and a long ticker instead and open my diary since that seems to be what is considered 'authoritative' here.

    That would be a start. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    You really don't think much of people who disagree with your beliefs on low calorie diets. I would love to know how much you eat a day as your profile is locked down.
    I like the people just fine. I don't like the spread of misinformation and treating people who choose a different method than you as misinformed.

    What you choose to eat is up to you. No one's trying to talk you into anything. My intake is irrelevant but my profile pic is pretty indicative of an average day for me during weight loss (1300ish).

    I've posted and posted and posted studies and evidence and usually anything I post is brushed off. Almost no one posts studies that support their side. They seem to believe it because some people with pretty tickers and pics believe it. Someone did post two studies in the argument yesterday but they were about protein intake, not calories.

    You literally called people who disagree with you misinformed a few posts back. Which is it?
    And the common opinion that not losing at a shallow deficit is doing it wrong and destined for failure and it means you're misinformed and impatient.

    Your reason for not posting studies is a straw man argument.
    I've posted and posted. Maybe I should make a profile with ab pics and a long ticker instead and open my diary since that seems to be what is considered 'authoritative' here.

    The authoritive here is peer reviewed studies.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    You really don't think much of people who disagree with your beliefs on low calorie diets. I would love to know how much you eat a day as your profile is locked down.
    I like the people just fine. I don't like the spread of misinformation and treating people who choose a different method than you as misinformed.

    What you choose to eat is up to you. No one's trying to talk you into anything. My intake is irrelevant but my profile pic is pretty indicative of an average day for me during weight loss (1300ish).

    I've posted and posted and posted studies and evidence and usually anything I post is brushed off. Almost no one posts studies that support their side. They seem to believe it because some people with pretty tickers and pics believe it. Someone did post two studies in the argument yesterday but they were about protein intake, not calories.

    You literally called people who disagree with you misinformed a few posts back. Which is it?
    And the common opinion that not losing at a shallow deficit is doing it wrong and destined for failure and it means you're misinformed and impatient.

    Your reason for not posting studies is a straw man argument.
    I've posted and posted. Maybe I should make a profile with ab pics and a long ticker instead and open my diary since that seems to be what is considered 'authoritative' here.

    The authoritive here is relevant peer reviewed studies.

    FIFY :flowerforyou:
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    The study she posted yesterday was relevant - I just would disagree on the conclusion that should be drawn from it (not that VLEDs are superior, but rather that (i) people can maintain losses after VLEDs and (ii) losing a substantial amount of weight seems to lead to better long-term success than just losing a few pounds).
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    They seem to believe it because some people with pretty tickers and pics believe it.

    Their weight loss tickers and progress pictures are damn awesome!
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Not to mention the fact that most of the studies she does post are irrelevant (to the discussion at hand) or do not prove that VLCD are better.

    Quick question - if you think VLCD are better why are you not doing one?
    I don't think VLCD is better. I think 1200 is a safe and a valid choice for most people and there should be more tolerance of it here.

    I'll put study links in my profile from now on and people can make their own judgment on their relevance.
  • fortysixpounds
    fortysixpounds Posts: 419 Member
    The problem with mfp is that a lot of people on here 'think' they're an expert except they're not experts at all. Some of it is well-intention-ed but a lot of it is just arrogance and ignorance which is just the worst combination and unfortunately a common combination on these forums. Unfortunately many people on here are just big know-it-alls and they would in fact try to contradict God himself given the opportunity. I'm really sorry that you've encountered this. Try not to let it get to you and don't argue with them, here's why:

    (48 second vid that'll make you smile)

    Wish you the absolute best with your weightloss journey :flowerforyou:

    but, how do you really feel about MFP peeps? :laugh:

    lol :laugh: I re-read that. Im sorry if that sounded a bit harsh. It's just after 3 years on here, I've noticed a pattern. And a lot of the time its the same people over and over again, they think they know best and they're not content to give their own views, they have to put down everybody else's views. You get used to reading it and 99.99% of the time I keep quiet and stay out of it. But then I read the op's post and she's trying to lose on 1200 on her doctors advice and people are telling her she should do this or that instead...who contradicts medical advice?! well that's a new level. I mean that's just not on and I'm pretty sure it breaks forum rules.

    But look it, for the most part mfp peeps are the absolute salt of the earth :heart: I have met so many wonderful, wonderful, wonderful and inspiring people. I have been very lucky to have made such great friends here :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • revnevbwfc
    revnevbwfc Posts: 6 Member
    bloomin norah! I haven't been on here long (not consistently anyway!) Strikes me these (allegedly supportive) forums are very touchy places!! chill!!! - maybe it's cos everyone here is starving - and so a bit stressed! ;-)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    bloomin norah! I haven't been on here long (not consistently anyway!) Strikes me these (allegedly supportive) forums are very touchy places!! chill!!! - maybe it's cos everyone here is starving - and so a bit stressed! ;-)

  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    You really don't think much of people who disagree with your beliefs on low calorie diets. I would love to know how much you eat a day as your profile is locked down.
    I like the people just fine. I don't like the spread of misinformation and treating people who choose a different method than you as misinformed.

    What you choose to eat is up to you. No one's trying to talk you into anything. My intake is irrelevant but my profile pic is pretty indicative of an average day for me during weight loss (1300ish).

    I've posted and posted and posted studies and evidence and usually anything I post is brushed off. Almost no one posts studies that support their side. They seem to believe it because some people with pretty tickers and pics believe it. Someone did post two studies in the argument yesterday but they were about protein intake, not calories.

    Okay, if I ate 1200 calories a day I would almost always end up with a negative net calories or close to it everyday. And you can look at my exercise diary, everything posted is through a Polar FT4 heart rate monitor. How is that healthy?

    Second, I just looked up VLED because I wasn't aware of what it is and the first article I came across explained that after test subjects come off of it they may need an appetite suppressant to maintain weight loss because they start to regain. I'm not going to spend a lot of time looking at this because I'm at work but I find it difficult to agree with you when this is the first thing I come across.

  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    You really don't think much of people who disagree with your beliefs on low calorie diets. I would love to know how much you eat a day as your profile is locked down.
    I like the people just fine. I don't like the spread of misinformation and treating people who choose a different method than you as misinformed.

    What you choose to eat is up to you. No one's trying to talk you into anything. My intake is irrelevant but my profile pic is pretty indicative of an average day for me during weight loss (1300ish).

    I've posted and posted and posted studies and evidence and usually anything I post is brushed off. Almost no one posts studies that support their side. They seem to believe it because some people with pretty tickers and pics believe it. Someone did post two studies in the argument yesterday but they were about protein intake, not calories.

    You literally called people who disagree with you misinformed a few posts back. Which is it?
    And the common opinion that not losing at a shallow deficit is doing it wrong and destined for failure and it means you're misinformed and impatient.

    Your reason for not posting studies is a straw man argument.
    I've posted and posted. Maybe I should make a profile with ab pics and a long ticker instead and open my diary since that seems to be what is considered 'authoritative' here.

    The authoritive here is relevant peer reviewed studies.

    FIFY :flowerforyou:

    Fair enough...Thought that was implied.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    You really don't think much of people who disagree with your beliefs on low calorie diets. I would love to know how much you eat a day as your profile is locked down.
    I like the people just fine. I don't like the spread of misinformation and treating people who choose a different method than you as misinformed.

    What you choose to eat is up to you. No one's trying to talk you into anything. My intake is irrelevant but my profile pic is pretty indicative of an average day for me during weight loss (1300ish).

    I've posted and posted and posted studies and evidence and usually anything I post is brushed off. Almost no one posts studies that support their side. They seem to believe it because some people with pretty tickers and pics believe it. Someone did post two studies in the argument yesterday but they were about protein intake, not calories.

    You literally called people who disagree with you misinformed a few posts back. Which is it?
    And the common opinion that not losing at a shallow deficit is doing it wrong and destined for failure and it means you're misinformed and impatient.

    Your reason for not posting studies is a straw man argument.
    I've posted and posted. Maybe I should make a profile with ab pics and a long ticker instead and open my diary since that seems to be what is considered 'authoritative' here.

    The authoritive here is relevant peer reviewed studies.

    FIFY :flowerforyou:

    Fair enough...Thought that was implied.

    You would think so....
  • Some people are just really judgmental, they never they probably never been in our shoe to experience the way we go through. I'm a vegetarian & eat mostly salad everyday for lunch & dinner, i will have coffee & banana or apple for breakfast & have a full glass of milk & water before bedtime, I know i'm suppose to eat 1200 Cal/day but most of the time i go over not over the top but maybe 100-200 cal/day but whenever i do i have to make sure i work harder on my exercise. I do exerciser 5 days a week for 1 hr, it depends what I do but I always have at least 30mins of cardio. The average weigh loss i have every week is 1-2lbs. The Calories intake you do everyday is depend on you current weight, your age, & you daily routine it never because it bad or best for you.
  • cheexy85
    cheexy85 Posts: 119
    Yes. It is a sin. So is asking a question about it, or one of the many other hot-button issues on this forum. Expect to be ridiculed, made fun of and generally made to feel small for asking the question in the first place (I haven't read the rest of the posts here but I can imagine). You may even get lucky and get a personal attack. This is not the place for new people just trying to learn how to live a healthier life, it's for experts only. My advice is to do a search and see if you can figure out the answer on your own instead of expecting the majority of people here to give you a helpful response to any of your questions. (insert sarcasm font).


    Brilliant! Hahahaha
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    When I see a 20 year old male who posts on the boards that he is only eating 1,200, lifts at the gym and does cardio I want to face palm.

    You are following the directions of the doctor and therefore in the acceptable minority category.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Don't feel like reading posts about nonsense but did anyone, like the OP, finally tell us what the medication is the magically makes someone gain weight without a caloric surplus. I said without a caloric surplus as in being in a deficit and still gaining weight.

    I'll be waiting. Maybe this will finally be the day.

    I was waiting for that too...

    As to the thread title:
    1200 Calories some sort of sin??

    Nothing going to confession and a few Hail Mary's can't fix.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Some people are just really judgmental, they never they probably never been in our shoe to experience the way we go through.

    What about the judgmental mentality of the 1200 calories police that fails to realize that although 1200 calories may be appropriate for some people, it is not always the case for many of them? Should the people on this forum ignore those who are clearly going down a potentially dangerous path in order to achieve their health goals?
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Some people are just really judgmental, they never they probably never been in our shoe to experience the way we go through.

    What about the judgmental mentality of the 1200 calories police that fails to realize that although 1200 calories may be appropriate for some people, it is not always the case for many of them? Should the people on this forum ignore those who are clearly going down a potentially dangerous path in order to achieve their health goals?

    I'd say "dangerous" is pushing it. 1200 net calories is very unlikely to be dangerous, and while it's possible to be malnourished at 1200 calories it's also possible to be malnourished at 2000 calories. If it was so dangerous, you wouldn't see it commonly recommended by doctors, health organizations and the like. More likely it's just going to be unproductive for a lot of people to eat such an aggressive deficit, as it's more restrictive, they're more likely to go hungry and they're more likely to lack the willpower to stick with it and give up after a few weeks. But calling it dangerous is a stretch.