What the Hell?



  • iMikky
    iMikky Posts: 30

    Lol I'll take that *kitten* a compliment!
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    Hi sweetheart, I hope things improve for you from now on as there are some lovely people on this forum who I am sure will take you under their wings now that you have voiced your concerns. I think part of the problem is that the posts move so fast and there are so many of them that often people's comments are overlooked. However, I am not surprised at how you are feeling as Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Myyyyyyyyyyyyyyy GOD!!
    Some of the people on this forum are as mean as cat's p@$$. :tongue:
    But hey, there are also a lot of really nice (and funny) people out there.:smile:
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    Your education has been neglected! The song in question:


    The link likely won't be clickable, so copy, paste and enjoy. :flowerforyou:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member

    Lol I'll take that *kitten* a compliment!
    now yer onto something ...*kitten* compliments will get u far on this site
  • iMikky
    iMikky Posts: 30
    You aren't too fat...although judging by the photo you may be too young!

    Never take any thing personally. Some people can be mean.

    If you want more interaction you may want to make your profile public so people don't think you are a troll.

    I'm 21. My profile used to be public and I changed it a while ago.
  • glasshalffull713
    glasshalffull713 Posts: 323 Member
    20 posts in almost two years?

    Yeah. It's definitely the MFP community, not you.

    Or maybe it's getting snarky replies like this (and others in this thread) that turned her off to posting? Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?

    I have also found that not everyone on here is super warm and fuzzy. I agree with the posters who said you have to just find the good ones and ignore people who are rude or ignore you. There's a lot of people on here, you'll find supportive ones that don't ignore you! ...and do post more!
  • Reading this just made me very sad.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Welcome to the internet. Oh .. and be thankful this is not FB.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    20 posts in almost two years?

    Yeah. It's definitely the MFP community, not you.

    Or maybe it's getting snarky replies like this (and others in this thread) that turned her off to posting? Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?

    I have also found that not everyone on here is super warm and fuzzy. I agree with the posters who said you have to just find the good ones and ignore people who are rude or ignore you. There's a lot of people on here, you'll find supportive ones that don't ignore you! ...and do post more!

    yeah, it's definitely our fault
  • iMikky
    iMikky Posts: 30
    Actually I know what you mean, whenever I respond to one of those, say something about the person above you threads, I get skipped.
    Someone told me a while ago when you turn 50 you turn beige and get ignored. ( I know you certainly arnt that age) but I feel as if it is true.
    When I ask questions on my timeline, no one answers.
    Shame to be among so many people and feel so lonely.
    I thought it was just me.
    just keep rocking on, you are awesome.

    Thanks! You're a very nice person. And congratulations on the weight loss, not everybody can do that!!
  • iMikky
    iMikky Posts: 30
    20 posts in almost two years?

    Yeah. It's definitely the MFP community, not you.

    Or maybe it's getting snarky replies like this (and others in this thread) that turned her off to posting? Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?

    I have also found that not everyone on here is super warm and fuzzy. I agree with the posters who said you have to just find the good ones and ignore people who are rude or ignore you. There's a lot of people on here, you'll find supportive ones that don't ignore you! ...and do post more!

    Thank you, that rude comment didn't belong here of all places. I realized that some people are mean here.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Actually I know what you mean, whenever I respond to one of those, say something about the person above you threads, I get skipped.
    Someone told me a while ago when you turn 50 you turn beige and get ignored. ( I know you certainly arnt that age) but I feel as if it is true.
    When I ask questions on my timeline, no one answers.
    Shame to be among so many people and feel so lonely.
    I thought it was just me.
    just keep rocking on, you are awesome.

    Thanks! You're a very nice person. And congratulations on the weight loss, not everybody can do that!!
    okay was tryna hold back but u know what?

    I am like the MFP Queen of ignored threads...whether I'm in groups or not, have 6 or 600 on my FL, am fat or skinny, showered that day or didn't.

    This site moves fast. Its not about you it's about whatever you talk about, and timing, not who you are.

    Make sense?

    That's why you just talk about whatever you want to talk about and naturally those with like minds will be drawn to you.

    The threads you're referring to are fast moving game and flirt threads pretty sure everyone gets ignored in there a lot.
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    Its easy to get skipped in those person above you threads. If you and someone somewhere in the world click reply at the same time, obviously they won't see your post and it gets skipped. It happens all the time.

    I feel like you're reading into things too much and your self talk sounds a lot like mine did a few years ago. I had to work on being accountable for my own emotions and I realized that people weren't ignoring me, I was just hyper sensitive about EVERYTHING. The thing to remember is not every single thing you say or do is important, and other people shouldn't be obligated to respond or be responsible for making you feel better. And as for questions asked being ignored, it's possible that no one knows the answer, or like with the other message board answer I gave, it got missed in the shuffle of new posts cropping up simultaneously from different users.

    And now finally the thing to remember from my post, is I'm not attacking you or saying you're wrong, I'm pointing out things I notices with myself. If this post makes you feel defensive, that's the first sign you need to look inward.

    If I'm totally off the ball, I apologize, but I'm speaking from personal experience with self talk that mirrored how you spoke in your OP. That's all.
  • iMikky
    iMikky Posts: 30
    So I've been on here for like 2 years and I notice that people ignore me. Why? I don't know. If I'm correct They're here to lose weight and better their health, just like I was. So can anybody tell me how looking away or skipping someone in need will have any kind of benefits?

    Disclaimer: This is a rant.

    Now where was I..it doesn't. When I post to a topic where you have to say something about the person above, I am skipped. When I ask a question, I'm ignored. When I did get some friends, they didn't care for what I had to say, which was I'm so happy I have you guys as support. Yeah, some support huh. I disabled friends because I don't need to be reminded that others are more important than me. What, am I too fat to be on this website? Do I not weigh enough? Am I too young? I didn't need the added stress so now I do it without the help of others who remind me that I'm just a stranger. A strange stranger. Oh well. That's the end of my rant.

    And people wonder why the world rejects them. They reject others in their own community. Out.

    How old are you?

    Edit: Wait, what? Are you saying you can't deal with the fact the world doesn't revolve around you?

    Maybe you though I wouldn't read this. Who knows, maybe you did. In any case, while reading you noticed that this was a rant and nowhere did I say the world revolves around me. So I'm going to guess that you either aren't familiar with the English language and aren't really trying to make a backhanded remark OR that you got offended. Am I right?
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    You get out what you put in, in my experience. Head over to the success threads and start congratulating people. Jump in to the motivation threads - you might not have advice to give but let people know you sympathise. Join in some debates, share some funny gifs. When you come across people that gel send them a friend request. Show others support and they will support you. It's give and take.

    As for the person above threads, it seems to me that they are just one long flirtation between the same few folks. Jumping into them is like walking up to a couple chatting each other up in a bar and saying "hi"
  • Burt_Huttz
    Burt_Huttz Posts: 1,612 Member
    20 posts in almost two years?

    Yeah. It's definitely the MFP community, not you.

    Or maybe it's getting snarky replies like this (and others in this thread) that turned her off to posting? Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?

    I have also found that not everyone on here is super warm and fuzzy. I agree with the posters who said you have to just find the good ones and ignore people who are rude or ignore you. There's a lot of people on here, you'll find supportive ones that don't ignore you! ...and do post more!

    The egg.

    What we now identify as gallus gallus domesticus, the domesticated chicken, was once a wild animal. It is descended primarily from the red junglefowl. As it began being domesticated some 5,000 years ago, there was a point at which - any arbitrary point really - but a point at which we could say that what preceded gallus gallus domesticus was still the red junglefowl or possibly grey junglefowl.
    The parents immediately preceding what we would then arbitrarily designate as 'the first' gallus gallus domesticus would have laid, fertilized and nurtured the egg which would become the first.

    Thus, let us please finally once and for all lay to rest this absurd question.

    With love,
  • iMikky
    iMikky Posts: 30
    20 posts in almost two years?

    Yeah. It's definitely the MFP community, not you.

    OMG you are SO right! Seriously I'm not too stupid to see that this is sarcasm and you are part of the problem. So what would YOU do if nobody acknowledged your existence after 20 posts? Keep talking to yourself? I don't think so.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I have never even seen you around. Probably because of your low post count.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    20 posts in almost two years?

    Yeah. It's definitely the MFP community, not you.

    OMG you are SO right! Seriously I'm not too stupid to see that this is sarcasm and you are part of the problem. So what would YOU do if nobody acknowledged your existence after 20 posts? Keep talking to yourself? I don't think so.

    I make myself known. I don't wait around to be acknowledged.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    20 posts in almost two years?

    Yeah. It's definitely the MFP community, not you.

    OMG you are SO right! Seriously I'm not too stupid to see that this is sarcasm and you are part of the problem. So what would YOU do if nobody acknowledged your existence after 20 posts? Keep talking to yourself? I don't think so.

    So it is everyone else's fault that you weren't social enough for people to get to know you and now you are upset because someone had the gall to point out the fault in the logic that you think 20 posts in 2 years is going to get you some intense recognition?