What the Hell?



  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    People ignore me in those flirt threads all the time. Not sure why, I'm fairly attractive with great eyebrows.

    Just an fyi, ranting about people not paying attention to you might have the opposite effect.
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    20 posts in almost two years?

    Yeah. It's definitely the MFP community, not you.

    OMG you are SO right! Seriously I'm not too stupid to see that this is sarcasm and you are part of the problem. So what would YOU do if nobody acknowledged your existence after 20 posts? Keep talking to yourself? I don't think so.
    ummmm...nobody is talking to me right now. And I'm still posting. Trying to help you, but you are ignoring me and focusing on what you are perceiving as negative. Whatever you focus on you will get more of, so try focusing on what is positive for you in this thread and what you find helpful. Do that elsewhere as well.:flowerforyou:

    She's ignoring me as well, shall we talk to each other?
    ...and now we have posted simultaneously, and thus ignored each other. We're doomed!

    Ah the lonley life of the MFP wanderer, search endless threads for that elusive connection .........
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Honestly, I recommend that you seek help.

    For people mocking, please stop. Whether serious or not, OP has openly written about wanting to be dead because she feels as though nobody likes her:


    Whoa. Okay. Going to leave this link here just in case:

  • iMikky
    iMikky Posts: 30
    Thank you everybody for posting!! A lot of your advice was really helpful and I don't understand how I never came across any of you guys! You really made my night and I think the world(and the internet) needs more people like you.

    But some of you guys who posted mean things that you know you'll never say to any living, breathing soul in real life? Karma's a *****.

    I posted this because I didn't want to leave MyFitnessPal without getting that off my chest and for other people browsing to see how diverse everyone's attitudes and experiences are. I'm not deleting my account, the app has a lot of good features.

    For the person who said something about Facebook, my friends there congratulated me for my overall weight loss so it's actually pretty great. That's what made me realize that this isn't how any social experience is supposed to be.

    Again, thank you all for teaching me a valuable lesson. Achieving your desired level of fitness isn't the easiest thing to do and I wish you all the best of luck. And I never knew the egg came before the chicken even though it seems pretty obvious. The chicken had to come from somewhere lol
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    20 posts in almost two years?

    Yeah. It's definitely the MFP community, not you.

    OMG you are SO right! Seriously I'm not too stupid to see that this is sarcasm and you are part of the problem. So what would YOU do if nobody acknowledged your existence after 20 posts? Keep talking to yourself? I don't think so.
    ummmm...nobody is talking to me right now. And I'm still posting. Trying to help you, but you are ignoring me and focusing on what you are perceiving as negative. Whatever you focus on you will get more of, so try focusing on what is positive for you in this thread and what you find helpful. Do that elsewhere as well.:flowerforyou:

    ^^Yep. This.


    Edited for typo.
  • StrawberryJam40
    StrawberryJam40 Posts: 274 Member
    Thanks, I honestly don't know if this is a part of a real song or not but who cares? It made me laugh!

    Well the song did turn 30 this year. You can find it on You Tube if you feel the need to hear it. :smile:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    20 posts in almost two years?

    Yeah. It's definitely the MFP community, not you.

    OMG you are SO right! Seriously I'm not too stupid to see that this is sarcasm and you are part of the problem. So what would YOU do if nobody acknowledged your existence after 20 posts? Keep talking to yourself? I don't think so.
    ummmm...nobody is talking to me right now. And I'm still posting. Trying to help you, but you are ignoring me and focusing on what you are perceiving as negative. Whatever you focus on you will get more of, so try focusing on what is positive for you in this thread and what you find helpful. Do that elsewhere as well.:flowerforyou:

    ^^Yep. This.


    Edited for typo.
  • iMikky
    iMikky Posts: 30
    And incidentally you ignored my post above offering nicely worded advice. It's fine I'm not butthurt but do you see your logic fail?

    I wasn't ignoring you, I was typing. I replied to everybody's comments at the end. You should check it out.
  • StrawberryJam40
    StrawberryJam40 Posts: 274 Member
    20 posts in almost two years?

    Yeah. It's definitely the MFP community, not you.

    OMG you are SO right! Seriously I'm not too stupid to see that this is sarcasm and you are part of the problem. So what would YOU do if nobody acknowledged your existence after 20 posts? Keep talking to yourself? I don't think so.
    ummmm...nobody is talking to me right now. And I'm still posting. Trying to help you, but you are ignoring me and focusing on what you are perceiving as negative. Whatever you focus on you will get more of, so try focusing on what is positive for you in this thread and what you find helpful. Do that elsewhere as well.:flowerforyou:

    ^^Yep. This.


    Edited for typo.

    Though I registered over a year ago I've only been on a week or so (active). I have what...30 posts and I don't think anyone has responded to one of them. I just give my unsolicited advice, read, laugh a lot, cry a little, and keep showing up..for me.
  • serafinelaveaux
    serafinelaveaux Posts: 45 Member
    Hell I'm probably ignored on every post I make, but since I don't care if anyone responds I never go back to check. Makes life easier. At the end of the day, everyone's just pixels on a screen. :D
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    You have an extremely low number of posts for someone who has been here for two years. I recommend participating more in the forums so that you can connect with like-minded people. Just like people are uncomfortable with strangers walking up to them on the street and requesting a friendship, people in internet communities are uncomfortable with accepting a FR from someone whom they have never heard of and know nothing about. Just participate more, and you will find people whom you "click" with. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Honestly, I recommend that you seek help.

    For people mocking, please stop. Whether serious or not, OP has openly written about wanting to be dead because she feels as though nobody likes her:

    in light of this I'm going to defer to.....
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    you....might want to talk to a therapist about your feelings of persecution and isolation
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I post because because the sounds of keys clacking makes me smile. not because I have anything to actually say....I am in my own little world:)
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    People ignore me in those flirt threads all the time. Not sure why, I'm fairly attractive with great eyebrows.

    Just an fyi, ranting about people not paying attention to you might have the opposite effect.

    lol, usually when someone responds to me in one of those threads, it is someone from my FL whom I already know fairly well. Also, those threads are stupid and should be ignored anyway. :laugh:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    10/10 wb
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Thank you everybody for posting!! A lot of your advice was really helpful and I don't understand how I never came across any of you guys! You really made my night and I think the world(and the internet) needs more people like you.

    But some of you guys who posted mean things that you know you'll never say to any living, breathing soul in real life? Karma's a *****.

    I posted this because I didn't want to leave MyFitnessPal without getting that off my chest and for other people browsing to see how diverse everyone's attitudes and experiences are. I'm not deleting my account, the app has a lot of good features.

    For the person who said something about Facebook, my friends there congratulated me for my overall weight loss so it's actually pretty great. That's what made me realize that this isn't how any social experience is supposed to be.

    Again, thank you all for teaching me a valuable lesson. Achieving your desired level of fitness isn't the easiest thing to do and I wish you all the best of luck. And I never knew the egg came before the chicken even though it seems pretty obvious. The chicken had to come from somewhere lol
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    10/10 wb

    You with the sweet talk. Such a charmer! :wink:
  • You're 21... are you socializing much outside of the internet? If you've just been through some transition- finished school, etc. it can be kind of a lonely time. After one transition in my life I kept thinking- how do you make friends again? What helped me was getting involved. When I finally realized how lonely I was I started volunteering, made new friends. Maybe if you're feeling lonely you could try to get more involved with something. (In real life). Community sports?

    As far as MFP, I started two threads recently that didn't get any responses. I thought, aw, sad. But, ya know, it's ok. Some posts will stand out more than others. Keep trying to make friends here if it's important to you. Some good advice above!