Join me... 100 pounds to lose! -part 3



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    2011 SW: 241.8
    Week 9 EW: 236.3 (+3.1 lbs)
    Week 10 EW: 236.6 (+0.3 lbs)
    Week 11 EW: 235.9 (-0.7 lbs)
    Week 12 EW: 234.6 (-1.3 lbs)
    Week 13 EW: 236.1 (+1.5 lbs)
    Week 14 EW: 231.7 (-4.4 lbs)
    Week 15 EW: 232.4 (+0.7 lbs)

    YUCK!!!!! I put on over 2.5lbs since Tuesday...I'm having a lot of trouble with the water this week......Definitely not meeting my goal of 14 glasses a day. I have a busy weekend though, full of lots of walking so hopefully I will be down in a big way for next weigh in....2 weigh ins to go before I hit my 1 year anniversary!!!! I want to be at 225 (if Tuesday's weight is accurate) that's only 2 lbs a week so it's manageable......Focus and commitment are going to be the names of the games!!!

    Barb - It's tough with a little one that only wants Momma (it's nice to hear your needed though) but it sounds like you're doing the right thing with him :) You've done so well with the weight loss and in terms of dealing, sounds like you're already transitioning out of "diet" mindset into "lifestyle" mindset with everything going on!!
  • peachElibrarian
    peachElibrarian Posts: 30 Member
    SW:3/1/11 - 230(estimate)
    3/15/11 - 218
    4/1/11 - 213.8 (-4.2 lbs)
    4/15/11 - 210.1 lbs (-3.7)

    I'm so glad I finally set up my wii fit. I feel like my arms are going to fall out of their sockets from the rhythmic boxing but I'm actually enjoying burning calories.

    Pam - congrats on your impending anniversary, I know you can make it to 225!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Okay, not cool....the last time I weighed in was exactly 2 weeks ago and I have gained 5 lbs!?!?!? UGH!!!!:mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: :noway: :sad:

    I'm hoping its due to last week having some issues and then this week I've been sick with a cold and been on the "lazy", next, I'm hoping since the life problems have uplifted and hopefully this cold will be gone, I have a new plan planned and it starts on Monday!!! (hopefully!)

    Pam-Thanks....unfortunately, the 170s are back, not cool, but I'll be working extra hard next week!

    WTG to all those with losses this week and Good luck next week!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Thanks PeachE - you're totally rocking the losses!!!!!

    Barb - you and me both!!! I know we can both get back there for next week!!!!

    Keri & Carol??? Weigh ins???

    Kami - only a week left to be able to weigh in - I know you're going to post a completely awesome weigh in!!!!!
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Thanks Pam! I really hope so! I've been working hard! I'm hoping to see 10-12 lbs gone. I can also see if my activity level is set right to work with the new job. Lots of unknowns at the moment!

    Barb, I'm sorry you had a rough weigh in. Hope its all due to being sick and next week it will be gone!

    Hope everyone is doing well! :heart: you guys!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    As usual Friday weigh in wasn't a loss but I feel like I am getting close. I have been doing well the last few days. However I too need to better with the water, Pam. Have been having green tea lately. I turned in some quizes this week and have projects due next week so it has been busy. I totally forgot to log in on Wednesday night! I have a night class and was exhausted. Too bad I was up to 235-40 days but I'm a big girl. Anyway I feel good that I have fit in exercise most days despite business. So I think Kami will do well next week and Barb will be back down too- you need to take care when you are sick. Pam you can definitely make that goal by your anniversary but regardless you will make good progress by then. Congrats on the loss PeachE I was wondering about rythmic boxing when I saw your post recently! Interesting. Plan to go to Aquafit tomorrow before hitting my projects. Have great weekends everybody.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Keri - Green tea isn't bad. Just make sure it's caffeine free, and then you can count it as your water....Your body is definitely holding it from the stress and exhaustion of everything going on. I definitely don't lose when i let myself get exhausted daily over a period of time. It's definitely great news that you are still getting in your exercise. That's better than me, and I'm not even as busy as you!!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Well, its Monday morning!!! Time to begin my new plan!!!

    Finally found some good medicine that has almost kicked this cold out of my system!!

    Hubby and I are planning on going to the Y this morning for a good workout and then later tonight when the kids are in bed, I'm going to start up my 30 DS again, probably level 2.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend, and have a wonderful Monday!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    My favorite aquafit teacher is doing Monday mornings so I just had to go today. Got a bit of walking in. But with my night class we have a hard time making dinners on those nights. I figured out why I am not sleeping. My husband switched detergents on me. Green and white teas have studyies that show some weight lossamong other benefits. I think more water may help all my concerns though!:drinker:
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Weigh in today and I lost a lb this week, yay!! :happy: Slowly but surely I'll lose those 5 lbs I gained the past 2 weeks.....Started to feel better than I did. Still have the cold and everything, but I'm better than I was.

    How's everyone else doing?

    BTW, I shared my success story of my so far weight loss, feel free to check it out (Its at the bottom of my signature).

    Hope everyone has a great day! TTYL!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    2011 SW: 241.8
    Week 9 EW: 236.3 (+3.1 lbs)
    Week 10 EW: 236.6 (+0.3 lbs)
    Week 11 EW: 235.9 (-0.7 lbs)
    Week 12 EW: 234.6 (-1.3 lbs)
    Week 13 EW: 236.1 (+1.5 lbs)
    Week 14 EW: 231.7 (-4.4 lbs)
    Week 15 EW: 232.4 (+0.7 lbs)
    Week 16 EW: 230.4 (-2.0 lbs)

    I just wish it wouldn't be up and down and up and I'm really focused on this next week. I need to be down 1.1 more lbs to hit 60 for my one year anniversary. I've still been bad with the water and the exercise so this morning was a welcome little surprise. Easter is at my house this weekend. I have the turkey thawing already and have to pick up a ham and potatoes and bread (which means I can get some of those things I can eat). I'll make a sugar free/fat free dessert too. My Mom is doing the other desserts and the Aunts are doing veggies so hopefully we'll have a relatively healthy meal :D Planning on getting outside today and turning over some compost and amending my gardens before we get some heavy rain next week....I love gardening!

    Keri - isn't it funny how we become attached to specific instructors. Do you like her because she makes you work harder or because she's nicer? I have two and they do very different things. Neither is harder or nicer, but if I switch which class I got to, I find the first few classes excrutiating! Check out red teas too (from my native South Africa). Studies are showing the same, if not more benefits than green/red tea with less caffeine.

    Barb - YAY!!!! 1lb is a great start.....glad you're feeling better
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    It's FRIDAY! Weigh in and SMILE, we made it through another week!! YAY US!!!!!!! ♫ ♪ I'm Walking on sunshine ☼ ♫ ♪ And DON”T IT FEEL GOOD!!! ♫ ♪ I feel alive, I feel alive I feel alive!! ♫ ♪ (Even though I didn't lose a friggin pound...) Happy Friday everyone!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Happy Friday to you too Carol. Great losses everyone! Congrats. It is a miracle that I lost on a Friday but a verrry small one. I lost 0.2 pounds. I have gotten exercise everyday but not sure about today. Bad at water this week or my loss might have been a bit bigger! This quarter is my busiest ever and I am not sure how many more quarters I will be going full time. I know there are a few classes this summer I could take though. I have tried red tea before but was unaware of its benefits. It isn't my favorite but I think I have some to try again. Pam, my favorite aquafit teacher really pushes us and has invented some killer exercises that I know has gotten my core strengthened and slimmed down not to mention arms. There is another that used to be great and I still will go to her class. The others just don't challenge me. Hence the Zumba on Fridays but today that teacher is away. I hope I get a walk or two around Greenlake this weekend - 2.8 miles. My family is talking about getting together for an early dinner for Easter. My husband daughter and I are singing in a group for the Easter vigil but otherwise I am swamped with homework. So happy Easter all. I will be checking out your story Barb. It will be my treat this weekend.
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Keri- Congrats on the loss! A loss is a loss... which is a win!

    Pam- sounds like I should be eating at your house this weekend!

    Carol- Its a gloomy gloomy day here, but hopefully I'll be walking on sunshine this weekend!

    Blue- Congrats on your loss as well! You'll have those extra pounds off in no time!

    I am almost at the end of my no-weigh no-measure journey. I'll post here on Sunday and let you know what happened. I'm praying for at least 10 lbs... but we soon shall see!:smokin:
  • beccaschmitter
    Thanks Kami!
    bump so I can find this later

    I've noticed several people put this "bump" in their replies.... what does this mean?????? and Kami, I am new to this and LOVE the goals! How do I make sure that I can see further posts from you?:smile:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Carol - LOL I love how you put it in the song.....I busted through - well sort of through - a plateau in begining of March so I completely understand your frustration. I'm so friggin' close to 60!!!! Frustrating....

    Keri - Sounds like it should be a productive weekend in any case!!! Great job walking around the lake - I don't know if I could do that around the local lake.....LOL It takes me about an hour and 15 to drive to the top and we're not quite at the bottom - so round trip would be around 3 hours driving......that would be one heck of a long walk :P

    Kami - I'm praying right along with you - I'm so proud that you managed to stick to your lenten promise of no weighing - I know I slipped on mine a few time (adding sugar to things is just such seccond nature).

    Hi Becca - Bump means bring up my post (in other words, you want to save the thread in my topics. I don't know that you can set to se everything someone posts. YOu can see their most recent posts on their profile, or just friend them :)

    As for me, I feel HORRIBLE... I think I caught someone's cramps....LOL Someone in here was bad last week, weren't they??? I'm feeling lousy right now. We went out for dinner, but our dining companions don't like fish, so we had to go mainstream and I got fettucine alfredo and only ate about a quarter of it......I feel now like there's a little alien trying to get out......BLAH......tomorrow's another day (and there's a whole plate of left over fettucine in the fridge for lunch....LOL)
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    As for me, I feel HORRIBLE... I think I caught someone's cramps....LOL Someone in here was bad last week, weren't they??? I'm feeling lousy right now. We went out for dinner, but our dining companions don't like fish, so we had to go mainstream and I got fettucine alfredo and only ate about a quarter of it......I feel now like there's a little alien trying to get out......BLAH......tomorrow's another day (and there's a whole plate of left over fettucine in the fridge for lunch....LOL)

    Would that be me??? :blushing:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I thought it was but when I was typing, that post wasn't visible and I didn't want to blame you for something :P LOL Feeling a little better thouhg - heating pads always do wonders....but I think I'll be experiencing a quick gain in a few days...
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Okay... I'm a little disappointed. The 10 lbs I was expecting didn't happen... when I weighed this morning I had only lost 3 lbs. I'm thinking it might contain some water weight because we had our Easter dinner yesterday, and there was LOTS of sodium. I'll weight in again on Thursday or Friday and see what it does. In the meantime, I'm gonna be CHUGGING some water!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Happy Easter everyone! Well, my husband surprised me this morning, he got on the scale and had an 8.6 lbs lost in 13 days (his last weigh in).

    Other than that, not much is going on, other than family issues with the inlaws, so that of course turned Easter for us into a disappointment in the day....and the day is only 1/2 way over. :frown:

    Hope everyone else has a wonderful day!