Join me... 100 pounds to lose! -part 3



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Kami - that's too bad - do you normally weigh in at the end of the day though? If you'd just had a big dinner, that might be more than just water weight - depending on the size of the meal and how soon after it you weighed, you'd probably still have a dinner plate full of food weighing a lb or two in your tummy......I'm sure you'll see a much better # on the scale on Friday!

    Barb - sorry to hear that....Inlaw issues can be the worst and really mess things up.

    AFM: My easter was different.....LOL My sister surprised us by coming up to stay on Saturday night (she only lives 40 minutes away, but wanted out of the house for a bit to come up to the lake for a "vacation"). Sunday we prepped for the meal and everyone showed up around 3. By every I mean my immediate family: My parents, my sister and her boyfriend and my brother. Usually Easter is primarily my husband's family, but due to issues, this year it was only his Aunt and cousin. The youngest of the group was 24.....we still did an Easter Egg Hunt and Egg Races and then a big meal. The young'uns also went for a walk to the lake and then we found a little kitten on the front porch...happy as can be.....then he scampered off to his home wherever that was (he was well fed and very friendly) Usually we have cousins and their kids around the table so it was weird for an all adult Easter.....then I was exhausted and was asleep by 8:30-9:00.....Raring to go this week (even though my back is complaining more than usual).
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    ******I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT******

    As a lot of you know, my older daughter is 4 months pregnant with a boy. My younger daughter is also pregnant, and today we found out that IT'S TWINS! We won't know the sexes until 10 weeks from now, but I'M SO EXCITED!!!! By Christmas Jerry and I will have 6 grandchildren!!!! YAY!!!!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Pam-Thanks, looks like we're going to be here another year :grumble: :frown: :sad: But at the same time, this will get us better prepared and on our feet again, and nothing will stop us. Plus we'll get to move where we want, instead of quickly high tailing it out of here.....

  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Kami!!! That's so awesome!!!! Congratulations on being a granny 3x over :)

    Barb - absolutely. You want to do it the right way, but at the same time, it's really frustrating.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Congrats Kami! I think being a grandparent would be so cool. I am a grand aunt. I have continued to do well so far with exercise. Just got back from a walk around the lake and went to Aquafit twice this week.. Tomorrow I plan to go to Zumba on my way to school. It is a busy quarter but made a healthy dinner tonight. A bonus has been the walks that my husband has been joining me on. It has been great having that time to talk. My son is at home while he is at law school and my daughter is in high school so we still have full house so this time is precious. I can tell he feels the same. He also goes to aquafit on Saturday mornings with me since that teacher is challenging. He has been losing weight too. I guess I will be checking in tomorrow as well to see how it is all going!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    2011 SW: 241.8

    Week 13 EW: 236.1 (+1.5 lbs)
    Week 14 EW: 231.7 (-4.4 lbs)
    Week 15 EW: 232.4 (+0.7 lbs)
    Week 16 EW: 230.4 (-2.0 lbs)
    Week 17 EW: 228,8 (-1.6 lbs)

    YAY! Pleased with the loss this week. It puts me back into the "mode" and with this week's weight and this being my 1 year anniversary for my journey, I can officially say I lost 60 lbs in one year!!!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    I maintained my weight this week. No loss, but no gain, so no pain. :laugh:

    Happy Friday, everyone!! :flowerforyou:
  • peachElibrarian
    peachElibrarian Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I sorry to be MIA for so long. The first week I was gone was because I was slacking off, not keeping up with my calories, and just letting Easter derail my diet in general. But lately it has been for an entirely different reason.

    I live in Tuscaloosa, AL and I don't know if you've been watching the news but we got hit really hard by a EF-5 tornado on April 27. The path of the tornado was about 2 blocks from my apartment. I am ok and my home is ok. I was incredibly lucky but I know many people who have lost everything. There are no words to describe the devastation. Because of the loss of power and conserve/boil water conditions I ended up leaving town to stay at my boss's house outside of Birmingham (because she is the most amazing boss ever and opened her home to me and my many suitcases). I have since gone to stay at my parents' home in Georgia, which is where I'm writing this from). I'm not sure when I'll get to go home but I hope it will be safe soon so I can help with all the recovery efforts.

    Needless to say calorie counts have been the last thing on my mind as I try to make sure everyone I know is ok. I'm going to do my best to make good choices at this time when my food options are completely out of my control. My goal was to be under 200 by graduation on May 7, however graduation has been canceled and rescheduled for August, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have reached it anyway after everything that has happened (including the damage done by leftover Easter candy in my library). I'm not sure where that leaves me goal-wise, except just trying to maintain my current weight instead of eating everything in sight as a coping mechanism.

    I just wanted to update y'all on what is going on with me and I hope everyone is doing well and is safe no matter where you live.

  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    PeachE - So glad to hear you're okay....I can't imagine the situation you're in right now. I would also think calories should be the furthest thing from you're mind. We'll be waiting for when you're ready!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Morgan, glad to hear you are OK and Thanks for updating us on how things are going. I am sorry everything is so hard now. Pam is right that taking care of your self now is more important. My son showed me a map of this years tornados and last years tornado activity. It was sobering. It doesn't help to know you are not alone in that sense. Know are thoughts and prayers are with you and your community.
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Morgan- I'm so glad that you're okay! I've been praying for everyone in your region, and the families who lost loved ones. I'm glad to see that you're back!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Morgan-Glad to hear you are okay! We've all been praying and will continue to keep you and everyone in our prayers for a quick recovery, so you can all get back to your lives.

    The party (son's first birthday) went pretty good, had LOTS of leftovers though (1/2 the people that said would show up didn’t), so we have plenty of leftovers to eat….I even gave some out to the party guest that showed up and still had A LOT left over. Jeremey is doing good, he cried for some of his party. He wasn’t sure what was going on and didn’t like people coming and going and wasn’t sure about most of them.

    So, I wake up this morning and hear that Bin Laden has been killed….you know, I’m already sick of hearing about it! I’m sorry to sound so awful, but it happened last night and they just over killed the story like they did the Royal wedding and everything else they over kill.

    Hubby and I made it to the Y today, yay!:bigsmile: I got almost an hour in there at the Y…Hubby started having a hard time getting use to the workout, but he went and did some weight lifting first, then came back to the cardio stuff and he said he felt awesome and couldn’t wait to do it again. Keep in mind, he works third shift, so he has a hard time getting a chance to work out, so Sundays when we get to out as a family we walk the parks and stuff, otherwise Mondays are really his only “work out” day he gets. But in the last 2 weeks, he has lost 12 lbs!!!! WTG him!drinker

    My newest profile pic is me and Jeremey, the day of his party. We bought him his first pair of sunglasses and he LOVES them! We couldn't get them off of him yesterday, LoL. :drinker:
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Morgan - keep us posted.
    Barb - loved hearing about Jeremy's birthday party. Brought back some good memories.
    Everyone - OK here goes I know it isn't Friday but Yay! :happy: I lost 1.2 pounds! Not my usual 0.2 pounds. Hope it doesn't take me another month to lose the 0.2 pounds to get to my 25 pounds loss. I am at 24.8 pounds. Yes I am the slow but unsteady girl but I am losing and more importantly I am not gaining., which I did for 18 years. And I am getting fitter. I posted a blog about losing and having you update lost on the news feed. :grumble: I just put that 'smiley " in cause I love him - he is so cute. This is really more appropriate. :cry: and this :laugh: . I love MFP and I am not sure it is their fault maybe it is my computer who knows. I didn't change any settings though. Does anyone else get updates on when your pals make friends with each other or when they comment on posts? I am all the sudden getting those. Anyway hugs all. :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Keri - yay on the 1.2lbs......Sooooooooooo close now :) I don't get those....not sure what you did, but I'd sure like to, feel like I have to do a lot of work right now to get that information on my friends.

    AFM - today's my heavy exercise day :love: Heading out for my walk shortly - it's a little chilly, but at least it's light out. Then I go home and mow the lawn for the first time of the season (it's like 5 inches, but it's been raining so tough to do) and then aquafit!!!! And the best part is that I really feel like doing it all today. I've already done 3 circuits of my 5 calisthenic exercises (I do them everyday and don't usually count them, it only takes 5 minutes, but I usually put it off until after work).
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    2011 SW: 241.8

    Week 13 EW: 236.1 (+1.5 lbs)
    Week 14 EW: 231.7 (-4.4 lbs)
    Week 15 EW: 232.4 (+0.7 lbs)
    Week 16 EW: 230.4 (-2.0 lbs)
    Week 17 EW: 228,8 (-1.6 lbs)
    Week 18 EW: 227.7 (-1.1 lbs)

    I was challenged this week because of my sinus cold. I've been aggressively going after it this week (but had to miss aquafit last night because it was going like a faucet!!!!) I might make it up with aqua Zumba on Saturday morning if it is better. This thing better clear up because I have to go out of the country in 2 weeks and I really don't want to end up in an ER (Sinus things for me usually do - the fact that it's really clearing out because of the aggressive treatments gives me hope!)

    Hope everyone else has a great week!!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    No one else is weighing in??
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Hey Pam.

    I weigh in on Saturday mornings now, I was doing Fridays, but I find out Saturday is easier since its the end of my week, I go Sunday-Saturday, not sure what everyone else does. So I will post my WI on Saturday.

    Okay, so yesterday, I didn’t realize how much stress I was holding in until I went on my bike ride after I got done with my running around and paying bills. I had about 2 hours before my daughter got home from school and before I picked up my lil man from daycare. At first I was gonna get on the exercise bike , but it was nice out and I was kid free, so I decided (since I don’t have a bike trailer for the lil one to ride in) I would go on my own bike ride. By the time, I got my Pandora radio on my android phone and I started riding, I realized when I got home, I had gone 6.6 miles. So, I came home, took a cold shower, and got dressed and got back outside and my daughter’s bus was here. Then we went to the park, she played for about 30-45 mins, then we went walking and walked 1.5 miles, so yesterday, I had gone 8.1 miles of exercising in! Wow! I was pooped when I got home. I didn’t mention the other good part, on the way home, we picked up Subway. I tried that sweet onion chicken teriyaki (it was featured on BL Tuesday night) and OMG! I feel in love with a new sandwich! It was so yummy! I ended up getting another today while I went out and walked another 1.5 miles with my mom at the park today. Hopefully, will have a good WI on Saturday.
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Down another 1.2 lbs!!! YAY!!!! I weigh on Thursdays, because for some reason that's my best
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Down another 1.2 lbs!!! YAY!!!! I weigh on Thursdays, because for some reason that's my best

    Oh...and just a heads up... I'm 2 lbs from halfway to goal!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    2011 SW: 241.8

    Week 13 EW: 236.1 (+1.5 lbs)
    Week 14 EW: 231.7 (-4.4 lbs)
    Week 15 EW: 232.4 (+0.7 lbs)
    Week 16 EW: 230.4 (-2.0 lbs)
    Week 17 EW: 228,8 (-1.6 lbs)
    Week 18 EW: 227.7 (-1.1 lbs)
    Week 19 EW: 226.0 (-1.7 lbs)

    Whoops, I did weigh in yesterday but completely forgot to share it :) I had a huge loss over the weekend because I was sick and so was a little disheartened on Monday when I put 3lbs back on. This view helps me put it in perspective though :) I'm still losing every week and I will continue to lose every week because I'm committed to being accountable to myself!!!

    I am on a business trip next week which is a whole kind of challenge I haven't had to face before. The hotel I'm staying at offers a free breakfast and it's got lots of choices so I'm not too worried there. But I have no idea about lunches or dinners. I'm probably going to do the fast food thing a lot just because I'm by myself for the most part. I don't know if it'll be all bad because I should have access to a gym (with a scale) so I'll be able to do a bit of work outs - in fact I think I'll pack resistance bands just to be on the safe side. I have a routine I can do in a hotel room......but not having a scale would be a bad thing. I then go from hotel to hotel to go to my sister's graduation for her Masters of Education. I probably won't be home from Sunday until Saturday, which is exciting, but scary too. I haven't been away from my husband for that long in at least 6 years.....and then I was travelling with a work friend (who coincidentally will be there too this time, but at a different hotel and for a different reason)......