Join me... 100 pounds to lose! -part 3



  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Thanks guys! My new pic really cheered me up! I'm looking forward to getting another pic taken about 20 lbs from Weighed in this morning and lost nothing. I'm back on track now though, and working hard. My thighs STILL hurt from my walk on Tuesday. getting back in the saddle!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Me weigh in is tomorrow and TOM has finally left! Woo hoo! Won't see TOM until 3 months from now!! :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Today I had a really good day. Walked 5 miles, which is 2 times around the riverwalk, once around is 2.5 miles and then this evening rode bikes for 2.18 miles and my 7 year old daughter did all this too :noway: (without complaining!! She did AWESOME today!)
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Where is everyone? My last post was 6 days ago :sad:

    Had my yearly exam today and everything looks good. Dr said I've lost 13 lbs since last year when I had Jeremey. :bigsmile: But there is one think about getting on the scales I don't like, clothes add weight! When I weigh in at home, its usually underclothes, so the scale today was higher then my scale this morning, ugh!

    This week, I haven't been very productive, my water intake hasn't been good. Not a lot going on, my official weigh in is in 2 days.....wondering how this is going to pay out?
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Sorry hun.....I've just been out of it.....logging food has been the name of the game for me this week.....just barely.

    How's your daughter doing?
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    She's doing great! Thanks for asking!

    For those that aren't sure, Tuesday night, my 7 year old daughter flew off her bike and met the pavement. She came in with a mouth full of blood, cleaned her up, and saw she had split her lip open in 2 spots. Took her to ER (which meant I was skipping dinner as I was getting ready to make something, but she's more important than food!) and found out the one split need stitches, so she got 3 of them in her upper lip. She did really good (better than mommy, thankfully my mom went with us!!) When they did her numbing medicine in her lip before the stitches, they told her where and how they were doing, they put the needle with the numbing medicine in her cut (ouch!) and she did really well! Then the next morning, I had to take her to the dentist to have her teeth looked at, since there was some bruising on her gums and one of her teeth was moved back. Thankfully, no damage, but when she goes in for her cleaning on the 13th, he will x-ray, she was too tender yesterday to do anything.

    Here's a few pics before the stitches
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Barb~ Your poor daughter! I hope everything turns out okay for her! Keep us posted.

    I have been off the prednisone for a couple of weeks now but I am still starving. Now, the weight has begun to creep up. I've gained a couple of pounds according to the scale, but admittedly that could be sodium. I'm starting to get worried. I really want to get to my goal and keep going, but this setback is kicking me in the *kitten*. I really don't know how to curb my appetite. If anyone has any insight to help me out please let me know!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Barb, it is so hard to see your child hurting and I am glad she is on the mend.
    Kami, You have made alot of progress over the last 9+ months. Have you averaged 7+ pounds a month? That is more than 1 pound a week which over the short run may be easy but over a long period of time is amazing. If you can do that you are going to reach your goal. Maybe for a while you should set your goal to maintain your progress. Eat good healthy food and make sure you get enough good nutrition and enough exxercise to be healthy and fit. When you feel like you have a better handle on your appetite, then try to slowly lose again. Make sure you set your goals for your health at an easily achievable level so you feel good about making the goals you have set for yourself. I feel like sometimes our bodies need a chance to get used to their new weight before they are ready to go on. Maintaining a weight is not a negative it is a positive. You often slim down even if you are not losing. How are your other measurements going? For awhile there it seemed you always had a cold. I find that if you take good care of yourself you start to feel better about yourself. Yes losing weight that you need to is healthy. However it is a part of a total package. You I am sure eat alot healthier than I do. However to lose the weight you lost in the amount of time you have may be hard to maintain over the long run. You will have another burst later but right now one option is to see how maintaining the weight can be done. I have no doubt that before long you will need to know how to do it because you have reached your goal weight and you will already know that you can keep it off. From what you are saying that will be a challenging goal. You have been making alot of progress in many areas not just weight loss. You deserve to take a breather and pat yourself on the back if that is what is what you need to do. Maybe then you will feel like you don't need to feed yourself if you instead of trying to lose just try to maintain and stay healthy. Once you got that down then you can start to get back to losing again. However although I have watched you make such great progress I may not be seeing the whole picture that you are. However I check daily on you and my other MFP friends and you totally amaze me. I am so proud of you and it makes me sad to see you getting discouraged now. You are doing great. You have shown you can do this. You need to show yourself some love now. I wish I was there to give you a hug. I have periods where I really feel hungry. The question comes as to whether it is your body giving you a legitimate sign that you need a little more or not. When we are well in tune with our bodies I think we need to listen to that. Other times it is something else that is hungry. I don't know which it is. It sounds it is related to the medication as well. If you really think you have been stalling out long enough then making changes to your diet and exercise. It seems to be the thing that helps people out of plateaus. It is hard since for some they find they need to eat less and some more and others just differently. The same could be said in regards to exercise. I know for me that part of my issue was that I had been starving during two of my pregnancies and since then I had this fear of being hungry. That made it hard to eat less. Take a look at your diary and see what worked in the past that you aren't doing now and what didn't work as well. As you can tell I can't know what you should do. However I feel sure that you don't give up you will do it. I know you are smart and obviously have the drive as well. Just stay committed and you will figure out what works for you. I am cheering you on.
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Thanks Keri! I needed that! I'm going to take it easy for a while. Hopefully soon it will pay off. People are CONSTANTLY telling me how good I look... even my mother in law from hell complimented me on my weight loss last weekend. I guess I should just take it in stride... it will come eventually.

    We have been so busy around here that cooking meals hasn't been easy, and you and I both know that quick and easy aren't usually healthy.

    On a positive note, next weekend I have a four day weekend, and hubby and I are going to do something together. No responsibilities, no family members, just the two of us. Hopefully we can just relax and have a great time.

    :heart: you guys!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Barb - ouch!!!! Love that she's smiling in the last one though - kids are pretty resilient :)

    Keri - I too needed that :P I've been balancing for a while now and it's frustrating cause it seems to happen every 10 lbs or so now.....I'm now hovering around the 230 mark....although I've eaten so poorly the last few weks that I definitely notice all my clothes are fitting weirdly again (my new size 16s....that is....I'm probably more an 18/20 vs. a 16/18 again....

    Kami - enjoy the weekend. That should be a great one for you......

    AFM: My inlaws arrived a few days ago for 2 weeks. I'm trying to stick to the eating habits, but it's tough....LOL Last night I had fettucine alfredo WITH half a brownie cake...LOL I justified it by saying the brownie cake was dark chocolate *heads in hands* LOL Bad Me!!! I too took some time off work with the visitors....starting today I'm off for a week (with the exception of one critical meeting on Tuesday)....that's going to be quite the change from my recent 80 hour weeks....I need it desperately and I was looking forward to getting in and weeding my garden.....It's been raining all day so far...LOL So much for that plan. Oh - I forgot to weigh in yesterday (it's going to be hit and miss for me this week because I weigh in on the Wii and my inlaws are pretty intent on what happens on the TV....LOL). So I weighed in today....

    2011 SW: 241.8

    Week 16 EW: 230.4 (-2.0 lbs)
    Week 17 EW: 228,8 (-1.6 lbs)
    Week 18 EW: 227.7 (-1.1 lbs)
    Week 19 EW: 226.0 (-1.7 lbs)
    Week 20 EW: 229.1 (+3.1lbs)
    Week 21 EW: 228.2 (-0.9lbs)
    Week 22 EW: missed
    Week 23 EW: 231.3 (+3.1lbs)
    Week 24 EW: 232.7 (+1.4lbs)
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Pam I would have a hard time focusing on this if I had my in laws visiting too. It was so nice hearing how all of you are doing. The weekend sounds great Kami. You deserve it. Hope you enjoy your visitors too Pam. Hope the healing is going well for your daughter Barb. Now I need to go out there and get focused. Had a fun break yesterday taking my daughter shopping. I exercised before and we walked around alot so don't think the Cheesecake Factory hurt. Luch sized Salad and 1/3 of a cheesecake. This morning was aquafit and plan to make a healthy soup for dinner.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Keri - you really inspire have assumed all the good parts of your new lifestyle :) I'm proud of you. Dinner sounds yummy, what time should I drop by? It's so grey and damp here a healthy soup sounds yummy!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Thanks Ladies! She's doing much better....bruising in her mouth has calmed down and we took her back to the hospital this morning and had her stitches taken out. Need to follow up with her pediatrician sometime next week and make sure there's no infections.

    Been a pretty quiet weekend. Went to the SummerFest Friday night (that's where the new pic came from) and watched fireworks, Saturday just had a nice family day, and today is cleaning/organizing and getting rid of junk (oh joy!)
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Yay! the stitches are out. I am trying to get my house cleaned and organized too after a busy busy spring. It is going slow. Yes Pam wouldn't it be fun to have soup together. I gothe recipe here. Chicken Fiesta. It is pretty easy too. As promised the whole family liked it. Kami I saw you set your calorie goal down. Give it a few weeks if it doesn't work there is always 1.5 pounds. I have mine custom set at between 1 and 1.5 but then I am not losing right now. I never do when I up my exercise. So I have to find the right goal for myself too if it doesn't come off soon.
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Keri- I'm gonna look up that soup recipe... sounds great! Yes, I changed my calorie goal. Hopefully it will help some.

    Barb- Summerfest looked fun! Glad you're making the most of your summer! Glad your daughter is doing better too.

    I'm looking forward to this weekend, just the two of us. Not sure what we're doing yet, but I plan on having a great time!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    I'm glad they are out too, as my daughter. She was having a hard time trying to figure out how to eat certain foods without going near her stitches. We got some of the cleaning done. Will probably be doing more today, hopefully gonna finish it.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Options happened to see this right after reading everyone's post so thought I'd provide the link.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    2011 SW: 241.8

    Week 16 EW: 230.4 (-2.0 lbs)
    Week 17 EW: 228,8 (-1.6 lbs)
    Week 18 EW: 227.7 (-1.1 lbs)
    Week 19 EW: 226.0 (-1.7 lbs)
    Week 20 EW: 229.1 (+3.1lbs)
    Week 21 EW: 228.2 (-0.9lbs)
    Week 22 EW: missed
    Week 23 EW: 231.3 (+3.1lbs)
    Week 24 EW: 232.7 (+1.4lbs)
    Week 25 EW: 233.5 (+0.7lbs)

    Sigh....third week in a row. This morning I got up and it looks like I'm seriously dehydrated. I certainly haven't been drinking my water appropriately in the past few weeks. That's going to be my focus this week. To get back up to my 15 glasses/day water. Might even do a jug of distilled to start me off.....Be back online full time next week, my lovelies!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Happy Canada Day and 4th of July!
    I have been so good with staying under and exercising but no loss so now I am turning to drinking water and what I am eating. It has been a busy week with my daughter out of school but she starts her internship Tuesday so I will be finally able to focus better. I am planning meals now.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Hello ladies! Well, this weekend will def. be a cheat weekend, I have been trying to watch everything, but there's just not been a lot of time for exercising and the little bit I do end up doing, just isn't enough for the food. Got a small workout in today, tomorrow will be better as I will be back track. Today's plans are going to my husband's friends' house and watch them swim (I have no swim suit, since we never swim, so I get to watch everyone else swim, how exciting
    not really) and then going to his parent's house for a cookout and fireworks.

    Hope everyone else has had a good weekend!

    I'm doing a July challenge with some friends and my goal is to have lost 10 lbs by the end of this month, I am going to have to work REALLY hard, but I think I can do it!

    I did lose a lb this weigh in, just forgot to post it here :blushing: :smile:

    Hope everyone has a Great Holiday!!!! :drinker: