Calling all Women Lifters



  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I use BSN's No-Xplode. I like it alot. I have noticed I dont get as tired when I lift after doing cardio. I am 6'2" and weigh almost 200lbs and 1 to 1 1/2 scoops is plenty for me so make sure you play around with the amount you would use.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Going to invest in Paleo for Athletes. Turns out the original Paleo is NOT geared towards CFers because you don't get enough of the nutrition you need. Go figure. Adding starches to my post WOD menu.

    I guess I do this also - I have dairy but no grains. I find it hard to maintain weight unless I eat some dairy. I eat about 2 cups a day of greek yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.. Good stuff. I just can't eat THAT much meat, veggies and fruit...I'm already eating 1600+ a day on workout days and I find that hard to achieve. I also like snacks, like sugar free puddings and the like. I can't be THAT strict.
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Bump to read later!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Today's workout was a killer!!!

    Warmup: 1/2 mile run, 15 pullups, 10 hspu, 15 pushups, 20 lunges, 15 back ext, foam roll

    WOD: FRAN! (YUCK) 21-15-9 thrusters (I did 55#, 65# was RX) and pullups

    After party: 2000m row. I did 1000m row then another 1/2 mile run instead

    I. AM. DEAD.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Oh, and I am trying to talk myself out of getting a BodyBugg...I am just so fascinated by them...even though I don't want to LOSE any weight I would like to know how much I burn in a day...too bad I can't rent one for a month or something...seems like such a waste when I really don't NEED it...

    Those who have it, explain. Do you love it? Do you use it everyday?
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member

    I. AM. DEAD.

    Fran will do that to you.

    I'm also interested in how many cals i burn. Just out of curiosity. But no BodyBugg for me.

    My gym just added some Oly lifting classes at a time that's convenient for me. Yay!
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Ok, I have a nutrition question for you buff ladies. I have been on and off weight training for a few years now and never seen the kind of results I want. I have chalked it up to not sticking with the program long enough to force some real change in my body. Also, until recently (last week) I had no idea how much protein my body needs in order to grow muscle. What I had always been doing in the past was dieting while trying to put on muscle and now I finally understand how counter-productive that can be :)

    Anyway, here is quick rundown of stats: I'm 31, 5 feet, 133 lbs, 30% BF. My goal is to get down to 25% BF. My workout plan has me lifting four times a week, two 'upper' and two 'lower' and cardio twice a week (on non-lifting days). My plan is to stick to mainly lifting until June or so, then switch into a "burn" cycle to take care of the pudge.

    The other day I calculated my calories using 14 cals per pound of weight and ended up with 1800 calories per day. I am aiming at 120 grams of protein/day included in that 1800.

    Does this sound reasonable? How do you ladies calculate your calories? If you burn a lot of calories in an intense workout, do you up your calories on that day? Do you eat less calories if you are on a rest day?

    Sorry for so many questions!

  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member

    I. AM. DEAD.

    Fran will do that to you.

    I'm also interested in how many cals i burn. Just out of curiosity. But no BodyBugg for me.

    My gym just added some Oly lifting classes at a time that's convenient for me. Yay!

    OOO! How exciting! I'd love for mine to do the same!

    Today our strength program was overhead squats I did 70-75-80-85 (3 x 5 reps, 2 x 3 reps) then the WOD was 21-15-9 KBS (rx was 24kg, I did 20kg), box jumps (rx 24", I did 20) and Triple unders!! If doing double unders then 42-30-18.

    I think I could've gone a little heavier with my OHS but my quads were still tight and trying to jump was IMPOSSIBLE today... :frown:
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Ok, I have a nutrition question for you buff ladies. I have been on and off weight training for a few years now and never seen the kind of results I want. I have chalked it up to not sticking with the program long enough to force some real change in my body. Also, until recently (last week) I had no idea how much protein my body needs in order to grow muscle. What I had always been doing in the past was dieting while trying to put on muscle and now I finally understand how counter-productive that can be :)

    Anyway, here is quick rundown of stats: I'm 31, 5 feet, 133 lbs, 30% BF. My goal is to get down to 25% BF. My workout plan has me lifting four times a week, two 'upper' and two 'lower' and cardio twice a week (on non-lifting days). My plan is to stick to mainly lifting until June or so, then switch into a "burn" cycle to take care of the pudge.

    The other day I calculated my calories using 14 cals per pound of weight and ended up with 1800 calories per day. I am aiming at 120 grams of protein/day included in that 1800.

    Does this sound reasonable? How do you ladies calculate your calories? If you burn a lot of calories in an intense workout, do you up your calories on that day? Do you eat less calories if you are on a rest day?

    Sorry for so many questions!


    Sarah - sounds reasonable. I always aim for 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass, which I estimate to be about 88 grams for me...I usually am over 100 daily. Protein is definitely important for building muscle. Without a lot, I was a skinny minny. With it, my muscles pop. I estimated my BMR, them times 1.65 for my activity level, and I got 1950 for I usually stick to that (though I struggle to get 1700 some days!). I do relatively high intensity exercise 5 times a week but I keep it at that calorie level, I don't eat any additional since I already took my activity level (intense exercise 5x a week) into the figure. I don't gain, or lose, with that figure. It really is a matter of trying something for a GOOD 4 weeks and reassessing at that point. It takes time to figure out your maintenance.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Oh, and I am trying to talk myself out of getting a BodyBugg...I am just so fascinated by them...even though I don't want to LOSE any weight I would like to know how much I burn in a day...too bad I can't rent one for a month or something...seems like such a waste when I really don't NEED it...

    Those who have it, explain. Do you love it? Do you use it everyday?

    I use mine every day. But I am also in the low 17s for body fat and aiming for 15s. I regularly burn between 700 and 1000 calories a day in exercise. So I have to be very aware of getting enough calories (and protein) while still holding a 200-500 calorie deficit.

    The most useful thing it does for me, though, is tell me when its time to take an extended break to let my body heal. I am 42 and my body needs more time now to heal from my lifting regiment. I notice that after 5 days of intense lifting, my BMR raises significantly... on the order of 1.5 - 2 calories a minute while at rest. This means my body is working hard to repair itself. At this point, I take a good 60 hours off from lifting and just do some walking (like today) so I can get my calorie burn... but not stress my muscles too much.

    So even though I did use the BodyBugg to lose 10lbs of Body Fat, it also helped me gain 10lbs of muscle while maintaining a low BF%.

    Although I am pissed at having to pay a membership I don't use except for the ability to upload the data (so it can clean the memory which will fill up every week or so), it is worth it to me.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Just wrote a blog entry about "Why I Lift" for all those people out there who wonder how I could possibly enjoy weight lifting.

    I know... I am preaching to the choir in this thread. But hey, I bet at least some of you ride the same trip I do.
  • fitgirl4life
    fitgirl4life Posts: 111 Member
    I just found your blog and loved it! I'm new to heavy lifting, but working through my "Body Sculpting Bible For Women" program, doing 3 days/week of lifting and 3 days/week of 30 min HIIT.

    Current weight/BF: 121 lbs, 22%
    First Goal: 117 lbs, 19%
    Time: 12 Weeks

    Great to find this thread!
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    I just found your blog and loved it! I'm new to heavy lifting, but working through my "Body Sculpting Bible For Women" program, doing 3 days/week of lifting and 3 days/week of 30 min HIIT.

    Current weight/BF: 121 lbs, 22%
    First Goal: 117 lbs, 19%
    Time: 12 Weeks

    Great to find this thread!

    Thank you. :-)

    Good for you on taking up a new activity. Let us know how it goes!
  • Tube01
    Hi Ladies,

    I am new to this site.. to give you my background:
    I used to be quite fit and in shape from age 18-22 (am now 24) hitting the gym 5times a week doing boxing, cycling and weight training with a BF of 20%.
    Developed chronic exertional compartment syndrome in my lower legs to the point I had to stop training for a year and have bi-lateral surgery. This was a very depressing time!
    I’ve since got back into exercise this year which has been amazing. God how i missed it!!!
    I put on about 10pounds during my downtime after surgery and am working hard to lose that as it was mainly BF 
    My weekly exercise routine consists of 1x 33km ride, 3x 20min runs, weights 3x per week for 45min.
    My stats:
    28% BF
    5ft 3in
    My goals:
    Lose body fat and build muscle/strength
    BF 25% then will be 20%
    Weight – not fussed as long as I am building strength and getting some definition!
    My lifting program typically is:
    2x 12 reps as below
    Assisted pull ups (set at 30kg)
    Push ups (proper ones obviously!)
    Seated row machine
    Swiss ball sit ups
    Leg raises

    I feel like my current program (which a trainer prescribed) isn’t pushing me enough even with weight increases on the machines, nor giving me the results I am after. (I know it’s not instant! :ohwell: ) So I was wondering if anyone had any tips or could suggest a program for me to follow 3-4 times per week I’d get more out off. Ya’ll see a whole lot more knowledgeable then I am that is for sure! I’ve found your thread extremely inspiring as most people I encounter suggest all women should stick to is cardio and nothing else! Any suggestions and advice most welcome :happy:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Tube - WOW... I can only imagine the pain you must've been in. I have a thickening of my tendons and fascia in my ankle and around my soleus. A Workout containing double unders, box jumps or a lot of running puts me on the sidelines for 7-10 days and I'm so scared for it to develop into CECS (mostly because the pressure test scares the crap out of me!) So how do your legs feel now? How long was recovery?

    I'll defer your program to someone else as my goals are not so much to build muscle - I just found that I really enjoy Olympic Lifting and found out that I'm pretty strong.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • aprilshowers13
    Hey ladies, I haven't been on in awhile. I just got a new computer so I'm back. I haven't been doing much heavy lifting lately because of my shoulder. But that's about to change next week. I added some rotator cuff exercises into my routine a little over a month ago and I believe its helping because my shoulder feels better.

    Meghan, I just read your blogs. I loved the grunting one. :laugh:
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Hey ladies, I haven't been on in awhile. I just got a new computer so I'm back. I haven't been doing much heavy lifting lately because of my shoulder. But that's about to change next week. I added some rotator cuff exercises into my routine a little over a month ago and I believe its helping because my shoulder feels better.

    Meghan, I just read your blogs. I loved the grunting one. :laugh:

    Glad to have you back!

    Thanks for reading my blog. I posted one entry called "Overweight and Afraid of the Gym" which seems to have resonated with a lot of people. So did the "Ugly Grunt" post.

    I'm glad that what I write reaches people. If it makes a difference for them and how they feel about their commitment to their health, then it's worth the time and effort.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    ::drum roll::

    I hit a personal best today... 1 rep max of 200lb bench press.

    Very pleased. :happy:

  • Tube01
    XfitMum - My legs are feeling better now (no pain at all! yay! Just 4 very attractive scars :tongue: , although it took 3 weeks after surgery to walk again without a limp, and 6 months of deep tissue massage weekly whilst slowly re-introducing leg exercises such as running/cycling. I think my recovery was so long (12 months) because I had the CECS for 5 years and steadily made it worse to the point I could barely walk as there was always constant pain and tightness in my legs. Clear case of denial going on - I should of realised I had a problem! I am only just now seeing a muscle build up again in my right leg as that was the 2nd surgery and during the 3 week recovery period it's amazing how fast that muscle disapears!
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    I just posted a blog entry about working up to doing "real" pushups for anyone interested:

    Hope this helps!