Calling all Women Lifters



  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Meghan - 200#!!? WOW. I struggle at 105... Go you!

    My WOD yesterday was called the 3 Bars of Death:
    1.5 x BW Deadlift (I couldn't deadlift 282# as my 1RM is 220, so I did 175#)
    BW Bench Press (again, 188 pounds is way out of my league, so did 82#)
    and 3/4 BW Power Cleans (my 1RM is 115, I did 90#)

    Oh, I'm aching. To top it off, around 2 am this morning my 5 year old started puking and hasn't really stopped.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I just posted a blog entry about working up to doing "real" pushups for anyone interested:

    Hope this helps!

    great advice! can pick your brain for a tip? It was brought to my attention that it looks like I'm trying to fly when I do push-ups (apparently my elbows protrude obscenely). I've attempted to correct this and feel an emense amount of pressure on my shoulders. My shoulders have been surgeried into submission- they used to just dislocate whenever they wanted and that pressure makes me nervous. Any suggestions for correcting form without that pressure? Or is it a matter of starting at ground zero and relearning the push-up?
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Can I bring up the topic of spotters? Right now I'm nearing the end of my "Back Into It" phase by doing a full body routine (Sumo squat/deadlift/chest press machine/cable row/crunches). Back when I considered myself a serious lifter, I had a work out partner that was committed to the same sort of goals that I was. I don't have that now.

    How can I lift heavy on my own? Dumbells? I used to pooh-pooh cybex-type machines and even cable setups but now I'm reconsidering.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230

    great advice! can pick your brain for a tip? It was brought to my attention that it looks like I'm trying to fly when I do push-ups (apparently my elbows protrude obscenely). I've attempted to correct this and feel an emense amount of pressure on my shoulders. My shoulders have been surgeried into submission- they used to just dislocate whenever they wanted and that pressure makes me nervous. Any suggestions for correcting form without that pressure? Or is it a matter of starting at ground zero and relearning the push-up?

    The best suggestion I have is to talk to a Physical Therapist about your shoulders. They are experts at helping you find how to ease into the type of exercise you want to do in a way and pace that works best for your situation.

    I visit PT anytime I am recovering from an injury. They keep me from repeating the injury and help assess my form.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Can I bring up the topic of spotters? Right now I'm nearing the end of my "Back Into It" phase by doing a full body routine (Sumo squat/deadlift/chest press machine/cable row/crunches). Back when I considered myself a serious lifter, I had a work out partner that was committed to the same sort of goals that I was. I don't have that now.

    How can I lift heavy on my own? Dumbells? I used to pooh-pooh cybex-type machines and even cable setups but now I'm reconsidering.

    There are "Free Weight" Machines like the Smith Machine that all you to place a safety bar at a position that keeps you from dropping the weights. I use these whenever I want to lift heavy and there isn't anyone available to spot me.

    Also, check out my blog entry about meeting new people who you can possibly ask to be a spotter (if they know what they are doing):
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Oh I know about the Smith machine! (It's usually taken up by a dude doing a bench press.) My snarky workout partner and I used to...snark...on those doing light weights and high reps on the Smith machine but maybe my inner need to do "real" free weights will overcome my outer introvert and I'll hit up one of the bench pressing dudes to spot me while I squat to failure!

    I also need to post a sign or a something to find an early morning weight training partner. I'd prefer a girl. I have a good friend who actually *bought me* my membership to our rec center but she's enamoured of the P90x stuff and not so jazzed about heavy/slow/low squats.
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    Oh I know about the Smith machine! (It's usually taken up by a dude doing a bench press.) My snarky workout partner and I used to...snark...on those doing light weights and high reps on the Smith machine but maybe my inner need to do "real" free weights will overcome my outer introvert and I'll hit up one of the bench pressing dudes to spot me while I squat to failure!

    I also need to post a sign or a something to find an early morning weight training partner. I'd prefer a girl. I have a good friend who actually *bought me* my membership to our rec center but she's enamoured of the P90x stuff and not so jazzed about heavy/slow/low squats.

    I looked for a year for a partner. I found one but then her little boy won't stay in the kid area (I think she needs to cut the umbilical cord). So alas, she goes in at 5am and I'm there at 8am, both of us working out alone. :frown:
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Can I bring up the topic of spotters? Right now I'm nearing the end of my "Back Into It" phase by doing a full body routine (Sumo squat/deadlift/chest press machine/cable row/crunches). Back when I considered myself a serious lifter, I had a work out partner that was committed to the same sort of goals that I was. I don't have that now.

    How can I lift heavy on my own? Dumbells? I used to pooh-pooh cybex-type machines and even cable setups but now I'm reconsidering.

    I have the same issue... no spot. I, personally, use all those cybex-type machines and the cables. I've used them for years and was trained on them by my super buff husband. He uses them too where appropriate. Why do you think they won't be effective? If you load enough weight on there to make it challenging (you'll have to put more than you usually lift in free weights) you can definitely build some muscle. For me I'd rather be safe than feel like I HAVE to use free weights for everything.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Well, now this is going back into my True Gym Rat days but our reasoning was--way back when--that using the real bars and free weights use more of your muscles (esp. in your core) for the biggies like squats and bench press. And I still think that is probably true but--as for me and where I am right now in this process--I think I would probably be able to make incredible gains with the cybex/cable setups instead of fretting over lack of spotters and free weights.

    I think I can probably table this concern (How can I lift potentially dangerous amounts of free weights on my own?) until it is actually a physical possibility for me. I do think I can begin the next phase of my lifting routine--moving away from my M/W/F full-body schedule into one that features the dreaded Leg Day, etc.
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Meghan - 200#!!? WOW. I struggle at 105... Go you!

    My WOD yesterday was called the 3 Bars of Death:
    1.5 x BW Deadlift (I couldn't deadlift 282# as my 1RM is 220, so I did 175#)
    BW Bench Press (again, 188 pounds is way out of my league, so did 82#)
    and 3/4 BW Power Cleans (my 1RM is 115, I did 90#)

    Oh, I'm aching. To top it off, around 2 am this morning my 5 year old started puking and hasn't really stopped.
    Ah, Linda. Pain with the bar LOL.
    I think the last time we did that WOD was in the summer.
    I, too, struggle around 100# for my 1RM Bench press. Haven't had the spotter to try and go heavier yet. Did the Barbell Beast with 105# last week.

    Last night we did 50' OH walking lunge and 21 burpees - 5 rounds for time. Took me 15. My butt hurts today! LOL.
    Tonight's is Jumping Randy (Randy- 75 power snatches, but at every minute do 6 lateral jumps over the bar). I remember posting 5 minutes for Randy last time.

    Doing another competition Fran for fundraiser this Saturday and a 5k next Saturday. I certainly have my work cut out for me for March. :tongue:
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Had a really good day at the gym today. Does anyone else do foam roll self massage after lifting?

    My triceps were so sore it brought tears to my eyes as I was working them on the foam roll. Good thing... my deep tissue massage appointment was postponed.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Oh I know about the Smith machine! (It's usually taken up by a dude doing a bench press.) My snarky workout partner and I used to...snark...on those doing light weights and high reps on the Smith machine but maybe my inner need to do "real" free weights will overcome my outer introvert and I'll hit up one of the bench pressing dudes to spot me while I squat to failure!

    I also need to post a sign or a something to find an early morning weight training partner. I'd prefer a girl. I have a good friend who actually *bought me* my membership to our rec center but she's enamoured of the P90x stuff and not so jazzed about heavy/slow/low squats.

    At our gym, we have something called a 3D Trainer... it's like a Smith Machine but it allows forward and backward movement as well as up and down. You can set the catch bars for safety at a level that is right above your chest. Then lift to failure (or til your last full rep). As long as you don't mind squirming out from under the bar, it's a great "spotter" for heavy sets.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Had a really good day at the gym today. Does anyone else do foam roll self massage after lifting?

    My triceps were so sore it brought tears to my eyes as I was working them on the foam roll. Good thing... my deep tissue massage appointment was postponed.

    I always roll my lower back before a WOD... I wish I could roll my hips, but like your tri's, it brings tears to my eyes!

    I bought a 16kg kettle bell!
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge and inspiration. I'm not a serious lifter, but have been working on losing fat and building overall lean body mass.

    If you're still looking for protein supplements, I can recommend Biochem Sports 100% Whey Protein Powder. My trainer wanted me to seriously increase my protein intake (to about 100 to 120 g per day) and I was having a very hard time getting enough with regular foods. I tried a few of the protein shake supplements, but can't stand all the added "stuff" (either the taste or how it makes me feel). The natural flavor has 20g of protein and 1g of carbs. The ingredients are: Whey protein Isolate, Natural Vanilla Flavor, Natural Flavors, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin.

    Thanks again for the inspiration. I've very much enjoyed reading this thread and will be following your blog now.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Did a CrossFit Total last week and crushed my previous deadlift record (from 220) to 240, and my back squat from 172 to 185. My shoulder press flatlined. I was aiming for 95# but kept my previous record of 92#. Amazing what 3 pounds can do!
    Sunday I practiced my push press and power cleans. Got a 120 pound push press and failed a 115 pound power clean.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I need clarification here. What is the difference between Supersets and Combination moves?

  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    I ran a 1/2 marathon Sunday so I've been off heavy lifting for a couple weeks since I started tapering. My legs are feeling anxious so I think I'll start back tomorrow. Can't wait to see what my crazy PT has in store for me. I've noticed that as my miles crept up i started running a little knock-kneed and read that that sometimes is because of weak hip flexors. So, that's where we're starting. My husband has been working his in his regular leg routine and it doesn't look fun.
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    I enjoy lifting free weights/barbells/machines.
    I hate all cardio, treadmill,elliptical,bike!!!

    I just started lifting free weights in mid February after have been a member at Curves for women the past 5 years. I know I have gained some muscle from that but decided it was time to change it up and now I'm a member at Gold's. My gf and I are usually the only girls in the weight section. I don't mind the looks b/c I like what I'm doing. We are only on our 2 different workout routines. We did 3 different things MWF for about a month now were onto something else for MWF for the next month.

    We have done Turkish Get-ups for warm ups.
    Medicine Ball Abs,Dumbbell Chest Press, Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press,Bench Dips, Triple-Delts and Chest Flyes.
    Dumbbell Deadlifts, Side Plank, Plank, Lat Pulldown reverse grip, and Partner Sit-ups.
    Hamstring Curl,Decline Sit-ups, Lungs w/ DBs, Step-ups w/ DBs, Oblique w/ plates and leg raises.

    We just started our 1st week of 2nd routines yesterday and I must say I LOVEEEEE the Barbell Clean & Press.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Hi Shannon! I am doing the New Rules of Lifting for Women program which involves supersets (and some combination moves, actually) and if I can explain this correctly it's like this: Supersets involve alternating different sets of exercises which hit different muscle groups while combination moves are 2-step moves such as an lunge/shoulder press. So an example of a superset would be 12 lunges then 10 swiss ball crunches then 12 lunges then back to the crunches. The idea being, that you are still giving those hit muscle groups time to rest while working different muscles. I like it b/c I can work hard and be done in 30 minutes!