An Embarrassing Secret...



  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    I have to have my feet under the blankets to sleep because monsters can bite thru them. I cant have my arms or legs hanging over the side of the bed either. Killer dust bunnies underneath the bed.
  • daworley
    daworley Posts: 238 Member
    I often do not finish books I start reading. My house is full of them, bookmarked a third of the way through, next to the chair or bed where I started them. It's SO lame.

    Me too! I belong to a book club and just fake it at the end! I have not finished one single book we have selected! Luckily we meet only a couple of times a year.
  • jimmy28
    jimmy28 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm a supervisor, I give presentations in public in front of 100s of people, have lectured college courses and lead trainings. BUT, I probably post 1 out of every 20 online posts I type and it took me over an hour to get up the nerve to type this and it is probably the 3rd post (and a lot of retyping) I started before I was able to post it. I would love to make friends and have support, but I have some weird social media phobia and I will probably never interact. I closed so many threads I wanted to join in. This weekend I typed a long post to someone on here who was hurting, because it's what I do. I help people and care about others, but I was so embarrassed to post online that I deleted it. Maybe if I didn't know anyone on mfp (co-workers, friends who I've not friended) I would feel more comfortable to be myself, but I didn't even think of them until tonight.. So I'm embarrased that I'm embarrased to post? I guess that's why I feel the need to get this out at least, because i never should have avoided helping someone for my own hang up...
  • xMermaidx
    xMermaidx Posts: 142 Member
    I am afraid of the dark. I have a hard time going to bed by myself. When the power goes out (which rarely happens where I live, thankfully) is a perfect nightmare. I could add a couple layers to this, but I will refrain.
  • My dog really loud grown man snoring...I can't sleep without the snoring now because I've gotten so use to it lol
  • xMermaidx
    xMermaidx Posts: 142 Member
    Another bridge-phobe here! (Gephyrophobia, I believe.) I get terrible vertigo and feel like I'm going to pass out if I happen to look up at the suspension towers/cables. It gives me terrible anxiety to cross bridges (suspension or not).
    Crossing a bridge doesnt bother me, but the vertigo bit is real. It actually gives me shivers when I see it on tv the overview of a bridge.
  • I have no idea how to operate my TV/Blu Ray player/etc. If my husband is not home I just don't turn it on.
    So glad I'm not the only one!

    I'm afraid of the dark. Because of this, I refuse to go into my basement if my husband is not home. Also afraid of open water - I live by the ocean and refuse to swim in it.
  • NoMoreBlameGame
    NoMoreBlameGame Posts: 236 Member
    I have to have my feet under the blankets to sleep because monsters can bite thru them. I cant have my arms or legs hanging over the side of the bed either. Killer dust bunnies underneath the bed.

    Ditto this entire entry.

    My other embarrassing secret is probably not allowed on this forum, so I will stick to the above.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I can't sleep unless it is pitch black. I have to turn my phone over in case someone texts me in the middle of the night because the flash of the text will wake me up.

    I can recite most of Team America World Police.

    I pinch my nipples at night right before I go to sleep to see if I still have sensation in them.
  • I sing the 'U.G.L.Y you ain't got no alibi song' in my head in order to spell the word 'ugly'
    Once when I was sleep deprived, I drank a whole carton of cat milk..
    Being perceived as confident, during public speaking I actually stutter my words (sometimes) and when people inquire I tell them it was done on purpose as I laugh it off during speeches
  • klkarlen
    klkarlen Posts: 4,366 Member
    I'm a supervisor, I give presentations in public in front of 100s of people, have lectured college courses and lead trainings. BUT, I probably post 1 out of every 20 online posts I type and it took me over an hour to get up the nerve to type this and it is probably the 3rd post (and a lot of retyping) I started before I was able to post it. I would love to make friends and have support, but I have some weird social media phobia and I will probably never interact. I closed so many threads I wanted to join in. This weekend I typed a long post to someone on here who was hurting, because it's what I do. I help people and care about others, but I was so embarrassed to post online that I deleted it. Maybe if I didn't know anyone on mfp (co-workers, friends who I've not friended) I would feel more comfortable to be myself, but I didn't even think of them until tonight.. So I'm embarrased that I'm embarrased to post? I guess that's why I feel the need to get this out at least, because i never should have avoided helping someone for my own hang up...

    This was very brave!

    I have to say "Lefty Loosie - Righty Tighty" to remember which way to tighten or loosen things.

    I drink Kool-Aid (black cherry is my flavor of choice).
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I'm still a virgin.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Nope, can't do it...
  • DenDweller
    DenDweller Posts: 1,438 Member
    My embarrassing secret is that I'm not interesting enough to have an embarrassing secret. <Vanishes in a puff of sad, sad logic.>
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I'm a supervisor, I give presentations in public in front of 100s of people, have lectured college courses and lead trainings. BUT, I probably post 1 out of every 20 online posts I type and it took me over an hour to get up the nerve to type this and it is probably the 3rd post (and a lot of retyping) I started before I was able to post it. I would love to make friends and have support, but I have some weird social media phobia and I will probably never interact. I closed so many threads I wanted to join in. This weekend I typed a long post to someone on here who was hurting, because it's what I do. I help people and care about others, but I was so embarrassed to post online that I deleted it. Maybe if I didn't know anyone on mfp (co-workers, friends who I've not friended) I would feel more comfortable to be myself, but I didn't even think of them until tonight.. So I'm embarrased that I'm embarrased to post? I guess that's why I feel the need to get this out at least, because i never should have avoided helping someone for my own hang up...

    Oh the irony! Good for you for posting!
  • shnoots
    shnoots Posts: 82 Member
    I have to have my feet under the blankets to sleep because monsters can bite thru them. I cant have my arms or legs hanging over the side of the bed either. Killer dust bunnies underneath the bed.

    Same here! When I was a kid it was even worse. I had to sleep with the blanket over my head and tucked around my body so nothing could get in. I'm not sure how I didn't suffocate o_0

    I'm terrified of the sides of swimming pools. I can't touch the sides or the bottom/back of the ladders. I'm convinced there might be snakes.
  • pechepanda
    pechepanda Posts: 7,939 Member
    I am afraid of the dark. I have a hard time going to bed by myself. When the power goes out (which rarely happens where I live, thankfully) is a perfect nightmare. I could add a couple layers to this, but I will refrain.
    me too, Ive got glow in the dark stickers all over my walls so its never really dark in my room, and flashlights and candles incase the power goes out
  • sunman00
    sunman00 Posts: 872 Member
    I let my dog eat out of my mouth :huh: just a bite here and there, not like whole meals or anything :wink:

    I nearly woke my seeping wife shaking with laughter at this :laugh:

    - I'm 54 & I STILL try to dodge rail fares! - a challenge I took up with a mate when we were 14, I'm still playing & I haven't seen him for 30+ years
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    I really struggle with my left and right.

    Luckily, I don't drive.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    I still can't swim.

    My virginity remained intact until I was 24.

    Same here on the swimming…
    As for the other… STILL intact! :blushing: :sad: