

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Good morning!

    DS#2 made it to school yesterday (despite still having migraine) and today. So his attendance percentage is now 50%! :drinker: Hoping to improve that rate ...

    I have done way, way too much stress eating in the past few weeks. Definitely trying to get back to the healthy habits I know work for me. Husband finally decided it was time to walk with me ... and where he used to leave me lagging behind, he was the one asking for small breaks this time around. I'm hoping we can continue to walk together on a more consistent basis ...

    Lots to do this weekend. Closing the pool (had frost this morning)! Getting caught up on some housework. Continuing to declutter the basement. And prepping good food choices for the week ahead.

    DS#2 finally has his driver's permit ... let's just say that riding with him one time was enough for me ... husband can take over that duty ....

    Lesley in Tasmania ... I'm intrigued when you say you've been a body builder since the 80s. I think of someone who prepares themselves for competitions. What is it that you have been doing? I saw a photo of a women recently that started weight lifting in a competitive way in her 60s (now in her 70s) ... she looked beautiful!

    Barbie ... cute dog picture!

    Alison ... 18 cavities!!:huh: Hope you get through the day!

    Jenn ... I have had multiple biopsies based on "suspicious" mammograms. Even sport a titanium chip now to mark the spot. All has been well ... I'm just not your average "boob!" :laugh: Praying the same for you ...

    Jane ... been thinking of you. How is the housing situation?

    Have a great day, ladies!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF!Asking for prayers for a boy`s family I never met,became pretty close to this past year.I send him cards every month.He had a horrible disease called ALD.he was an an active boy 1 month and the next month dependent on everything.He was 5.

    Roy,I`ll miss seeing your precious face.
  • lstanisz79
    lstanisz79 Posts: 17 Member
    Happy Friday to all!
    Let's all have a great weekend!
    Be kind to ourselves and remember how amazing each of us are!
    Ladies and gentlemen we are each rocking our own personal journey!
    Keep up the great work!
    Now go out there and be FABULOUS!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I hope the vote in Scotland leads to positive feelings there, and not bitterness from those who wanted to secede. I’m sorry to hear that your DH’s niece is being financially exploited by her father. I wonder whether she can afford it, or whether it will put her under financial stress. I’m happy that you get to see your grandchildren. I wish it were easier to see mine.:flowerforyou:

    Beth: It is nice that your DH is walking with you and wonderful news that you have gained so much stamina that he has to work to keep up with you and even needs rest breaks. I hope he will make the effort to walk with you regularly.:flowerforyou:

    Alison: Filling 18 cavities at once is a marathon for the staff and also for the poor girl. Best wishes to all.:flowerforyou:

    Janemartin: I am sorry for the loss of Roy. I hope his family will have a chance to grieve and heal.:flowerforyou:

    I am working on lining up horseback riding lessons that I can start after DH has his surgery, and I have a lead close to home. I loved the lessons I took two years ago, and fell in love with the horse. The teacher was skilled. The reason I’m not going right back there is distance. It was nearly an hour’s drive each way, & more if traffic was bad.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member

    Thai lunch today with someone who used to work on my unit. Haven't seen her for ages and she was one of the best, so very much looking forward to getting all caught up with her!

    Well, the jacket with the acetate lining survived its washing. This thrills me no end as it is a very serviceable olive green fall one. A touch with a coolish iron and we'll be good to go.

    Vicki...........Any response to your letter yet? I hope it's positive; you must have poured your heart out. I am astounded every time I think of you writing 10 pages, way beyond my capabilities. I really like the glow in the dark Halloween footprint idea someone had; not too sure about the porch. But you could always paint over it if it isn't what you thought it would be.

    Brenda.............Good thoughts with you today for a smooth surg. and an quick recovery........please let us know how you are doing.

    Shana..........Sounds like your training is going well; is this your first half?

    LesleyUK...................YAY Arthur!!! May he continue to improve.

    Meg...........LOL...wine with tuna helper!!! So..........what was it?

    Barbie...............LOVED the puppies!!!!!!!

    Rori..........I also think pumpkin stuff is appearing earlier and earlier.

    Anne..........Congrats on getting your bike repair done. I'm sure your running will improve. I've been to Laughlin, Nv. several times (not in recent years)
    must have been near you!!!

    drkatiebug.............My condolences on your aunt; interesting that she was related on both sides. I look at Fitbits too; haven't made the move yet.

    Joyce............Wow, 124 states????? Can't even imagine that! Wonder just where I'd have lived and be living now.

    Diane..........Kambocha sounds like something I'd very much like; will check it out.

    Jenn...........May today be better!!!!

    Heather.........Exploiting your own child? Rotten person!!!! I'm also very happy that Scotland stayed; checked the live counts several times last evening.

    Beth..........couldn't drive with my DD either in the beginning and she still occ. sets my teeth on edge..........actually, make that often sets my teeth on edge!!!!!!!!

    jane...........Condolences to the family who lost their boy; how sad.

    Sylvia.............Hope your little guy changes his mind on the walks.

    Hello and best to everyone else...........hope your day goes well.
    Stay strong!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Katla - the niece has a very good job, but is in the process of buying her own flat in London. The man is a dishonest self deceiving charlatan, but she is his daughter and horribly conflicted.:cry: Too nice.
    As to Scotland, we now have to go through a whole devolution max process with huge constitutional reforms for England as well. The Labour Party may well be badly affected.:cry: However I am still glad that we are one nation.:drinker: :bigsmile: :love:
    I'm so sorry it is so hard to see your grandchildren. :brokenheart:

    Just spent one and a half hours out in the garden wrestling with the broccoli plot. :sad: Talk about hot and bothered! ! ! ! !
    I am soaking wet! Will have to wash my hair again for tomorrow.:grumble: The plot was covered in weeds and I had to replant one of the seedlings I hacked out by accident. The netting had not kept the butterflies off so caterpillars were all over it and snails were ignoring the pellets. The kale was in shreds, but I hope the broccoli will survive. I pulled down the netting and put up new canes and wire against the pigeons and sprayed washing up liquid on the plants. Phew! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
    Counted myself 280 calories for that marathon effort.
    DH was down the big supermarket while i was doing all this, getting some groceries and some dollars. The pound has gone up a tiny bit against the dollar because of the Scottish vote. :bigsmile: I was proud of myself with my mild agoraphobia for doing all this alone, but I let him know how hard I had been working when he came home!:laugh: :tongue:

    Heather UK, UK, UK :drinker:
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,656 Member
    Shana – welcome - Later - you do it like a lot of us do with 2 windows or in a word doc as the second window and then copy and paste… I am in N. California; where down south are you?

    Lesley in Tasmania – don’t leave us, I love hearing about your situation, country and the differences I don’t understand weight lifting or any of the associated stuff, but at this point for myself am just glad to be getting my food under control… I do know that when(if) I get ready for anything to do with weights I will be coming to you for some direction and options…
    *** Later**** glad you are staying!!!

    DMRinehardt – welcome

    Meg – glad to hear someone else is not watching DWTS – actually I was not sure what DWTS stood for – asked a friend who watches TV and she filled me in….

    Heather – welcome back to your routine!!! I wondered about what Englanders thought of the Scottish vote… well sounds like you are all staying as a “family”

    Amanda ((hugs))) take care!

    Brenda – sending good thoughts

    September goals:
    Stretch 5 minutes 8 times done 4 times
    Walk 100 miles –as off 9/14 69.33 miles….
    Do 4 errands walking (from home or a 15 minute walk from the place the car is parked)
    Do Heather’s abc balance 2 time a week – 3 done

    Kim from N. California
  • DMRinehardt
    Happy Friday everyone!

    Oh, Heather, I can relate to your niece. I was married to one of those jerks. I warned DD not to loan him any $ (he NEVER will pay you back)....yet 6 mo into her Navy career, she lent him money. :noway: He didn't pay her back so I hope she learned her lesson. It is so very hard when it is their father!

    It rained like heck at lunch time today. I think that it is wishful thinking that this thing will be out in the Atlantic before I have to drive to Jacksonville in about an hour and 40 min..... I hate driving in the rain (Floridians can't drive in the rain!) and most especially at night!

    DD#2 just had her 2nd child at 0203 this morning! Healthy happy 7 lb 7 oz baby boy! Her oldest is a 2 yr old girl so they now have one of each!

    Looking forward to being back at my real home with hubby tonight....and that 1 glass of wine I am going to splurge on!

    Happy Day!
  • JennInTx
    JennInTx Posts: 72 Member
    A good Friday to everyone. Today has been a much better day. Looking forward to the weekend. Spa day tomorrow and then spending the afternoon at the Balloon Festival. It's always loads of fun.

    Beth - thanks for sharing that info. I am much more relaxed about the situation now. I figure that if the doctor's aren't anxious about getting the procedure done, I shouldn't worry myself with it either. No use crying over the unknown.

    I'm at work so this has to be short. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend. Will try to fully catch up with the thread sometime this weekend.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,656 Member
    I got on this am to ask those yogurt makers among us a question, and got so caught up in reading posts it slipped my mind.. So here goes... I have done 4 batches of plain yogurt and am about ready to give up... but all have tasted good..1st one was lumpy - looked gross, next 3 no lumps.. but i can't get it to thicken up and this last batch is about the thickness of cream, runny, and yet has like slime... not in texture but in looks - so you spoon up some and let it run off the spoon and it does it in a long tendril.... Man I don't know how to describe this !!!!! any one know what I am doing wrong? the other thing that is off putting is that it seems to need to sit in a warm place for 48 hours to even get this thick, and I get worried about spoilage.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I feel like I have been gone all day, very tiring. I took my sister to have this injection done. Both her and I and I am sure plenty of you guys also have had joint injections done. But this pain center does theirs a different way. It is like a same day surgery. You are in a sterile type setting, get an injection of Versed to make you forget everything then they do the injection. You go through recovery and then released. So what takes my doctor 5 minutes to do takes this place 2 hours. I was planning on working with my iPad by using my phone as it's source of wifi. Well it isn't working well. I got onto my own face book site but couldn't get onto anyone elses. I also couldn't get onto MFP using either the Safari or Google chrome. So I finally gave up and read a book I had downloaded onto my Nook on my iPad. Then she wanted to go out to lunch, I had a very small salad and water while she had cream of potato soup in a bread bowl then a big sundae. Then she wonders why she cant loose weight.

    I don't want anyone to laugh at me but I don't know how to text a picture! Some one on my 'every things under $20' face book site for my city. Some one was wanting some size 14 clothes and I have 1/2 a closet of them. so she asked me to text pictures. I think I have figured it out so I need to go find a nice surface to place them on so that the colors and patterns will show up. I guess my quilt will do. I have no idea what to ask for anything though. I have only sold things at yard sales and all these things came from CJ Banks and only wore 1 season. The dress slacks only worn for 2 hours on a Sunday morning!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Kim - occasionally it does develop that texture. It is the bacillus. Not very appetising, but not harmful!
    I use two pints of full milk at a time, heat it to simmering point and keep it going for a few minutes until it is a bit frothy and coats a wooden spoon, stirring often.
    Leave to cool to blood heat. If it feels neither hot nor cold to my clean little finger then it is fine.
    Don't use the slimy starter or you will just get more slime, start again with a fresh pot of natural yoghourt and put a couple of heaped tablespoons in a 2pt pyrex bowl. Mix in the milk.
    Place in a warm place. I put my oven light on and leave it in there for about eight or ten hours. It is then beginning to thicken a little. I turn off the light and go to bed. When I get up I have lovely thick yoghourt which I cover and put in the fridge. I love it and people who say they don't like yoghourt also like it.
    Good luck!
  • strassenkoenigin

    I make a lot of yogurt. You need to heat the milk to 45 degree Celsius which is about 130 Fahrenheit and you mix in the yogurt well. Three tablespoons for one liter/one quart.

    I happened to find an old yogurt maker at a garage sale which was a real help because I can make the yogurt in the evening and it is done the next morning. Before I would put the mixture in my pressure cooker , well closed, and let it sit outside on my patio. Most of the time it was warm enough to produce yogurt.

    If you eat a lot of yogurt, I think buying a yogurt maker is worth while.

    Try to buy the milk and the yogurt as natural as you can get it.


    I am sorry, I cannot help you. I only send pics by email on my computer.
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 476 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I missed a few days and wow! We are a chatty group! Today I did 30 minutes of more jogging than walking with Brian. Then I added 15 more minutes on the treadmill. We went to the state fair Wednesday, I walked steadily for nearly 2 1/2 hours, left hip and right knee were sore! I had knee surgery on my right knee a few years ago and lately it has been really bothering me. I am iceing it now to see if that helps.

    Lesley in UK, adding my well wishes for Arthur.

    Heather, I love New York! I was there in December of 2000. It was a business trip but I got to bring Hubby and stayed over the weekend. I wish we had more time to enjoy the sights and the food. We plan to go back sometime to see it in springtime. Have a wonderful time on your trip!

    Kim, this must be the week to organize our closet. I cleaned mine today plus went through my jewelry armoire. Now I can find things!

    Sylvia, I'm so sorry about your friend. Hugs being sent to you.

    Barbie, I loved the doggie graphic!

    Jenn, a spa day sounds heavenly, enjoy the balloon festival too!

    Michele, Loki sounds too young to be having heart issues, I do hope you get to the root cause of the seizures.

    Welcome everyone new!

    Hugs to all I missed.

    Cindy in OK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today was sort of a bust. Grandson pitched a fit this morning because he didn't want to walk to school. The other two did. So he pouted and scowled the whole way and refused to talk to me or answer my questions. Then, I got a headache about noon that is still with me.

    Good news though about one thing. The skirt I ordered from Penneys arrived, and granddaughter tried it on and (Miracle!) it fit! She was so happy! This is the skirt she needed for her singing group at school. They are supplying the shirt but everyone had to have khaki colored pants or skirt. I went to every store, every thrift store, and every garage sale in town and nothing fit her. Penneys had this one on their web site and it was even on sale. I went back to the store and had them order a second one in navy blue that she can wear for other things. Heck, when we find something that fits we have to make the most of it. One odd thing...when I ordered online they charged $3.95 to ship it to the store for pick up. When they placed the order at the store, they don't charge anything for shipping.

    So, I'm going to lie down and see if I can get rid of this headache. Have a great evening!

    Here is today's joke of the day:


    One reason the Military Services have trouble operating jointly is that they don't speak the same language.

    For example, if you told Navy personnel to "secure a building," they would turn off the lights and lock the doors.

    The Army would occupy the building so no one could enter.

    Marines would assault the building, capture it, and defend it with suppressive fire and close combat.

    The Air Force, on the other hand, would take out a three-year lease with an option to buy.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,656 Member
    Thanks all for the advice, I will finish up my "slimy" yogurt (Levi likes it too) and then start again with fresh milk and new store bought yogurt...

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Had a super long lunch with my friend...........she's moving to the western part of Canada, where she's from originally to help her elderly mom. May end up back here sooner or later as her kids (and grandchildren) are all here. She is a person I enjoy greatly and I will miss her. Need to see if I can arrange a better send off with others she worked with; think I can still get in touch with 5 or 6.

    Heather..........I just realized you said it's your granddaughter's first birthday!!!! Time flies..........a very Happy Birthday and a big hug to that beautiful child.

    There's a flying team in town for a weekend air show and I'm tired of all the jet noise already...........sounds like they are flying through my upstairs windows. Yeah, yeah, I know---"jet noise, it's the sound of freedom"..........I see it on bumper stickers every day.

    Had a sad realization earlier.........my dad died on today, 1991. Wish he had lived to see my DD; he would have thought she was the cat's pjs. Well, she has his stubby, fat toes so I see him in her............I have his toes too, LOL!

    DH will be home at 7; DD works until 8...........have a pork roast in the oven, better go, the potatoes aren't going to peel themselves.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    evening ladies~
    heard all sorts of sirens today, and found out one of my dear friends, lost her house to a fire...
    lost some pets , lost everything, her kids, her husband and her are all ok..
    this family is a plllar of the community, they own a local nursery and lost there mom to breast cancer around 7-8 years ago, they have raised over 1/4 million dollars that they have donated to 2 local hospitals for breast cancer research and for free mammograms for women..
    I just dont know what to do for them? she is the one that her mom came back as a Heron too.. so we have a special connection..
    they have a GO Fund Me started and I hope that fills up quickly , and they im sure have homeowners insurnace, but I think there was a propane tank to close to the house and I hope that doesnt have anything to do with the insurance..
    please keep the family in your prayers..
    was under calories today, and I have to work tomorrow..will find out where they settle and talk with her sister, and see what they need most
  • strassenkoenigin

    I am sorry I am not good with describing recipes. You have to heat the milk first up to boiling point and then let it cool down to 130 before you mix in the Yogurt.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    "Lesley in Tasmania ... I'm intrigued when you say you've been a body builder since the 80s. I think of someone who prepares themselves for competitions. What is it that you have been doing? I saw a photo of a women recently that started weight lifting in a competitive way in her 60s (now in her 70s) ... she looked beautiful! "

    I joined the Australian Army Reserves in 1980 at the age of 32, I was overwight slightly, weakish and could not run. A neighbour introduced me to a body building gym and the boys there taught me to LOVE it and insisted free weights were the best for me. Never wanted to compete but I got slimmer and stronger. Also joined Veteran Athletics and did race-walking and running. I still LOVE race-walking and my weights at age 66.
    In 2005 the doctor's realised the Statins were lysing my muscles, oh no, and I joined Tom Venuto's Inner Circle in 2006 and Jillian Michaels and they guided me back to health and I feel MUCH better now. I eat healthy food only, processed food BANNED in this house

    The dietician has NOT rung back after 2 days, oh hum!
    I am making Jamie Oliver's chicken stew for dinner and will add a lid to make a pie, with steamed green beans on side.
    My cals today are 1714 and fibre a good 27 g. Vegetarian patty on home-made roll with salad for lunch

    I used to make yogurt until Tom introduced me to Chobani Greek yogurt which I love