

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: no one should be allowed to have as much fun as I had today teaching two line dance classes and walking the dogs for two hours before the first class and 30 minutes after the second one.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from gray and cloudy NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 23,000 steps and four minute plank......:bigsmile: now early to bed--:yawn: :yawn:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Evening Vit. F's!

    Did 50 minutes of Jillian Michael's Burn Fat Boost Metabolism DVD today. Tomorrow the plan is to do her Hard Body DVD

    Rori - it isn't just you. The pumpkin flavored things ARE hitting the stores early this year. A while ago I was in a craft store and they had CHRISTMAS trees set up.

    Anne - good for you trying to run. Baby steps, before you know it, you'll be running at full speed!

    Sylvia - even using some oil on the fries but they were still soggy! Interesting. I wonder if you need to broil them a bit? I love spaghetti squash with some tomato sauce on it and parmesan cheese. More filling than regular spaghetti and much lower in calories, has a good "crunch", too. You're so lucky that your dh will try different foods

    katie - Big condolences on your loss. Does the fitbit just count steps still? I'm waiting for it to do something in addition to counting steps. What I think would be great is if it had the ability to also monitor your heartrate. You would probably need a chest strap, tho. Congrats on the purchase

    Joyce - we used to keep a small stepstool in the car (which was high) for my father to step on so that he could get in the car. Vince has a facebook account, but he can't remember the last time he was on it. He just doesn't like Facebook at all.

    Diane in TX - thanks for the ice trick with the butternut squash fries. I'll have to give that a try. Your eggplant fries sound delish. When do you want me over???? I like your idea of the footprints in the grass, but we couldn't do it. See, we have a lot of inflatables which need teathers. We don't want the kids walking in the grass and what would little kids do if they saw footprints? Follow them. But I thought it was a neat idea.

    Jenn - I hate those days when it seems like everything goes wrong.

    Heather - from what I read, the vote for Scotland to stay in the union was pretty close.

    Beth - I don't even want to THINK about closing the pool. The water was cool yesterday, but I managed. Oh, how well I remember the days of driver permits. I think probably the scariest part is that the kids feel invincible and don't think sometimes

    Rori - I had never heard of ALD so I looked it up. Scary!!!

    katla - hope you find those riding lessons. I like your goal of having fun every day.

    DMRinehardt - congrats on the birth of your grandchild. Where does your daughter live?

    Exercised, had breakfast, then Vince and I went to WalMart. I went to wash my car yesterday and all of the detergent for the car leaked so we bought new stuff. I got some other things (including another gallon of milk for Vince. The sale goes off tomorrow and WM price matched it). It was raining so I made black bean brownies for me. I like them in that they aren't sweet. It stopped raining so I went and washed and waxed my car. Right now I came in the house to make an apple cake while the wax is drying. Pretty soon I'll go out and buff the car.

    Sylvia - fantastic find on the skirt!

    Alison - so sorry for your friend. Glad everyone is OK

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Another quick note, saw this on face book and it reminded me of this family and our relationship to each other, the relationships that we have all lost at some time or another

    At birth we boarded the train and met our parents, and we believe they will always travel on our side. However, at some station our parents will step down from the train, leaving us on this journey alone. As time goes by, other people will board the train; and they will be significant i.e. our siblings, friends, children, and even the love of your life.
    Many will step down and leave a permanent vacuum. Others will go so unnoticed that we don't realize that they vacated their seats. This train ride will be full of joy, sorrow, fantasy, expectations, hellos, goodbyes, and farewells.
    Success consists of having a good relationship with all passengers requiring that we give the best of ourselves.
    The mystery to everyone is: We do not know at which station we ourselves will step down. So, we must live in the best way, love, forgive, and offer the best of who we are.
    It is important to do this because when the time comes for us to step down and leave our seat empty we should leave behind beautiful memories for those who will continue to travel on the train of life.
    I wish you a joyful journey on the train of life. Reap success and give lots of love. More importantly, thank God for the journey.
    Lastly, I thank you for being one of the passengers on my train

    Sylvia, that's the same was Kohls handles their orders on line. If it is ordered from one of the kiosks in the store it is shipped free. Walmart is shipped free to the store, I believe Best Buy is also.

    Allison I am so sorry for yours and your towns loss. We all hear those sirens all the time but we sit in the comfort of our homes or cars never thinking it may be personal. But a trusted business is personal. we've all shopped there, we see their charity. I hope they can rebuild

    Michelle, when my MIL was alive and we bought our SUV we did make a step stool and found out that she couldn't even pick her foot up high enough to even get up a small step, not small in size but height. She wasn't that heavy, about 150 pounds but was dead weight. And when you were pushing on her butt trying to get it up you never knew what was going to come out, We kept an incontinence pad on the seat for that reason. But if our hand is pushing...well you get it. My sister can do it with help though. I really doubt my Mom could have done it. Going to my house which is a bi-level she could go down the stairs but my brothers had to carry her up the stairs which meant she couldn't go to the bathroom. The last Christmas we rented a fellowship hall. That was the only time she allowed her scooter to be put in the back of a truck. she was afraid we would break it and just stayed at the retirement home unless she knew she was going somewhere that was single story with no step up to a porch or had an elevator. We forget what being able to ambulate isolates some one.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Aug312014
    Aug312014 Posts: 32 Member
    Oh Barbiecat, you are the mom of Standard Poodles! :flowerforyou: I lost mine this last June -and oh do I miss my-boy. I thought my heart would :brokenheart: Someday I will have another Spoo. Line dancing must be great exercise and fun, I've never tried it.
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello Ladies!:flowerforyou:
    Seems like the other day when I had logged in and had yet to work out my goals for september and here I am today, goals still missing. No wonder feeling so lost.
    I definitely need to be more organised and accountable.....:grumble:
    Well skimming through this page nice to see most are doing so well.:heart: You are my inspiration and role models.:drinker:
    Sorry for all thats troubling some of you or your friends and dear ones.:heart:
    Barbie.... my hero!:love:
    Love n best wishes to all
    Let me start with some goals for the remainder of September.
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,349 Member
    Off to London to see my baby girl.:love::love: :love:

    See you all later, Heather in Hampshire UK.

    PS Lost another few oz.:happy:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Dinaesia: Thanks for the oven fries information. We often make sweet potato fries and I’ll try it your way next time.:flowerforyou:

    Kim from N CA: Add me to the list of people who don’t watch DWTS. :noway: I have a lot of acquaintances that watch it faithfully. Perhaps I’d be more interested if I had any dancing skill. :tongue: I’ve never tried to make yoghurt. Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    DMRinehardt: Congratulations on the new grandson.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Texting photos is easy enough if you’re an iphone user. I’ve never tried it with another brand of phone. You open the photo on your phone and there is a trashcan and a little box with an arrow pointing up at the bottom of the screen. The trashcan will delete the photo. When you select the box, you get a series of options including message and mail. Message means text, and goes to a phone number. You can send it to anyone in your address book either as a message or an email. Perhaps someone else can explain it better.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I agree with you about taking advantage of buying something that fits in more than one color. You are a terrific grandma. I love the branches of the military joke.:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: I’m sorry your friend is moving away, but I admire her for taking care of her elderly mom. When my mom was in need of care, I moved her closer to me because I was employed, and my kids were in school.:flowerforyou:

    Alison: I’m sorry your dear friend lost her house to a fire. I’m guessing the insurance will step up, but they can never replace everything as it was before the fire. Photos and mementos would be the toughest loss in my opinion. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I’m happy you had more fun than you’re allowed. Who decides how much fun is too much? I think you should continue to flaunt the rules and have as much fun as possible.:bigsmile: :wink:

    Michele: I think it has been quite a while since I mentioned how much I admire all that you are able to do. You are amazing.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I love the train allegory for life.:flowerforyou:

    Anamika! It is so good to see your post. I’ve been missing you.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Enjoy your baby girl!:flowerforyou:

    Yesterday we went out to lunch and BLEW it. I’m up a bit today, and feeling a salted out. I plan to drink a lot of water, and suspect it will fix a good bit of the damage that I caused myself at lunch although I had more calories than I care to think about in addition to a ton of sodium.:tongue:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! I will sign the papers in just a few minutes to accept the counter offer on what I hope is going to be my new home! Their price is $2,000 more than I had hoped but lower than what it surely could have been. Now to get mine sold!! Exciting but scary...

    I've gotten off to a productive start to my day. My last load of laundry is in the washer and my beef stew is in the crock pot. I baked my spaghetti squash last night and have it ready in the fridge to have for lunch. I found a recipe that is simple; it adds salt, pepper, a little butter, and parmesan cheese and maybe something else to flavor. It sounds like it will taste good, anyway. I bought some frozen bacon wrapped turkey tenderloins two weeks ago and have one defrosting in the fridge to accompany my squash for lunch along with some roasted asparagus. Dinner will be my beef stew along with a salad and possibly some bread. If my daughter wants to join me for dinner, I will send her to the co-op for a locally baked baguette. Otherwise, I will make some gluten free cornbread (all I have in the house) and freeze the rest for when my son comes home next month. Oh! I've seen lots of recipes over the years that call for wine and actually used it ocasionally, but I found a beef stew recipe that recommended replacing the wine with grape juice if you didn't have wine. Has anyone ever tried that? I did add a cup so I guess I'll see how it works.

    I am getting ready to buckle down to stuffing those envelopes and listening to lectures. :ohwell: I hate to spend such a gorgeous day inside, but this boot makes outdoor activities rather difficult. The doctor didn't say it but I'm guessing I'm supposed to rest the foot, anyway. I may go out later and walk around on the side street just to feel the sunshine.

    Have as great day! You'll likely see me later since I'm somewhat confined.

    Carol in beautiful NC
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    My surgery went well and I am home recovering and I have 4 holes in my
    belly to keep an eye on for infection. I have to look in a mirror to see them all.

    Joyce- Thank you for sharing about our train ride through our life. It makes one think about our past and
    future acquaintance' s.

    Thank you to those who gave me well wishes on my surgery. I'm really beginning
    to see everyone on here as family. My daughter Amber came home to help me. Poor
    Girl has been through so much lately, I guess getting her mind on someone else is
    Good for her. It is so hard being a mom and having to watch your child in so much
    emotional pain. My first instinct now is to take her for a long walk, that is when she
    opens up to me. It's a beautiful day here and I'm stuck on the couch. Last year when
    I was inactive I would enjoy it, but for the past 8 months or so I've been walking a good hr
    or more daily. Plus doing body pump, spinning, and step aerobics. Doc said I can start
    walking in a week but that's it. Thanks to you all I have been staying accountable and
    Filling out my food and exercise journal. At least on the days I got to eat.

    Now that I'm laid up I might have more time to get personal and share what's been happening
    to my family the past months.
    Brenda from Md
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 477 Member
    Happy Saturday Ladies,

    My knee is better today. I think iceing it yesterday helped. Will do it again today. Today I did strength training for upper body. It is time to change my workout again so I need to sit down and work that out. I also walked Brian, did some treadmill, I started with yoga. I've slacked off on that and need to get back to it.

    Alison, your friends are in my prayers.

    Brenda, I'm glad your surgery went well. Take good care and wishes for a speedy recovery.

    Anamika, I'm glad to see you back!

    Yanniejannie, hugs for you. I know yesterday was difficult.

    Carol, best wishes for your home deal!

    Heather, enjoy your dear grandbaby. Congrats on your lost oz's.

    Katia, lots of water will get the water weight off, Drink up today!

    Hugs and best wishes for a wonderful Saturday.

    Cindy in Ok
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, everyone,

    Did the finish line timing at a 6K ( odd distance!!) this am. Supposed to meet up with a friend after but never did connect. Having a cup of tea and reading posts.

    Anamika...........You must pop in more often; missing you!!!!

    Katla (and others).........Rarely watch DWTS; think I've seen small bits when someone I like is on..........did watch Emmitt Smith, but had been a long time fan of his on the football field. Now, that man can dance!!!!

    Brenda..............Thrilled to hear you are home and in good hands and doing well.

    Got to run; want to get trimming done on the bushes and it's cloudy, trying to beat the rain.

    Best to all!
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone.

    What a busy weekend we have on the calendar!

    This morning we went on the Midlands Doodle Dash at a beautiful place called Coombe Abbey near Coventry. It was quite a drive and we had to be there for 11am! (Our local Doodle Dash is 1pm on a Sunday). Husband complained that he wouldn't get a Saturday lie-in!! We drove on the motorway in the rain and I got grumps about walking in the rain after a long dry spell! (He is a fair weather walker too!) Well, we arrived and had a beautiful walk in the sunshine! :smile: This was the inaugural Midlands walk where various meets around the Midlands joined forces. There were 40 doodles present (and my springer dude!) and quite a few apologies from folk who had other commitments today. It was agreed that it could become another monthly event! I do love it when my doods run with others it tires them out so much and they are so happy! For most of the walk they were on leads but there was one field and a bit of river where they could be off. What fun! Such happy (muddy) dogs! When we got home it had rained quite heavily here so we had been in the best place weather-wise.

    This evening we are going to a concert performance of Jesus Christ Superstar at church - our rector is playing King Herod! That should be good! It is part of our fundraising attempts to be able to resurface the car park!

    Tomorrow afternoon we have been invited to my sister's for her stepson's 21st birthday tea. He has apparently given his Dad's family between 3 and 7 on Sunday to celebrate! The rest of the weekend he is at his Mum's, with his fiancée's family or with friends! Oh the joys of being young! :smile:

    Hugs to those who need them and those who think they don't!! We all need hugs even virtual ones!

    We'll have to watch with interest how things will go politically following the result of the Scottish referendum. Will it make the changes that are foreseen or will it be swept under the carpet and be forgotten?

    MA in UK
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    I've been gone for a few days but have, at least, read the last couple of pages of posts. I've learned that catch-up is way too hard. (Yes, this IS a chatty bunch, lol. :laugh: ) I've been gallivanting a bit, from my sister's house and, now, to my folks' house. I had my cataract surgery Thursday morning. All went well - and fast. :glasses: (<-- that's me in my sunglasses.) Now I need to stop by the drugstore to get new readers as the old ones don't work at all. I'm grounded from the gym for a week or so but am looking forward to a nice walk.

    I checked out a place where they do Alzheimer's respite care and went to their 2x monthly support group. I think it would be a good thing for my dad. Now to convince my mom. My mom's been to Kaiser (local hospital) once again because her eyes crossed and wouldn't uncross for a short time. She saw a neurologist. Basically, nothing's wrong. The doctor didn't think it was associated with a TIA but, more likely, with a migraine. My mom's afraid people will think she's a hypochondriac but I'm not too worried. She has rarely been to the doctor. It's only lately that everything's come up at once.

    Now I know what it's like to be in the sandwich generation. Sometimes it pinches a little being part of the sandwich. :noway:

    I wish I could be up helping with all that's going on with the King fire but have to stay where I am, in the SF Bay Area, until my eye heals. There will be a lot of people in the same sad situation as Alison's friends. My heart goes out to them. Two of my DDIL's sisters and their families live in Weed, CA, where almost 1/3 of the town (pop. 3,000) burned down. Her sisters had to evacuate but their houses were saved. They're opening their houses to those who lost their's.

    I read on Facebook that a friend is helping to rescue abandoned animals of families that were evacuated for the King Fire. That is heartbreaking too. :cry: She mentioned one old Golden Retriever that was left on the porch. The rest of his family had left. I wonder if he had run off when they left. It's hard to imagine leaving your pets. My daughter makes me laugh - she has already planned for the goats (in the truck) and chickens (in a crate), kitties (in a crate), and dogs (both in the car along with, of course (!), the kids if they should need to evacuate. (I think they're safe from this one. The closest point is several miles away, up the mountain.)

    I am thinking of you, even if I can't respond to everyone (or even catch up, for that matter). I'm glad we're here for each other.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Have a great sat.
    Going to find the last touches for the homecoming which is next sat.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,349 Member
    :flowerforyou: Fab party. On my phone on the train . Grandkids utterly fab.
    Oh Mimi. Had no idea!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello! I hope everyone is having a great Saturday! I spent four hours with the kids this morning, so now I'm resting. They came to he studio with me. It was fun, but they are a handful. Then we went yo lunch with hubby. He decided that we don't have to go to the lake this weekend, so we are going to an art event in Carthage, Missouri where one of my friends has some paintings.

    Then he is going to trade papers and I'm going to clean house and do laundry. Of course we have to watch the last installment of The Roosevelt's on PBS or we won't know how it ends.

    Here is today's joke of the day:


    Harry had a bit of a drinking problem.

    Every night, after dinner, he took off for the local watering hole, spent the entire evening there and arrived home, well inebriated, around midnight each night. He always had trouble getting his key into the keyhole and getting the door opened. His wife, waiting up for him, would go to the door and let him in. Then she would proceed to yell and scream at him for his constant nights out and his returned drunken state. But Harry continued his nightly routine.

    One day, the wife, distraught by it all, talked to a friend about her husband's behavior.The friend listened to her and then asked, "Why don't you treat him a little differently when he comes home? Instead of berating him, why don't you give him some loving words and welcome him home with a kiss? He then might change his ways." The wife thought it was worth trying.

    That night, Harry took off again after dinner. Around midnight, he arrived home in his usual condition. His wife heard Harry at the door and let him in. This time, instead of berating him as she had always done, she took his arm and led him into the living room. She sat him down in an easy chair, put his feet up on the ottoman and took his shoes off. Then she went behind him and started to cuddle him a little. After a while, she said to him, "It's pretty late. I think we had better go upstairs to bed now, don't you?" At that, Harry replied in his inebriated state, "I guess we might as well. I'll get in trouble if I go home anyway!"


    Bye everyone!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    My favorite clothing store, Christopher Banks had a fashion show this afternoon. I had been told about it about a month ago and knew I could apply to be a model but I didn't and forgot about it. The store sits right next to its sister store, CJ Banks which is for plus size. I DON'T HAVE TO SHOP THERE ANYMORE!!!!!! But the fashion show included both stores which was nice. I think I literally had to take the necklace off of one. Earlier this month I had bought an outfit that was featured today in the show but it had a necklace. The saleslady couldn't find it so she went in the back and took it off the model. Plus I found a shawl that will go with my sleeveless dress I will wear when I am on the beach. She had me try on the shawl and then said since I modeled it I would get the same discount the models got today. I noticed they were doing that with a lot of ladies.

    Mimi, I think it was you who had the cataract surgery. The readers were the one thing I didn't like about my surgery. Readers in every room and even the choir loft at church! At least some are pretty stylish and cheap and come with a carrying case.

    Well summer has returned to Evansville, 86* today. I was mentally going through my new outfits I had bought wondering what to wear for church tomorrow but I need to go back to the others again. I just hope in 3 weeks it is nice in Panama City Beach. I worry so much about it being really, really cool and my husband spend most fo the time complaining. I know I am not responsible for his behavior but I can't help worrying because when he gets upset he starts cussing pretty bad and our oldest daughter has forbid him to cuss around her kids so when we are alone he goes double time

    Joyce, Indiana
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello lovely ladies. I am popping in for a short chat in between loads of laundry, which I still want to hang out on the line although it is already afternoon. It is a gorgeous summer temperatures kind of day today. Taking advantage of the weather is a top priority.

    I signed up for yoga this fall at our local rec center, and this morning was a freebie. Ah...I missed yoga :love: I know, I know, I could do yoga at home. But experience has taught me I just don't. :noway: nsv - all my yoga pants are too big. Must buy smaller size. How terrible is that. pffft.

    However, what I have been doing at home is started lifting some free weights in the morning and doing squats. So now and then I add in some crunches. The whole routine does not take long (5 - 10 minutes depending on what I can fit in). Short enough that I can do it before getting ready for work. I added the squats a week ago, because it was in an MFP email directing to a link for a 28 day challenge (you can sign up to have emails sent to you for exercises and recipes, etc. ) Oh boy, if you haven't used those muscle groups in a while, they sure remind you what you've been missing :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    We are having dinner with youngest son and his wifie and their little girl tonight. Looking forward to it.

    Bye for now.
    Vancouver Island, BC.

    PS. For those who are interested, here is the link to the squat challenge: http://travelstrong.net/squat-challenge/
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi ladies. I have tried to post three times now and the internet keeps going out. So this will be short and sweet to say hi and wishing all of you the best this Saturday! I did manage 45 minutes on the elliptical now I'm off to shower before the house is invaded with teenagers and parents....it's homecoming and our house is "picture taking" house! Take care all Meg from Omaha