Summer Hair

Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
I've decided to go pretty short with my hair. Now that I'm all pumped up to try something new, I can't get in for 2 weeks!!! :angry: I hate waiting!!!!!! :explode:

Plus, I'm afraid I'll chicken out before then. (tee-hee)

Ya'll doing anything different for the summer?

Sarge/fatsis/Banks - let's hear it! :laugh:


  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I've decided to go pretty short with my hair. Now that I'm all pumped up to try something new, I can't get in for 2 weeks!!! :angry: I hate waiting!!!!!! :explode:

    Plus, I'm afraid I'll chicken out before then. (tee-hee)

    Ya'll doing anything different for the summer?

    Sarge/fatsis/Banks - let's hear it! :laugh:
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    I went short :sad:
    My hair was almost to my waist and now it's a little below my shoulders.
    Oh how I miss my long locks!
    But it's so much easier and faster to do my hair now so no regrets!

    Go for it girl!!!

  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I normally keep my hair really short (like off the neck short). I'm thinking about letting it grow to maybe shoulder length.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Ive had my dreadlocks for 6 years, and i cant imagine cutting them anytime soon! BUT
    i have entertained the idea of short haircuts, knowing that when i do decide to, I will have to chop it all off. So i commend you for having the courage...i cant wait to see some pics of that awesome do! im sure you wone chicken out :)
  • KrisKabob
    KrisKabob Posts: 1,250 Member
    I love having short hair - I usually keep a chin-length bob. :love: Every time I try to grow it out I end up cutting it!!! This summer I went SUPER blonde which is new to me! :noway: I was like "who is that" every time I passed a mirror but now I love it - especially now that I'm getting tanner! :glasses:

    I say GO FOR IT!!! Don't back out! It'll be weird at first but once you give it a couple days ( I say about a week) you'll love it!!! :flowerforyou:
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    I'm going to get my hair colored and highlighted in June sometime. My family is making me gray!! I can't stand it! My husband says "I like it, it makes you look distinguished" Hello???? Am I a 65 year old MAN??? Time to do something about it!
    Might just get it tidied up a bit, it starts to look a little scraggly and I want it to be a good haircut for my sis inlaws wedding in July!
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    I chopped all of mine a few weeks ago! Cut about 9" off. It is now short enough to leave it down in uniform, which is SOOOOO nice in the mornings. I just wish it didn't curl when it was short!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I love having short hair - I usually keep a chin-length bob. :love: Every time I try to grow it out I end up cutting it!!! This summer I went SUPER blonde which is new to me! :noway: I was like "who is that" every time I passed a mirror but now I love it - especially now that I'm getting tanner! :glasses:

    I say GO FOR IT!!! Don't back out! It'll be weird at first but once you give it a couple days ( I say about a week) you'll love it!!! :flowerforyou:

    I got a bob the last time, but I miss my layers. My hair is thin & has as much curl as straw so the layers give me a little bit of body anyway. Everything is big, but my hair. :laugh:
  • KrisKabob
    KrisKabob Posts: 1,250 Member
    I love having short hair - I usually keep a chin-length bob. :love: Every time I try to grow it out I end up cutting it!!! This summer I went SUPER blonde which is new to me! :noway: I was like "who is that" every time I passed a mirror but now I love it - especially now that I'm getting tanner! :glasses:

    I say GO FOR IT!!! Don't back out! It'll be weird at first but once you give it a couple days ( I say about a week) you'll love it!!! :flowerforyou:

    I got a bob the last time, but I miss my layers. My hair is thin & has as much curl as straw so the layers give me a little bit of body anyway. Everything is big, but my hair. :laugh:

    Yeah, I like a bob for that reason - makes your hair look thicker. My hair is fine but I have a lot of it. People always think my hair is thick with a bob... I usually get it stacked in the back, not a traditional bob. Anyway, good luck! However you do it I'm sure you will love your sexy summer hair!

    P.S. It helps for me that my Hubby thinks short hair is SUPER SEXY!!! He loves being able to see a woman's neck and shoulder lines... I mean "my neck and shoulder lines" haha! If I had a man that only wanted my to have long hair I don't think we'd see eye to eye!!! Haha!!!
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I've decided to go pretty short with my hair. Now that I'm all pumped up to try something new, I can't get in for 2 weeks!!! :angry: I hate waiting!!!!!! :explode:

    Plus, I'm afraid I'll chicken out before then. (tee-hee)

    Ya'll doing anything different for the summer?

    Sarge/fatsis/Banks - let's hear it! :laugh:

    GO FOR IT!! that is the best thing about Hair - it grows back!! :smile:

    I am cutting mine too as soon as we get back from this wedding next week - it is all being cut off. I am going to do very similar to what FitKB described - stacked in the back, short bob-type thing....and add some blonde in too!!
  • timisw
    timisw Posts: 391 Member
    My vote - Keep It Long!

    I am so partial to longer hair!

    And I know it probably is warmer, but I would even learn how to do pony tails and braids for a significant other to keep it longer!
  • KrisKabob
    KrisKabob Posts: 1,250 Member
    My vote - Keep It Long!

    I am so partial to longer hair!

    And I know it probably is warmer, but I would even learn how to do pony tails and braids for a significant other to keep it longer!

    Tim - be different than other men... vote for short!!! SHORT IS SEXY!!! Just ask my Hubby! Grrrr! :love:
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    My hair is almost down to my has long layers and I just got it colored and highlighted. It's auburn with strawberry blonde highlights and I straighten it sometimes, and sometimes I just let it curl up.
    Short hair is NOT a good look for me, so ponytail here I come!
  • BlazinEmerald
    BlazinEmerald Posts: 842
    Well, I think I will deffinately be having at LEAST 8 inches cut off of mine soon. My hair is down to my bum and to be truthful I rarely wea it down because it is so long , so whats the point right. I still want it longish, be able to put it up when i wish and leave it down without dieing from heat exhaust. I wish I could find a locks of love salon around here I'd do the 10-12 inches and donate it.
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    I just had my cut a little above shoulder length with layers. I love it, flips up when I don't blow it under. Actually, Shannon, it looks almost like your picture, just a tad shorter and stacked just a bit.
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    I wish I could find a locks of love salon around here I'd do the 10-12 inches and donate it.

    Any salon can should be able to cut it for you. I had to mail it in myself. If you go on the locks of love website they tell you how to do it. It is quite simple. I am cutting mine in June and donating it. I want to do it before I go on vacation so I can color it before I leave. I don't need my mom to tell me how gray I am! :grumble:
  • jill927
    jill927 Posts: 471 Member
    I don't really want to CUT my hair, but I think I might try going blonde. That would be a huge change, but I might just do it! Lol. I'm a college student, so while i'm home for the summer I can kind of mess with it and stuff and no one I go to school with will see it if it's horrible lol. Right now my hair is a dark auburn. Wha.... I keep changing my mind, but I just think, if I did change it like that and it really worked out great and I lost weight, when I went back to school this could be like a huge makeover to show my friends... haha.
  • KrisKabob
    KrisKabob Posts: 1,250 Member
    HAIR is so much fun to talk about... it makes me smile! :happy: :tongue: :smile: :wink:
  • Life_is_Good
    Life_is_Good Posts: 361 Member
    I went short several years ago - love it short. Right now, I need a change so I am growing it out again... Change is good - go for it! :happy:
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    I went short several years ago - love it short. Right now, I need a change so I am growing it out again... Change is good - go for it! :happy:

    When my son was born (3 yrs ago) I had long hair...down past my shoulders, but those little baby fingers kept grabbing it OW!
    So I got it chopped to my chin, then WAY short that I could spike it up in the back...
    Now it's chin length again and I am hoping to grow my long hair back!