Eat Stop Eat 20-24 Hour Fast

dewoods Posts: 148
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I fast from 6:00p.m on the first day until 6:00p.m on the second day, then I eat normally. During the fast, I drink lots of water and no-cal juices. I'm really happy with my results, and for those of you who do fast, and are successful..I actually "get it" now.

OK I read about this and tried it last week without feeling deprived. I am thinking about doing it again Monday 12/20 since it wasn't to hard last time. Anyone interested in joining me and log our results throughout the day?

I thought it might help in offsetting the Christmas parties and all the bad foods. Just a thought.


  • Sure, I'd love to. I'm going out for coffee at night though, but it's only 2 calories per cup. Can't wait to start. What time are we starting?
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
    @Helenuh Let's say nothing to eat after 6-9 PM Sunday 12/19. I use the range as some might need a little snack before bed to hold them over all day.
  • cem789
    cem789 Posts: 231 Member
    did you not want to eat the kitchen the day after the fast?
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
    did you not want to eat the kitchen the day after the fast?

    I thought I would, but really wasn't starving per se. I made a normal meal and was really full before I finished it. I kept my mind off eating, or tried at least, and focused on work that day, working out, and the prize was eating dinner.
  • Please excuse my ignorance...this is a genuine question...but why do this? Is there some benefit from fasting for 24 hours??
  • cem789
    cem789 Posts: 231 Member
    Please excuse my ignorance...this is a genuine question...but why do this? Is there some benefit from fasting for 24 hours??

    same question...., would it slow down your digestive system and metabolism....?
  • Photoplex
    Photoplex Posts: 49 Member
    Please excuse my ignorance...this is a genuine question...but why do this? Is there some benefit from fasting for 24 hours??

    same question...., would it slow down your digestive system and metabolism....?

    Yeah, I've been scratching my head over this one too. Only good reason I can come up with is detoxing
  • Yes...I will absolutely join in you in this! I've fasted in the past and I've felt amazing.
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
    Please excuse my ignorance...this is a genuine question...but why do this? Is there some benefit from fasting for 24 hours??

    same question...., would it slow down your digestive system and metabolism....?

    Yeah, I've been scratching my head over this one too. Only good reason I can come up with is detoxing

    I read about it on here and tried it last week. It is a good way to burn off some weight. There are many post about it I suggest everyone read for themselves also and decide if this is something you want to try.
  • randyv99
    randyv99 Posts: 257 Member
    I've done this before and I really enjoyed how it made me feel. I think I'd like to try again but not quite yet. I'll just follow you guys' progress for now. My aunt is coming up from the Caribbean and I refuse to fast when I'm getting some genuine food made special for me. So I'll start after she leaves for the New Year.

    As for why do it, it's just another way of doing things. Some people can't handle it psychologically, some can't physically and some suffer on both dimensions. I actually felt really great when I did a couple years ago and all of my systems were very regular. People who are on altenative schedules might also benefit from this program since it retrains your metabolism to function separately from audiovisual circadian rhythyms.

    There's more than one way to skin a cat (where did this phrase come from anyway) but I'm definitely in for the new year.
  • Okay, I will start at 6pm tomorrow.
  • ctraill
    ctraill Posts: 89 Member
    I've actually really wanted to try this so I'm definitely in.
  • HIzara
    HIzara Posts: 187
    Definitely more than one way to skin a cat and this sounds pretty legit to me... Gluck everyone
  • cem789
    cem789 Posts: 231 Member
    maybe il give it a try then :)
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
    I've done this before and I really enjoyed how it made me feel. I think I'd like to try again but not quite yet. I'll just follow you guys' progress for now. My aunt is coming up from the Caribbean and I refuse to fast when I'm getting some genuine food made special for me. So I'll start after she leaves for the New Year.

    As for why do it, it's just another way of doing things. Some people can't handle it psychologically, some can't physically and some suffer on both dimensions. I actually felt really great when I did a couple years ago and all of my systems were very regular. People who are on altenative schedules might also benefit from this program since it retrains your metabolism to function separately from audiovisual circadian rhythyms.

    There's more than one way to skin a cat (where did this phrase come from anyway) but I'm definitely in for the new year.

    I felt pretty good the day I tried it and as I said didn't feel deprived. I don't blame you for wanting to wait until after the new year and miss the good food.
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
    OK for those in the US you should have started your FAST by now so good luck and report how it is going for you. It is ~9:30PM my time for reference.

    If you're outside the US You may be a day ahead of the US but follow the same time frame.

    Good luck!
  • ctraill
    ctraill Posts: 89 Member
    So, for everyone that's doing this, what was everyone's last meal?
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
    My last meal was Chili and Cheeseburger soup.
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
    OK, it's 6:15AM CST. I'm checking in, who's with me and how are you doing so far. You should be 9-12 hours into your FAST at this point. I'm currently having my morning java, black, and feeling great.
  • Hi,
    Would really like to try this, is there certain things that you must do or is it just simply fast for 24 hours then go back to eating healthy again?
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