Eat Stop Eat 20-24 Hour Fast



  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
    Would really like to try this, is there certain things that you must do or is it just simply fast for 24 hours then go back to eating healthy again?

    Hi Sam, just FAST for 20-24 hours then resume normal eating. Drink anything without carbs.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    OK, it's 6:15AM CST. I'm checking in, who's with me and how are you doing so far. You should be 9-12 hours into your FAST at this point. I'm currently having my morning java, black, and feeling great.

    I started last night at 9 p.m. My timer says I have 10:16:24 seconds left, 23, 22, 21...

    I do this twice a week and it was the only thing that finally lost those last 5 lb. I do it mainly to reset my brain at times when I overeat due to "bad" cravings. I have more energy, am more focused, and actually eat fairly reasonable for a few days afterward because I realized that food doesn't have to be my only thought. I even exercise on my fast days and burn about 400 calories without feeling dizzy or fatigued. Definitely drink lots of water.

    Cool idea to have a bunch of people do it at the same time and same day for support.
  • ctraill
    ctraill Posts: 89 Member
    Well, I stopped eating at 4:30 yesterday night and I thought I'd be starving when I got up but I'm okay so far. I always drink my coffee with milk & sugar (can't do it black) so I'm going to switch to tea today instead.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    This is obviously not a good idea of your exercise with any type of intensity.

    I know I'd probably pass out halfway through my run without eating for 24 hrs. What does the research say about these? I can't see it being too good for the metabolism if done too in more than once a week.
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
    OK, it's 6:15AM CST. I'm checking in, who's with me and how are you doing so far. You should be 9-12 hours into your FAST at this point. I'm currently having my morning java, black, and feeling great.

    I started last night at 9 p.m. My timer says I have 10:16:24 seconds left, 23, 22, 21...

    I do this twice a week and it was the only thing that finally lost those last 5 lb. I do it mainly to reset my brain at times when I overeat due to "bad" cravings. I have more energy, am more focused, and actually eat fairly reasonable for a few days afterward because I realized that food doesn't have to be my only thought. I even exercise on my fast days and burn about 400 calories without feeling dizzy or fatigued. Definitely drink lots of water.

    Cool idea to have a bunch of people do it at the same time and same day for support.

    Thanks for the update and support.
  • QUOTE:

    Would really like to try this, is there certain things that you must do or is it just simply fast for 24 hours then go back to eating healthy again?

    Hi Sam, just FAST for 20-24 hours then resume normal eating. Drink anything without carbs

    Tks will try tomorrow have had coffee and milk already this morning
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
    Well, I stopped eating at 4:30 yesterday night and I thought I'd be starving when I got up but I'm okay so far. I always drink my coffee with milk & sugar (can't do it black) so I'm going to switch to tea today instead.

    I just keep my mind focused on everything but food. Seemed to work last time.
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
    This is obviously not a good idea of your exercise with any type of intensity.

    I know I'd probably pass out halfway through my run without eating for 24 hrs. What does the research say about these? I can't see it being too good for the metabolism if done too in more than once a week.

    The last time I did it I continued with my normal workout of a 30 minute run/walk. I thought it would be really hard but breezed through it without any real notice. You should only do it 1-2 times a week and several days apart if you do.
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
    Here is the thread that got me interested in trying this. It is like 18+ screens of posts. Might end up FASTing for 20-24 hours just by reading all the
  • If you guys haven't yet, check out for some good info on intermittent fasting.

    I've been doing this since the end of October 2-3 times per week with some great results.

    Apparently the research says that between 18-30 hours of fasting your body is a "fat burning machine" lol. Your metabolism wont slow down until you haven't eaten for 72 hours. In fact, it may even speed up (especially if you do resistance training towards the end of the fast)

    The longest I've done it is 32 hours which was pretty difficult - more so than 24. I usually do it after breakfast. I have a hard time without breakfast. but you can make it fit your schedule.

    The first couple times you may feel cranky and irratable but after you're used to it you probably won't feel that way. Personally I feel energized, content and alert. It helps teach you what real hunger is and how to listen to your body. It's also improved my skin a lot and helped with cravings. I am sooo glad I discovered ESE, it has been what's made me stick to eating healthy and exercising finally!!! I highly recommend it.
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
    If you guys haven't yet, check out for some good info on intermittent fasting.

    I've been doing this since the end of October 2-3 times per week with some great results.

    Apparently the research says that between 18-30 hours of fasting your body is a "fat burning machine" lol. Your metabolism wont slow down until you haven't eaten for 72 hours. In fact, it may even speed up (especially if you do resistance training towards the end of the fast)

    The longest I've done it is 32 hours which was pretty difficult - more so than 24. I usually do it after breakfast. I have a hard time without breakfast. but you can make it fit your schedule.

    The first couple times you may feel cranky and irratable but after you're used to it you probably won't feel that way. Personally I feel energized, content and alert. It helps teach you what real hunger is and how to listen to your body. It's also improved my skin a lot and helped with cravings. I am sooo glad I discovered ESE, it has been what's made me stick to eating healthy and exercising finally!!! I highly recommend it.

    Hi Elle, thanks for the inspiration and the link. Are you joining us today or is your FAST day a different day this week?
  • Please excuse my ignorance...this is a genuine question...but why do this? Is there some benefit from fasting for 24 hours??

    I've read that it's beneficial to let both the digestive track and organs (ie pancreas, liver, kidneys) rest periodically.

    Granted the body is designed to deal with digesting food, but I guess the logic is that the organs that help the body break down food may become more efficient at doing so when one abstains from eating for short periods.

    Most of my understanding of intermittent fasting is associated with respect to detox regimens that call for periods where one eats very little food and drinks lots of water and herbal teas.
  • Fit2_T
    Fit2_T Posts: 317 Member
    Bump. I'm curious to see how this goes.
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    I'm curious about headaches. Did any of you all get hunger headaches?? I tend to get them bad if I don't eat for more than 6 hours.
  • I'd like to try this too. I think posting our plans and updating our progress is a great idea.

    I've always intuitively eaten in a way similar to how the Eat Stop Eat routine works. I tend to do best weight wise and energy level wise by having a few days where I eat all the healthy foods I want followed by 1-2 days of eating very little. I actually have a really hard time sticking with the day in day out 3 square meals and 2 snacks type eating pattern.
  • ctraill
    ctraill Posts: 89 Member
    Well, I stopped eating early yesterday night at 4:30 so I have now reached hour 18 now and I feel great. I normally do eat a large breakfast every day so I'm a little surprised that I'm not hungry. I guess mentally since I know I'm not going to eat breakfast/lunch, my body has just accepted that it's not going to eat and has moved on. I've also got a Christmas dinner to go to tonight so I'm actually very happy that I'm saving up my calories for it!

    I'm thinking about going for a light jog this afternoon, maybe right before my time is up that way if I am really hungry afterwards, I can eat!
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
    Well, I stopped eating early yesterday night at 4:30 so I have now reached hour 18 now and I feel great. I normally do eat a large breakfast every day so I'm a little surprised that I'm not hungry. I guess mentally since I know I'm not going to eat breakfast/lunch, my body has just accepted that it's not going to eat and has moved on. I've also got a Christmas dinner to go to tonight so I'm actually very happy that I'm saving up my calories for it!

    I'm thinking about going for a light jog this afternoon, maybe right before my time is up that way if I am really hungry afterwards, I can eat!

    It's great that you're not feeling bad at 18 hours in. I am the same way, still going strong. I will get in my normal workout later and then back to normal eating. I found that I got full much quicker after the FAST as well.
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
    I'm curious about headaches. Did any of you all get hunger headaches?? I tend to get them bad if I don't eat for more than 6 hours.

    I didn't experience any headaches. I think for me it is just I am mentally prepared that I am not eating until this evening.
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
    I'd like to try this too. I think posting our plans and updating our progress is a great idea.

    I've always intuitively eaten in a way similar to how the Eat Stop Eat routine works. I tend to do best weight wise and energy level wise by having a few days where I eat all the healthy foods I want followed by 1-2 days of eating very little. I actually have a really hard time sticking with the day in day out 3 square meals and 2 snacks type eating pattern.

    Welcome aboard! Depending how today goes I may do this on Thurs also.
  • There are a ton of benefits from a one-day fast. Your body uses the energy it would spend on digestion for repair and cleansing. All the crap we consume with our food due to processing, et al are expelled.

    I woke up this morning having not read your post OP, and I am fasting with you...funny that it started that way!
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