National Anthem During Prayers



  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    You all say it was disrespectful, that he should have been a better representative of our country. Have any of you been in war? Have you had to deal with death all around you? Maybe don't be so quick to judge a man fighting for your freedom. Maybe try a little harder to put yourself in his shoes.
    You're kidding, right? Anyone occupying themselves with such disrespectful activities is someone I would argue is not "fighting for my freedom".

    Stress is understandable, but isn't an excuse for really poor behavior. He doesn't get a free pass on his actions "because freedom".

    That is an easy statement to make from the comfort of your home. If you think this was a 'disrespectful activity', you haven't seen anything.

    Stress? Ha! I don't think you really have a clue what your talking about.

    The soldiers are paid for the job. If they can't handle the job, don't apply. Just because they want a good job which requires no skills doesn't mean they get to make their problem my problem.
    if my MOS required NO skills, the US Government spent a boatload of money for no reason teaching me how to do it. This may be the most ingnorant thing I've read on MFP to date.

    ^ Agreed , And for people who havent been there and done that, you haven't gota a clue what its like or what it takes to be a soldier. But hey we do it just so people in the USA have the choice to shoot their mouths off.
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    For those who have never served:

    We don't fight for YOUR freedom
    We don't fight for ANYONE'S freedom
    We aren't afforded the luxury of idealism.
    We fight for the guy beside us. We fight for those we've sweat and bled with.
    We fight because we felt a calling to serve.
    We fight so you won't have to.

    That being said, the WARS are fought for political/socio-economic reasons. To aid the oppressed. To overcome tyranny. None of these decisions are made by anyone carrying a weapon. These calls are made in conference rooms and on golf courses by the so-called 'Diplomats'

    If I play my guitar while you're praying, and I do it without disturbing you, is it still disrespectful? How about if I'm wiping my *kitten* while you pray? I guarantee this happens DAILY. Neither are disrespectful in-and-of themselves. The motivation is what makes the difference.

    IF he was doing it to disrupt, interrupt, overbear, or intrude.....THEN it's disrespectful.

    ^Again the whole truth !
  • SwashBlogger
    SwashBlogger Posts: 395 Member
    For those who have never served:

    We don't fight for YOUR freedom
    We don't fight for ANYONE'S freedom
    We aren't afforded the luxury of idealism.
    We fight for the guy beside us. We fight for those we've sweat and bled with.
    We fight because we felt a calling to serve.
    We fight so you won't have to.

    That being said, the WARS are fought for political/socio-economic reasons. To aid the oppressed. To overcome tyranny. None of these decisions are made by anyone carrying a weapon. These calls are made in conference rooms and on golf courses by the so-called 'Diplomats'

    If I play my guitar while you're praying, and I do it without disturbing you, is it still disrespectful? How about if I'm wiping my *kitten* while you pray? I guarantee this happens DAILY. Neither are disrespectful in-and-of themselves. The motivation is what makes the difference.

    IF he was doing it to disrupt, interrupt, overbear, or intrude.....THEN it's disrespectful.

    ^Again the whole truth !

    :love: :love: :love:
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Those are fighting actions for some people.
  • laynerich15
    laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
    How dare someone interrupt, someone else while trying to talk to their imaginary friend in the sky.