Fast Food Workers Strikes = Win for better health



  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,566 Member
    The higher minimum wage goes up, the less value my own job holds. MY pay doesn't go up when minimum wage goes up.

    ^^This too.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    The higher minimum wage goes up, the less value my own job holds. MY pay doesn't go up when minimum wage goes up.

    ^^This too.

    Exactly. I have a Bachelor's degree and 6 years of experience in my field. I live in a rural area and make less than $10 an hour more than the current minimum wage. If minimum wage goes up by $7 (here in NY), the value of my job goes in the toilet.

    Last year they raised minimum wage in NY. Due to inflation, the cost of my childcare and groceries went but my salary stayed the same. So who's really getting screwed here?
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    To everyone saying that Minimum wage is not meant to be a Livable wage: That is absolutely its intent.

    From the Fair Labor Standards act of 1938 (the thing that created minimum wage):

    § 202. Congressional finding and declaration of policy
    (a) The Congress finds that the existence, in industries engaged in commerce or in
    the production of goods for commerce, of labor conditions detrimental to the
    maintenance of the minimum standard of living necessary for health, efficiency, and
    general well-being of workers

    (b) It is declared to be the policy of this chapter, through the exercise by Congress
    of its power to regulate commerce among the several States and with foreign
    nations, to correct and as rapidly as practicable to eliminate the conditions above
    referred to in such industries without substantially curtailing employment or earning

    That pretty clearly states that minimum wage should be a livable wage.

  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    In the current job market fast food is often the only work people can find. So it's no longer just 16 year olds and people just wanting a little extra cash. Also, the pay is quite low and nearly impossible to live on. People say "go to school and get a real job" but it isn't that simple. College is expensive and if you are already struggling it's probably not in the budget. My husband and I work good jobs that are full time and I am also a student and text book cost still kill me every semester. I can't imagine doing that on a smaller salary. These restaurants can afford to pay more they just don't want to. The CEOs and execs get huge bonuses when they already make huge salaries yet the people at the bottom producing the profits rarely see any kind of bonus. McDonalds' CEO made nearly $14 mil in one year. The previous CEO got a $10 mil bonus to leave on top of his $17 mil salary. In store employees make $7-10/hr.

    Ummm, so.
    Why are the top wage earners somehow obligated to raise the salaries of unskilled workers, because they demand it? In this world you get what you earn, way way way to many people are of the mindset that they somehow "DESERVE" more money. Ludicrous...

    If you want it, earn it.
    There are jobs available for people who are willing to work hard, I see it everyday on constructions sites. Many of the contractors are screaming for workers who will show up and work, I've seen probably a dozen new people hit this job just this season and complain that it's to hard and just stop showing up, that's the problem, nobody wants to EARN the job or pay, they want it given to them.
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    A lot of UNSKILLED workers are unskilled because they were born into poverty and never had the opportunity to go to school to learn a SKILL that would enable them to get a higher paying job.

    So what are they supposed to do, work three minimum wage jobs just to get by?

    Everyone has the right to make enough money to flipping survive on. I work two jobs, I make more than minimum wage, I live alone, and I am barely getting by.
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    I agree with the others I don't see how this is a win for better health, if you don't like the food don't eat there but don't' go labeling the food as evil. Plus i say just fire them all and replace them. I have very little tolerance for people who go on strike. There is absolutely no reason a fast food worker should earn as much as someone who went to college or trade school such as plumbers and nurses.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    To everyone saying that Minimum wage is not meant to be a Livable wage: That is absolutely its intent.

    From the Fair Labor Standards act of 1938 (the thing that created minimum wage):

    § 202. Congressional finding and declaration of policy
    (a) The Congress finds that the existence, in industries engaged in commerce or in
    the production of goods for commerce, of labor conditions detrimental to the
    maintenance of the minimum standard of living necessary for health, efficiency, and
    general well-being of workers

    (b) It is declared to be the policy of this chapter, through the exercise by Congress
    of its power to regulate commerce among the several States and with foreign
    nations, to correct and as rapidly as practicable to eliminate the conditions above
    referred to in such industries without substantially curtailing employment or earning

    That pretty clearly states that minimum wage should be a livable wage.
    Well that pretty much says it. Lawyered.

    But there in lies the question, what is needed for "minimum standard of living" Cell phones, cable, car, would not qualify, I would qualify it as adequate amount/qualify of food, shelter, and clothing, and minimum wage jobs would get you those 3 especially if you lived with a roommate and had no kids. I don't think it can or should support a family just an individual's basic needs.

    And this is coming from someone that leans to the socialist side of the line, vs. the capitalist side
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    To everyone saying that Minimum wage is not meant to be a Livable wage: That is absolutely its intent.

    From the Fair Labor Standards act of 1938 (the thing that created minimum wage):

    § 202. Congressional finding and declaration of policy
    (a) The Congress finds that the existence, in industries engaged in commerce or in
    the production of goods for commerce, of labor conditions detrimental to the
    maintenance of the minimum standard of living necessary for health, efficiency, and
    general well-being of workers

    (b) It is declared to be the policy of this chapter, through the exercise by Congress
    of its power to regulate commerce among the several States and with foreign
    nations, to correct and as rapidly as practicable to eliminate the conditions above
    referred to in such industries without substantially curtailing employment or earning

    That pretty clearly states that minimum wage should be a livable wage.
    Well that pretty much says it. Lawyered.

    But there in lies the question, what is needed for "minimum standard of living" Cell phones, cable, car, would not qualify, I would qualify it as adequate amount/qualify of food, shelter, and clothing, and minimum wage jobs would get you those 3 especially if you lived with a roommate and had no kids. I don't think it can or should support a family just an individual's basic needs.

    Couldn't have said it better myself.

    You absolutely can LIVE on current minimum wage. Can you afford the best stuff, vacations, and extra activities? No, but that's your deal. If you want more money, acquire the skills to make it. Food & shelter & clothing is more than doable on $8.25 an hour.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    To everyone saying that Minimum wage is not meant to be a Livable wage: That is absolutely its intent.

    From the Fair Labor Standards act of 1938 (the thing that created minimum wage):

    § 202. Congressional finding and declaration of policy
    (a) The Congress finds that the existence, in industries engaged in commerce or in
    the production of goods for commerce, of labor conditions detrimental to the
    maintenance of the minimum standard of living necessary for health, efficiency, and
    general well-being of workers

    (b) It is declared to be the policy of this chapter, through the exercise by Congress
    of its power to regulate commerce among the several States and with foreign
    nations, to correct and as rapidly as practicable to eliminate the conditions above
    referred to in such industries without substantially curtailing employment or earning

    That pretty clearly states that minimum wage should be a livable wage.
    Well that pretty much says it. Lawyered.

    But there in lies the question, what is needed for "minimum standard of living" Cell phones, cable, car, would not qualify, I would qualify it as adequate amount/qualify of food, shelter, and clothing, and minimum wage jobs would get you those 3 especially if you lived with a roommate and had no kids. I don't think it can or should support a family just an individual's basic needs.

    And this is coming from someone that leans to the socialist side of the line, vs. the capitalist side

    Well yeah. Define "minimum standard of living". That's the real challenge, isn't it?
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    The higher minimum wage goes up, the less value my own job holds. MY pay doesn't go up when minimum wage goes up.

    ^^This too.

    Exactly. I have a Bachelor's degree and 6 years of experience in my field. I live in a rural area and make less than $10 an hour more than the current minimum wage. If minimum wage goes up by $7 (here in NY), the value of my job goes in the toilet.

    Last year they raised minimum wage in NY. Due to inflation, the cost of my childcare and groceries went but my salary stayed the same. So who's really getting screwed here?

    A few posts ago you said flat out that minimum wage was "To provide for unskilled workers while they obtain skills to get a better paying job!"

    My question to you is why don't you do the exact same thing since you suggest it's so easy? You make at least minimum wage. Simply use that money you make to finance more education to further yourself more. Or are you entitled to more already as your thinking seems to suggest?

    I do and I did. I decided I didn't like working a minimum wage job so I got a Bachelor's degree with a baby at home, while working two jobs and moved up in the world. i'm not nearly as "entitled" as you suggest, I worked my behind off to get where I am and it infuriates me that people are trying to cut in line.

    ETA: I'm also now paying off the massive amount of student loan debt so I'm probably not much better off than those who earn much less than I do.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    To everyone saying that Minimum wage is not meant to be a Livable wage: That is absolutely its intent.

    From the Fair Labor Standards act of 1938 (the thing that created minimum wage):

    § 202. Congressional finding and declaration of policy
    (a) The Congress finds that the existence, in industries engaged in commerce or in
    the production of goods for commerce, of labor conditions detrimental to the
    maintenance of the minimum standard of living necessary for health, efficiency, and
    general well-being of workers

    (b) It is declared to be the policy of this chapter, through the exercise by Congress
    of its power to regulate commerce among the several States and with foreign
    nations, to correct and as rapidly as practicable to eliminate the conditions above
    referred to in such industries without substantially curtailing employment or earning

    That pretty clearly states that minimum wage should be a livable wage.
    Well that pretty much says it. Lawyered.

    But there in lies the question, what is needed for "minimum standard of living" Cell phones, cable, car, would not qualify, I would qualify it as adequate amount/qualify of food, shelter, and clothing, and minimum wage jobs would get you those 3 especially if you lived with a roommate and had no kids. I don't think it can or should support a family just an individual's basic needs.

    Couldn't have said it better myself.

    You absolutely can LIVE on current minimum wage. Can you afford the best stuff, vacations, and extra activities? No, but that's your deal. If you want more money, acquire the skills to make it. Food & shelter & clothing is more than doable on $8.25 an hour.

    Not in NYC... and a few other places. And moving requires... guess what.... money!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Ummm... y'all are angry because fast food workers would like to be paid a fair wage?

    My uncle worked in Wal-mart his entire life. He retired a millionaire because he used his money wisely, invested it and made something from that 'minimum wage' job.

    I work in retail and many of my coworkers have held their job for 25 years or more. To them it IS a career. It is their ONLY career. SOMEBODY has to do these jobs so why shouldn't it be a career?

    Somebody insinuated these jobs are meant to be stepping stones to REAL jobs? Really? And who is going to pay for that education for these people to acquire REAL careers if they're only barely making enough to make ends meet? Hmmmm?

    Gosh guys. Check your privilege.
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    In the current job market fast food is often the only work people can find. So it's no longer just 16 year olds and people just wanting a little extra cash. Also, the pay is quite low and nearly impossible to live on. People say "go to school and get a real job" but it isn't that simple. College is expensive and if you are already struggling it's probably not in the budget. My husband and I work good jobs that are full time and I am also a student and text book cost still kill me every semester. I can't imagine doing that on a smaller salary. These restaurants can afford to pay more they just don't want to. The CEOs and execs get huge bonuses when they already make huge salaries yet the people at the bottom producing the profits rarely see any kind of bonus. McDonalds' CEO made nearly $14 mil in one year. The previous CEO got a $10 mil bonus to leave on top of his $17 mil salary. In store employees make $7-10/hr.

    Ummm, so.
    Why are the top wage earners somehow obligated to raise the salaries of unskilled workers, because they demand it? In this world you get what you earn, way way way to many people are of the mindset that they somehow "DESERVE" more money. Ludicrous...

    If you want it, earn it.
    There are jobs available for people who are willing to work hard, I see it everyday on constructions sites. Many of the contractors are screaming for workers who will show up and work, I've seen probably a dozen new people hit this job just this season and complain that it's to hard and just stop showing up, that's the problem, nobody wants to EARN the job or pay, they want it given to them.

    If a company is making giant profits then the benefits of those profits should be shared with all workers not just a select few at the top. Unskilled work doesn't equal easy work. Fast food isn't the only minimum wage job. I have an office job that pays very well and someone working fast food probably works harder than me. It isn't a hand out to raise minimum wage to reflect the economy's state (inflation for example). There are probably some that don't want to work for their pay but saying nobody wants to earn the job or pay is an unfair blanket statement. It is easy to look down on someone working minimum wage saying it's all their fault they don't have a better job but it isn't that simple. While I believe in personal accountability there are other factors. It's easy to judge another person when you haven't walked in their shoes.
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    Ummm... y'all are angry because fast food workers would like to be paid a fair wage?

    My uncle worked in Wal-mart his entire life. He retired a millionaire because he used his money wisely, invested it and made something from that 'minimum wage' job.

    I work in retail and many of my coworkers have held their job for 25 years or more. To them it IS a career. It is their ONLY career. SOMEBODY has to do these jobs so why shouldn't it be a career?

    Somebody insinuated these jobs are meant to be stepping stones to REAL jobs? Really? And who is going to pay for that education for these people to acquire REAL careers if they're only barely making enough to make ends meet? Hmmmm?

    Gosh guys. Check your privilege.


    Since when is an education REQUIRED to make a decent living???
    I never went to college and I can promise you that I make a good living, I do because I worked my *kitten* off to get where I am today. I didn't set back on a picket line and yell that I deserved more money, I went out and bettered myself, I've learned skills of some kind from every job that I've ever held. When I got a raise or a promotion it's because I worked for it and I EARNED it.
    I earned my "privilege", how did you get yours? :wink:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Ummm... y'all are angry because fast food workers would like to be paid a fair wage?

    My uncle worked in Wal-mart his entire life. He retired a millionaire because he used his money wisely, invested it and made something from that 'minimum wage' job.

    I work in retail and many of my coworkers have held their job for 25 years or more. To them it IS a career. It is their ONLY career. SOMEBODY has to do these jobs so why shouldn't it be a career?

    Somebody insinuated these jobs are meant to be stepping stones to REAL jobs? Really? And who is going to pay for that education for these people to acquire REAL careers if they're only barely making enough to make ends meet? Hmmmm?

    Gosh guys. Check your privilege.


    Since when is an education REQUIRED to make a decent living???
    I never went to college and I can promise you that I make a good living, I do because I worked my *kitten* off to get where I am today. I didn't set back on a picket line and yell that I deserved more money, I went out and bettered myself, I've learned skills of some kind from every job that I've ever held. When I got a raise or a promotion it's because I worked for it and I EARNED it.
    I earned my "privilege", how did you get yours? :wink:

    So people who work in fast food, don't work their *kitten* off??? GTFOH
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    A couple months ago, we interviewed a guy for a position here and we asked him some question (don't remember which one) having to do with the actual job he was interviewing for (which has nothing whatsoever to do with setting or dealing with minimum wage) and he went off on a 15-minute tangent about how minimum wage should be higher.

    He didn't get the job.
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    In the current job market fast food is often the only work people can find. So it's no longer just 16 year olds and people just wanting a little extra cash. Also, the pay is quite low and nearly impossible to live on. People say "go to school and get a real job" but it isn't that simple. College is expensive and if you are already struggling it's probably not in the budget. My husband and I work good jobs that are full time and I am also a student and text book cost still kill me every semester. I can't imagine doing that on a smaller salary. These restaurants can afford to pay more they just don't want to. The CEOs and execs get huge bonuses when they already make huge salaries yet the people at the bottom producing the profits rarely see any kind of bonus. McDonalds' CEO made nearly $14 mil in one year. The previous CEO got a $10 mil bonus to leave on top of his $17 mil salary. In store employees make $7-10/hr.

    Ummm, so.
    Why are the top wage earners somehow obligated to raise the salaries of unskilled workers, because they demand it? In this world you get what you earn, way way way to many people are of the mindset that they somehow "DESERVE" more money. Ludicrous...

    If you want it, earn it.
    There are jobs available for people who are willing to work hard, I see it everyday on constructions sites. Many of the contractors are screaming for workers who will show up and work, I've seen probably a dozen new people hit this job just this season and complain that it's to hard and just stop showing up, that's the problem, nobody wants to EARN the job or pay, they want it given to them.

    If a company is making giant profits then the benefits of those profits should be shared with all workers not just a select few at the top. Unskilled work doesn't equal easy work. Fast food isn't the only minimum wage job. I have an office job that pays very well and someone working fast food probably works harder than me. It isn't a hand out to raise minimum wage to reflect the economy's state (inflation for example). There are probably some that don't want to work for their pay but saying nobody wants to earn the job or pay is an unfair blanket statement. It is easy to look down on someone working minimum wage saying it's all their fault they don't have a better job but it isn't that simple. While I believe in personal accountability there are other factors. It's easy to judge another person when you haven't walked in their shoes.

    Who says I haven't walked in their shoes?
    Assume much?

    I moved up because I wanted to better myself, I didn't ask anyone to do it for me. I looked around and said that I can do better than this so I made it happen. But first, before any of those changes occur you have to want to change it and be willing to work for it. That's the key to the whole thing here, you have to be willing to work to better yourself and your position in life, without any of that drive you'll likely spend a life saying "so you want fries with that?".

    Now I have to go back to work, at the job that I've earned! LoL
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    To everyone saying that Minimum wage is not meant to be a Livable wage: That is absolutely its intent.

    From the Fair Labor Standards act of 1938 (the thing that created minimum wage):

    § 202. Congressional finding and declaration of policy
    (a) The Congress finds that the existence, in industries engaged in commerce or in
    the production of goods for commerce, of labor conditions detrimental to the
    maintenance of the minimum standard of living necessary for health, efficiency, and
    general well-being of workers

    (b) It is declared to be the policy of this chapter, through the exercise by Congress
    of its power to regulate commerce among the several States and with foreign
    nations, to correct and as rapidly as practicable to eliminate the conditions above
    referred to in such industries without substantially curtailing employment or earning

    That pretty clearly states that minimum wage should be a livable wage.
    Well that pretty much says it. Lawyered.

    But there in lies the question, what is needed for "minimum standard of living" Cell phones, cable, car, would not qualify, I would qualify it as adequate amount/qualify of food, shelter, and clothing, and minimum wage jobs would get you those 3 especially if you lived with a roommate and had no kids. I don't think it can or should support a family just an individual's basic needs.

    And this is coming from someone that leans to the socialist side of the line, vs. the capitalist side

    Well yeah. Define "minimum standard of living". That's the real challenge, isn't it?

    actually it reads ' a minimum standard of living FOR HEALTH", which paints a substantially different picture IMO, and should definetly exclude cell, cable, car.

    basically id say what you need to live.