What can calisthenics do for you? Let me show you.



  • Allterrain_Lady
    Allterrain_Lady Posts: 421 Member
    I don't know how I came across this post but it is exactly what I need. I do weight lifting and enjoy it A LOT. Feel like Wonder Woman when I pick up heavy stuff and repeat. But I also feel like I miss a whole part of being fit by not moving around my own body.

    I love love being strong(er) and improving that but I also want to be flexible, quick, fearless and comfortable in any environment.

    I hate cardio. Hence, I miss the "moving part" of workouts. I take dance lessons but they're not that challenging.

    I've never thought about getting an agility ladder before, even though I've saw those on TV.

    You opened a whole new world to me.

    Thanks and GREAT GREAT job!! You look amazing.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    drazani wrote: »
    You look incredible! This is exactly the type of post i was looking for to motivate me this morning, on week 4 of YAYOG and my goal is to be able to do 1 handstand pushup in 1 yrs time. Thank you again for such a great post

    I'm a YAYOG user, too.

    I really enjoy the freedom to do it pretty much anywhere I want. No worrying about if the gym's open, or if I should be out in public when I've got a cold (as was the case this month), if there's something I'd like to watch on TV, or if I need to be on-call and available for after-hours work. As long as I've got time and enough room to lie down on the floor, I can get a workout in.

    And if I want some variety or if I don't have what I need (I don't readily trust all doors to hold my 240-pound frame for pull ups) , it's easy to adjust the workouts..

    Plus it also ties into the training we use in the military, so I feel right at home with it.
  • apesid
    apesid Posts: 135 Member
    What an amazing transformation! Way to go!
  • purplemystra
    purplemystra Posts: 159 Member
    You look fantastic.
  • stephxfit
    stephxfit Posts: 30 Member
    Lose skin!?!? I see none! Especially for such a large loss. I hope I'm as fortunate as you! I have 60 lbs to lose.
    Thank you for posting this. I don't doubt that weight lifting is beneficial, but I HATE gyms, prefer to workout at home. Sometimes I feel like heavy lifting is "the only way", thank you for proving otherwise! It's so important to do something you love.
  • Kitship
    Kitship Posts: 579 Member
    Wow! That is the kind of agility I want to have. Someday! :)
  • Timby1
    Timby1 Posts: 294 Member
    OP, you have greatly inspired me. I got my Body by You book and am in week 3 of cycle 1 and loving it. I love the idea of overall fitness, not just being strong. The idea of climbing up the door or doing handstands on the counter is the kind of fitness I want. As a matter of fact, I have made up my mind to do a Tough Mudder run in 2016. Yes, it's a year away, but it will take all of that time to be ready for it. I'm pretty much a squishy, overweight, (ahem) "older" woman so this will be quite an accomplishment if I'm able to do it. Thank you for your post!!!!
  • beachgod
    beachgod Posts: 567 Member
    Perfect timing for me to see this. I'm a very recent mfp retread and never enjoyed going to the gym yet was thinking about joining one again since it seems like that's what I need to help get in shape, along with proper diet. Your results are fantastic and the Al Kavadlo site has exactly what I'd like to do. I have some dumbbells at home and I'll use them but I think I'll skip the gym membership and do this instead. I'm actually looking forward to it! This is bookmarked and will be referred to frequently. Thanks!
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    You look fantastic!!!

    Hm you got me thinking now because I can't seem to stick with weight lifting so I might give this a go. Thanks for sharing this.
    Same here. I started lifting for about a month and I have to say I hate it. Keep saying I'm going to start again but never do. This, I might try

  • beachgod
    beachgod Posts: 567 Member
    update: I looked for hard copies of the suggested books at local stores and the library and found none so I just downloaded Pushing The Limits by Al Kavadlo for my Kindle. I also bought an agility ladder a few days ago. I'm looking forward to using them starting tomorrow. Actually later today since it is a little after midnight here. Thanks again for this thread.
  • Piper911
    Piper911 Posts: 46 Member
    edited December 2014
    Sorry to hijack but I want to start yayog. I got the app which is great, but was wondering if anyone had any suggestions to replace the " let me ups" where you pull yourself up using a table. I don't have a table or anything that will allow me to pull myself up. I've just been skipping that excersise but if anyone has a replacement let me know!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Piper911 wrote: »
    Sorry to hijack but I want to start yayog. I got the app which is great, but was wondering if anyone had any suggestions to replace the " let me ups" where you pull yourself up using a table. I don't have a table or anything that will allow me to pull myself up. I've just been skipping that excersise but if anyone has a replacement let me know!

    A sturdy broomstick between two sturdy chairs. I don't have a table that would take my weight so I use a steel pipe, position 2 old but strong cushioned chairs so they are facing each other. The pipe sinks into the cushioning providing even more stability and support.

    The one I cannot do and don't if I can replace is the "let me ins" the one where you wrap a towel around a door handle and pull yourself. I have a back condition, and first time I tried it I ended up throwing my back and bed bound for a month.
  • Val8less
    Val8less Posts: 107 Member
    You look AMaZing....I love the Tracy Anderson Method!..I don't want to be Skinny Fat either...
  • mykaylis
    mykaylis Posts: 320 Member
    that is the most awesome transformation i've seen in a long time. must emulate the OP. baby got back! i have a bad case of bannock butt.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,569 Member
    I'm just bookmarking your thread. You look wonderful! May I ask how you started out? I'm so annoyed that I'm trying to do pushups for weeks, and all I managed is 1-2 real ones. I just don't get further.
  • Vanilla_Lattes
    Vanilla_Lattes Posts: 251 Member
    This is totally my goal.
  • tannadine
    tannadine Posts: 115 Member
    Thank you for sharing - I'm just starting out doing bodyweight exercises and your story is very inspiring :)
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    Great info!
  • fourfiftythree
    fourfiftythree Posts: 203 Member
    Hey everyone! Happy New Year! Just wanted to bump and post a reminder that you don't need to get a gym membership to achieve your goals. Good luck :)

    And here's some progress pics -





  • yafashelli
    yafashelli Posts: 112 Member
    You look unbelievable!
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