Why you SHOULDN'T count calories



  • Amestris
    Amestris Posts: 152 Member
    i semi count calories but you are right a 0cal diet coke is worse than a 150cal smoothie people get way to into the calorie counting and ignore over all nutrition its a tricky balence sometimes

    Worse in what way?

    For your over all health as well as weightloss
    Sigh, ok, how is it worse for your health, assuming you are meeting your nutrient goals?
    because there are hazardous chemicals in it lol is this a real question? i highly suggest you do some research on 0 cal chemical storms that people put into there bodies, i should add it depends where you live as well as some ingrediants are banned in other countries so for example if your in europe then it was be as bad as if your in america

    Diet soda is FULL of di-hydrogen monoxide!!!


    You mean to tell me diet soda is full of water?!?!? Shut the front door!
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    Well, I came across a picture on Tumblr and it said "Why you shouldn't count calories"
    I can't find it anymore on tumblr or elsewhere on the interwebs!
    But, it basically said that you shouldn't count calories because you can eat a chocolate bar or 'bad' processed stuff for 250 calories, but it's better to just eat 'healthy' without counting calories, and then you can have a 350 cal smoothie with fresh fruits and 'good' stuff.
    I mean, come on.. If you eat too many calories you're going to gain, if you eat fewer you'll lose, it's that simple.
    What do you think about this?
    It kind of makes me think of Freelee the banana girl from Youtube too. She eats 2000+ calories every day mainly from fruit and she eats 'raw till 4', and yet she's super skinny and fit looking.
    Yes, I would eat fruit all day if i could because I really LOVE nice and ripe juicy fruit! But I don't because we all need other things than carbs and sugars too...
    Opinions? :D I'm interested !

    Probably written by a person lucky enough not to have to count calories. IMO, calorie and macro tracking is for people who either want to lose fat, gain muscle or both. Some people (and I think we all have them in our lives) can seem to eat whatever they want and not gain a pound. Others can not. Life is not fair that way...
  • sarajenivieve
    sarajenivieve Posts: 303 Member
    i dont have a file of my research on hand at all times to help out people who get but hurt when you say something as common sense as 'putting harmful chemicals in your body is harmful' lmao. So if this concept upsets you then you are certainly free to ignore it if your interested then do your own research as well iv certainly done mine, 0cal chemicals lose to healthy calories everytime. No one can force you to be healthy but no need to get all but hurt
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    In my ideal world I would only be eating clean foods and never have to portion anything out. In real life I don't stick to clean foods 24/7 365. I try to employ this behavior most of the time but it just doesn't happen. I have to count calories.
  • jfboomer
    jfboomer Posts: 79 Member
    i semi count calories but you are right a 0cal diet coke is worse than a 150cal smoothie people get way to into the calorie counting and ignore over all nutrition its a tricky balence sometimes

    Worse in what way?

    For your over all health as well as weightloss
    Sigh, ok, how is it worse for your health, assuming you are meeting your nutrient goals?
    because there are hazardous chemicals in it lol is this a real question? i highly suggest you do some research on 0 cal chemical storms that people put into there bodies, i should add it depends where you live as well as some ingrediants are banned in other countries so for example if your in europe then it was be as bad as if your in america

    Diet soda is FULL of di-hydrogen monoxide!!!


    I got as far as this: "Research conducted by award-winning U.S. scientist Nathan Zohner concluded that roughly 86 percent of the population supports a ban on dihydrogen monoxide." and couldn't stop laughing.:laugh:

    Water be gone kill you!
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    i dont have a file of my research on hand at all times to help out people who get but hurt when you say something as common sense as 'putting harmful chemicals in your body is harmful' lmao. So if this concept upsets you then you are certainly free to ignore it if your interested then do your own research as well iv certainly done mine, 0cal chemicals lose to healthy calories everytime. No one can force you to be healthy but no need to get all but hurt

    SInce your so concerned about chemicals, does that count when you inhale smoke? Or does it only count for calories?
  • sarajenivieve
    sarajenivieve Posts: 303 Member
    lol people are very defensive of their diet sodas lmao no ones taking them away just pointing out how unhealthy they are you are still free to drink them calm your hormones

    I used to work for a flavor company (they exist) and have LITERALLY (in every correct sense of that word) made these soft drinks from scratch in a lab. I still drink them. I know (well knew) exactly what goes in them.

    I think - and I'm willing to be wrong here so correct me folks if I am- that the health issue with soft drinks is a psychological one and not so much a "dangerous chemicals" one. People who often switch from normal soft drinks to imbibing diet soft drinks will tell themselves that they've been "good" with drinking diet and now can "reward" themselves with a high calorie treat that undoes all the calorie cutting they did by drinking a low calorie soft drink.

    But the composition of soft drinks that are diet or low calorie- not so much the villain here.
    That is a big one for a lot of people but the chemicals used in america like asperteme have also been linked to nuerological diseases as well. Im not saying im not guilty of drinking them from time to time but ill also admit and am aware that its not good for me.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    i dont have a file of my research on hand at all times to help out people who get but hurt when you say something as common sense as 'putting harmful chemicals in your body is harmful' lmao. So if this concept upsets you then you are certainly free to ignore it if your interested then do your own research as well iv certainly done mine, 0cal chemicals lose to healthy calories everytime. No one can force you to be healthy but no need to get all but hurt

    The Derp is strong with this one
  • Return_of_the_Big_Mac
    i dont have a file of my research on hand at all times to help out people who get but hurt when you say something as common sense as 'putting harmful chemicals in your body is harmful' lmao. So if this concept upsets you then you are certainly free to ignore it if your interested then do your own research as well iv certainly done mine, 0cal chemicals lose to healthy calories everytime. No one can force you to be healthy but no need to get all but hurt

    You're making a claim and it appears that the issue should be obvious. So, let's start with a few questions:

    1. Which harmful chemicals are in diet soda?
    2. Is the harm corroborated by peer-reviewed research?
    3. Are there documented examples of large numbers of people who suffered because they drank diet soda?

    If you want to have a discussion and want to be taken seriously, don't make claims you're not ready to back up with fact and if you cannot do that, you ought to slow your roll and listen to others. Ask questions rather than get defensive and make accusations or try to call people out as if they're being butthurt when its really the other way around.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    when you say something as common sense as 'putting harmful chemicals in your body is harmful' lmao.

    But you haven't said that. You've said that diet soda is harmful. When asked why, you've said that harmful chemicals are harmful.

    Perhaps you think we are all too stupid to notice the obvious missing piece--that diet soda=harmful chemicals--but I think more highly of the people here, so assume we are not.

    There's a nice pinned thread on aspartame if you'd like to jump in there as a good place to start.
  • Chrisani
    so true about the 'bad nutrition' part but its really hard to keep up with the economy
  • Return_of_the_Big_Mac
    That is a big one for a lot of people but the chemicals used in america like asperteme have also been linked to nuerological diseases as well. Im not saying im not guilty of drinking them from time to time but ill also admit and am aware that its not good for me.

    By whom?

    If you're going to link some random webpage by mercola or some other snake oil salesmen, just quit while you're ahead.

    There is already a thread where the whole aspertame thing has been debunked.
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    i dont have a file of my research on hand at all times to help out people who get but hurt when you say something as common sense as 'putting harmful chemicals in your body is harmful' lmao. So if this concept upsets you then you are certainly free to ignore it if your interested then do your own research as well iv certainly done mine, 0cal chemicals lose to healthy calories everytime. No one can force you to be healthy but no need to get all but hurt

    I haven't seen a single person here that is "but hurt" but you. They are only pointing out that there is zero scientific findings to back up your supposed research. That's why they asked for sources (and don't list Dr. Oz or you'll just get laughed out of the place). They are also pointing out that as someone who is denouncing "harmful chemicals" so much, you are a rather big hypocrite for smoking. I'm pretty sure drinking diet sodas don't give you cancer, but what do I know? I'm just another "but hurt" forum user (that doesn't actually drink diet sodas because they taste awful - give me Coke original any day!).
  • sarajenivieve
    sarajenivieve Posts: 303 Member
    i dont have a file of my research on hand at all times to help out people who get but hurt when you say something as common sense as 'putting harmful chemicals in your body is harmful' lmao. So if this concept upsets you then you are certainly free to ignore it if your interested then do your own research as well iv certainly done mine, 0cal chemicals lose to healthy calories everytime. No one can force you to be healthy but no need to get all but hurt

    You're making a claim and it appears that the issue should be obvious. So, let's start with a few questions:

    1. Which harmful chemicals are in diet soda?
    2. Is the harm corroborated by peer-reviewed research?
    3. Are there documented examples of large numbers of people who suffered because they drank diet soda?

    If you want to have a discussion and want to be taken seriously, don't make claims you're not ready to back up with fact and if you cannot do that, you ought to slow your roll and listen to others. Ask questions rather than get defensive and make accusations or try to call people out as if they're being butthurt when its really the other way around.
    im not upset at all lol if you guys want to drink it go for it people are acting like saying 'thats not the best for you' is somehow going to make it illegal for them to put trash in their bodies if you want to have diet coke,pizza,big macs what ever have at it im not telling anyone what to do just suggesting they think twice and maybe do some of their own research about if they really want to keep putting that into their bodies
  • Lilly_the_Hillbilly
    i dont have a file of my research on hand at all times to help out people who get but hurt when you say something as common sense as 'putting harmful chemicals in your body is harmful' lmao. So if this concept upsets you then you are certainly free to ignore it if your interested then do your own research as well iv certainly done mine, 0cal chemicals lose to healthy calories everytime. No one can force you to be healthy but no need to get all but hurt

    I hate to break it to you , but everything in the world is made up of chemicals. People use the term "chemicals" as if its to imply something bad or horrible. EVERYTHING is chemicals. Bananas are radio active (in the right quantity).

    I would imagine that for someone who is trying to break bad habits and start to reduce their calorie consumption... it should be enough to just reduce and track - regardless of what it is that they are consuming. Often from that first step people are able to deduce for themselves healthier dining options or not. But I honestly do not see diet soft drinks as the enemy here.

    I get that you do though.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Counting calories isn't necessary to lose weight. Before the internet and all these fancy apps, calorie counting was much more difficult and much less common, but people still went on diets and lost weight.

    That doesn't mean you SHOULDN'T count calories.

    No, we used reference books. Yes, having the web is MUCH easier but there were lots of inexpensive paperbacks listing calorie counts -- among other numbers like protein, etc. Paper journals were used. Then we moved on to CDs and spread sheets.

    Paper is a perfectly function adequate information carrying medium we ancients used before you youngsters invented the interwebs.

    And, yes, I was using networked computers before your mother was born.

    Wow, were you doing that in a past life? Because you are several years younger than my mother.

    I'm not sure who you mean when you say "we", but I stand by all my statements above.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Butt* hurt

  • sarajenivieve
    sarajenivieve Posts: 303 Member
    i dont have a file of my research on hand at all times to help out people who get but hurt when you say something as common sense as 'putting harmful chemicals in your body is harmful' lmao. So if this concept upsets you then you are certainly free to ignore it if your interested then do your own research as well iv certainly done mine, 0cal chemicals lose to healthy calories everytime. No one can force you to be healthy but no need to get all but hurt

    I haven't seen a single person here that is "but hurt" but you. They are only pointing out that there is zero scientific findings to back up your supposed research. That's why they asked for sources (and don't list Dr. Oz or you'll just get laughed out of the place). They are also pointing out that as someone who is denouncing "harmful chemicals" so much, you are a rather big hypocrite for smoking. I'm pretty sure drinking diet sodas don't give you cancer, but what do I know? I'm just another "but hurt" forum user (that doesn't actually drink diet sodas because they taste awful - give me Coke original any day!).
    i dont smoke lmao wtf
  • Marbella29660
    Marbella29660 Posts: 71 Member
    Really...do we have to!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i dont have a file of my research on hand at all times to help out people who get but hurt when you say something as common sense as 'putting harmful chemicals in your body is harmful' lmao. So if this concept upsets you then you are certainly free to ignore it if your interested then do your own research as well iv certainly done mine, 0cal chemicals lose to healthy calories everytime. No one can force you to be healthy but no need to get all but hurt

    I haven't seen a single person here that is "but hurt" but you. They are only pointing out that there is zero scientific findings to back up your supposed research. That's why they asked for sources (and don't list Dr. Oz or you'll just get laughed out of the place). They are also pointing out that as someone who is denouncing "harmful chemicals" so much, you are a rather big hypocrite for smoking. I'm pretty sure drinking diet sodas don't give you cancer, but what do I know? I'm just another "but hurt" forum user (that doesn't actually drink diet sodas because they taste awful - give me Coke original any day!).
    i dont smoke lmao wtf
