The gym and cheaters



  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    in these situations I usually let Karma do the Job.

    Um no, report them especially if you are having a bad day righting this wrong with give you a nice pick me up. It will feel good, better than flipping some idiot driver off because you are actually doing the RIGHT thing.

    Send the gym an anonymous email if you wish, better yet take a pic with your cell as they walk in.

    DO IT!!

    *Proud of ya if you do ;)
  • Yarnpiggie
    My Anytime Fitness seems to let guests come work out at .... anytime *ahem.* I have never investigated the real deal with it but they have a sign up saying that you have to give 24 hours notice that you are bringing a guest and they have to sign in.

    People tend to do things like this without even thinking about it. I try not to let them get to me, but they do. Especially when I am paying trainer costs and the cost of the gym too? yeah that's annoying.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    i know how you feel but in this case i think two ways um being fit is expensive and it seem being fit is only for those that can afford it but at the same time it like i pay my money why not them so in the end i let the elemets handle it. just my two cents

    So fat people are allowed to steal if they can't afford to get healthy? Eating less food will save money too especially fast food which costs more.

    I get the point you are trying to make but Anytime Fitness is already one of the cheapest gyms out there - they can offer low prices b/c of how little staffing they need and they don't have full change rooms, only 1-person rooms since the facility is unmonitored most of the time. It costs about $35 a month, you can't do much better than that.

    Do what San Paul says "Report Them" LOL!
  • Yarnpiggie
    I'm more concerned by the fact there are no trainers at your gym - what happens if someone has an accident or decides they like the look of the treadmill and takes it home? Weird!

    Ya know, they told me nobody locks their lockers (they are out in the open) and nothing goes missing because they would just check the video cameras if something happened. I would like to think that they would do the same if someone heisted a treadmill. :wink:
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    You could approach them and say "Im going to turn you in if you don't start paying for my membership"
  • mistawalka
    mistawalka Posts: 108 Member
    Your gym sounds very similar to the Jetts Fitness Gyms where we live - 24 hours access / cctv cameras monitor after hours and ours have small necklace 'duress' alarms you can use after hours in case of accident or assualt that contact the security company.

    I know Anytime also operate here in Oz and it looks like they are very similar to Jetts...

    One question for you - we have family membership but it only comes with one access cardat Jetts - so after hours I would be swiping my partner in/kids in - how does your gym handle family memberships?
  • droe90
    That's a lil nit picky. I hate to see people getting over but I think every one cheats at something to get ahead I'd say if there a nuisance than report them if not let them do what they can to succeed. I see people falsify reports every day at work misrepresent figures, lie, cheat on there spouses. professionals athletes use performance enhancers so who's to say these people are more wrong just for going in the gym working out if they're not causing you any loss. If if a guy wants to go workout and he has his girlfriend with him and she doesn't have a membership should she just sit in the car or should she pay for membership to work out with her boyfriend a couple timesa months. I go to Anytime Fitness and my girl goes with me from time to time but she'll wait in the car which I don't like because it's usually late at night when I go and I don't want her sitting in the car alone but she doesn't like to be home by herself.
  • asimmons221
    asimmons221 Posts: 294 Member
    if it's not increasing your rates who cares.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    My gym operates a "bring a friend Friday" where you can sign a non member in for free when you're with them. I don't entirely agree with the post about expense. It costs nothing to work out at home, or outside. So to my mind if people want to use specialist equipment then they should be prepared to pay for it. Also my ex community gym offered free passes for GP medical referrals, & discounts on swimming & classes for OAP's & the unemployed.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I would report the girlfriend thing. Part of 24-hour access is an agreement not to bring a guest with you. The client is violating that agreement. If everyone did this, your rates would rise - the gym would have far more users than income, and to maintain the machines they'd need to charge more for the actual paying members. You've not allowed to use a service you're not entitled to use.

    As for the insurance "cheaters" however...I've been one of those cheaters myself. During the summer when I was running outside 4 days a week, it cut down on my gym time, so I'd often make the lunch hour walk to the Y to check in to keep my discount. The point of that discount is to reward exercise because it reduces medical costs. I was exercising, albeit not in the gym. I felt very entitled to check in to save my $20 and didn't consider it cheating a bit :)
  • StunningLegerity
    StunningLegerity Posts: 193 Member
    if it's not increasing your rates who cares.

    Agreed. What they do doesn't affect you and isn't really your business. Eventually, they will get caught or karma will catch up. Just focus on your workout :-)
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I thought this was the gym and cheaters. Because I have seen a lot of relationships fold because of meeting someone else at the gym.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    If the gym is not busy and they wouldn't be going otherwise, I'd see it as akin to copying a song from a friend's CD in the same situation.
    The people making or paying money don't particularly lose, but the person 'stealing' as such, gains.
    As much as they suggest piracy is exactly the same as theft, I suspect if you could go in to your corner shop which has 10 crates of beer for sale, take a crate without paying and they'd still have ten crates for sale, then a lot more people would do it.

    However, if it's busy and they are taking up room making for others to wait and so on, it's another matter.
    I'm totally against 24 hr gyms (for myself, not other people) because of security issues. I'm the kind of person who would have to go after 6 pm and I would have to have a male gym buddy to feel comfortable.
    I wouldn't want to go to a gym where people have legitimate reasons to feel like that.
    Not because I'm worried for myself, but it just doesn't sound like a nice place to be.

    The local council gym here is free if you are claiming benefits - which is irksome as I'm not, but often am on a similarly low income being self employed. So, because other people are already being paid by the government, they get extra stuff for free, while I have to pay?

    Now have my own kit; workout alone with no one else around for a bit of distance generally; which is why I use a power cage with appropriate safety bars so that when/if I do drop the weight, I'm fine.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Holy thread resurrection. The Op is from 2010.

    I'm guessing he either has or hasn't told by now.

    ETA - ha Eric, jinx.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Thread start date Dec 27, 2010................

  • just_Jennie1
    I'm more concerned by the fact there are no trainers at your gym - what happens if someone has an accident or decides they like the look of the treadmill and takes it home? Weird!

    :laugh: :laugh: I personally would LOVE to see someone trying to toss a treadmill over their shoulder and walk out with it.

    Nah, that wouldn't be suspicious. Neither would seeing three people pick it up, walk it out the door and toss it into the back of a truck.
  • Artaxia
    Artaxia Posts: 185
    It's bothering you because you pay for your membership. They may be low income, and can't afford it. I honestly wouldn't say anything. It's not your business, unless they harm you. The gym should watch their doors better.
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    if it's not increasing your rates who cares.

    Agreed. What they do doesn't affect you and isn't really your business. Eventually, they will get caught or karma will catch up. Just focus on your workout :-)

    I think this is the best advice of all that I've read. Karma does have a way of catching up with people.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    I don't have an issue with the people who swipe for insurance, that is there personal business and not yours (no offense meant) they may not be ready to go yet, but know they need it and just haven't committed. Hey at least they are committed enough to come swipe.

    You should report in sneaker in er's ( i know not a word) and request a sign be put up that says, do not open door for people who can't swipe in. I know it's his girlfriend.

    But when you report it, you should make it a security issue. I'm a woman and it is scary to think that someone could let someone in that know one knows there name or if they should be there. That is spooky to me.

    I'm sure gym's like that get lots of people scanning other's cards all the time. Using a family member's card. That is why I like my good old fashion gym, all the little girls at the front desk know everyone and they scan you in personally with your picture up and your membership benefits. Not a perfect system, but keeps out a good bit of the riff raff.

    Good luck with your situation.

    It actually IS your business if someone swipes to get the insurance discount. They are raising premiums for everyone else in the pool (it's INSURANCE, not a savings account) by getting a discount they have not earned and do not deserve.
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 851 Member
    As one of these people that you speak of it doesn't bother me at all. Some glitch happened in the system and I haven't paid for my membership in over a year. My card still works and I never receive a bill or a renewal notice so I take it as good karma for me.