Sugar is the CULPRIT!



  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Jebus effin Christ I am getting tired of seeing this topic.

    Listen, toots, ALL carbs are converted into sugar (glucose) and stored as glycogen via the glycogenesis cycle or lipids via the lipogenesis cycle. This is the way that the body stores energy. So yes, the human body IS made to deal with these amounts of sugar.

    The only real issues that can arise is when sugar consumption leads to an energy surplus,and thus fat storage, or if sugar consumption takes such a precedence that other important macronutrients and micronutrients are ignored.

    You're right but mean. And, I'm pretty sure that you're going to H E double hockey sticks
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    OMG! LOL you people eat your sugar if you want it is a free country! I am not sugar police. You would think I smacked the candy bar right out of some of your hands.

    People are getting on your case because you're spreading misinformation. Sugar is only "DANGEROUS" if you have diabetes, and even then only if you take in too much. Sugar is in most things, and in many things that are a very nutritious and important part of a well-balanced diet. To tell people they should stay away from it or that it is super duper dangerous and causes cancer, is a) false and b) beyond extreme.

    Also, to assume everyone who is / was overweight got that way purely because they ate a lot of sugar makes you appear to be an ignorant, rude individual. You are not a doctor, obviously, nor are you a scientist or a biologist, or else I'd assume you would / could back up your claims with some solid evidence. You're going off one book, and it's a bad book.

    Sugar(high GI) foods are the culprit of obesity.

    Why don't you explain to us how most people became over weight?

    By consuming more food than they needed to and not using the excess energy - which was then stored in fat cells and caused them to balloon up to an uncomfortable and / or unhealthy weight. People can also lose weight by NOT cutting out sugar from their diets, any many do. Imagine that.

    That doesn’t explain anything. For example the law energy balance in terms of weight gain/loss states. You get fat by eating more calories than you consume. That just states the obvious. Explains absolutely nothing. If I said to you, “It’s hot outside because it’s not cold” is a pretty idiotic statement. That’s how idiotic the statement of, “you get fat because you consume more calories than you burn” There is nothing that states the “CAUSE” of why people over eat, why people are obese. So try again.

    BTW: There are certain types of cancers that feed on glucose. If you provide an environment for certain life forms to exist, it's very possible they will gravity towards that environment.

    What causes people to overeat? Really? They choose to. I didn't think I had to spell that one out for you or anyone else.

    That's also incorrect. Everyone who over eats doesn't get fat. For example children who over eat grow, people who lift weights and over eat grow muscles.

    Over eating isn't the problem.

    You state it's a choice, so I guess you never binged in your life.

    I dunno. Plenty of fat kids running around. And plenty of fat people who also happen to have lots of muscle. Your logic path here is severely flawed. Try again?
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Stap with all yer big werds n science everyone. My brain can't math this fast
  • OMG! LOL you people eat your sugar if you want it is a free country! I am not sugar police. You would think I smacked the candy bar right out of some of your hands.

    People are getting on your case because you're spreading misinformation. Sugar is only "DANGEROUS" if you have diabetes, and even then only if you take in too much. Sugar is in most things, and in many things that are a very nutritious and important part of a well-balanced diet. To tell people they should stay away from it or that it is super duper dangerous and causes cancer, is a) false and b) beyond extreme.

    Also, to assume everyone who is / was overweight got that way purely because they ate a lot of sugar makes you appear to be an ignorant, rude individual. You are not a doctor, obviously, nor are you a scientist or a biologist, or else I'd assume you would / could back up your claims with some solid evidence. You're going off one book, and it's a bad book.

    Sugar(high GI) foods are the culprit of obesity.

    Why don't you explain to us how most people became over weight?

    By consuming more food than they needed to and not using the excess energy - which was then stored in fat cells and caused them to balloon up to an uncomfortable and / or unhealthy weight. People can also lose weight by NOT cutting out sugar from their diets, any many do. Imagine that.

    That doesn’t explain anything. For example the law energy balance in terms of weight gain/loss states. You get fat by eating more calories than you consume. That just states the obvious. Explains absolutely nothing. If I said to you, “It’s hot outside because it’s not cold” is a pretty idiotic statement. That’s how idiotic the statement of, “you get fat because you consume more calories than you burn” There is nothing that states the “CAUSE” of why people over eat, why people are obese. So try again.

    BTW: There are certain types of cancers that feed on glucose. If you provide an environment for certain life forms to exist, it's very possible they will gravity towards that environment.

    What causes people to overeat? Really? They choose to. I didn't think I had to spell that one out for you or anyone else.

    That's also incorrect. Everyone who over eats doesn't get fat. For example children who over eat grow, people who lift weights and over eat grow muscles.

    Over eating isn't the problem.

    You state it's a choice, so I guess you never binged in your life.
    I lifted since high school. I overate and still got fat.

    I should have corrected my post. But I meant to mention high GI foods.

    WIth that stated, I bet you a million to 1, you were eating high GI foods when you gained body fat.
  • 604gluconeogenesis.gif

    Doesn't explain anything in terms of what causes obesity.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Unless you ate from the tree of knowledge and now know everything.

    Is there sugar in that tree? :laugh:


    According to the bible so is knowledge, so if Sugar = Devil then Sugar = Knowledge. Eat the damned Snickers, people, and get all smart and ****

    Do you ever wear a shirt?

    No. I don't have a head or legs either. I'm a chatty torso

    So are you like Krang with a brain in your belly?

    I read this as "drain in your jelly" and had a confuse.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    That's also incorrect. Everyone who over eats doesn't get fat. For example children who over eat grow, people who lift weights and over eat grow muscles.

    Over eating isn't the problem.

    You state it's a choice, so I guess you never binged in your life.

    I don't think you understand what overeat means. Also, assume I've never binged in my life if you want. But, I know that if I did ever binge, it was my choice to do so.
  • Jebus effin Christ I am getting tired of seeing this topic.

    Listen, toots, ALL carbs are converted into sugar (glucose) and stored as glycogen via the glycogenesis cycle or lipids via the lipogenesis cycle. This is the way that the body stores energy. So yes, the human body IS made to deal with these amounts of sugar.

    The only real issues that can arise is when sugar consumption leads to an energy surplus,and thus fat storage, or if sugar consumption takes such a precedence that other important macronutrients and micronutrients are ignored.

  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    OMG! LOL you people eat your sugar if you want it is a free country! I am not sugar police. You would think I smacked the candy bar right out of some of your hands.

    People are getting on your case because you're spreading misinformation. Sugar is only "DANGEROUS" if you have diabetes, and even then only if you take in too much. Sugar is in most things, and in many things that are a very nutritious and important part of a well-balanced diet. To tell people they should stay away from it or that it is super duper dangerous and causes cancer, is a) false and b) beyond extreme.

    Also, to assume everyone who is / was overweight got that way purely because they ate a lot of sugar makes you appear to be an ignorant, rude individual. You are not a doctor, obviously, nor are you a scientist or a biologist, or else I'd assume you would / could back up your claims with some solid evidence. You're going off one book, and it's a bad book.

    Sugar(high GI) foods are the culprit of obesity.

    Why don't you explain to us how most people became over weight?

    By consuming more food than they needed to and not using the excess energy - which was then stored in fat cells and caused them to balloon up to an uncomfortable and / or unhealthy weight. People can also lose weight by NOT cutting out sugar from their diets, any many do. Imagine that.

    That doesn’t explain anything. For example the law energy balance in terms of weight gain/loss states. You get fat by eating more calories than you consume. That just states the obvious. Explains absolutely nothing. If I said to you, “It’s hot outside because it’s not cold” is a pretty idiotic statement. That’s how idiotic the statement of, “you get fat because you consume more calories than you burn” There is nothing that states the “CAUSE” of why people over eat, why people are obese. So try again.

    BTW: There are certain types of cancers that feed on glucose. If you provide an environment for certain life forms to exist, it's very possible they will gravity towards that environment.

    What causes people to overeat? Really? They choose to. I didn't think I had to spell that one out for you or anyone else.

    That's also incorrect. Everyone who over eats doesn't get fat. For example children who over eat grow, people who lift weights and over eat grow muscles.

    Over eating isn't the problem.

    You state it's a choice, so I guess you never binged in your life.
    I lifted since high school. I overate and still got fat.

    I should have corrected my post. But I meant to mention high GI foods.

    WIth that stated, I bet you a million to 1, you were eating high GI foods when you gained body fat.
    I still eat high GI foods everyday. GI is meaningless in terms of a mixed meal. Do you know how GI is measured?
  • OMG! LOL you people eat your sugar if you want it is a free country! I am not sugar police. You would think I smacked the candy bar right out of some of your hands.

    People are getting on your case because you're spreading misinformation. Sugar is only "DANGEROUS" if you have diabetes, and even then only if you take in too much. Sugar is in most things, and in many things that are a very nutritious and important part of a well-balanced diet. To tell people they should stay away from it or that it is super duper dangerous and causes cancer, is a) false and b) beyond extreme.

    Also, to assume everyone who is / was overweight got that way purely because they ate a lot of sugar makes you appear to be an ignorant, rude individual. You are not a doctor, obviously, nor are you a scientist or a biologist, or else I'd assume you would / could back up your claims with some solid evidence. You're going off one book, and it's a bad book.

    Sugar(high GI) foods are the culprit of obesity.

    Why don't you explain to us how most people became over weight?

    By consuming more food than they needed to and not using the excess energy - which was then stored in fat cells and caused them to balloon up to an uncomfortable and / or unhealthy weight. People can also lose weight by NOT cutting out sugar from their diets, any many do. Imagine that.

    That doesn’t explain anything. For example the law energy balance in terms of weight gain/loss states. You get fat by eating more calories than you consume. That just states the obvious. Explains absolutely nothing. If I said to you, “It’s hot outside because it’s not cold” is a pretty idiotic statement. That’s how idiotic the statement of, “you get fat because you consume more calories than you burn” There is nothing that states the “CAUSE” of why people over eat, why people are obese. So try again.

    BTW: There are certain types of cancers that feed on glucose. If you provide an environment for certain life forms to exist, it's very possible they will gravity towards that environment.

    What causes people to overeat? Really? They choose to. I didn't think I had to spell that one out for you or anyone else.

    That's also incorrect. Everyone who over eats doesn't get fat. For example children who over eat grow, people who lift weights and over eat grow muscles.

    Over eating isn't the problem.

    You state it's a choice, so I guess you never binged in your life.

    Also incorrect. Children who overeat do get fat. People who lift weights and overeat only gain muscle if they are eating an adequate level of protein to facilitate muscle growth and repair. And they STILL gain fat mass.

    Overeating is the problem for obesity.

    Once again depends what they eat.

    You missed the point. The point was that over eating is a CAUSE of something. The cause is hormones.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    OMG! LOL you people eat your sugar if you want it is a free country! I am not sugar police. You would think I smacked the candy bar right out of some of your hands.

    People are getting on your case because you're spreading misinformation. Sugar is only "DANGEROUS" if you have diabetes, and even then only if you take in too much. Sugar is in most things, and in many things that are a very nutritious and important part of a well-balanced diet. To tell people they should stay away from it or that it is super duper dangerous and causes cancer, is a) false and b) beyond extreme.

    Also, to assume everyone who is / was overweight got that way purely because they ate a lot of sugar makes you appear to be an ignorant, rude individual. You are not a doctor, obviously, nor are you a scientist or a biologist, or else I'd assume you would / could back up your claims with some solid evidence. You're going off one book, and it's a bad book.

    Sugar(high GI) foods are the culprit of obesity.

    Why don't you explain to us how most people became over weight?

    By consuming more food than they needed to and not using the excess energy - which was then stored in fat cells and caused them to balloon up to an uncomfortable and / or unhealthy weight. People can also lose weight by NOT cutting out sugar from their diets, any many do. Imagine that.

    That doesn’t explain anything. For example the law energy balance in terms of weight gain/loss states. You get fat by eating more calories than you consume. That just states the obvious. Explains absolutely nothing. If I said to you, “It’s hot outside because it’s not cold” is a pretty idiotic statement. That’s how idiotic the statement of, “you get fat because you consume more calories than you burn” There is nothing that states the “CAUSE” of why people over eat, why people are obese. So try again.

    BTW: There are certain types of cancers that feed on glucose. If you provide an environment for certain life forms to exist, it's very possible they will gravity towards that environment.

    What causes people to overeat? Really? They choose to. I didn't think I had to spell that one out for you or anyone else.

    That's also incorrect. Everyone who over eats doesn't get fat. For example children who over eat grow, people who lift weights and over eat grow muscles.

    Over eating isn't the problem.

    You state it's a choice, so I guess you never binged in your life.

    Also incorrect. Children who overeat do get fat. People who lift weights and overeat only gain muscle if they are eating an adequate level of protein to facilitate muscle growth and repair. And they STILL gain fat mass.

    Overeating is the problem for obesity.

    Once again depends what they eat.

    You missed the point. The point was that over eating is a CAUSE of something. The cause is hormones.

    I think you missed the point.

    You clearly don't know how to science
  • explosivedonut
    explosivedonut Posts: 419 Member
    OMG! LOL you people eat your sugar if you want it is a free country! I am not sugar police. You would think I smacked the candy bar right out of some of your hands.

    People are getting on your case because you're spreading misinformation. Sugar is only "DANGEROUS" if you have diabetes, and even then only if you take in too much. Sugar is in most things, and in many things that are a very nutritious and important part of a well-balanced diet. To tell people they should stay away from it or that it is super duper dangerous and causes cancer, is a) false and b) beyond extreme.

    Also, to assume everyone who is / was overweight got that way purely because they ate a lot of sugar makes you appear to be an ignorant, rude individual. You are not a doctor, obviously, nor are you a scientist or a biologist, or else I'd assume you would / could back up your claims with some solid evidence. You're going off one book, and it's a bad book.

    Sugar(high GI) foods are the culprit of obesity.

    Why don't you explain to us how most people became over weight?

    By consuming more food than they needed to and not using the excess energy - which was then stored in fat cells and caused them to balloon up to an uncomfortable and / or unhealthy weight. People can also lose weight by NOT cutting out sugar from their diets, any many do. Imagine that.

    That doesn’t explain anything. For example the law energy balance in terms of weight gain/loss states. You get fat by eating more calories than you consume. That just states the obvious. Explains absolutely nothing. If I said to you, “It’s hot outside because it’s not cold” is a pretty idiotic statement. That’s how idiotic the statement of, “you get fat because you consume more calories than you burn” There is nothing that states the “CAUSE” of why people over eat, why people are obese. So try again.

    BTW: There are certain types of cancers that feed on glucose. If you provide an environment for certain life forms to exist, it's very possible they will gravity towards that environment.

    What causes people to overeat? Really? They choose to. I didn't think I had to spell that one out for you or anyone else.

    That's also incorrect. Everyone who over eats doesn't get fat. For example children who over eat grow, people who lift weights and over eat grow muscles.

    Over eating isn't the problem.

    You state it's a choice, so I guess you never binged in your life.
    I lifted since high school. I overate and still got fat.

    I should have corrected my post. But I meant to mention high GI foods.

    WIth that stated, I bet you a million to 1, you were eating high GI foods when you gained body fat.

    I was also eating lots of low GI carbs, low fat meat, high fat meat, and natural PB. But no, I bet it was just the GI foods, and not the fact that I ate all the freaking time. Certainly wasn't those times I ate 4 eggs for breakfast every day, or when I grabbed a jar of natural PB and a spoon and ate it straight from the jar. No, those were low GI foods, therefore not the cause of my problems!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Once again depends what they eat.

    You missed the point. The point was that over eating is a CAUSE of something. The cause is hormones.

    You're missing the only point.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member

  • I think you missed the point.

    You clearly don't know how to science

    I know how to science!

  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member

    Doesn't explain anything in terms of what causes obesity.

    Obesity is caused, with zero doubt, by an energy surplus over an extended period of time.

    There is absolutely no disputing this.

    You can argue that high GI foods cause people to have an increased appetite, but it is not the direct cause.
  • FitFroglet
    FitFroglet Posts: 219 Member

    Thanks, that's really interesting.
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member

    You missed the point. The point was that over eating is a CAUSE of something. The cause is hormones.

    This sentence makes no sense.
  • cosmiqrust
    cosmiqrust Posts: 214 Member
    Jebus effin Christ I am getting tired of seeing this topic.

    Listen, toots, ALL carbs are converted into sugar (glucose) and stored as glycogen via the glycogenesis cycle or lipids via the lipogenesis cycle. This is the way that the body stores energy. So yes, the human body IS made to deal with these amounts of sugar.

    The only real issues that can arise is when sugar consumption leads to an energy surplus,and thus fat storage, or if sugar consumption takes such a precedence that other important macronutrients and micronutrients are ignored.