Modern Day Pin-up Girls - 2010 startup!



  • sheilabennett
    sorry I have been mia all week. At my parents, no computer time... But I am back home now and totally excited to start the new year fresh!!! After I finish my Chinese food....

    Hope everyone is having a GREAT holiday!
  • beanie242
    beanie242 Posts: 94 Member
    After a couple weeks of over-indulging I will be glad to be getting back on track :) And also, the BF says he wants to start going to the gym, which is great because I hate going alone
  • Helinah26
    ive been doing really great this week with eating and exercise so far so im excited for mondays weigh-in!! :D good luck to everyone and there weight loses for the rest of this week!!! :P and Rach i hope you feel better soon :)
  • abbycat900
    For some reason, I was convinced I was supposed to weigh-in tomorrow (technically today, since it's past midnight...)! Just goes to show I've been gone from the group too long.

    I'm only up to 158 since the holidays, which I guess is pretty good! Though, I still have New Years to worry about, I don't think it will be that big of a problem... We're going to have duck :D

    I got a reusable water bottle for Christmas, which I'd been asking for! Unfortunately... One of our dogs promptly ate it. My mom promised to replace it, but it hasn't happened yet. My goal for the new year is to fill it up and drink the whole thing at least once a day. Another goal is that I'm going to try for is to give up soda. A younger girl from my neighborhood did it last year, and a couple of weeks ago she posted the three-hundred-something days she'd gone without soda, and I was like "wow! If a middle schooler can do it, then I sure as heck can!" Though, I might limit that to soda with high fructose corn syrup, and one rather delicious and corn syrup free root beer a month... But I haven't decided yet.

    I hope everyones' holidays went well, and that the new year starts off with a bang for all of you guys!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    New Yearover here is just over 4 1/2 hours away so thought I wouyld jump on here now and wish you all HAPPY NEW YEAR before I head out! Hope you all have a great night tonight and here's to a wonderful 2011 for all of you with lots of happiness and success! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • kayleigh333
    Happy New Year!

    My starting weight for the year is 134.6lb.

    Here's to a happy, healthy and prosperous 2011! :flowerforyou:
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Happy New Year Ladies!

    Best wishes for a happy, healthy year ahead! Here's to offering support and encouragement to to achieve our health goals together!

  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    Here's to a happy and healthy 2011. I'm checking in at 200.0 exactly today.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Happy New Year Pin-Ups!!!

    Welcome to all the new faces!

    Well, it's a new year and we've been together what, 18 or 19 weeks? I can't believe it!!! Woo-hoo! Here's to another year and a ton of pounds lost together!

    I wish you all HAPPINESS and SUCCESS in 2011!!!

  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    My fitness goal is to complete the workout method I got for Christmas. I'm trying to get in uber good shape for auditions so that means about an hour of exercise everyday if not more....which is not an unheard of amount but it is going to take some doing and scheduling for me! I'm also trying to work on my oversplits :P that is progessing at the speed of a lame turtle. Tomorrow (I guess that's today at 1am lol) I am just staying under my cals and then I start on Monday with my fitness plan/diet :) Speaking of diet, I am trying to eliminate all un-natural/processed foods. They usually make me sick anyway. Even if they don't make me sick I feel fat and they take up needless calories.
  • nurseandi
    Perfect! just found this thread! this is great considering my love for pin-ups and a need for motivation from other cool chicks :) I would love to join your guys.... my starting weight is 165. I am really looking forward to the new year and a "new me". Just looking to get healthy, fit, and comfortable so i can be me again. Happy 2011, Hope it bring great things for us all!!
  • NYIceQueen
    NYIceQueen Posts: 1,423
    I've been looking at this thread for a while, and would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be a the pinup body type, love Vargas, etc...

    Just need to find a pinup pic for myself LOL

    So I guess we post weights on this thread, right?

    *sigh* of course i just tried to find a pic for myself, went to a link and it ended up trying to put a malware on my computer! Oh well... any SAFE pin up links would be great, just PM me. Thanks!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Tomorrow is our official start weight date!!! So excited!
  • MaryAnne1
    MaryAnne1 Posts: 183 Member
    Happy new year everyone! Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year - hopefully we'll all do relatively ok on tomorrows weigh in! My last weigh in I had put 2lbs on, but I've been working out really hard this week, so am hoping to see some results soon!
  • AmandaR910
    First day at the gym since having my baby 2.5 weeks ago. 401 calories!! (20 mins treadmill, 15 mins stairs, 10 mins bike)
  • mamastuck
    mamastuck Posts: 131
    Im back ladies and Thank GOD lol not much gain Toms here damn him redoing my goals for this rockin NEW Year!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I see tomorrow is our 'official' start date, does that mean new stats on the graph? Thanks to our NYE party and all the booze, I'm retaining loads of water... boo salt, boo.
  • brittanydaniel79
    I'm excited to start the new year with you lovely ladies. I wouldn't mind having the stats re-started! Either way though.

    I'm not sure what to expect for weigh-in tomorrow. Haven't weighed in a while and I've been sick as a dog all week, which meant no working out, but loads of water.

    So we'll see. I'll be hearing a drumroll from now till morning. But regardless of the number, I'm excited to start again. I've got 2 kitchen scales (by accident 2 people got me them for Christmas), so I'll have one for home and one for the job I intend to have by February. So no excuses. AND I just got Jillian's 30 Day Shred and I'm starting that tomorrow. AND I'm still running, which is amazing.

    Anyway, good luck to everyone tomorrow!
  • vickthedick
    vickthedick Posts: 136 Member
    Hi, can i come play. My start weight is 135
  • nurseandi
    I see tomorrow is our 'official' start date, does that mean new stats on the graph? Thanks to our NYE party and all the booze, I'm retaining loads of water... boo salt, boo.

    haha i feel your pain! i woke up saturday with huge swollen bags under my eyes from all the salty dips, wing and beer!! EWWW