1000 pound club



  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Squat - Hips below knees -

    Bench - Bar must touch chest with control and then lockout at top.

    Otherwise, you're a half-repper.
    weak first post.

    Valid point though. I hate it when people say they can squat or bench a certain amount and then when you see the lift you realize they were lying to themselves.

    My older brother has the highest level degree of physical therapy. We always go back and forth on chest touching on the bench. I spot him on 275 x 10 HALF REPS.(90 degree elbow). He gets so happy and I say touch that chest and see where you can push. weight.
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    what is everybodys routine that you do?

    For me on bench i start with flat bench
    Monday was

    then 170x10 for 5 sets

    then incline 145x 10 for 3 sets

    My session is all over thanks to supersets.

    Saturday was:
    45# db press for 20
    Shoulder superset
    30 dips on the bench
    45# db press with pause for 15 (Oh look, bench and barbell is open. Moved to bench.)
    Shoulder super set
    Shoulder superset between each set
    135x30 for 2 sets
    30 bench dips between each set
    170x10 for 2 sets
    dips in between
    175x10 for 2 with pause
    185x5 with pause
    Finish out with bis and tris, then some russian twists
    I was shooting for 200 reps and 200#. I fell a little short, probably because I was fasted.

    This was WAY too much volume and BS work to be productive. If you want to improve your lifts then train to improve your lifts. My last bench day looked like this:

    Bench Press

    Barbell Row

    That's it. Work up to a heavy set of three on bench press, drop the weight to approx. 80% of my top weight and do some volume sets and finish it up with some barbell rows. If you want to build muscle and strength you need to keep your training sessions simple and focus on improving the amount of weight you lift or the amount of reps you can perform. Make a list of 2 or 3 lift variations to use in place of bench, squat, deadlift, overhead press and barbell row and cycle them. For example, for my bench press I cycle bench, narrow grip bench, incline bench and bench press with chains. I'll do 1 bench press variation and just focus on hitting more and more weight for anywhere from 5-2 reps and then when I stall I'll swap to the next bench variation. I do the same thing with my accessory lifts.

    Moral of the story: KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid!)

    Great job on the 1700 club! I wish I was there with my old lifts... I haven't tested many max lifts recently, but I know I'm far from 1700 currently.

    Gotta say though, your warmup bench routine, do you really find so many reps helps you?: Bench Press 45x60, 135x20? I don't tend to go above 12-15 reps almost ever, but 45x60 would feel like a massive waste of time to me :) Lately I have noticed (with old injuries) I do feel better when increasing my warmup more, so I appreciate the theory.

    I have bashed up elbows from several sports injuries. I also have a tendency to develop pectoral tendonitis when I bench really heavy so I'll do 20 narrow grip, 20 competition grip and 20 wide grip just to get some blood flowing and get a little stretch in my chest, then I do reps with 135 until I have a little bit of a pump. At that point I don't feel pain in my elbows or pecs when I bench so I continue moving up in weight. I'm not saying that it's for everybody, but with my history of athletic injuries it is necessary for me.
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    Squat - Hips below knees -

    Bench - Bar must touch chest with control and then lockout at top.

    Otherwise, you're a half-repper.
    weak first post.

    Valid point though. I hate it when people say they can squat or bench a certain amount and then when you see the lift you realize they were lying to themselves.

    My older brother has the highest level degree of physical therapy. We always go back and forth on chest touching on the bench. I spot him on 275 x 10 HALF REPS.(90 degree elbow). He gets so happy and I say touch that chest and see where you can push. weight.

    Physical therapy and powerlifting are two very different disciplines.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Squat - Hips below knees -

    Bench - Bar must touch chest with control and then lockout at top.

    Otherwise, you're a half-repper.
    weak first post.

    Valid point though. I hate it when people say they can squat or bench a certain amount and then when you see the lift you realize they were lying to themselves.

    My older brother has the highest level degree of physical therapy. We always go back and forth on chest touching on the bench. I spot him on 275 x 10 HALF REPS.(90 degree elbow). He gets so happy and I say touch that chest and see where you can push. weight.

    Physical therapy and powerlifting are two very different disciplines.

    He makes claims the reward is not as high as the risk.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Thats like this geared up dude at my gym. Claims half reps are harder than full ROM.

    Ok, not going to argue with his baby benching in the squat rack. It is 3 plates after all. He just doesn't move that bar more than 3".
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Thats like this geared up dude at my gym. Claims half reps are harder than full ROM.

    Ok, not going to argue with his baby benching in the squat rack. It is 3 plates after all. He just doesn't move that bar more than 3".

    LOL I think they are just scared to get ROM
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Bad form and ego lifting can be impactful to the shoulder, that's for sure, so maybe it's actually better that they don't.

  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    Squat - Hips below knees -

    Bench - Bar must touch chest with control and then lockout at top.

    Otherwise, you're a half-repper.
    weak first post.

    Valid point though. I hate it when people say they can squat or bench a certain amount and then when you see the lift you realize they were lying to themselves.

    My older brother has the highest level degree of physical therapy. We always go back and forth on chest touching on the bench. I spot him on 275 x 10 HALF REPS.(90 degree elbow). He gets so happy and I say touch that chest and see where you can push. weight.

    Physical therapy and powerlifting are two very different disciplines.

    He makes claims the reward is not as high as the risk.

    Then he doesn't know how to tuck his shoulder blades, tuck his elbows and arch his back. I probably don't get any more shoulder rotation than he does and I let it sink into my belly about an inch before I pause and press.

    You should keep a tube of vagisil in your pocket next time you train with him. Then when he half reps you can offer it to him hahaha. When he gets mad ask him if he's having a "heavy flow" day.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member

    My response is, "Oh, have a good workout, I'm going to go put some real work in."
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Last year at this time I was getting 1175.

    Bench: 295
    Squat: 405
    Reads: 475

    But I haven't been lifting for various reasons so I may not still be there.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Squat day, used some deads to get the back warm and keep my butt moving.

    It was ugly as sin, but I put up 315# for 1.

    Took me a good two seconds to get out of the hole, then it was smooth sailing from there. It was a real push to get out of it though.

    3 plates. :)

    Current score: 940.

    60 pounds off 1,000 pounds.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member

    bench 245
    deadlift 375
    squat 285

    total 905
  • jonlfischer
    jonlfischer Posts: 171 Member
    Keep pushing guys, 1000 will be there before you know it.
  • arickettsjr
    arickettsjr Posts: 32 Member
    Squat day, used some deads to get the back warm and keep my butt moving.

    It was ugly as sin, but I put up 315# for 1.

    Took me a good two seconds to get out of the hole, then it was smooth sailing from there. It was a real push to get out of it though.

    3 plates. :)

    Current score: 940.

    60 pounds off 1,000 pounds.


    If it ain't ugly as sin, it ain't a real max :laugh:
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Think I need to work on tucking my elbows and blasting my triceps.

    stupid 200. I WANT a TWO PLATE BENCH DAMNIT.

    Dips lady. On my bench days I'll put in a good amount of accessory work for endurance. Dips though are something I do to fill the void between exercises, get down and do 30 or so against the bench. Then once you're done with all that, do a couple sets of deep dips on your way out of the gym. Then do some pushups (until failure).

    I also do some lat and delt stuff, but the dips I think have been really helpful. As well as the pushups.

    LOL_ I just won our gyms "Max out Monday" competition for body weight dips.

    I'm so embarrassed- it was 17- but only like 2-3 girls did it. The winning guys tied at 59.

    So shameful. one day I'll be able to do 25... then maybe 35. ;) then one day!!!! FIFTY! MUAH HA HA HA HA

    I have bad elbows- so tricep work is hard for me- and I pinched my neck nerve doing dips (it wasn't the dip itself- that was just the catalyst- it was from ONLY doing one sided alternate grip DL that build my traps/shoulders slightly different- the dip just shifted things LOL)

    Anyway- they are coming along again now that I'm healed up- I am going to be excited to shift to a new program in 2-3 weeks- goal being to do more accessory work I think- want more shoulder and back work- I'm not getting enough.

    59 is a lot, i've been in the mid 20s. thats very impressive. wonder how many pull ups he can do
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member

    bench 245
    deadlift 375
    squat 285

    total 905

    Keep it up, that's good work. I'm pretty jealous of that bench.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member

    If it ain't ugly as sin, it ain't a real max :laugh:


    Thanks. While I was stuck I really thought I'd be sitting back into the pins and missing the lift. No way in hell was I going to let that happen though. Legs are still sore. lol.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Think I need to work on tucking my elbows and blasting my triceps.

    stupid 200. I WANT a TWO PLATE BENCH DAMNIT.

    Dips lady. On my bench days I'll put in a good amount of accessory work for endurance. Dips though are something I do to fill the void between exercises, get down and do 30 or so against the bench. Then once you're done with all that, do a couple sets of deep dips on your way out of the gym. Then do some pushups (until failure).

    I also do some lat and delt stuff, but the dips I think have been really helpful. As well as the pushups.

    LOL_ I just won our gyms "Max out Monday" competition for body weight dips.

    I'm so embarrassed- it was 17- but only like 2-3 girls did it. The winning guys tied at 59.

    So shameful. one day I'll be able to do 25... then maybe 35. ;) then one day!!!! FIFTY! MUAH HA HA HA HA

    I have bad elbows- so tricep work is hard for me- and I pinched my neck nerve doing dips (it wasn't the dip itself- that was just the catalyst- it was from ONLY doing one sided alternate grip DL that build my traps/shoulders slightly different- the dip just shifted things LOL)

    Anyway- they are coming along again now that I'm healed up- I am going to be excited to shift to a new program in 2-3 weeks- goal being to do more accessory work I think- want more shoulder and back work- I'm not getting enough.

    59 is a lot, i've been in the mid 20s. thats very impressive. wonder how many pull ups he can do

    two guys- tied up for 59.

    I suspect E. could do more- the other guy P. is a big guy- short and top heavy- moving a LOT more mass around than E. would be.

    I can probably find out today how many- I know P. does them- never seen the other guy do them.
    I can do a handful (not that it was asked- but because I like pull ups- I'm sharing anyway!)
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member

    I have bashed up elbows from several sports injuries. I also have a tendency to develop pectoral tendonitis when I bench really heavy so I'll do 20 narrow grip, 20 competition grip and 20 wide grip just to get some blood flowing and get a little stretch in my chest, then I do reps with 135 until I have a little bit of a pump. At that point I don't feel pain in my elbows or pecs when I bench so I continue moving up in weight. I'm not saying that it's for everybody, but with my history of athletic injuries it is necessary for me.

    warming up is always a good idea.

    and if your injuries were torn muscles, or some sort of immediate tramua, the high rep warm ups are probably a very good idea.

    If your like me and a lot of your injuries come from over use/repetetive stress i'm not sure if it will help. It could be, honestly not sure. It feels good to get the blood flowing, but high volume is what got me here in the first place.

    a repetitive stress injury in a joint is ****ing nightmare that just wont go away. my latest approach was to get these heavy duty elastic 'voodoo' bands so i can compress the crap out of my elbow. its helping a bit.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    two guys- tied up for 59.

    I suspect E. could do more- the other guy P. is a big guy- short and top heavy- moving a LOT more mass around than E. would be.

    I can probably find out today how many- I know P. does them- never seen the other guy do them.
    I can do a handful (not that it was asked- but because I like pull ups- I'm sharing anyway!)

    the most i've done is 12, but thats probably only really 8 good ones