I challenge you to lose 5 Pounds This Month January 2011



  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Great job on the losses, everyone!!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    kintegra>> Congrats on Onederland!!!

    You guys are doing awesome! Keep going! Brrr. It's so cold though. I'm glad the sun is out today, but I'm ready for a thaw. The wind cuts right through me. I'm going home to visit family for the weekend. I will probably gain weight eating my mother's cooking. On the plus side, I will visit the YMCA and my neglected friend, Mr. Elliptical.
  • ukredhead19
    KIntegra - WAY TO GO!!! congrats on reaching onderland!! and 50lbs thats awesome!

    Congrats to everyone else on their losses too. I'm down 1lb so far this week, but I haven't gotten to exercise near as much as I would like to this week, but keeping up with the food logging. I'm in grad school and classes start this week, so i'm doing all I can to stay on track, but I have to find time to get some exercise in...somehow somewhere!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Thank you everyone for the praise and congrats!! I am very excited and can't wait to see where this phase of my journey takes me. I am so proud of all of you who have had success in this challenge already this month.

    Kelly, I know how it feels to say hello to Onederland!! Don't stop- keep up the good work, we are all here cheering you on.

    Terri, I am so glad to hear your son is making progress. When he sees that everyone around him is willing to help he will have so much more confidence!

    Bru, I am sending you good food vibes... hopefully they will turn the bad stuff into good stuff!!!

    Jenn, Can I just say you brighten everyday I read one of your posts?

    Dm, LOL My daughter played her first season of soccer as a 3 yr old. She was more interested in picking dandylions and hugging the coach than she was about actually going after the ball. Needless to say she didn't paly again until she was 6.
  • heavenrain
    heavenrain Posts: 36 Member
    Count me in.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hubbys check cleared a little early, so YAY for grocery shopping!! LOL!! Making homemade broccoli and cheese soup :) YUM!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    My phone interview went really really well. I have a contingent job offer for a contract job starting next week. After 20 months of unemployment, I am thrilled! Its going to be a major adjustment to work and exercise but I know I can do it.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Thanks everyone for always cheering me & everyone else on here! This is such a wonderful support system! :bigsmile:

    Congrats to everyone on all your successes with the scale this week! WOW we are all Smokin! :smokin:

    For those of you sick and/or covered in snow/ice - I hope it all ends for you soon! :flowerforyou:

    Also - congrats on the job, Robin! :drinker:

    My wonderful little neice called me yesterday to see if I was busy tomorrow night, because her school is having a ski outing and she asked me to go ski with her! I used to be an instructor, but haven't actually went skiing in 11 years - because, you know...well FAT HAPPENS! :laugh: I got my old ski pants out - size LARGE - fit me just fine with lots of room for layering! YAHOO! :bigsmile: I'm SO excited to go!!! My brother is going too, but he hasn't decided if he is going on the slopes with us because he sold all his ski equipment. I'm trying to get him to just rent some equip so we can have fun! :bigsmile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    have a great time Kelly. I am jealous.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Evening all...not much time to talk...have to finish packing for our trip ....we leave tomorrow, and will be back Monday...but will be checking in throughout the weekend, (don't want my ticker to start over, HA!).....TGIF tomorrow!!!!
  • debbiepringle
    debbiepringle Posts: 76 Member
    Friday, January 14 - 187.6
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    Jan. 8: 147.8
    Jan. 14:147.4

    Well, I didn't lose much this week but I did start exercising again. My legs are so sore, I can barely walk today! I haven't gotten my eating under control yet, either. The antibiotics I'm taking are tearing up my stomach and messing with my blood sugars. I've been having more low blood sugars causing me to eat more calories to raise it back up. I think it is also TOM. Not sure because I got Mirena IUD a couple months ago and have been VERY irregular since. I have a busy day planned! Not gonna exercise because my legs hurt so bad. I have to have lunch with my aunt and I'm not sure yet where we are going. I am gonna try to plan for a healthy meal! I also have several other errands to run today.

    Classes started on Monday and I am finishing up my last semester of school. I should be receiving my bachelor's in Social Work in the spring. YAY!!! So far, I have had a TON of homework this week! I didn't miss school while I was not attending!!! My mom was a social worker and I'm sad she won't see me earn my degree. :cry:

    Congratulations to everyone who had losses this week!
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    OMG....I know this is my first month on MFP and I also know that losing is easier in the start because the water weight comes off.....BUT I am still thrilled that I have met and exceeded my January Goal!!!!

    SW 290
    CW 283

  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Holy cow, I'm super impressed that we're not even halfway through the month, and there are some of you who have already reached your 5 lb goal! I guess now the challenge for you guys is to a) keep it off until Jan 31, and b) lose even more!! Great work at inspiring the rest of us!!

    Barty, wow! First, happy MFP anniversary, and second, I am totally impressed with your weight loss. I find I make excuses for myself, like 'oh, I don't have as much to lose so it's harder', or 'a healthy BMI seems way too low', or 'it's the pregnancies fault', etc. But, I started around where you started, mid-160's, and more than a year later, I'm still in the 150's... And look at you, under 120!!! May I ask how tall you are? I'm 5'2", and the middle of the healthy BMI range for me would be exactly where you are. And more importantly, HOW did you do it? What are your best tips? How did you stay motivated to keep at it, week after week?

    Randi, loved your soccer story! My prediction is that my 5 year will be the one picking dandelions, and my 2 year old will be plowing everyone over on the field yelling "kick ball!"...

    Bru, the soup sound yummy! Enjoy!

    Robin, best of luck with the contract! Won't it be great to get that first pay check?!

    Kelly, have a great time skiing!

    Tina, enjoy your weekend away.

    Shelli, hugs for you!! :flowerforyou:

    As for me...
    With hubby away, I caved and brought my girls to McDonald's for supper last night. Bad me. Then after the kids were in bed, I watched 2 episodes of "The last 10 pounds bootcamp", and even though I had the munchies, I couldn't bring myself to eat any more crap while watching a show about losing weight! So, boo for the bad choices at McD's, but yay for showing some restraint later on.

    My coughing is starting to subside. I packed my gym clothes to go to a yoga class at lunch. It's a start. :ohwell:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Jan 1st 202.6
    Jan 7th 199.4
    Jan 14th 198.4
    Jan 28th
    Jan 31st

    Woot Woot, one more pound to go for my pre-holiday weight :smile:
  • lisafrancis629
    Wow, everyone has their game on this month and is dropping the weight. Congrats!

    I'm starting off slow for some reason. Having a hard time getting back in the groove. I'm hitting my calories just fine but not being able to exercise heavy is bumming me out. Since I took time off last month, I thought me knees would be better but I'm back to square one again - no running. Walking even hurts. Uggh. I'm still doing strenght training but I'm the type of person that exercise and eating healthy go hand in hand so I'm struggling.

    Good news is it's Friday. :tongue: Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Are you ****ing kidding me, MIKE?!?! Second time I lost a long post! :explode:
  • hurley87
    Ive lost 7 so far :)
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I had a reply to each and every one of your posts! I had a little high five for all of you and lots of funny little comments (at least I thought they were funny) and again as I hit post reply it got lost somehow! Darn it. I would retype it all but I should really get SOME work done today... maybe I can come back later. From now on I am going to type in word and then copy and paste!

  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Jen Im sorry that is sooo frustrating!

    Well I fluxuated through the week up to 158 and today I am now back to 157.4 so im still at just over 2 pounds lost. My weigh day is sunday tho so im really hoping that I can get those .4 off by then all I need to do is loose .2 a day lol that cant be that hard but maybe I will be lucky just to maintain. :smile: