I challenge you to lose 5 Pounds This Month January 2011



    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    NSV Running 2 miles without stopping!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Dreadmill :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    My husband calls it the dreadmill also. It was 5 below on Saturday and he ran 7 miles outside rather than face the dreadmill. I can easily zone to tv shows while running on the treadmill.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    For those of you who hate using the treadmill indoors!


    Its good for a laugh!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    and one more to make you laugh tonight


    sorry this invention just made me laugh! Laughing is good for your stomach muscles!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Terri that was great lol loved the link about the marraige blanket

    NSV for me. I recently started fitting into a pair of black jeans from lei that I bought in 2008 after I lost the weight from my son and before I got pregnant again in december lol I'm pretty excited no more baggy ugly work pants. now as one of my co-workers put it i have sparkely bum pants. lol : ) one of my other co-workers saw me wearing them and she was like wow you look so good like you have lost a ton of weight : ) I was like 162 at that point and had lost 30 ish pounds since my daughter was born 9/18/09 : )

    I hope everyone is feeling better it is so not fun being sick

    DM>> I Know!! :noway: I am itching to get there. :grumble: I got a little depressed today and missed my workout but hopefully I can make up for it tomorrow. I am sure I will Catch up to you next month : ) Or at least i really hope so but if you leave me in the dust like you already seem to be doing I will be trailing behind you cheering you on : )

    I keep eating like crap and have not had barely any water I will bet I havent had 8 glasses the past weekend at all! also I gained a pound because of my crappy eating. Hubby keeps getting mad at me for things that are barely in my control. such as the fact that I wash laundry but hardly ever fold it (supposed to be my part of the deal) but Im so busy with school and work and kids, errends, and this that and the other and Im sure everyone here is looking at me going ya well we do it too. I know i do but I just think there are more important things right now and folding laundry is not one of them. guess I can resolve to at least get it in the appropriat bedroom. Also today I told him I had a test and since he schedualed his haircut on tuesday the only day I would have to take it is tomorrow after work (I get home at 2:30 and it takes 15 minutes to get to the testing center) so I would not be home by three for him to sleep so he would lose sleep cause my mom still hurts too bad from surgery to watch them. So I got yelled at for that and so I told him I would be home in plenty of time If i could take the test tuesday after school at noon and then he got mad at me for making him change his haircut appointment I just can't seem to satisfy him nothing is good enough even tho Im running my but off all the time and he only has to work sleep and be home with the kids. he doesn't even run errends by himself. ugh soooo sorry for my incohearent rambling. im done now. Im tired my son has kept me up all night 2 nights in a row both times i had to get up at 5 to go to work.:yawn:

    Today was my Weigh Day and I did not weigh myself. So my weigh in won't be till the 30th. I didn't weigh myself because its Finally TOM which will probably be affecting my final weigh this month as well as my February start weight. but it shouldn't be as bad as the first week. also it was 5am lol.

    :yawn: You ladies have an awesome night. sleep good
  • debbiepringle
    debbiepringle Posts: 76 Member
    Monday, January 24


    Total Loss so far - 5.7 lbs
  • EllieMo
    EllieMo Posts: 131 Member
    Would it be cheating to say I'd join in, when I've already lost 5.5 lbs this month?! :) *smug* lol
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Slow and steady...
    Hopefully I can lose the last two pounds by next week
    I must say I really like this challenge cause it helps me to focus on a shorrter span of time and helps me reach the goals for my other challenges...Hope we have one again next month... :flowerforyou:

    Jan 1st: 181
    Jan 3rd: 180
    Jan 10th: 178
    Jan 17th: 178++
    Jan 24th: 177
    Jan 31st: [Goal of 175]
  • blackbyrd61
    blackbyrd61 Posts: 34 Member
    Hope I can lose 2 lbs this week to meet the Jan goal....

    1/3/11 ~ 216
    1/17/11 ~214
    1/24/11 ~ 213

    mini goal ~ 184 (Jun 11)
    final goal ~ 160 (Jan 12)

    Have a great day!
  • ukredhead19
    Way to go everyone on your losses and your other victories!

    SW 1/3/11...199
    1/24/11...189.2 (yippee 9.8 lbs officially!)

    Now here is my new goal...not to let getting into a new set of "10's" stall me out, I don't know why but everytime I get there I have a mental yippee...and then I relax a little...which equals weight going in the wrong direction. NOT this time, I am going to stay focused on those numbers going down!!

    I'm going to set a non-weight related goal as well....to exercise at least 30 mins /5 days this week (that is a lot for me, because I have no time, but my goal is to make time!)

    Gotta go work now!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Terri, loved the outdoor treadmill link, but the marriage blanket link didn't work for me...

    55, you get some sleep, honey! I'm exhausted just reading about your schedule. Don't worry, I'm not leaving you in the dust, I'm just trying to get you motivated to chase me!! Just like I am chasing Jenn!

    Debbie, congrats on reaching the Jan challenge!

    EllieMo, hey, you lost 5 pounds, there's no cheating involved! Just be sure to stick around and do it again next month!

    Sugar, you're doing great. And yes of course, we'll be here next month!

    Blackbyrd, you can do it!!

    kthom, keep at it, work hard, and I'm sure you'll see a loss next week!

    Robin, that's so great that you can tell how much more fit you are now than 3 years ago! And great that you get lots of activity at work. I sit on my butt all day. :ohwell:

    Bru, yay for the boots!! My NSV: grabbing size 10 pants off the rack, with the confidence that they would fit!! I get to play fashion show when I get home tonight. Hubby and I were shopping yesterday, and running out of time before the movie started, so I bought 2 pants and 3 shirts without trying them on.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Good morning, everyone! We're almost at 500, which means a new topic will need to be started, right?

    I don't weigh in until later on tonight (weird, I know, to weigh myself in the evening but that's the time I did my first weigh-in) so I will update then.

    It looks like everybody is doing a wonderful job. We're nearing the finish line! Only a week to go! Woohoo!
  • DrumlineGirl
    DrumlineGirl Posts: 178 Member
    I celebrated this morning!

    Jan.1 126.6
    Jan. 3 126.6
    Jan.17 126.0
    Jan. 24 125!
    Jan. 31 Goal: 122.6

    Ok, so it looks like I won't make my goal by next week, but I'm OK with it! I was on this plateau for a month, and finally broke through. I lost one pound this week, but more importantly, I've been working out 6 days a week for 40 minutes, so I'm proud of how hard I'm working. I just need to be ok with slow losses :)
  • rosebrowning
    I'm in. My goal is 20 pounds and a challenge might be just what I need!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Jan 1st: 173.6
    Jan 3rd: 171.4
    Jan 10th: 171
    Jan 17th: 168.6
    Jan 24th: 167.4
    > Total of 6.2lbs lost :happy:
    Jan 31st:

    Only one more week of January & Everyone is doing so great...KEEP IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    Jan 3rd: 282
    Jan 10th: 276
    Jan 17th: 275
    Jan 24th: 271
    > Total of 11 lbs lost
    Jan 31st:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I'm having a killer time over here.. hubbys' back is better and my tooth is beyond aching. Throbbing throughout my whole mouth and I'm not on Nick's insurance yet. I really hope we catch a some break long ebough for me to take care of this tooth. NOthing I take is helping which means it's infected like the other one they had to cut out a while back. Ow, ow ow. I'm miserable and I so tired. I can't sleep either. If it doesn't subside soon, I don't know what we're gonna do. SOrry for the mini vent, but I needed to.
    Jan 1st 202.6
    Jan 7th 199.4
    Jan 14th 198.4
    Jan 28th 197.4
    Jan 31st
  • lisafrancis629
    Hi everyone. Boy, January has been a struggle for me! It was harder for me to get my focus back after the holidays than I thought. Not being able to exercise (knee problems) is killing me. I know you can lose weight without exercising but I'm the type of person that really needs to exercise to stay focused on the eating. Plus, I love the way exercise makes me feel fit and strong. Darn knees :grumble: Hopefully, one more week off and I'll be able to start back slowly. Still have been doing strength training so I'm not being totally lazy but I gotta get my cardio on.

    But I've been sticking with it and making progress and hopefully I'll lose a half a pound this next week to meet this challenge.

    Jan 1 - 187
    Jan 10 - 184.4
    Jan 17 - 184.2
    Jan 24 - 182.4

    Down 4.6 lbs so surely I can lose another half pound this week. I love these small challenges to keep me motivated.

    Hope everyone has a great week.
  • lisafrancis629
    I'm having a killer time over here.. hubbys' back is better and my tooth is beyond aching. Throbbing throughout my whole mouth and I'm not on Nick's insurance yet. I really hope we catch a some break long ebough for me to take care of this tooth. NOthing I take is helping which means it's infected like the other one they had to cut out a while back. Ow, ow ow. I'm miserable and I so tired. I can't sleep either. If it doesn't subside soon, I don't know what we're gonna do. SOrry for the mini vent, but I needed to.
    Jan 1st 202.6
    Jan 7th 199.4
    Jan 14th 198.4
    Jan 28th 197.4
    Jan 31st

    I am sooooo sorry about your tooth. To me, a toothache is one of the worst pains I've ever had. God bless ya and I hope you get that tooth taken care of soon and get to feeling better.

    Congrats on such a good weight loss this month though. What a way to start out the new year - out of the 200's. :flowerforyou: