I challenge you to lose 5 Pounds This Month January 2011



  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Thanks, dmgaloha!! I love your posts, btw. So supportive!

    Kelly, dreadmill - LOVE IT!! LOL Glad to hear your doggie is doing well.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Glad you get to see your daughter and your granddog :love: Hope you have a wonderful visit!

    Sounds like your MIL's dinner wasn't that bad, at least she made vegetables also. Try to keep the pizza count in control and run around after you little one at Chuckecheese and you'll be fine. Most of all HAVE FUN!

    7.5 lbs :noway: that is awesome!

    Welcome back!

    I had the same issue trying to stay @ 1200 calories. Now that my goal is losing half a pound per week and calories are at 1500 my results are much better. You might think about logging chasing kiddos around as exercise for your extra wiggle room. Bed time routine alone I know I break a sweat. :tongue: And congrats on 155! I'll be sending good thoughts your way for it to stay thru your weigh in!

    Great loss! And can I add that I love love love your ticker! Once you get to your goal are you going to reward yourself with a cute new pair of pumps? I really like the brown with pink polka dots, so cute!

    I'm sure you watched BL last night, what did you think? Who are you hoping will win? I really like Courtney's can do attitude and was glad to see team aqua stay although I never like to see anyone go.

    Not much new with me, got on the scale today (even though I don't weigh in until Friday :devil: ) and I was down a bit, so yay! Hope everyone has a great Wednesday! Make good choices. And enjoy this quote I found "Life is like a taxi. The meter just keeps a-ticking whether you are getting somewhere or just standing still." -- Lou Erickso
  • ukredhead19
    Decided to log onto mfp because I was feeling tempted...stressful day at work, can't seem to get anything to workout right today....which means I really want to go raid the snack drawer! mantra "will read posts instead of eat" !!!

    Here is a funny too, turns out you can eat too much fruit (well the acidic kind anyway). I went to the doc on monday because I have bronchitis...but also my tongue was really sore and had a couple of round blister like areas...ouchy! :tongue: Turns out its from eating healthy!!! LOL wtg body...rejecting healthy foods LOL:huh: anyways, i must lay off the fruit for a while, thats probably why i'm hungry i was using it as a snack all day.

    I did lose another lb. so far this week, i'm trying to not lose focus because i get bored so easily. Ok thats enough of my whining.

    Feel better and I think the munchies have passed ...for now!
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Hi all - just checking in quick. I will have to catch up on all the posts later.

    Jan 01: 204.0 lbs
    Jan 03: 203.0 lbs
    Jan 10: 201.1 lbs
    Jan 12: 198.8 lbs
    Jan 18: 199.2 lbs

    Up a bit today, but I've been eating a lot of sugar lately. Darn it that I made cookies!:ohwell: I did run another 1.25 miles on the dreadmill last night & also did water aerobics. I was pretty sore still yesterday, but I think getting back on that dreadmill helped out. I feel great today.

    Anyway - Walter (the puppy) had surgery this morning for 2 1/2 hours. They ended up doing his palate surgery as well, as doc said if he didn't he feared Walter wouldn't wake up. He has a pretty bad breathing problem (as most bulldogs do). Anyway the surgery went very well, but no one can see the poor baby till at least tomorrow so as not to excite him and damage anything. He is still hooked up to oxygen and some other tubes. (Doc took a picture of him...so nice of him.)

    I'm headed to a movie then making dinner for CJ tonight. I'm skipping Zumba at the gym. I just need to relax my mind after the stressful last few days. Sometimes I think its harder to have a dog than it is kids! :laugh:

    Sorry for what the poor "guy" had to go through but thank God the surgery was a success. Sending a quick recovery prayer his way
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    sapphirelazuli-- congrats on the weight loss

    dmgaloha--- keeping the fingers crossed for you hopingyou will have some loss on your weigh day

    congrats to everyone for working hard
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    sapphirelazuli-- congrats on the weight loss

    dmgaloha--- keeping the fingers crossed for you hopingyou will have some loss on your weigh day

    congrats to everyone for working hard
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I'm sure you watched BL last night, what did you think? Who are you hoping will win? I really like Courtney's can do attitude and was glad to see team aqua stay although I never like to see anyone go.

    Yes, I watched and I couldn't believe what happened last night!! Ridiculous! I LOVE Courtney! I think she is one to go very far! I don't like the yellow team, they reminder me on the black team last season..I can see them game playing a lot. I do like Jennifer (green) and the Olivia and Hannah. FOr the guys, I like Arthur and Jesse, but I see great things for Courtney.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I had my study group course last night, so hubby picked up the girls from daycare, so I wouldn't have to rush home and back. The GREAT news is that I managed to sneak off to the gym between work and study group, and I tried my first BodyPUMP class. I used fairly light weights on my bar, as I wasn't sure what to expect. It was tough, but these are the kinds of workouts I need to build some muscle. I will try to make it part of my Wed routine.

    I peeked on the home scale again this morning, and it's still looking good for tomorrow's weigh-in. So, let's see...
    Jan 1st - 159
    Jan 14th - 158
    Jan 21st - ??? - gotta wait and see...

    I'm sure I won't catch up with you just yet, Jenn, but I'm trying!! :happy:

    Thanks for the support, ifychudy! I've got my fingers crossed too!

    I'm still working on better planning my meals and snacks. I'm usually way over on calories (when I'm not logging or trying to be healthy), or when I'm trying to be healthy, I'm not eating enough calories for meals/snacks in the morning/afternoon, so I end up either under my minimum calories, or I get the munchies and overeat at night. Either way makes it tough to lose weight. So I've been focusing eating more healthy foods during the day, and last night, after I added a workout to my day, I had an extra snack at night.

    Michelle, you handled your stress very well by logging on to MFP instead of eating! Keep up the great work! You may need to balance your fruit intake by snacking on some veggies. They should still fill you up, but they're not quite so acidic!

    Bru - how is Nick doing? I hope his back is feeling better.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I was reading about the US Army Physical Fitness Test, and I think I found my new fitness goals!


    I'm in the 37-41 female age group, so here are my targets:
    # Pushups in 2 minutes: 13 for minimum pass, up to 40 for max score
    # Sit-ups in 2 minutes: 38 - 76
    2 mile run: 22:42 - 17:00

    I'll have to test myself to see what my baseline is...
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Great loss! And can I add that I love love love your ticker! Once you get to your goal are you going to reward yourself with a cute new pair of pumps? I really like the brown with pink polka dots, so cute!
    Those are actually chocolate shoes!! Go figure! LOL
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good Afternoon everyone.

    Hope everyone is well. I am still struggling. I am still coughing a lot from the bronchitis. I have gotten a few easy bike rides in but have not run since last Sunday. The doctor I saw on Saturday called to say my blood tests also showed my vitamin D levels were low. SO now I need to take a supplement for that. I have stress test to check out my heart on the 31st (good thing its not serious as that was the first appointment they had available) I really don't think my weird symptoms are heart related. I am beginning to think I have an ulcer our my reflux is really out of control. I just wish it was easier to figure out what all these symptoms mean. I have been to the doctor 3 times now. Plus the stress test coming up plus I need to do a follow-up with my doc after the stress test. This is getting expensive in a hurry, and I have insurance.

    Have to take a wait and see attitude with what this will do to my weight loss. I know it has put my running training on the back burner.

    It is so cold here today. I could crawl into bed and sleep the rest of the day but I still have daycare kids. Maybe they will all go home early. (That's a joke, because they never do)

    Hope everyone has a great day! I am trying! It is only going to get better...I hope!

  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I burned 259 calories with Richard Simmons last night. :happy: I'm really hoping to be down to 159 on Saturday. I have two more nights to sweat to the oldies so I hope I can make my goal.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Catch me if you can! :laugh:
    Good job focusing on planning the foods you eat. That really helps me. I also try to eat every 3-4 hours and that helps me not indulge on night time snacking. But if I do have room for an after dinner snack I really love eating a bit of cottage cheese with pineapple chunks. Yummy!

    Chocolate shoes!!! :noway: When did they combined two of my favorite things? That is sooo funny! Are they little bite size chocolates? Where ever did you find those?

    I'm sorry to hear that your still not feeling yourself. I hope the doctors can give you some answers at your follow-up after the stress test. Maybe all the sickness for the whole year will be in January and the rest of your 2011 year will be healthy and wonderful! Lets hope so. Feel better. :flowerforyou:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Evening all.....starting to snow hard here....supposed to get maybe up to 5-6 inches, we'll see......need to get my eating focused back on more fruits and veggies.....I know part is because it is winter and I miss all the fresh fruits/veggies I get at the farmers markets...anyhoo, hope all is well with everyone, off to do biggest loser on Kinect..........:flowerforyou:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I came across this link, I think it may help out all of us in some way/shape/form. It takes like 5min to read, check it out! http://www.sparkpeople.com/mypage_public_journal_individual.asp?blog_id=3926473&SPShared=TRUE

    And I'm on a 'good deed' kick this week. A friend gave me this idea.. kinda neat: Have you guys heard of the random compliments that some person is doing? They basically take sticky notes and write something nice on them and leave them in public places for people to find. I so wanna hit up a few local stores now and plaster them with post it's!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts on my Walter. (And YES that is him in my profile pic and on my ticker too.) He made it home yesterday from the vet hospital. He is doing wonderfully! However he has got to stay calm & quiet (no barking) and stop all his romping for about 6 weeks! Now he IS a PUPPY still! Really? LMAO :laugh: So he is spending the nights in his cage now so he doesn't get to play all night long like he normally does!! :laugh:

    So my girl Bru challenged me to a virtual 5k last Saturday. I hate that darn treadmill....so I did it again tonight! Saturday I was at about 43 min. Tonight I was down to just under 38 minutes! I still walked a bit, but I almost beat my time from my last ACTUAL 5K in October! AND I DIDN'T WALK THAT ONE AT ALL! Tonight I was running mostly 10-10.5 min miles (5.7-6.0 mph) When I did the 5K in October I was at 12min 5 sec miles (5mph)!

    So....here it is in writing so I can be accountable: I'm going to run a 5k every week on that darn Dreadmill. Yes I am! :bigsmile:

    I read thru all the posts - sounds like everyone is doing awesome! For those of you that are still not 100% healthy, I wish you all speedy recoveries. Take it easy & REST! :flowerforyou:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Chocolate shoes!!! :noway: When did they combined two of my favorite things? That is sooo funny! Are they little bite size chocolates? Where ever did you find those?
    I just Googled shoe images and that came up! I was like, oh, those are cute. I'm sure a chocolatier probably made them.

    Terri, I hope you feel better soon!

    kintegra, That's a great goal! Keep at it!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Kelly, you're killin' me!!

    I see your post as a challenge to me so here it is in my post, I WILL COMPLETE A 5K EVERY WEEK! I cannot say I will 'run' it every week, but I will complete one ever week.

    I did 2miles yesterday afternoon and then went back after dinner and did another mile, but I'm not really counting that. I will do a full 5k all the way through. I did graduate C25k, but in my final run, I only managed 2.75 miles, which is still good, but not as good as I hoped. I did all of my running outside and doing it on a tread makes a difference to me. I'd rather be outside doing it. Since I don't know how long I'll have my tread, if I can't get my 5k's on there, I will continue them outside as needed. I really need to up my game a bit anyway as my 2nd 5k of the year is coming up 2/12/11 and my 3rd on 3/19/11.

    My goals (not resolutions) this year is to complete 5 5k's and spend more time being active with my brothers. I can't wait for the spring/summer to get here so I can run with them at the park and play baseball, etc. Until then, we Just Dance together, they love it and I love the time with them!

    Hope you all have a great day and remember to compliment yourself daily :)
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Kelly, you're killin' me!!

    I see your post as a challenge to me so here it is in my post, I WILL COMPLETE A 5K EVERY WEEK! I cannot say I will 'run' it every week, but I will complete one ever week.

    I did 2miles yesterday afternoon and then went back after dinner and did another mile, but I'm not really counting that. I will do a full 5k all the way through. I did graduate C25k, but in my final run, I only managed 2.75 miles, which is still good, but not as good as I hoped. I did all of my running outside and doing it on a tread makes a difference to me. I'd rather be outside doing it. Since I don't know how long I'll have my tread, if I can't get my 5k's on there, I will continue them outside as needed. I really need to up my game a bit anyway as my 2nd 5k of the year is coming up 2/12/11 and my 3rd on 3/19/11.

    Hey you started it! LMAO :laugh:

    And I agree with you on the running outside/tread difference. I LOVE running outside (when the weather is above 50 degrees). I HATE doing it on my Dreadmill at home.:devil: However last night at the gym it was so much easier for me, as there were others doing their workouts too. So maybe that is key for me. BUT...if I don't get to the gym to do it, then I will definitely do it on my Dreadmill at home!

    ****Anyone else wanna join in with us??? :bigsmile:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I think I need to pass on running a 5k every week. Not yet there. But I do want to work on running one 5k, I need to build up to it because I am not really a runner. But I am planning a 10k walk on February 13th. I'll try to run some walk some to build up to the running.

    Today is my weigh in day! Here goes...


    I am over the 5 lbs lost but still shooting for more this month because I had such a huge gain in December. I would love to be back to 150 to start February so that is what I am aiming for.
    I started a "dance party" at my house last night. Last night was the first time I did this dance DVD and even though it says beginners I felt very clumsy and lost. But hey after I do it a million times I might just look like I know what I'm doing, so I plan to dance every week night with my kids once we get home. I'm not able to dance in front of my boyfriend yet (feel way 2 silly, and he enjoys it WAY 2 much) so I should get about 15 mins in before he gets home from work. My daughter has moves though! She did much better following along than I did. :laugh: