I challenge you to lose 5 Pounds This Month January 2011



  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    AMAZING JOB RANDI!! :drinker:

    We're quickly running out of good foods in our house and can't get more until Friday, not sure how it will affect my weigh in this week, but I have a good idea that Miss Kelly will beat me to 50lbs gone :flowerforyou:
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Randi!! Great job. So glad to see your doing so good.

    Bru keep up the good work, I know you can do it! I have seen you do awesome things on this thread so far and your so close to that 50 lb mark that you can probably taste it. just 5 more pounds keep going girl I will see you there long after you pass it up haha!

    Well today I had two 20oz sodas! definately need to get back on track with that. None tomorrow, just water.
    I got my workout done with my EA Active2 altho I would have liked to do two 20 minute sessions as I normally do, I just didn't have the time. As soon as I got out of school today i went grocery shopping then went to my moms and studdied my medical terminology book. Then I picked my son up at 2:30, dropped him off with my mom picked my baby up and went home at 3:00, put her to bed for a late nap, started my workout at 3:30 and started studdying for medical terminology again at 4:30 for about half an hour, then got the kids ready and hubby and I went to look at a pool table that took about 15 or 20 minutes and we came home and started dinner, by the time we were done eating it was past 7 and we put the kids to bed and I started reading my psycology chapter. just got almost done I have 10 pages left at 8:40 phew Its been a heck of a long day but at least i got my exercise in Im pretty proud about that. well Im off to bed since it is now almost 9:10.
    I didn't weigh today because of how busy I have been but I really hope Im maintaining that 2 pound loss haha, well sunday is the weigh day so we will find out haha,
  • sapphirelazuli
    Jan 3 SW ...175lbs
    Jan 5 ..........169lbs
    Jan 12.........168lbs
    Jan 19
    Jan 26
    Jan 31

    Total loss - 7lbs

    Woo! :D How is everyone else doing? :)
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    My son spoke to the school counselor yesterday and had a better day. And the teacher let him do rocket math (its an addition test and they do as many problems as they can in a minute...he has not passed since Nov.) without the timer...guess what he did it faster than she had ever seen him do it and he passed! Maybe it was the timed test that was stressing him out. He was in a great mood last night. Hopefully we are making progress.

    Thanks for the advice Jenn we had talked about seeing a pediatric Gi specialist but the strange thing about his symptoms is that he never had them on weekends (only when we talked about school or started homework). So we think it has something to do with school. He can go to swim club and swim a lot of laps and his stomach does not hurt. But school time makes it hurt. The teacher also moved one kid away from my son who my son was telling me was "not a nice kid". Hopefully this all helps.

    True to what my body does I was up 2 pounds this morning after a 3 plus mile run after dinner last night. It seems like after a big workout my body retains fluids for a day or so! Good thing my official weigh-in is not till Saturday this month.

    Have a great Day!


    I will post my myth a little later!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    The myth


    The truth

    Most get-thin-fast-plans revolve around the idea that restricting your intake of one particular nutrient , usually carbs or fat, is the best way to lose weight. But the results of a 2009 New England Journal of Medicine study suggests otherwise. For two years, participants followed one of four calorie-restricted diets with varying amounts of carbs, protein and fat. After 24 months, all participants lost about the same amount of weight (just nine pounds). "This study proves that calories are the most important factor for weight loss" says Tara Gidus R.D. Florida based sports dietitian and marathoner. "To lose weight you need to take in fewer calories than you burn-regardless of what percentage of carbs, protein, or fat you are eating" Gimmicky diets just distract us from this simple truth. Here's how you can learn to reduce your total caloric intake to kick start weight loss-and still have energy.


    To estimate the humber of calories you use during daily living and exercise, go to nutritiondata.com/tools/caloriesburned. Plug in your sex, age, weight, height, lifestyle (meaning, you are desk-bound or you are always moving at work) and exercise regularity.


    Trim 10-15% off of that calorie total-but don't cut more than 500 calories per day. "this is conservative compared to most dies but its realistic if you want to sustain training levels. Record what you eat and tally your calorie intake.


    A recent study reported that subjects who cut calories or cut calories and exercised lost the same amount of weight, but the diet and exerciser group improved their aerobic capacity, insulin sensitivity, cholesterol, and blood pressure-without having to go into starvation mode.


    A healthy weight-loss goal for overweight runners is one to two pounds per week. Trying to drop more than this can eat away muscle, leave you fatigued when you workout and slow your metabolism making weight loss more challenging.

    For me patience is the hardest part! It is a slow process with good weeks and bad weeks.

    Eat healthy! Get moving!

  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Count me in! Is it too late to join your challenge?
  • knickelson23
    knickelson23 Posts: 8 Member
    Jan. 2nd: 181 lbs
    Jan. 12th: 180lbs
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Jan 1: 145
    Jan 8: 142
    Jan 12: 140

    I won already? What a crazy month.

    AmandaB4588>> My scale programs 10 people. Thanks for the encouragement. It means a lot. You'll be there before you know it too. Keep going!

    dmgaloha>> Sounds like a case of the winter blahs. I'm fighting it too. No reason, just BLAH.

    Congrats to those who are losing! Condolences to those who're fighting off sickness!

    I'm trying to get back into a regular schedule of working from home. Sleeping a lot. I need to get back on track.
  • elina_t
    elina_t Posts: 11
    Does anyone here know if Benadryl has an effect on weight? Yesterday I felt like I was having an allergic reaction to something (no idea what; I ate the same sorts of things I normally do), so I went home, took some Benadryl, and slept for about four hours. I was just wondering if the meds might affect my weight. I don't imagine it to make much of a difference, though, whatever the case. Just curious, mostly.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    OMG! You go girl, 5.6 lbs in one week, you did better than some of the Biggest Loser people in last nights show! Congrats

    Maybe you could host a healthy eating dinner party with a few friends once you run out of healthy food. Have everyone bring over a fav healthy dish... "pot luck style" that way you can share ideas and have a healthy meal. Maybe even get some left overs out of the deal. Just an idea that came to me while reading your post, but get creative and see what you can come up with so you can still eat right. (I would love to invite each and every one of you over to watch Biggest Loser together and see you all face to face, sad we are all over the place, but that is what got me thinking about it, I was like "come eat with me at my house" but the plane ticket would be more than the food shopping trip would be :laugh: )

    Stop drinking that soda crap! (I hope you know that I say that with love :heart: )

    Once you explain he (your son) is fine on the weekends it does seem very clear it is an issue at school. I hope it is not a serious issue and that all gets better soon. I thought of you today as my daughter told me "I need grapes for my snack or I just can't go to school" lol DRAMA! Sorry but we are out of grapes and I am not calling the school to say my daughter wont be in because I ran out of grapes! KIDS! :wink:
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    lol not off to a great start.
    1/3/10: 139.0
    1/10/10: 139.8
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Jan 01: 204.0 lbs
    Jan 03: 203.0 lbs
    Jan 10: 201.1 lbs
    Jan 12: 198.8 lbs :bigsmile: Woohoo! I'm in ONEderland AND I hit 50 lbs lost today! HAPPY DANCE!

    Finally I hit the goal for the month (5.2 lbs) and we're not even halfway thru yet! Its been awhile since I met this challenge! :blushing:

    I'm finally over the food poisoning I think. It wasn't fun. I finally ate "normally" yesterday. I still had somewhat of a stomach upset & headache yesterday, but I'm good to go today! I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but hey it helped me to get to ONEderland! I was down even more yesterday, but decided to wait till today to get a more realistic weight after I ate normally. :laugh:

    And yes, Bru - I'm sorry, but I did beat you to 50, not that I was trying. :embarassed: HOWEVER I did start out weighing more than 5 lbs over what you started at. So basically I'd say we are EVEN! I finally caught up to YOU! Now we can REALLY continue on this downward trend TOGETHER! :bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Randi -- great weigh in! That must have you jumping for joy! :bigsmile:

    And congrats to everyone else on your achievements this week! Its going to be a FABULOUS 2011! :drinker:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Maybe you could host a healthy eating dinner party with a few friends once you run out of healthy food. Have everyone bring over a fav healthy dish... "pot luck style" that way you can share ideas and have a healthy meal. Maybe even get some left overs out of the deal. Just an idea that came to me while reading your post, but get creative and see what you can come up with so you can still eat right. (I would love to invite each and every one of you over to watch Biggest Loser together and see you all face to face, sad we are all over the place, but that is what got me thinking about it, I was like "come eat with me at my house" but the plane ticket would be more than the food shopping trip would be :laugh: )

    Thanks for the help, however, I will sound like such a loner now, I have but VERY few friends and they are almost all guys who would rather not,out of the few chick friends I have, only one would actually do it. BUT: hubby got his check one day early, so we were able to get food in the house, yay!! Not a lot, but enough to get us through til next Fri :) I am having Chicken Marasala with a spinach salad tonight and I plan on making homemade broccoli soup tomorrow for lunch :)
  • merv9
    merv9 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in, lets see what happens.....
    Will post SW on Sunday 16/01/11...
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Still lurking around, but very little healthy progress to report. I'm still coughing, and starting to wonder if it's bronchitis again (I had it last year around this time). To top it off I've had a headache/migraine off and on over the last two days (not much fun with the coughing). Still feeling blah - glad to hear I'm not the only one, Alioth.

    DH is away, so I'm on the hook for all of the kids care this week. My study group started tonight for a professional certification prep course, so I asked a friend of the family to come over to watch the girls for a few hours. I signed my 5 year old up for ballet classes - very cute! I was looking into summer soccer programs, and was jokingly thinking that my 2 year old would enjoy it more than my 5 year old; and as it turns out, I can actually sign them both up to play! Might as well start the good habits early? Although at this age, I think it's more about trying out several different activities to see where their interests / abilities lie.

    I've been peeking on my home scale, and I think I'm holding steady, so I'm happy enough about that, as I haven't been exercising at all lately.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    jen........ haha that coment made me have a short laugh out loud! love it :happy: And I am happy to report I have NOT had a soda today!!!:drinker: :drinker: yay:tongue:

    Kintegra........:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Congratulations!!!!!! I am so happy for you. Glad to see that your back on track and doing really really well! :happy: And I compleetle agree with you 2011 Is going to be an AMAZING Year:love:

    dm.......I am sorry your so sick:frown: That sucks. I hope you start to feel better soon. good luck and well wishes. we are thinking of ya
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Yeey!! Now i've lost my 5lbs :) If i can do it we all can do it!:smooched:
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Good morning! Well the good news is that I managed to get a bit of exercise this morning, the bad news is that it was shoveling snow! Blech! I should have asked hubby to give me a lesson with the snow blower before he went away. I only shovelled enough to ensure I could get out of the driveway safely.

    Kelly - that's awesome about getting to ONEderland!! What a great milestone to celebrate! (with non-food items, of course)

    Terri - I hope your son is doing better at school. It's so hard to read their minds; hopefully he'll open up and let you know what's going on soon.
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi Fab Fours, kintegra Happy Onederland and many congratulationsI! :flowerforyou: I weighted in at 119.5 this week.....so still heading in the right direction lol ITS my first anniversary with MFP this week (yes its been a YEAR) so thank you all for your support :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I could not have done it without you :heart:

    12/31/10............................122 pounds
    1/7/11.................................120 pounds
    1/14/11.............................. 119.5 pounds

    Started with MFP 1/12/10 at an all time high weight of 164.5 pounds
    Got to goal weight of 119 pounds at the beginning of August
    Now trying hard to maintain at or around 119 pounds
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Today was my first weigh in since I committed myself to this year of change and was I every happy. I was down almost 5 lbs! Pretty good, and way ahead of schedule so I have amended my end of January goal from 223 to 220.
    January 1: 228
    January 6: 223
    January 13: 221
    January 20:
    January 27:
    End of January goal: 220