I challenge you to lose 5 Pounds This Month January 2011



    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Just a comment about the above myth. I did the low carb diet (Atkins) for about a month. I did quite well but I could not maintain that lifestyle. Every time I had eggs for breakfast I also wanted that piece of toast. I craved carbs. When I went off Atkins I slowly put on 5 pounds, but I found out that when I totally cut something from my diet it was very hard to maintain that lifestyle for a long time.

    I am trying at this time to learn how to lose weight through healthy diet and exercise.

    I am not in any way knocking Atkins or whatever diet you chose to do, I just found through experience that these types of diets are not for me.


    One other thing I keep forgetting to mention to those of you who are new to exercise...I am not sure if this is true for everyone or just my body (remember we all respond to things differently) the days after I have a hard workout my weight goes up. I think that after you work muscle it retains water while repairing. It is not a lot of weight but enough that if you weigh every day I notice it. Don't let it discourage you keep at it. Even if the weight does not drop you are doing so much good for your body!
  • saraegentry
    saraegentry Posts: 81 Member
    Tina- good luck on your 5K! I'm running my 2nd one in March :) My best friend is going to run this one with me, she was pregnant when I ran my 1st one and now she's working on getting the baby weight off, so she's training to run it with me!
    Also, I think most places actually do put their 1st round of bathing suits out this early, crazy but most places are putting their spring clothes out now. Hope you find one you like!

    I weighed in again today because 2 days ago when I weighed I had a gain (1/2 lb) and I couldn't understand why, I had been under every day and had started exercising again. So I weighed again today and I've lost that 1/2 lb plus an additional lb. :happy dance: My official weigh in day is Tuesday, so I'm not updating my ticker yet, but I'm excited to see such a low number on the scale! So close to my goal!!
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Count me in....this may be the jumpstart I need to get my head back in the game! :glasses:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Signed up for my first 5k....going to run the whole thing.....my first goal of the year on its way......
    Good luck!!
  • 77Lola
    77Lola Posts: 37
    Good morning everyone! Great day yesterday! Exercised..water and tracked all my food! Great start today! Dis the stairs for 5 min which kicked my butt again!! Will walk a lil later.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Good morning, everybody! Yesterday was a rest day for me in the EA Sports Active 2 and I totally left work with the frame of mind that I was not going to exercise, that I needed rest. Then I had a snack cup of Pringles and ate dinner and when I saw my remaining calories were in the red, I decided I was going to move my buns. I did a trainer-formulated workout focusing on the lower body (because I think my lower body is a little stronger than the upper) and, um...I don't know how many of you have heard of mountain climbers or done them but they were enough to make me curse at the trainer. But the good news is that I got through it! Wii Fit Plus said I went up 1.8 pounds, though I had dropped 4.4 the day before so I'm still at a loss. Woohoo!
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I'm sorry, forgot to add my starting weight is 300.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Good morning everyone. Well I will confess, I wasn't going to weight myself until Saturday because that will be my one week weigh-in but I weighed myself this morning and I've gained 2.4 pounds. How in the world did that happen?! :explode: Then I come to work this morning and my boss, once again, is trying to sabotage me. :tongue: He brought in some apple turnovers from Safeway. :grumble: So far I haven't touched them but those bad boys looks so delicious. I didn't do my exercises last night because of Bible study at my daughter's house but I will get with it the next two evenings and try to make up for it. Hopefully by Saturday morning I will be below 160.

    Good luck to you all.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    So happy today! I lost on the scale and am now 157.6 (guess my thinking I would drop overnight yesterday was correct!)

    I also have seen a huge gain because I have been naughty over the holidays. And just like you I always gain after seeing my lowest number, it is hard but push past it and keep working. We learn a little something every time we do this. As for mini goals... I try to make my goals not weight related as much as I can. For example I started with a no fast food goal. Once I felt the temptation to go leave, I started my no more soda goal. Then moved onto drinking all my water. Once that goal was in the bag I added a veggie into my daily food plan (I still skip the fast food and soda, and drink my water daily, but I ADD a new goal to the mix as well). Then two veggies a day, ect. Now I am at 5 veggies, and one fruit per day. For me, it feels like I can control this kind of goal better than the scale goals. I don't feel as bad if I miss a day eating a veggie than I do when I don't lose my weight goals. I have weight goals also, but they are bigger goals for me (like 5 lbs per month, or 140 by my birthday). I feel good that I can say I met my goal of drinking water even if the scale is being an *kitten*. :laugh:

    I LOVED today's myth! This really hit home with me. I have heard this before, but it is nice to be reminded. I couldn't pass on having cake on my child's birthday every year, or not have stuffing on Thanksgiving ever again. It really is about learning to make choices. We can't have it all, but we sure can enjoy life and have a few times a year we over indulge.

    I am very happy that I added more calories to my daily plan. I really feel that is the reason I lost weight this morning. Happy to be eating the extra food as well. :devil:

    Hope you all have a happy healthy day!
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Is it too late to join? 5 pounds in January would be a great start to the year! Do we have a certain weigh-in day or are we just weigh-in at the end of the month?
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    I heard once that 6 bites a day totals 15 pounds by the end of the year...

    The day after I heard this the very first time, I was grating cheese, and when the chunk of cheese got so small I was about to grate my knuckles, I was about to throw it into my mouth and move on...but I stopped myself. That was one bite then I got to thinking about all the times I say "I'll just have one bite" and it really started adding up.
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    I have been doing horribly since Halloween! I haven't yet updated my ticker because I haven't officially weighed in. I do know that I am up at least 10 pounds. I can FEEL it!:mad: December was absolutely HORRIBLE for me! My sister came home for a few days the first week so no exercise and lots of eating out. My mom broke her foot and ended up in emergency surgery. She died 2 days later on Dec. 18:brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: . Everything from that point on has been a blur. Christmas was awful and then I had to have emergency surgery on Dec. 28. Turns out I had MRSA. Dec. 29th was my 31st birthday and I woke up sore and throwing up from anesthesia. I need to start fresh and refocus on my goals. I am still very sad but that is no reason to neglect myself. I miss the support I once had here.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Sorry for your loss, Shelley. I'm glad the MRSA was caught in time! Hopefully you'll be able to refocus and get back to work. It's not that hard.
  • staceyb_2003
    staceyb_2003 Posts: 396 Member
    I'm aiming for that :-)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hey all :) I'm around, just not in here as often as I would like too. I have my 2nd 5k this Saturday, outside, the in Midwest weather in the evening!! What the heck was I thinking?!?!?! Oh, yea, that I LOVE a challenge!! I'm gonna try and break my old record but not sure how well it will work since it will be pretty cold. I have my 5k buddy, Bernie, coming with me again and hopefully my hubby will show his support and come with to watch. I have my 3rd one, registered for and all, in March :) Can't wait!!

    I've been a good girl this week and wakled ourside everyday so far, exceot today, it's pretty chilly out there vs the last few days! I've been doing WATP and Just Dance. I feel so much better exercising again. With Nov being a hard month, emotionally, and Dec being out first Christmas without Nick's Grandparents, I really slacked on exercise and healthy eating, and it shows as I was down to 197.4 at one point, I maintained for a month and then went back up to as high as 205.8...I'm currently at 202.6 until my weigh in tomorrow. On that note, gonna eat my spinach salad and turkey sandwich. Hope you all have a great day!
  • sapphirelazuli
    Zara - yes, of course, hurrah! Even if it's water weight, rejoice that it's gone!

    So true! I didn't fully believe the scales, but I weighed myself again today and they're true! Haha. I'm gonna see how much I can knock out in January >:)

    How is everyone doing? :D
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I have been doing horribly since Halloween! I haven't yet updated my ticker because I haven't officially weighed in. I do know that I am up at least 10 pounds. I can FEEL it!:mad: December was absolutely HORRIBLE for me! My sister came home for a few days the first week so no exercise and lots of eating out. My mom broke her foot and ended up in emergency surgery. She died 2 days later on Dec. 18:brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: . Everything from that point on has been a blur. Christmas was awful and then I had to have emergency surgery on Dec. 28. Turns out I had MRSA. Dec. 29th was my 31st birthday and I woke up sore and throwing up from anesthesia. I need to start fresh and refocus on my goals. I am still very sad but that is no reason to neglect myself. I miss the support I once had here.

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your mom and for all the other stuff you've been going through. (((Shelli))) Good luck to you on getting back on track. I really hope things start to finally turn around for you and start getting better. Hang in there. :flowerforyou:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hey all :) I'm around, just not in here as often as I would like too. I have my 2nd 5k this Saturday, outside, the in Midwest weather in the evening!! What the heck was I thinking?!?!?! Oh, yea, that I LOVE a challenge!! I'm gonna try and break my old record but not sure how well it will work since it will be pretty cold. I have my 5k buddy, Bernie, coming with me again and hopefully my hubby will show his support and come with to watch. I have my 3rd one, registered for and all, in March :) Can't wait!!

    I've been a good girl this week and wakled ourside everyday so far, exceot today, it's pretty chilly out there vs the last few days! I've been doing WATP and Just Dance. I feel so much better exercising again. With Nov being a hard month, emotionally, and Dec being out first Christmas without Nick's Grandparents, I really slacked on exercise and healthy eating, and it shows as I was down to 197.4 at one point, I maintained for a month and then went back up to as high as 205.8...I'm currently at 202.6 until my weigh in tomorrow. On that note, gonna eat my spinach salad and turkey sandwich. Hope you all have a great day!

    You are an inspiration! I live in MN and Have been looking at 5k's s to do with my son in March and was thinking that might be too cold. I really dislike going outside in the winter unless it is to get from my car to my destination. Fortunately I have a treadmill, or I would not get my running done in the winter.
  • psalms3115
    I just downloaded this app for my ipod and can't believe the results. I started just this week and have lost a little over 5 lbs. This program has taught me what the right portions are and how many calories i should have each day. This has helped me to understand what i have been doing wrong and how to change my bad eating habits. Can't wait to see where i will be by summer time.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • MrsHazra
    MrsHazra Posts: 105 Member
    Are there any challenges this month?? :smile: